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Dec 2014 · 3.6k
Monkey Bar Ribs
B Dec 2014
You use my ribs as your monkey bars
To make your xylophonic melody
Tarzan would be proud, I'm sure
You're doing well at the expense of me
Perhaps I've got a playground heart
And that is what I am meant to be
Dec 2014 · 748
B Dec 2014
I do handstands for you
(I have to use a wall)
I do handstands for you
And you don't care at all
Dec 2014 · 796
B Dec 2014
The devil went down to Georgia
But made a stop along the way
He tossed a rock and thought
Maybe... maybe not today

So your soul went free and safe
You dodged the devil again
So put the bottle or pill away
And never let the devil win

Its hard to see the open sky
If you've forgotten blue
But its still got days to shine
And so, my friend, do you
Dec 2014 · 444
You Are Gone, You Are Here
B Dec 2014
You are in the cracks in the sidewalk
I dare not step upon
You are in the leaf ladened winds
I care to listen to
You are in the way I tie my shoes
Or the way I don't
You are in the lock and the key
I don't know which  
You are gone but you are here
And I don't know which
Dec 2014 · 4.3k
[10w] Dawn
B Dec 2014
Tired and hopeful
I soldiered on
Searching for my
Dec 2014 · 448
[10w] Heart & Eyes
B Dec 2014
You have a furnace heart and snow globe eyes, dear
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
[10w] PSA
B Dec 2014

S p a c i n g
does not mean
that its a

Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Cancer Ward
B Dec 2014
I knew of a place in my dreams
I knew it because I'd been before
Free of loss and void of sorrow
So is it but a subtle scheme
When, in sleep, the memories soar
Swearing on the promise of tomorrow?
Dec 2014 · 411
Dont Tell Me What I'm Not
B Dec 2014
Don't tell me what I'm not -
I'm already well aware -
A bird knows the use of wings
When it flies through the air
Worry about your own
And where you draw the line
When next you move to fly,
Before you speak of mine
Dec 2014 · 502
A Rainy Day & A Pen
B Dec 2014
Can the blind not envision a world around them, or is their mind's eye blind too?

We mill about our world, flaunting our edges, acting like we have a clue

Pardon any offense, Sun. For surely I mean none by it

But with your absence, and rain taking your place again

I realize, if you want the genuine feelings of someone

Give them a rainy day and a pen
Dec 2014 · 4.0k
B Dec 2014
When I was young,

The grass was greener
The sky was bluer
The clouds were whiter

But now that I'm older,

The bills are greener
The bruises are bluer
And the faces are *whiter
Dec 2014 · 3.3k
Take A Hike
B Dec 2014
Determination as a river flows
Bending to gravity and the like
There's no knowing how far it goes
That is, unless you take the hike
Dec 2014 · 1.9k
Currency Of Esteem
B Dec 2014
Favorites, Reposts, Comments:
Currency of the cacophonous conumdrum carried onward in carnivals of catatonic cherubims trading virtual cadence for confidence and compliments.
To be read in your meanest rapper tone, ha
Dec 2014 · 449
End Of the Rope
B Dec 2014
Days. Weeks. Months. Years.
We'd like to think we can outrun our fears
But we all know that is a fool's hope
The body that hangs at the end of the rope
Doesn't live on the promises of tomorrow
And neither should we
Dec 2014 · 13.5k
Haiku #5
B Dec 2014
Algebras never
Been my strong suit anyways
But dreaming has been
Dec 2014 · 316
Haiku #4
B Dec 2014
Looking ahead but
Not seeing the world in front
Visiting your own
Dec 2014 · 312
Haiku #3
B Dec 2014
Twittering your thumbs
Contemplating the future
Does it begin now?
Dec 2014 · 290
Haiku #2
B Dec 2014
Waiting for a time you dont
Know will come or not
Dec 2014 · 297
Come Thou Times
B Dec 2014
Come thou times of distress and grief
Though I know myself to be weak
Worldly trials are not my end
Forever hence I will find relief
As I shall come to learn and seek
A hope which can not be penned
Dec 2014 · 421
Wingless Flight
B Dec 2014
No words for thoughts too many
A hollow shell of times to come
Plug the holes with poems of own
My wishing well takes no penny
You've heard the stories of some
Of a time with no wings they've flown
Dec 2014 · 940
26 Letters
B Dec 2014
Every word in the English language
Consists of a combination of 26 letters
All 26 escape me when I try to talk to you
What I do find comes out at as

