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Dec 2015 · 258
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
You've said I've gone,
But now I'm here.
A voice of reason,
The line you drew,
Works no more.
This silly little battle you pose,
Is nothing but a child's prose.
I the voice,
Have reappeared.
The voice of reason,
To make things clear.
What in your life do you compress?
Like all the rest,
I shout higher than all before.
So voice your reason,
And make me doubt.
Another boundary,
I won't get out.
Now listen closely,
And listen dear.
That you cannot make me,
Dec 2015 · 4.3k
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
The slow drag of life walking by.
This all ending never beginning,
Time after time.
No gumption or motion,
To bring forth arising devotion.
To perspire and prepare for the upcoming road ahead,
No energy left.
Feeling dead,
So tired and exhausted.
Rather stay in bed.
Dec 2015 · 302
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Oh darling won't you stop hidin',
In the corner of your world.
You've got a face that shines like the sunlight,
So let your hair down and let it unfurl.
Times get hard and then get good,
But life's always been a mystery.
If truth is what you truly seek,
When found let it set you free.
Dec 2015 · 242
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
You reminisce,
About a kiss.
But words utter fail,
At the feelings released.
Now memories fade of such a thing,
Gone in the new days ring.
You scramble for good times,
But they disappear on a dime.
In this the memories bliss,
For days of loves lost kiss.
Dec 2015 · 279
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
This burning sprawling fire,
With a look that could burn me for hours.
Comes and goes,
With the passing of every look upon you.
Everytime I wish to be mean,
Screaming things totally obscene.
I can't be so mean towards you,
It's not fair on my end.
Of you who wishes to be called friend,
Sidestepping so easily on every turn.
You ignore me as I once tried to ignore you,
But again I find.
With memories in line,
In the things that made me fall for you.
Dec 2015 · 281
Too Much To Say.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
There are so many things to say,
Yet I am many worlds away.
My breath catching on the last note,
Above all else remains hope.
But what remains to be seen,
Left lime-lighting on the scene.
A tempest *** left to boil,
Bursting with reckless sounds known.
No path placed left to see,
Yet the road ahead is black as stone.
What remains is a destitution,
A lacquer of things built up over time.
What now that all is left but a resolution,
A choice I hope that never becomes mine.
Dec 2015 · 465
The Voodoo You Do.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Oh how obscene,
You're so cruelly mean.
Your flair and kindredness exploited,
Your spot on Q.
To me you know what to do,
Breaking me open like you knew.
This unfair twist,
Having walked away from your hue and bliss.
Never begged to return anymore,
But again I find.
Colliding again in time,
Of the way you keep roping me towards.
But alas that's my fault,
Hard to say no to you.
When again a view of you,
Breaks me in two.
And wondering the voodoo on me you do.
Dec 2015 · 236
What is it We Seek?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
What is it we seek?
As we go round,
Pondering at the thoughts of tomorrow.
Growing to bring me down,
The thought of escape isn't far behind.
We try to swim afloat,
All the time,
It gets tiring to think of moments yet to pass.
As though the futures tomorrow won't last,
I sigh and gasp.
At a rest that won't come tomorrow.
Dec 2015 · 213
In Turn.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
And so in turn you've come to resign,
This the line that's all turned benign.
Your callous and careless,
Your thoughts all frayed.
Does a ghost like you get a voice?,
As you've turned away.
Your colored hair deceased,
Always off and on its stray.
This missed the least,
Memories haunt somebody else today.
Dec 2015 · 283
With a View.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
So with a view,
I see a change.  
Wrapped up in ones own self pity,
Can the mind be changed?
So fair so pretty,
The eyes what do they show?
The lost mind of a lost soul,
How long can one wander through life and not be phased?
Their burdens hidden inside their gaze,
What once was is different and no longer the same.
Can any good be remembered before its too late?
Dec 2015 · 322
Soldier On
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Soldier on,
In war they cried.
Blood battled till beaten,
They fear the terror.
Created in stride,
Of their own horror mistreating.
I fear the race is already lost,
No sound mind is speaking.
When fear is created by oneself,
Lost is the logic of reason.
Dec 2015 · 205
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
From his emptiness,
He poured himself in.
The lonely rope he chased,
Had become a beginning self-win.
