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Nyx May 2018

I'm over you
I can move on
I'm determined now
I've changed

Your Number
D e l e t e d
Your Texts
D e l e t e d
Your Photos
D e l e t e d

Erasing your very existence from my life
All physical evidence of you is gone
Yet I can't seem to shake you from my mind

Your Voice
U n d e l e t a b l e
Your Face
U n d e l e t a b l e
Your touch
U n d e l e t a b l e

Our memories.
U n t o u c h a b l e

Nyx Dec 2019
Cry me a river
Of insure little tears
Sparkling like diamonds
Filled with your greatest fears
Let it glisten, Let it flow
Down your cheeks
To the land below
Salty to the tongue
Taste it upon your skin
Be still my little darling
He's watching with a grin
Thriving off your sadness
He pushes the knife further in
Prying on your weakness
To unveil deeper sins
Sins that have been locked away
Beneath the facade of a smile
Nothing bothers the angel dear
Even those who are vile
Emotions make you weak
Nobody wishes to see the evil
Disgusting feelings of envy
That you so dearly keep
Rage and jealousy
Hide them away
Calm and gentle
Let them stay
For nobody will love
A girl who displays
Her heart boldly upon her cheek
They will fire their arrows at the rate
Of the time it takes for your heart to break
Run and hide with all your might
Do all you can but fight
Foxes they play
Snakes they bite
In the den you are trapped
You know that I'm right
And while in the home of the serpents
You will come to know
That the faces you loved
Are the first to go
And its then you will see
That surrounded by people
Is the moment you realize
You are truly alone

For nobody is willing to enter the den of those that break
As all the friends you loved turned out to be that of those very same snakes

Nyx Mar 2020
I'm not like the sunlight, I'm not warm and bright
My rays don't sparkle nor glisten with light
People aren't drawn to me in the summer haze
They don't spend their afternoons adoring my gaze

I'm more like the moonlight within the darkest nights
Not bright nor beautiful but still providing some light
My rays are soft and gentle, peaceful as such
I won't burn nor blister the people with my touch

And though I arent as loved, nor am I as romanticized by poets
I'll hide in the shadows of silver clouds, You'd hardly even notice
But I'll give you what I can, I'll listen to your woes
So even on the darkest nights, you won't feel so alone

So come sit upon the rooftops, every once in a while
Rugged up in a blanket, show me that perfectly imperfect smile
Cause even though I can't provide the same love, as the sun gives days
I promise I'll stay by your side, giving you little glisten of moonlight
Forever and Aways

Different types of lights with different types of lives
Though moonlight can be just as nice as the sun
Nyx Sep 2018

Don't be fooled

By the smile that seems graced by the sun
The aurora around her glow with radiance and flare
Behind it she hides lies that will send you on the run
She's cunning, malevolent and bitter
She will not be outdone

Don't be fooled

She's warm and kind
Loving and affectionate
She walks on broken glass
Till her feet begin to bleed
She'll hold back the tears as the pain kicks in
But look within her eyes and they are as deadly as sin

Don't be fooled

She plays games with your mind
What's the truth? What's the lie?
Nobody knows the reality
As she is especially sly
Is she putting on an act
Await those to fall in
Or she simple alone
Faking that diabolical grin

Don't be fooled

Her reality is different from you and I
Mind a scatter, broke pieces they lay
Destroyed by self or others
We'll never know
As this place is secured away
Like the land underneath the snow

Don't be fooled

Warm hands and cold hearts
Wreak havoc together
Destined to heal others while tearing them apart
love her, hate her and everything inbetween
She will find your stitching and undo each and every seam

Don't be fooled

Each line holds some truths and fair few lies
But the talent of distinguish which is which
I've seen many people who have tried
The truth is that not even she knows herself
So how is it possible for anybody else to know her true self

Don't be fooled

I can hear her voice quietly
whispers falling to deaf ears
You are a fool
but there is nobody here
Nyx Jun 2018

You threw me away
What was I meant to do?
So don't tell me that
I was the one that gave up on you

You Disappeared
Completely vanished from my life
Tearing my soul piece by piece
Cutting my heartstrings with a knife

