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 Jan 2019 Candlewood
Repaint my colours, I beg you.

I was like a rainbow of fresh paint.

Still wet from the brush.

Dancing on rainbow colours.

It's so much darker now.

The paint has dried.
 Jan 2019 Candlewood
Our bodies were shivering.

We held each other.

Surrounded by water, out in the lake.

The thunder and rain crashed around us and I felt your lips on mine.

Our feelings for each other were so real and intense in that moment.

The memories and moments we have will be my favourite movie to watch.
"The first time I met you, you smiled,
That's when I thought you were special.
The first time we talked, you smiled,
That's when I knew you were a friend.

It's not about when
It's not about  how long
It's about every little moments that made us happy,
It's about every bizzare things we've shared.

You are a part of who I am now,
You'll always and forever be.
You are one of the best stars in my night sky,
Even when we're apart you will still shine.

This is who you are to me— you are the pouring rain that makes me glad
You are a drizzling crystal that touches our hearts
You send us sunshine everytime you smile
You are a rainbow, so rare yet so wonderful"
—this is a poem dedicated to a friend.
If I could call you
anything other than your name,
sweeter than honey and blame,
I'd call you safety.

If I could taste you,
even while you're away,
you'd taste like home
on rainy days.

 Jan 2019 Candlewood
As we listen to
the rain as it falls know I
fall with it, for you.

 Jan 2019 Candlewood
I would kiss you on the battlements
I would kiss you below flying cars
I would kiss you in the rain
Or when we would dance
Underneath the stars

Just keep me close through time
And time again-
I'll never leave your side,
No matter what,
I promise.
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