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  Dec 2014 KiingRie
Like a bird flying high
coasting over her whole life
she knows she has to make it
Her eyes have opened wide
she's singing over her old lies
chance is here and it's time for her to take it
She faked her smile for a while
danced around fear and kicked up denial
but she never let anyone break her
never let a storm shake her
never let soiled hands cause her heart to ache.
  Dec 2014 KiingRie
I am used to shutting everyone out,
Hiding away so I feel safe.
Hurt too many times to be foolish,
and think it's okay to trust people.
Yet, I trusted you from day one.
I let myself open up to you,
in ways I have never done before.
I was scared at first of loving you,
Scared to death of falling for you.
But while trying not to fall for you,
I fell harder than I ever thought I could,
And you fell for me as well.
I will never regret letting you in,
I will never regret falling in love with you
Please don't go.
what did i even write?
  Dec 2014 KiingRie
Kyle Dickey
It's all an act,
The smiles I send to those that pass me in the hall,
The ex girlfriends I once said I loved,
The laughs and chuckles,
Almost any conversation that someone holds meaning to,
It was all an act,
There is only one person in this god forsaken world;
A single person I didn't have to put on an act for,
That person was you,
But when I took off my mask,
Showed my true face you turned the other way,
In silence you left me naked with no mask to hide me,
All the truth came out and I'm left in silence,
Still loving you through this pain,
Still there when you are in trouble,
Always thinking of and loving you,
With my emotion loose,
Running ramped through my heart,
Like a wild animal through a burning jungle,
My mask broken now,
The act must go on,
I will go on...
KiingRie Dec 2014
If I told you I love you
What would you think
Would you think I was crazy
Would your heart just sink

If I told you I love you
What would you do
Would you leave me as quick as you could
Or say that you love me to

If I told you I love you
Would everything change
Or would you forget about it
Or think I was strange

If I told you I love you
Would you believe it deep inside
Would your feelings for me change
Is it worth the tears I never cried

Should I tell you I love you
I really don't know
I'm so afraid
I don't want you to go

I'll tell you I love you
I really know I do
But don't ever forget
Friends can love each other too.
This Isn't mine but a added a little though hope you like it!!
  Dec 2014 KiingRie
Kyle Dickey
Beautiful is you,
Your beauty shines brighter than a million suns,
You fill a room with smiles every time you walk in,
You don't realize how beautiful you are,
And every time I see you you fill me up with excitement,
I wish to hug you and I may,
But for now just as a friend,
No matter how sweet and loving I am,
Your beauty, your life, your past will not permit a kiss of love
  Dec 2014 KiingRie
Kyle Dickey
My head is stuck in the clouds,
I'm always thinking,
Always imagining and dreaming,
The world today is hard to deal with,
It's filled with pain, death, famine, and more;
But my head is such a great place to go,
No one is hungry and everyone is loving,
Every guy has the perfect girl,
Every girl has a perfect guy,
All is perfect and nothing will go wrong,
That is until someone pulls me out of my mind,
Down from the clouds back to earth,
And the world returns to it's normal self,
Flawed and filled with misery,
However if you can find the girl that you've imagined,
You both can enjoy the best of this flawed world,
Loved and living for each other,
The flaws fade and there is only one another...
  Dec 2014 KiingRie
Kyle Dickey
I feel broken;
Always wandering,
Like some part of me is missing,
And I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I have and will search for the part of me that is missing,
As long as I have hope I'm searching,
But this feeling has been extending longer and longer,
Until I just feel hopeless of ever finding my missing piece.
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