Flaunting about your amazing new life
Telling me how the grass is greener
Manipulating me with those sugar coated words
Though those words couldn't taste any sweeter

Forgetting me, Running away
Thats the least you could do
Yet as I walk these lonely halls
Everything I see reminds me of you

The classrooms and paths
Our spot that was meant forever
broken wood and metal music
These held no meaning for you whatsoever

He's Gone and never coming back

I know that better than anyone
I've painted all our memories black
They've been poisoned by the eroding pain
The fear of my heart starting to crack

Its Pathetic to keep clawing
Trying to hold your place in their heart
Screaming and crying so desperately
When all they want is to be apart

At one point he did care
It wasn't all a lie

I guess to him, I'm just one of a million stars
That twinkle within the night sky

Reflecting on our good times
The times where he did cared
Though we are but strangers now
I miss the good times that we shared

I know that within his life
There is no place for me
Though I have given him my heart
Its now my turn to be free

So when you finally do realise
That my heart no longer belongs to you
Don't blame me for leaving
As you were the first to say Adieu.

At a certain point you have to stop putting your heart and soul into somebody who wouldn't ever do the same for you.
Nyx Oct 2018
Admire her
From behind the glass
Look on closely
She's holding her mask

Don't step to close
You mustn't touch the exhibit
She may break into pieces
As she is fragile and timid

Look upon her
With starry filled eyes
That innocent and purity
Its that trust which causes her cries

See the elegantly placed roses
Vines that surround her skin
Peer a little bit closer
The thorns are piercing in

She smiles so beautifully
Its gentle and bright
Its a wonder why her eyes
Hold such little light

Take a step back
You're in far too close
You're scaring her away
And there she goes

Back into her shell
Made of mirrored crystal glass
Look upon the surface and see
Your true self reflected
Try not to be brass

You will only see yourself
The longer you stare
And soon you'll believe
That's the only thing there

Hidden away
Behind the illusions of the mind
Its tucked away safely
Within her own elaborate design

Her own personal prison
Eternally trapped
Within an art gallery of foes
What secrets are hidden underneath that mask?
Unfortunately not even the artist seems to knows

Dont touch the Artwork

Nyx Apr 2018
In my dreams I see you
You love and hold me tight
Whisper sweet nothings into my ear
And tell me everything is alright

You listen to my woes
Yet with you I feel no stress
As within your warm embrace
I am finally allowed to rest

Your sweet lips on mine
As we share a gentle kiss
A hickey or maybe more
Ah, this is pure bliss

We run through different scenarios
Your confession, Our love and tears
And together no matter what
You are still willing to hold me dear

Everything is perfect
I laugh and smile so bright
Being with you brings me delight
So I hold on so tight

But when reality comes knocking
And I wake up from my dream
I look to see I'm all alone
And the tears flood like a stream

In this world you dont love me
I'm nothing more then a friend
No hugs and kisses adore me
Those are only for your girlfriend

My unrequited love
Oh, how it hurts me so
I can only wish you could love me
So back into those dreams I go
its a bit strange but it gets a feeling across sorta hahaha
Nyx Sep 2018
Roaring with colours
Wonderful and bright
Filled with the people
Who bring me such light

Dyed with their colours
All the reds and the blues
Staining my heart
Creating a wonderful work of art

A little bit of each person
Some a little more
Mixing new tones everyday
As each day its like an all out war

The colors they contrast
Making me who I am
Though some overpower me
Destroying parts of who I am

Though in the end I'm still me
Influence and painted by the people
Even if some parts are grey, dark and black
The rest is beautiful filled with the light of my history

From the colors of the rainbow and everything unseen
A walking masterpiece of colors
Drenched with dripping paint
Leaving my own mark on many others

Adding my own touch to who they are
Nyx Mar 13
I want to drown in this intoxicating feeling called you

