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Jan 2020 · 176
Tickets Please
Katie Jan 2020
Woolen caps and puffy coats
The crowd yet further bloats
On and on and another one yet
Totaling an ever higher net
No room to breathe here
A thousand thousand men
A ***** glare too often
A single crimson strand
Hidden in the most common brand
Katie Jan 2020
Phone battery is draining
Outside the shelter it's raining
The wildlife flocks inside
The knots in my stomach still tied
At the college I've been since one
Become a baker to make a good bun
'Twas the cause of my visit
Yet I felt my arrival illicit
My mind stopped ticking long ago
But of talent I must make a show
Nerves, nerves, stretched and taut
My breath in my chest caught
In the release, it's over, you're here
Within the shelter, nothing to fear
He struts in my view, old grey bird
One toe, two toes, but no third
The beauty of life lives on yet
And pain is good, it teaches to let
Bygones be bygones, favors are good
Even bullies don't want to be left in the mud
But then he leaves me, walking away
As my bus arrives with no delay
Jan 2020 · 94
.... . .-.. .--.
Katie Jan 2020
I find myself lost within thoughts of your smile,
Though such a thing is still lost to me.
You have form in my mind, but no feature.
Dec 2019 · 122
Katie Dec 2019
Before me I see
A thousand broken mirrors
Each cracked like the last
Lying about the past
Trysts between sinners
And who I'm supposed to be

What is the real me?
This glass embedded with us
Severing, severing, my mind chaste
The fragments of instance long past
The fears and needs inside us
And none of it is free

In shards of glass, bend my knee
Drink the blood of a thousand dinners
Flowing down my leg, fast
With the revolution at my gate, amassed
Martyrs and sycophants and killers
All in all, one by one, wish to see

Which broken mirror reflects the truth
This poem is ****, but I feel like **** so hey **
Nov 2019 · 291
Katie Nov 2019
Words clumping deep in my throat
The words we promised to write together
Lost out at sea among driftwood afloat
Upon the regrets of our severed tether
A single sentence or perhaps just a word
Makes that invisible line betwixt life
And the violent death delivered on a sword
That I delivered your heart on a bleeding knife
But to dwell on that need for forgiveness
Has silenced my voice and left me falling
Deep into the black that remains of our kiss
That held the severed ropes once mooring
The fleet of our souls aloft in a sky
Littered with lanterns and stars
And I can't help but let out a cry
To reach Venus, Mercury and Mars
That I live afloat our shining allegory
Everything I do

For our Winter Story
Leap into the future with a scream of feeling
Katie Oct 2019
How many years since
Since I saw your eyes gleam
You spoke clear, to mince
your words to cheerful themes.

A thousand generations
Brought your light to bear,
But going beyond it's station;
Age causes the mind to wear.

You wanted to stop.
I know you did.
I didn't want you to drop
Into the night so placid.

But now you're gone,
For a decade at last,
I hear your funeral was 'tres bon'
But I just wanted the past.

My father got mad
That my eyes were so dry,
My heart seeming glad,
But God I wish I could cry.

My heart was emptied
And my soul torn asunder,
And so my grief was muted;
One last final blunder.

It's been years upon years,
Since I grinded under your pestle.
To remember grief, I was told by my peers,
So now I'll remember you, my great grandma Ethel.
Sometimes it's the people you least expect who stay with you forever. I can only hope she's proud of me.
Oct 2019 · 154
Separated Shadows
Katie Oct 2019
The thoughts of dark that plagued my mind,
That which turned me repulsive, unkind,
Have seeped away, what remains I find
To be comfort, warmth; I'm no longer blind.

I'd thrash about in the rain and the cold,
Hiding bitter hatred better left untold.
The stagnation spread through me as a cursed mold.
And alone in that alley I sullenly strolled.

But what's this? A bright light, too bright to see,
Shining it's purifying grace unto me.
The wonders of joy, untamed and free,
The haven amidst the grim, stormy sea.

It was there that I found them, the ones
Who had freed me from subconscious drones
Of no worth and pale hatred, once upon the thrones
That controlled what I was and made me throw stones.

I stretched out my hand, selfish, self-serving,
Yet they took me in, their kindness unnerving,
And I learned to smile bright, to forget all my moaning,
And finally saw the sun rise up on my turning.
Thankyou, all of you, for never giving up on me. I can only hope I can repay even a little of what you've done for me.
Mar 2019 · 244
Lost in a Dark Alley
Katie Mar 2019
I've wandered and wandered for such a long time,
Past the rust and the dirt and the grime,
And I cannot see the exit.

I've long forgotten the taste of the air,
The light of the sun; drowned in despair,
And I cannot smell the exit.

Food lost its taste a long time ago,
And the passage of time has stopped its flow,
And I cannot hear the exit.

The colors all faded into gray,
Nothing around to make me stay,
And I cannot taste the exit.

My heart is numb, still, in pain,
My blood has dripped into every drain,
And I cannot feel the exit.