About a girl I liked many, many moons ago.
B Dec 2014
I think too much and act too little
Stuck in some kind of twisted middle
Why do I hesitate to act on thought
When it brings answers I've so long sought?
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
B Dec 2014
To stand strong in a world that rushes by
Is the hardest thing we'll ever do
So if you're asking yourself why
Remember, others are asking too
Dec 2014 · 290
You Are More
B Dec 2014
You are a diamond among finite rocks
You are your perfectly mismatched socks
You are your favorite radio songs
You are a right, among many wrongs
You are a Queen, of hidden crown
You were lost, but now you're found
rhyming friendship metaphors
Dec 2014 · 432
B Dec 2014
On one hand, life is really great, don't get me wrong
But I feel like I just know the tune, and not the song
Hum, sing, drum and dance all that you so please
But listen closely, and you will hear it on the breeze
Dec 2014 · 325
B Dec 2014
Its 3:30, but that doesn't matter, I'm still awake
I somehow find peace in the dark and shade
Its too bad that we cant shut down our brains
Conflicting emotions, rippling by thought's wake
Sleep for sanity, a sick and twisted trade
I'm waiting by the tracks, but where is the train?
You learn a lot about yourself and your mind
When that is all that you can reasonably find

Nov 2014 · 1.4k
B Nov 2014
Fondness makes the heart grow distant
Nov 2014 · 652
B Nov 2014
Empty beds will invite heavy hearts
Nov 2014 · 642
Something Like The Moon
B Nov 2014
You're something like the moon
A celestial body swirling in space
A romanced loner marked with dunes
Forever enshadowed in the others face
Man came, saw, and conquered you
Your valleys and hills topped in rags
Earth's oceans have never looked so blue
But at least you're in the company of their flags
Nov 2014 · 470
B Nov 2014
Serenades of silence sing us to sleep
Mother and martyr to our minds
Before you run the risk of going too deep
Make sure your voice is the one you find
Don't take the plunge all at once
You're not under contract, there's no dotted line
Those who find symphony are the lucky ones
Amid mental discord, yet remaining benign
Nov 2014 · 5.7k
B Nov 2014
We've managed to connect stars into constellations
Reminders always above our heads
Of those six feet beneath our own
So the next time you look up at the stars
Know that they look back at you
And make constellations of us too
Nov 2014 · 371
B Nov 2014
She was full of barbs and questions -
But maybe I repeat myself -
With the weight of the world bearing down
On shoulders made only for a wedding gown
She carried the world while she was awake
So that is why she always chose to sleep
And when sleep at night takes her
I praise her. I praise the dreamer -
But maybe I repeat myself.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Christmas Gifts
B Nov 2014
Christmas is a special time of year
A time filled with festivities and cheer
All the wrapped presents under the tree
Topped with a golden star for all to see
But those gifts don't at all compare
To the people that put them there
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Sticky Memories
B Nov 2014
Some memories are sticky
Clinging to nerve endings
Disallowing their otherwise
Normal functioning
Nov 2014 · 4.0k
B Nov 2014
Wind erodes rocks over time
Words fill voids over rhyme
Nov 2014 · 5.3k
B Nov 2014
My jersey is worn
My pants are torn
My pads are busted
My joints are rusted
My shoes are old
My gloves were sold
My gear is out of date
My helmets not so great
I may not be the norm
But I still wear my uniform
Nov 2014 · 336
But Could You See?
B Nov 2014
You could watch the car come to a stop
But not his heart
You could watch the leaves fall slowly
But not her head
You could watch, but could you see?
Nov 2014 · 351
Old Age
B Nov 2014
When old age shall come to shake my hand
I'll greet it kindly and with a smile
When no longer my legs move to stand
It is then, I will know, it was worth the while
Of all the hurt and I joy I found
I'll share my story with those who wish to hear
Family and friends will gather around
And nudge and bump and draw ever near
I'll tell the same story every time they come
The story of my life, the story of what I'd done
And I know that, in the eyes of some
I'll see myself again, and know that I have won
Nov 2014 · 484
Perfect Storm
B Nov 2014
Far off a coast, unknown to me
Beyond the line of sky and sight
Comes a foul and perfect storm
Hidden in the cover of the night
It has no face, it makes no noise
A dark, deep and dreadful thing
Not forgiving what it destroys
Bringing a special type of sting
But from the rubble of the past
Springs the birth of things anew
Some don't think that they'll last
But that storm hasn't yet met you
Nov 2014 · 10.8k
B Nov 2014
She was an umbrella -
When upright, she shed burden with ease
But when caught upside down, she held it all in
Nov 2014 · 303
She and He
B Nov 2014
She was the raindrops
He, the space between them
Never to touch
Until they both hit the ground
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
B Nov 2014
We are not a number
Be it test or wage or scale
Ultimately it is only ourselves
That we can choose to fail