Taking me deeper with each wave of blue

further and further you drag me out to sea

Weighing down my body so I cannot be free

To the point that I can no longer see the land

nor touch the surface or feel the sand

Sink me deeper into your abyss of you

Drag me down into these feelings so true

Swallowing all that I am, all that I know

Let the vast ocean take me real slow

Filling my lungs till my chest burns in pain

till my heart begins to scream, and the oxygen leaves my brain

Consume my very being with your saltwater taste

I'll take it all in, it won't go to waste

Floating within that gorgeous ocean of blue

Drown me in this existence called you.
Nyx Mar 2018
The warmth spreads across my body like a feverish dream
Leaning into my chest, laying there
Her head upon my shoulder
Silently day dreaming
The slow, gentle rise and fall of her breath
Earphones in as we sit and await
The bus traveling to our final destination
attempting not to be late
My tired eyes glance to the girl by side
Her worn black shoes
Her pale pink socks, dyed from the past wash
Lightly Tanned legs leading up to the navy blue dress
Her matching year 12 jacket resting gentle on her chest
Her short golden and brown locks fall gracefully in front of her glowing blue eyes
A tired look adoring her face as she thinks of the day to come
Clutching onto my arm
That lay over here own shoulder
I wonder what will happen to us when we get so much older
Will the peaceful days of silence be as they are now?
Or will there be heavy conflict that will bring us so much closer?
Will there come a time where we both become loners?
A thought of a moment, a life we have lived up till now
Just close your eyes tight, We can think about it when the days over.
Just random thoughts about my best friend as we were on the bus one morning
Nyx Mar 2018
We live in an Eternal fantasy world
Everything is make pretend
All the characters we befriend aren't real
But even in a world of a fake reality
We still somehow get hurt
Nyx Dec 2023
Deep within the pit
Front and centre to the stage
Music blasting around you
Your mind starts to engage

Time slows around you
Forgetting your in a crowd
You feel your heart pumping in your chest
The surroundings no longer loud

Feeling like your soul is being lifted
higher up and up into the sky
The colours flooding your atmosphere
You feel as if you can fly

Sweat beading in your hands
Temperature on your skin is rising
hands wrapped around your waist
Spirits are energizing

You tune into the music there
Surrounding you with its soul
I never realized it before
How the rhythm can make you feel so whole

The exhilarating feeling
the rush that it entails
Hooked on this version of me
That is free to go off the rails

Run Free, Be Free
Everything in my soul is Free.
The taste of being this new untamed version,
The Freedom of being truly me

Nyx May 2020
It hurts.

When it feels like your whole world is breaking



Into tiny little pieces

When everything you've worked for
Fought for, with all your might
Feels like its slipping away between your fingers

And you keep trying to grasping that fraying rope
Trying to hold onto that last piece of hope
But the power is no longer in your hands
You can't do anything about this
Only he can

And it hurts.
Feeling it all on the bridge of disappearing

That warmth you feel in his smile
The softness in his hair
The short prickle stubble on his face
The way he looks and stares

That perfectly beautiful blue eyes
Swelling with emotions about
His genuine feelings for you
A cute little pout

His large hands entwined with yours
Those comforting endless cuddles
The security and safety he makes you feel
Love welling up like bubbles

When you love him so dear
That he doesn't even know
That to you, he has become
Your entire world

He may not be able to give you a future
That one true promise
But being with him is enough
All that he is, and ever will be is enough

So keep holding my hand
Please don't let go
And keep walking this path with me
Let's see where this road goes.
Nyx Aug 2018
Every time the rain comes down
Gently pattering on the rooftops
Cold and yet so peaceful
When everything just seems to stop

I'll be there on your doorstep
Ready to take your hand
To warm your broken heart
Allowing you to withstand

Every time the rain comes down
I'll be there by your side
Fluffy blankets and hot coco
I promise you will be safe and dry

I'll be the knight that guards your door
So you may sleep pleasantly at ease
I'll chase away the demons
At last you may have some peace

Every time the rain comes down
I promise I will be around
Don't worry for I'll protect you
This storm will simply pass through

It'll be okay
As it cant rain forever
Dark gloomy clouds will pass us by
After the rain things always get better
Idk, I hope this sorta makes sense
Wasn't actually sure where I was going with this one
Nyx Aug 2019
In dreams, they tell us to live out free
Let our hearts rage on, flooding like seas
And with you by my side, the warmth ignites
Alighting a fire so far, the sun begins to shy