Lights flashed past eyes,
The solidarity of the mind blowing through.
This, he thought, was nothing new,
They come they go.
Children of a new and passing age,
They fleet like the life they live.
All wash ups,
Bound with mistakes.
They curse themselves with light filled screens,
Moving scenes.
Nothing new crosses the eyes,
Except ones own desire.
A continued fire,
With that he sleeps.
And enters eternal rest,
The worlds best filled with liars.
There are no people anymore,
Just other souls filled with desire.
Dec 2015 · 787
Fears Corner
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
There are few rosy corners,
In that darkened hall.
Where things we want hidden,
Stay and have a ball.
Fear is the stopper that keeps those things there,
When nothing is done.
After awhile you don't care,
So how long will you hide from the sun?
Or from your fears burning inside out?
One day there will be nothing more to see,
For the fears you have you'll wear on your sleeve.
Dec 2015 · 446
Faceless in a Crowd
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I wonder what it's like to be a face in a crowd,
To never be heard but to still be loud.
Like a ghost town with its people still there,
No matter the voice.
Would anyone care?
I can say and see,
What more can I be?
When all words disappear into thin air.
Dec 2015 · 545
Perish, Perish.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Perish, perish,
Oh thought of wonder.
The mind needs rest and ease,
You drivel and drive.
Till the end of the line,
Can not your heart be set free?
But where do you travel,
In this bitter battle.
That no sane person would ever follow,
Is it here or is it there?
Whether up or down in this pointless manner,
My rest, my sleep matters.
Dec 2015 · 273
Close To My Heart
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
And though love remains,
It stays where it is.
Where hugs are like an eternal bliss,
I remain on a fragile end.
Where I see both sides,
What once was is.
My feelings I cannot hide,
I'll try and keep my place.
In order to keep what I can,
And in that I see the value.
Never close again.
Dec 2015 · 8.9k
King Victorious
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I am the king victorious,
The jurors can plainly see.
As this crown sits on my head,
With shining jewels of glee.
I don't doubt this directive course,
As you can plainly see.
For I am the king victorious,
And you have become no voice to me.
Dec 2015 · 298
No Truth is Greater.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
No truth is greater than the one we face,
Or a lie we create and believe in kind.
The reality of the perception of those around you differ,
Good or bad.
High or low,
The morally bankrupt and those whom keep to them.
The culmination of the whole all around us,
And yet only still halfway there.
These, the moments of life at hand,
The pinpoint pinpoints we miss yet try to conceive.
What is life?
What is it we truly need?
Too many given answers,
And no clear path to see.
Dec 2015 · 181
Am I Not Enough?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Am I not enough?
A question left ringing in my ear,
To ask such a question is to show myself unsure.
But to not ask it,
Is to not know.
But how does one simply answer that,
When one does not know what enough is?
Or where the point of it begins or ends.
Dec 2015 · 547
You Are You
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
You are you,
But not the whole of you.
Sums and pieces,
Bit by bit collected over time.
You are the result of your moments spent,
The collective of good and bad swirling in the mix.
A voice that can be heard,
Yet drowned out altogether.
You are you,
But not the whole of you.
For until death takes you,
Closing your eyes for the last time.
You are still collecting,
You are still learning.
And by the grace of God, hopefully,
Still living.
So find peace and give it away,
Live in hope to give it to others as well.
Chaos reigns as long as you dispense fear and live in it,
So keep living and become whole.
Dec 2015 · 3.6k
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
In truth I'd rather see you fully gone,
Having always been on my brain.
Incomplete with no moving on,
You call for a restart.
When even you don't know how,
I question this turn.
After the pushes you put on me somehow,
I can't accept your common courtesy.
When you painted a painful point of view,
Do you still even listen?
Or care?
As you say you do.
I will no longer stand,
On this sandy ground you provide.
You started and finished,
A restart I can't see you to abide.
Dec 2015 · 225
Flowers Bloom
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
They bloom like flowers in the sun,
Holding hands and shaking fists at the world.
They travel together,
Side by side.
Seeing all they can see,
Before they die.
Yes, every day is not a sunny one,
Nor should it ever be so.
Because if every day was sunny,
They wouldn't be so close.

— The End —