They're markings for others
And not indications of our worth
First of which we are given
At our time of birth

When, at last, comes the time
Our final, absolute rest
The second number we are given
At our time of death

We are not a number
Don't take life too fast
Its not about the dates
Its all about the dash

Nov 2014 · 477
In-Between Hues
B Nov 2014
We're given a blank canvas to fill
With whatever colors and stains
And other things we happen to spill
A once white canvas, never too plain
It doesn't matter the paint you use
So long as you appreciate the time
And shades and in-between hues
Of the painting you will call, "Mine"
Nov 2014 · 371
B Nov 2014
Is it still a prison if it has no sign?
Because I'm trapped in this mind of mine
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Loudest Thoughts
B Nov 2014
I've got a mess of a mind as of late
Thoughts so loud, that I can't concentrate
They're behind my eyes and beneath my skin
So many now, both are wearing thin
But you don't know, for I don't show
The thoughts racing around below
Of all the noise they always make
I'll keep quiet for sanity's sake
You don't see, that in the course of a day
The loudest thoughts are those I never say
Nov 2014 · 354
B Nov 2014
We remember not the long times passed,
But the days spent with it
Be it friend or stranger, we are a
Culmination of memories.
Walking dreams.
Nov 2014 · 362
B Nov 2014
There's a place of peace somewhere here
Said a ragged old stranger of no name
So searched many - some far, some near
Searching land, sky and sea the same
Yet little did they know to find
The place he spoke of was the mind
Nov 2014 · 520
Please Don't Blink
B Nov 2014
I have words stuck in my head
Words I know that want to be read
But I can't make sense of what I think
You're ten years old and then you blink
I'm seventeen years old today
But forward is the only way
There's no turning back clocks
There's no key to all our locks
I can't seem to word my thoughts
I'll leave them in my mind to rot
Pick up the scraps and bury them in pen
Please don't blink too, you're only ten

Nov 2014 · 6.1k
Cosmic Rollercoaster
B Nov 2014
The world spins without stopping
A cosmic rollercoaster of sorts
I never feel sick by that
But when I think at night
Of that time, now far gone
I feel sick and dizzy inside
Nov 2014 · 222
When At Both
B Nov 2014
There is a silence to be heard
When at our loudest
There is a word to be shared
When at our quietest
There is a poem to be written
When at both
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