Little side glances, and bursting grins
Laughter and happiness, all of these things
From stolen kisses of many, as regards to many firsts
Hickeys and bite marks, it's all rather perverse

Through the sun that hits your eyes, a reflection as clear as sky
Crystalized in a memorizing blue, within happiness it lies
Breathing out another sigh, filled with contentment
Entranced by the one in front of me, How fleetingly pleasant

Entangled in bedsheets, within each other's arms
Fingers entwined together, How can a boy hold such charms?
Tracing the patterns on your skin, mapping out constellations
Running fingers through your hair, we've created a firm foundation

And in his presence, I am a child bubbling with glee
While my shield relinquish but refuse to let me free
Insecurities creep and that voice begins to echo,
Though not a moment of doubt is buried deep below

Just fear of abandonment that I can't help but shake
Fear that my heart loves you much more then I can take
And gazing into those orbs, that shine so true
With ever sweet words, that make me feel far less blue

Captivated by the you, that stands before me today
With every flaw and imperfection, I still decide to stay
As being perfect doesn't matter, as long as your enough for you
And as long as your heart beats wild and decides to stay true

And fleeting moments pass us by, such a gorgeous temptation
Though being with you alone is enough, such an amazing sensation
The future is a mystery as far as anybody can see
Though, in the end, we'll hear its great unfinished symphony

In the meantime, we will lay, in the darkness of night
Two childish lovers only at the beginning of this fight
Creating memories of many, regardless of our scars
Finishing each other's sentences and Falling like the stars.
Nyx Apr 2018

Oh Father time, Father time
Listen to my plea
I've lost my heart along the way
Somewhere in the shimmering, moonlit sea

Your heart is in a beautiful place
Surrounded by happiness and love

But I desperately need my heart right now
Otherwise I'll never be able to love

Oh Father time, Father time
Return to me my heart
A boy of young has stolen it
I can't bare to be apart

Your heart has made a choice of its own
Its fallen for this boy
Its not my role to take it back
Even if its being used as a toy

Oh Father time, Father time
Return me to a place
A time before i met that boy
So I can turn away from his embrace

Just as your heart made a choice
You too have made one so
I cant erase the consequences
For you have chosen this road

I'm a fool who had thought I can change the past
Simply because I wasn't content
I've got to face the music now
No matter what hell it presents

I'll bare through it all
Till my heart can be free
For time waits for no man
Let alone me
Nyx May 2018

The cool breeze of the sea
Gently flowing with a tender bite
It swept around us gracefully
Shrouded in the darkness of night

The soft grass beneath our skin
As we sat upon that hill
Clear wide view of the ocean bright
The world lit solely by moonlight

A light hearted conversation dwelled
As you confessed to me your sins
Cursing yourself for your past
Losing your mischievous grin

Falling back with a soft thud
Sighing as you look up to the sky
Laying down beside you
Before looking you straight in the eye

I don't fault you for the things that you've done
I mean
We all do stupid things don't we?

A moment of silence fell upon us
A murmur of what has been said
We all do stupid things
The warmth of one another spread

Both of us a little hesitant, Our lips seemed to have met
It was gentle and kind, Soft and sweet
And in that fleeting moment my heart skipped a beat

Pulling away and hiding within his embrace
We both laughed softly, As the sparks fade away
It was merely a moment, for it was my first
But the warmth still remains long after we dispersed

Holding each other tight, as we kissed yet again
We lay in content silence, simply looking out at the sea
The lights from the city afar, appeared elegant and bright
The waves rolled in calmly, not another person in sight
Nyx Sep 2018
He was my first
My first

He was the first
Boy who made me smile
Cry a thousand tears

He was the first boy
To keep me awake all night
That left me
Feeling hopeless but full of light

He was the first
Sunset at the dawn
Glowing with colours so bright
But he was also quite capable
Of being the terrors of the night

He was warm
Chocolate brown eyes
His smile set blaze to my heart
But all while tearing it apart

He was cold
Stringing me along for fun
Yet even so I loved him
I never wanted to run