But here I'm safe, and content to be,
To remember why you left and what you meant to me,
And I do not want an exit.
A message of hope, hopefully

The final of three poems I wrote backstage
Mar 2019 · 636
Behold! A Green Curtain!
Katie Mar 2019
A sheet of tarp hanging down from the sky
Behind which we lift and tug and drop then fly;
If the stage is wrong the director will cry.

But the lead can only ad lib so long
Before we break into the next song,
It's a good thing stagehands are strong.

Open up!
Speak up!
Keep it up!

And the applause comes soon after
I had nice soft hands before people started asking me to shift furniture.

The second of three poems I wrote backstage
Mar 2019 · 670
Curtain Close
Katie Mar 2019
Cheers and applause from the darkened room
As a silly villain remarks on doom.
I'm standing by, aside it all,
Allowing the curtain to rise and fall.

Silence reigns as the lights go down,
Awaiting the call, so the quiet can drown.
My eyes again scan the sea of heads;
For a moment, thinking of just regrets.

In a single second my mind is made
To live for others and give them aid.
For even after you bid adieu,
I can still live my life for you.
You've a long time to think whilst you wait for your cue.

The first of three poems I wrote backstage
Feb 2019 · 236
My Life in Cliff Notes
Katie Feb 2019
Disparate prose detailing horror and joy alike
Poetry written as I've sat at the turnpike
The emptiness of the lost mixed in
Amongst the colors of life and sin
Living my life through observer's eyes
Judging and hating my truths and lies
I see my contempt for my unlived life
Remember the light shone through my strife

It's in moments like these
When I remember your smile
When I can hear your laugh
When I can feel your hand in mine
I remember it all
I really miss you
Jan 2019 · 466
Now That You're Gone
Katie Jan 2019
It all feels so cold
The things that once brought me joy
Are all but barren

I have tried to cry
I've forgotten if I can
Does it even matter?

Things are better now
But they're also so much worse
I hate this heartache
I wish I could forget him. I wish I could go back and never meet him. I wish I didn't know how love felt. I wish I didn't long for it.
Dec 2018 · 162
Queuing Alone For A Dungeon
Katie Dec 2018
I've nothing to give
To the discussions of my betters;
The unscalable wall that lies
Between my thoughts and theirs.
Moments like this make it hard to live,
My motivation fetters.
None listen for comments or cries,
I'm seperate from the other's cares.

It's times like this:
Listening to friends,
I'm truly alone.
I only wish I could be better for those who deserve better
Sep 2018 · 217
Marks on my Neck
Katie Sep 2018
The marks on my neck
Do nothing to ease my pain
Do nothing to ease my fears
Do nothing to ease my despair

They only remind me
That I'm here on my own
That I'm here in memories
That I'm here without you

And I'm forced to imagine
All the men staring at you
All the things you're going through
All the things that remind you

And I'm forced to remember
The look in your eyes
The curve of your smile
The feel of your hand

I can't think without you
I can't sleep without you
I can't eat without you
I can't live without you
Living together is such a far off dream, but I need it to continue to be.
Jul 2018 · 168
Too harsh a light (2/2)
Katie Jul 2018
A caring warmth cast upon my back,
As the noose ‘round my neck went slack,
Unlike the rest, calm, knowing, unique.
It burst through my wall and found me weak.

Fear, uncertainty, caution and joy
Feelings thought lost: given by this boy.
My hand wrote harmless rhetoric
Of love and passion: euphoric.

I’ve a thousand words I want to say
With the coming of each new day.
The world is full of colour and life
Where once I saw but shades and strife.


For giving me life.
For Alex
Jul 2018 · 149
Too harsh a light (1/2)
Katie Jul 2018
I’ve been nestled in the den
Of the dove and the hen
I’ve seen their coos of love,
I despised that hen and dove.

I’ve seen the warmth and light;
The glare was just too bright.
I shrank away to the frozen gloom
And relished awaiting my doom.

Days and months, months and years
I spent too afraid to admit my fears;
Accustomed with cold, light scared me,
That cruel harsh light of the free.
For Alex
May 2018 · 259
A summary of strife
Katie May 2018
The fly flies so the spider may dine,
The bird thinks that the spider tastes fine,
For the bird the cat puts it all on the line,
The cat, now happy, makes his owner feel divine.

The owner, for his cat, works a job and gets paid,
The money is given for the owners aid,
In keeping the customers coming and the corners unfrayed,
And the patrons are pleased and happy they stayed.

As the good mood rises, good deeds are the norm,
As valets and bookkeeps remain on form,
Farmers keep their cows happy and away from the storm,
Now around their waste the flies again swarm.

