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 Mar 2020 Kaity
 Mar 2020 Kaity
Alice in wonderland
Alice in chains
Down the rabbit hole went
The child's remains;
Remains of the girl that she never was
To make room for the woman that she has become.
Alice in wonderland
Alice in chains
Old Alice lays dead
By herself she was slain;
Blood spilled by the blade conjured up by her mind
Or was it a Wonderland pill she did find?
Alice in wonderland
Alice in chains
As she falls down the hole
She forgets she's insane;
She'll wander the hills of this conjured up place
Singing songs with flowers with a painted on face.
Why wander the dusty, broken cobbled roads
searching for our Beloved?

He has given His solemn promise
that He is with us always

In the blue of the heavens
spanning out endlessly
wearing a robe of stars
He embraces us

In the depths of our suffering
when pain clouds our mind
and serpents hiss incessantly
He cradles us in His arms
till the fever breaks and
our penance is done

He is our very breath
place your hands
over my heart, Sister
feel the heart throb
of our Beloved
 Dec 2017 Kaity
Lior Gavra
Am I just a wheel?
Consuming meals?
A speck in blue sea?
Bound by what I see?
Life amongst trees?
Breathing means free?

Am I my beliefs?
The truth I seek?
Flag of a country?
Defined by currency?
A liability?
Part of society?

Am I what you see?
The way you judge me?
The values you pick?
First impressions stick?
Norm defined by you?
Do I dare to be rude?


I am who I choose.
I fill my own shoes.
I win when I lose.
I create my own views.
I see black beyond blue.
I pick me over you.

Who are we?
I am me.
Who are we?
Depends on you.
 Dec 2017 Kaity
Callum Ray Foster
Vulnerability is true strength
that makes honest connections
an ability.
 Dec 2017 Kaity
you said that you would always be here with me, by my side, so i’m never alone.

you’re no where to be seen.

have i done something to repulse you so that you felt the need to lie to me.

i have always been here for you although you only seem to treat me as a second option.

but i’m still here, because i believed and continue to believe that you make me happy.

more than the word happy gives justice... you make me ecstatic, proud, and content with myself and us.

you make me feel secure.

at least you made me...

but i’m still here... trying to find security in others and places and things and ideas.

while you’re out there not giving a **** about me and my well-being because you’re not worried about your own security.

and i’m sorry that i wasn’t good enough for you to care about
can’t you see i love you but those words aren’t accepted in this crazy world so i’m trying to show you other ways that i care but you turn away before you can see my silent screams
 Nov 2017 Kaity
tye wilt
 Nov 2017 Kaity
tye wilt
A story is written
into the sheets of the trembling bed

until the sunlight drips off of us
and we go restlessly

off into the haze of midnight
unaware of the drum of thunder

and of the rain
singing its chorus overhead.
 Nov 2017 Kaity
it took a year and five months without you as mine to make me realize that i broke your heart.
and i am so sorry.
when we've tried to be friends in the time apart,
and you told me you didn't want to come see me because you were afraid your heart would still bleed for me, and mine wouldn't for you,
i should've known.
but it took until now,
when you said you still update the playlist you made me
called "hers"
and i saw that i took your love and squeezed it
juices dripping over my fingertips
and i realized that even though i had gone numb when we ended our little romance novel,
you hadn't.
how was i so blind?
how did i miss that you were missing me?
and now i feel my heart beat backwards,
i feel everything i felt in the three years i knew you come hurtling back to me
my stomach is heavy with you again.
but the miles between us are tripled now,
and i don't believe in going back,
and i can't believe that i hurt you
in that order.
but i miss you, miss you
and i can't help but feel regret weigh me down
i wrote this days ago and i didn't have the courage
to make my thoughts public
to admit a little bit of my heart still bursts with love for you.
and my pregnant pause has reared its ugly head,
because now i know that someone else loves you too
she is beautiful and kind and everything
you deserve that i could not give back to you
and she is right there,
something i could never be for you, not for more than two days at a time and here's what hurts:
i only ever wanted your happiness
but now i watch from my phone as someone else kisses you and
laughs with you and
thinks of you and
i hate that you are happy with the life we deserved
and i broke your heart and she has fixed it and nothing in my world is fair but this
this is the worst of it all
my first love, my most tender bruise.
being absentmindedly pressed by another
i have to take my hand from his hold now. and the one constant in my life is in bed with an upgrade.
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