He was a mixture
Of bitter and sweet
Just one taste
Had my knees falling weak

He was my oxygen
The air that I breath
Without him
I was consumed by grief

Though now
As I walk these halls
I know to him
I mean nothing at all

He was the first boy
Who left meaning in my heart
I'll always have a soft spot for him
Eternalized within memory as the boy who was once my sweeheart
All of the memories
Flowing back
Nyx Sep 2018
Its hard to stop and smell the flowers
When the sun in the sky don't shine
Nyx Oct 2018
My Second family
Thats how I think of you
You'll be forever dear to my heart
Even when the world seems blue

Its been a rough few years
With a lot of torment and lies
But we managed through it
All the lows and the highs

We don't see each other as often
As we once did in the past
though when we do
We try to make the moment last

Barely any words are spoken
On our brief interactions
Though we hug every time
To make up for the time missed
Even if its just a fraction

Tightly we hold on
Letting go but a moment to soon
But our lives counteract one another
We only see each other once in a blue moon

Though we have time to make
Our future is far ahead
We can rekindle our sparks
And try to help it mend

I still love you with all my heart
My dear old friend
And I miss you dearly
I hope we can make our amends

Because I miss when we would laugh
Over dumb stories and things
Talk about our crazy family tree
You would tell me of your flings

We would hang off each other
During casual conversations
We were once so close
Thinking of it now fills me with frustration

Though its neither of our faults
Or maybe both at the same time
that we left ourselves drift apart
Over this long period of time

But you have other people
You have higher priorities in your life
I can't keep asking to be
The same key person that you need

Because sometimes life gets in the way
whether we want it to or not
All we can do is try and work with it
While trying not to be caught

You keep strumming your guitar
and chasing after your dream girl
I'll still be around though
When the whole world beings to whirl

The trio of us three
Will forever remain in peace
The family of all of us
Has begun to cease

Though fight against it we might
With all the strength that we have
We are the only ones who can change this
Slowly this time we can try again
Otherwise we can just remiss

So to my dear friend
Let's do our best from here on out
I refuse to let our friendship die
Filled with endless doubt

Of the what if we tried a little more?
Or could we have changed the fates?
Was this the only way?
Could we have stayed mates?

Though whatever happens I'll love you
From your striking blue eyes
To your overly sensitive knees
One of my first french owl allies

It'll be there for your sock dropping self
A soft spot laid within my heart
And hopefully no matter the end
It won't end up tearing me apart

I miss you.

Nyx Sep 2018
They say that good people
Are meant to stay away from people who are "bad"
They learn that their pity towards those people get them nowhere
They come to know that they should push those who are bad away
Those people who are outcasts, Who are loners
The players, delinquents and rebels
The people who spit venom when approached
That talk or dress in a particular way, who have this "look"
That say hateful things, and do things that hurt others
Destroying every piece of happiness that dares enter their lives
The 'Good' learn to avoid these types of people
and many times its for good reason

Though I believe that there is a reason behind every action
When a person is driven to hurt others
its because somebody has hurt them too
Those people who seem cold and push people away
Those people that say hateful things in a spur of a moment
The people who act in irregular ways from a 'normal' person
Its to those people that we should be kind
Though through your kindness you must be sincere
As merely fake kindness will only hurt them more

I believe that the people who do bad things
They know what they doing is wrong
But I believe that there is a reasoning behind them
That many people don't seem to want to understand
Its something that they don't want to see
As much as those people don't want to believe that people can be truly kind
Forcing themselves to believe that the world is truly so cold and cruel
And that there is not a trace of anything beautiful

Be kind to them

Sincerely An outsider
I'm not too sure where I was going with this one
I just had the thought on my mind and wanted to get it out
Apologies if it doesn't make much sense ahah
Nyx Aug 2018

Dear Older brother
You're never around
My Dear older brother
it's seemed you've dropped your crown

I've grown up knowing you merely by name
I didn't grow up with you
I haven't seen your bad days
Thou I do know somethings to be true

I know of a niece of mine
She a daughter of yours
Her name is Brianna
I still remember after all these years

She's kind and sweet
very loud and obnoxious
though you neglected her
She's always been quite cautious