There's this wonderful cycle, life breeds life, keeps it fine,
All men and all women away from tirade,
But as you lay happy, safe and warm,

I find I have no place in this cycle of life.
Most of my silly ideas stay that way, but I'm in such a bad place I may as well write it down.
Katie Nov 2017
My leg feels no more
Holding down the printer door
Please fix the **** thing
Not really an ode but oh well.
Nov 2017 · 249
Old shoes
Katie Nov 2017
As the center splits
A chasm, wind and water...
God ******, again!?
I actually had to leave work on my lunch break to by new shoes
Oct 2017 · 902
Katie Oct 2017
There's no greater curse to the ears of man,
When I arrive at the bar, set with my plan,
Taking a seat by the cute innocent lad,
I don't want to seem like some dying fad,
I put in the effort, put me to the test,
Hear the mournful groan let out by the rest.
I'm bad at it. My face probably doesn't help xD
Aug 2017 · 241
Rising uncertainty
Katie Aug 2017
Love was always the work of writers,
The likes of which made hearts grow lighter.
But now?
It's become the works of some mathematician
Taking advantage of the human condition
To seek not love but lust and passion
And all manner of things to continue the repression
Of our need for care and kind support,
And our need for a proper loving rapport...
And I fear that I cannot keep up this game
To suppress my heart and become the same
As those grotesque and needy and shallow
(who deserve only to sit in some old rotting Barrow),
For now I sit, an eternity now,
With no one to love because I don't know how
And now I begin to fear and dread
That I'll be cold and alone 'till I turn up dead.
I'm probably just bitter because of my failings in dating, but I miss writing poetry and this is what came out.
Apr 2017 · 321
Among the Birds
Katie Apr 2017
Does it free you?
As you fly above the dark clouds,
Amidst wings of steel and rubber,
Dials, meters, readings distracting,
Pulling your eyes from horizons
But that's not why you're there.
It's that single moment,
Hidden above that grey barrier
When you pass a break
And look down on to the
Greens and blues and whites
Of everyday life
And at that moment.

You are free.
Mar 2017 · 242
A Burning Desire
Katie Mar 2017
Despite it all, all that you have done;
Hurt my soul and crushed my heart,
And destroyed all that we had won,
As easily as one tosses a dart.

I still feel your breath on my neck,
I hear your whispers when I sleep,
I find I still desire you in this shipwreck
That I call my heart, and I weep.
You won't leave my mind alone,
I see you when I close my eyes.
For these sins, I cannot atone,
Even after our final goodbyes.

I dreamed of you again, you see,
All throughout the night.
Oh won't you set my soul free?
And end my eternal plight?
Mar 2017 · 288
Think Of Me Not
Katie Mar 2017
Think of me not
As words on a page,
As pointless marks,
On a blank white sheet

Think of me not
As pretentious drabble,
Written only to make
You think of sin

Think of me not
As some ancient tale,
My relevance in the world
Now useless and outdated,

Instead, think of me
As your caring friend,
Listening to what you say
And helping you live on

Think of me not
As Poetry.

Think of me
As life
In my opinion, this is the best one I ever cranked out, being about the importance of poetry and it's impact on my life. Well, I'm proud of it anyway.
Mar 2017 · 331
Eyes Like Glass
Katie Mar 2017
As I look into your empty eyes
I wonder what they've seen
Were they once filled with joy?
Will you be missed? By who?
Just how did you live you life?
And how did it bring you here?
Here, amongst piled leaves and grass
Cold, Alone, Empty
Even if Nobody else does.
I'll remember.
**** right I'll remember. I can see the poor thing as clearly today as I could all those months ago.
Mar 2017 · 216
Cut From A Rose
Katie Mar 2017
Crimson petals drawing crimson water,
A beacon of love with thorns beneath.
His darkened eyes, he sought her;
Only dark intentions underneath.

White as snow, with purest thoughts,
He drew her to his field of hurt,
Where only pain could be wrought.
There was no truth to assert.

Bright as fire, radiant as dawn,
But fire destroys as well as create.
Out of the ashes, hate was reborn.
Hate would serve as the fish’s bait.

Dark as night, fearful, alone.
Most cower from his advance.
But together, they could atone,
And in each other, found romance.
If I recall, this one was about escaping toxic relationships to find a healthy one, but I mostly remember that the original draft was the best one and that I lost it to time.
Mar 2017 · 211
An Assassin's End
Katie Mar 2017
You stood by my side
Through this world of hurt,
In only you I could confide
The only one I could convert.

But all changed

My hands are bloodied,
My eyes are stained,
My mind is muddied,
Your pain is sustained.

So I told you.

A murderer, a tool for hire
I lent you money in blood
You threw it away, disgusted.
And ran, and I stood.

And the shot was taken.
The original meaning of this poem is lost to me, but reading it I feel the pain of one losing somebody they care about.
Mar 2017 · 387
A Falling Star
Katie Mar 2017
How must it feel, to burn so bright?
As you streak down through the sky,
To become a muse’s delight
As you fall to us, to die?

I watched you fall down through clouds
Down into our field of dreams,
And as they wished in crowds and crowds
I ran to you past joyous screams.

Perhaps as I ran, I made a secret wish,
Perhaps I dreamt of fate and love,
For what I found in that earthen dish,
Was that which I'd but dreamed of
The first of one of my rewrites. It means a lot more to me this time around.

— The End —