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Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
I’ve never felt so tranquil
while so numb.

It’s like leaving while
staying still, a calm
pulse in nothing,
music without a sound,
*** without a body.

It’s an erasure of strides
in snow and slush,
a dissolving act,
the cackle of a
wholesome child.

Pure and imperfect.

I am drifting downstream,
riding the cherry blossoms.

And I’m not stopping this time,
I’m not checking out,
waking up or falling asleep.

The stars will kiss me and I
will drink their light.

I am no longer afraid.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
For those celebrating today, rock on! But you may not be in the same spirit. New Year’s Eve might leave you wanting and feeling empty. You’ll enjoy the party and lift the toast, but someone close may notice how sad your eyes are when you let your guard down. Something about this transitional holiday hurts deep in your gut, similar to your birthday. All I will say is that you’re not alone; I am just like you. And I’m lifting my toast to you, hoping you find a lesson in your struggle, maybe something about understanding yourself better. And I hope that by tomorrow you’re looking neither ahead nor behind but being right now.

If you liked this piece, check out my profile for older works, and follow me so you don't miss out on any new ones.
Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
Please, do not ask me
if I am okay.
I do not want to
add that lie to all
the reasons I had
to die.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
If you liked this piece, check out my profile for older works, and follow me so you don't miss out on any new ones.
Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
I keep hearing the question, 
“would you speak to a friend like that?” 
No, I would not. 


friend? What friend? Were we supposed 
to be friends? I would never befriend 
someone like this. Who suffocates me. 

Who’s so toxic I’ve caught ***** in my 
throat, eroding my will to breathe. Who 
wields a heavy fist and punishes with 
violence. Who lights silences with flames. 

No, you are not my friend.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
If you liked this piece, check out my profile for older works, and follow me so you don't miss out on any new ones,
Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
She wraps the presents with cheap paper
on the desk against the wall, lit by dim
Christmas lights. All the unwrapped toys
are in the pink plastic basket at her feet,
and she stacks the finished ones at the
foot of the bed.

I’m propped up on the pillows, touching
myself and stroking my chest as I watch
her work, charmed by how her bones
and muscles move beneath her skin. She
turns around with a finished gift and
sets it down. Her eyes meet mine and she
simpers, biting  her lower lip, then turns
and picks up another toy.

I leave the bed, careful not to knock
anything off, and walk up behind her.
She keeps working on the present as I
pet her shoulders and brush my fingers
along her back. I press my body against
hers, wrapping my arms around her
waist and planting kisses on her neck.

She stops working and places her hands
on mine, tilting her head back and
letting her hair drape my shoulder. I
move my hand down her stomach and
across her hair, and I rub her. She huffs
and brings my other hand to her *******,
beckoning me to caress her. I circle
tighter, faster, harder, and she moans
and reaches her hand back to caress me.

I nibble at her ear, and she lets out a
heavy moan, and I whisper in her ear

“You are a wonderful mother.”

Her breathing slows, and she nudges
my  hand from her. “Don’t say that” she
whispers. We stand there, frozen, before
she continues working on the present.
I stay there behind her, realising my
best intentions were a mistake.

“I’ll just go then.” I put my clothes back
on and remove the trash bag from the
bin to take with me to make sure her
husband doesn’t find my condoms.
“Merry Christmas.” I close the bedroom
door and leave her home, careful not
to wake her kids.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
Merry Christmas... I think...

If you liked this piece, check out my profile for older works, and follow me so you don't miss out on any new ones!
Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
the sheep keep
from freezing by 
huddling near 
the hollow trees 

the trees so hollow 
they howl at the moon 
as wind passes through

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
Once again, I follow The Old Road.

It’s a way paved and trodden long
ago by steps as disillusioned as
mine, and as blinded by the milky
fog filling lungs like frigid smoke.

When we’re lost, we believe it’s the
swollen feet and crooked spine and
chattering teeth and the burning mind
that are our ailments.

But time is our disease, ill spent and
driven off and engulfed while expecting
something different, something more,
for promises not made.

All the while death sings its ageless
lullaby louder and louder until the
only promise ever kept thrusts 
the dusty sting. 

But I won’t learn. I refuse to
pay attention. 

Once again, I follow The Old Road.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
I often write my poems while listening to songs on repeat, and the two I had playing during this one was "Oh Death" by Noah Gundersen and "In The Woods Somewhere" by Hozier. Check them out!

And I tagged this poem as time management because, as great as actual practicable techniques and tactics and strategies are, sometimes you just need to be inspired to stop hanging on in quiet desperation (despite it being the English way).
Alek Mielnikow Dec 2019
The sun settles into morning, 
and I'm waking up from another
restless night. Another night
spent with you hanging from
every dream and every breath.

But I am free. I have been
liberated. Last night I ripped
my heart out of my breast
and devoured it in front of you.

And you let me.

You let me harm myself
without letting it hurt you. 

Thank you.

by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
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