You're the ghost of the family
The so called black sheep
Disappearing from existence
though nobody seemed to weep

In the past you were quite the rebel
  You grew **** in pots
Shoved them high in the trees
But that was a terrible hiding spot

I heard father tell me
You were part of the wrong crowd
You became a well known drug dealer
Going around this old town

I called you awhile ago
To inform you grandma died
But you didn't know who i was
Don't worry about it I replied

Half the same blood
We hold in our bodies
But clearly nothing alike
We aren't carbon copies

I wish though sometimes within the night
That you could have been a real brother
And a real father to your daughter
Instead of a stranger like any other

But time passes like everything else
There is no point hoping for the impossible
So to my so called dear older brother
I hope you can care for somebody
If thats even possible


Nyx Mar 2018


Such a powerful word
Leaves a bad taste in your mouth
Something you want to spit out

A burning passion
That ignites your soul
Consuming your mind
Its like a blackhole

There's a reason for everything
Or so we say
But feelings for somebody
Can change in just a day

The fateful time
when you discover their lies
All the tiny little things
You simply let slip by

It hurts to learn
That people arent what they seem
All the ******* up things
You have come to believe

The stone hard truth
Hits you in the face
It's cold and numbing
You feel like a disgrace

Pain and hurt
Morphed into a hate
Rage and anger
He's no longer your mate

Once a friend
Now turned a foe
You want revenge
Your hatred unknown

In silence you wait
As it bubbles away
Invading your mind
Thinking how dare they

Wanting to hurt them
And cause pain
To let them know
That you felt the same

Blinding yourself
Unaware of your actions
Your out of control
Not an ounce of compassion

Hatred binds you
Encasing your soul
An eye for an eye
But will you allow yourself to sink that low?

Such a powerful word.
Found out that one of my good friends, Has lied to me and hurt so many people, and I've learnt so much that I cant stand it anymore. How could I have been so blind for so long
Nyx May 2018
In the heat of the moment
We do things LOUD
We do things BOLD
We do things C R A Z Y

In the heat of the moment
You forget who you are
You forget who you love
You forget about the world

In the heat of the moment
You don't stop to Think
You don't stop to wonder
You don't stop to worry

In the heat of the moment
When two hearts beat as one
It is in that final moment
When you know the devil has WON
We do stupid things in the heat of the moment
Nyx Sep 2018
He gave me his crown
Placed it upon my head
Gently held my hands
Tracing circles before he fled

Glistening with jewels
Woven into our history
His kingdom in ashes
leaving but an air of mystery

Looking over the people
From the nobles to the peasants
observing the beautiful scenery
though its empty without his presence

Giving me the key
Power and command
On a throne made of thorns
though I still couldn't understand

I didn't want this authority
His position or place
I merely wanted him
To be held within that embrace

His touch still lingers
like small butterfly kisses
upon the skin

It's meaningless now
It's melted away like the snow
A kingdom in ruins
But I have nowhere else to go

I never wanted that crown
That seemed to glisten and gleam
I only wanted to stand by him
I didn't want to be a Queen

I would give everything away
throw that crown down with pride
just for a fleeting moment
to have you back at my side

Nyx Aug 2018
He held my hand gently
Though as tightly as can be
Hidden in the background
Where nobody else could see

I remember not noticing
Until the photo was finally done
He was unwilling to let go
Emotions on his face showed none

Holding on so desperately
As if with all of his might
I was unable to pry my hand away
Thought it was but for a moment in that night

His face was a void
Showing little to no emotion
I've no idea what it was
Luckily there wasnt a big commotion

Maybe it was for balance
As we were in skates
But he didnt have any on
Maybe its because we're mates?

Either way he felt so distant
Throughout the entire night
I'm convinced that our love is dead
Though that did spark a little light

I've left it in the dark
Let the flame burn itself out
That way I won't live my life
Filling it with such doubt

Though him holding my hand
Sometimes makes me thinks
What exactly was the point
Was he trying to rekindle our link

Forget it, never mind
I dont want to think about it
Those words that fill our void
Were so incredible slow
And somewhat dead

Though my last memory will be this
Him holding on so tightly
while i gently pulled away
That after all this i was finally the one
The one who didnt decide to stay
Nyx Oct 2018
Time passes over quickly
Within the blink of an eye
Seasons are changing
Its summer again, I sigh

It brings back things
That I thought I had forgotten
Bottled up emotions
Forever left unspoken

I see the beauty of the sky
Crystal clear and blue
The yellow Daisy's return
How did it all come so soon?

People fading in and out
Some of them have left
Though thoughts of him
Have my heart beating out of my chest

Anxiety always flushes through me
At every mention of his name
The memories and feelings
Everything remains untamed

We talk briefly of a boy
Who was once here
That stood high on a pedestal
There are many rumours you'll hear

He abused his girlfriend
He used her for her body
He never loved her
He is a heartless *******

I can tell you as a fact
That he loved her more then life
When she broke up with him
It ripped through him like a knife

He played the bad guy to the world
Let the friends he had think he was evil
He doesn't care at all
I learnt that people can be quite lethal

Within me he found sanctuary
A place where his heart could rest
He cried a million tears each day
A side nobody would have guessed

A story that remains a secret
My love for him stays untold
Happiest I've ever been
Even if I was bring controlled

As I walk down the path
Certain area flooded by him
I can't replace his memory
He was my light when all was dim

Occasionally when his name comes up
Many have ask me of the boy
Who was he to you?
Trying not to be coy

Painting on that smile of mine
To which has been perfected over the years
A longing pain erupting within me
Pain I've kept hidden from all my peers

He's an old friend

I would tell them
As I glance over to the tree
Him and I laying in peace
Filling myself with bitter sweet glee

But its better for the both of us
Now we are both free
My precious summer love
Just another devotee

My old friend
and secret love
Nyx Jul 2018

In the forgotten words
That grace our tongue
So pleasant and so sweet
Let's not forget to who it was
That lead our hearts to skip a beat
The battles of the lovers
Who's love seems so strong and true
The friendship of the forgotten
Now banished and taboo
Beautifully crafted poems
Expressions of the heart
Cigarettes and strong liquor
Fill the void of those falling apart
Photographs framed and titled
Happily ever after
Broken glass and burning flames
Its all lead to quite a disaster
Perfectly in sync, beating as one
A flawlessly orchestrated symphony
Though another refuses to be undone
Holding nothing left, Salvaging his dignity
The depression and sadness
Morphed into something more
Angression and anger
Nothing lingering of the man he was before
Now the sweethearts they sing
Unaware of that they impart
Flaunting and praising their love
While he's become a man without a heart.
Nyx Dec 2018
In the silence of the night
Through a few words uttered out
He somehow unveiled everything
Understood everything without doubt

With his head on my shoulder
Concern and sincerity in his voice
How could he know everything?
Should I be fearful or rejoice?

And how I wish to hear his words
Granting me comfort and safety
At last one understood me
Even if we haven't spoken lately

How can he be so kind
Even when he's broken to the core
Where insecurities creep and self deprivation roars

Yet he's so precious and perfect
In his own special way
He deserves the world
Though his happiness refuses to stay

Oh how I wish I could help him
In the ways he helped me
To find comfort in my presence
And to set his mind free
Nyx May 2018

Would you listen?
If I said the words
You don't want to hear
The words I have locked into my soul
The words that would make you feel nothing at all

Would you smile?
Smile for me, tell me I know
If I told you that I loved you dear
loved you more then you would dare
That I love you more then I can bare

Would you hold me close?
Whisper sweet nothings into my ear
As time would slow
If I confessed to you these feelings
That you thought had no further meaning

Would you run away?
Not want to deal with this problem
Making your big getaway
Making your great escape
Leaving me behind with my heart agape

Would you feel conflicted
That the closest person to you
Decided that they didn't want to lose you
The one you treat better then any girlfriend
Would you make this confession the result of our bitter end

Time has torn us apart
Now You may never know
That you will forever remain in my heart
Like the spring after the winter snow

Its the idiots birthday today
And we called last night
I keep thinking I'm over him
But it all keeps coming back
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