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18.5k · Apr 2014
hurt you
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I will never hurt you
9.8k · May 2014
Flame breath
Yoni Sav May 2014
I've been cut
and scarred
many times before

my desire
toward fire
had got me burnt

but I never knew
a flame could scar
until you
9.0k · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
So I told her
That I love her

And she told me
that she doesn't know
how she feels about it
but she does enjoy

our conversations
our talks late into the night
our small openings into
each others minds

and that was enough for me
to keep me
EBN you are... something...
4.3k · May 2014
Yoni Sav May 2014
It took me a while,
but now I'm certain
I fell in love
with the wrong person
Goodbye, EBN, it was fun while it lasted. Sort of.
3.8k · May 2014
A cry for help
Yoni Sav May 2014
This is a cry for help
Not just another metaphor on death
not describing how I hurt myself
Not a poem about pain
or thinking I'm insane

This is a cry for help
Save me, Before I't's just too late
before I do something I regret
before the note is signed
before I lose my mind

This is a cry for help
I may be a combination of depressed and angry at myself right now. I may be tired to the point I can't fully control my actions.
3.7k · Jun 2014
My first kiss
Yoni Sav Jun 2014
In my sea of confusion
my attraction towards you
in an island of concent
ShR, you are amazing
3.3k · Apr 2014
Break the vase
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I sealed myself inside a vase
to keep the world outside
to let me live my life
in happiness and peace
I cemented with my brain
this urn I built from all my pain
To keep my love form leaking out
I sealed in it my broken heart
but now I try to break the clay
show you myself as a whole
and as the pieces fall down
the pain shows back
and I'm afraid
that in the dust
I have lost your trust
when I needed it the most

Now the vase is gone
and I am left
The shape just formed while I wtote it
3.3k · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
How is that, that in all of this
I can't help but feel

My feeling after the seder
3.1k · May 2014
botany lobotony
Yoni Sav May 2014
of the growing hearts
on the track
that leads to heaven

on the greatest mind
that you
could ever find

stop trying
don't even start
because of that:
I'm experimenting with surreal writing
3.0k · Jun 2014
writing out of satisfaction
Yoni Sav Jun 2014
I have the muse
I have the words
I have the need
I have the force
yet when I try, I come up dry
and end up, for the worse
I guess I'll have to learn a new art now.
2.8k · Jun 2014
Truly Happy
Yoni Sav Jun 2014
I am so ******* happy right now I don't even care this is not a poem.
2.7k · Jul 2014
Fight the midgets
Yoni Sav Jul 2014
Flowers on a grave
midgets in a rave
colours with no name
filling you with shame
throwing down your shield
while strolling through a field
picking up a sword
So young it's old
You won the fight
Power-up unlocked: flight
You have met our expectation
now back to school
You fool
I felt like trying to write a surreal poem
2.7k · May 2014
The beast
Yoni Sav May 2014
The legend says
the freak-show
of Chicago
has the greatest monster of them all

They have the usual
of course
a two headed lion
and a horned horse

but nothing comperes
to the beast upstairs
In an abandoned dressing room
it keeps it's own gloom

the beast hides within
not wanting to be seen
the curtains are drawn
not allowing the truth to be shown

but if you overcome the fright
and shed a light
the reality will become clearer
the beast
is in the mirror
Inspired by "Animal I have become" by TDG
2.5k · May 2014
Paper girl
Yoni Sav May 2014
I fell in love with you
amazing paper girl

I want to know you better
amazing paper girl

you only want to be an
amazing paper girl

I must stop loving you
amazing paper girl

Because if I don't
amazing paper girl

I will tear you
amazing paper girl

In my search of
The real amazing girl
EBN I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you. Plese forgive me.
2.3k · Apr 2014
You fucked up
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I gave you something
that most did not see
I gave you a piece
of myself to keep

but you threw it away
and laughed at me
as it broke

you ****** up
2.3k · May 2014
role-playing (10w)
Yoni Sav May 2014
I take my role
in this play
every single day
2.1k · May 2014
Yoni Sav May 2014
Lord time is loading a gun

  First, he loads
  the seconds
  The first time you met, the way you felt

  The minutes
  soon after
  Your first date, knowing it's fate

  The hours
  Sweet talks into the night, the regret after the first fight

  Next slightly fazed
  he stacks in the days
  Getting to know each other, finding love in one another

  months goes down the Musket
  as he seals the casket
  The special why she smiled, awaiting your first child

  Lastly, with tears
  he forces in the years
  You grow old together. Time has cut her tether

Now his work is done
It's time to fire the gun.
2.0k · May 2014
can't bReak Away
Yoni Sav May 2014
I am sorry Margo
but I cAn't let go
Even though I tried
I can't leave it aLl behind

every time I Ran away
I found that my waY
is on A track
leaDing me back

in my Home I
always fouNd my
Father waiting for
me aT the door

He would say:
'Son Please don't go away
I love you'
I love you too
For my father. Inspired by Paper towns
1.9k · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I am fire
a burning flame

You pushed me away
prevented me from scorching your skin
stopped me from causing you pain

Distanced me from your life
prevent me from living a mark
stopped me from hurting you

I never meant to burn you
all I wanted was
to let you feel my heat

This distance only makes me burn stronger
until my flames can
touch you again.
This was wtitten in a school a bout a week ago, didn't edit it much.
1.8k · May 2014
Uranium (2)
Yoni Sav May 2014
Our love
was radioactive
emitting electrons
to each other's hearts
1.7k · May 2014
Writing a sonnet [Sonnet#1]
Yoni Sav May 2014
Now is the time
unlike the other days
to write a phrase
time for a rhyme

Why? do you ask?
I'll get right on it
to write a sonnet
is my task

It might go
something like this
or like that
will it flow
like a good kiss?
I hope it won't fall flat
RA, I tried :P
1.5k · May 2014
Uranium (3)
Yoni Sav May 2014
the power of mundane
decayed our irradiated hearts
to Lead
1.5k · May 2014
Uranium (1)
Yoni Sav May 2014
We were Uranium
Our half life
measured in mere months
1.4k · Mar 2014
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
I'm so lost
I can't even write
I tried to force myself
but this is all that came out
I wonder why
I have these feelings
I have no idea
how I should be dealing
with them, after all
my life is great
but all I want
is to suffocate.
Depressed. I don't know why. Or actually I do. Maybe.
1.2k · May 2014
Yoni Sav May 2014
I'm Joker
Looking for Quinn
but Poison ivy
strangled my heart
1.1k · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
You killed a part of me
it only hurts less
because time
has spread it
my body
1.0k · May 2014
The right one
Yoni Sav May 2014
She may not be
the one for me
but she doesnn't need to be
to make me happy
984 · Jun 2014
writing for my death
Yoni Sav Jun 2014
writing this
  sort of conversation
I am having with myself
is writing down my life
as preparation for
my death
No idea where this one came from
980 · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I am giving all my love outside
while keeping all the pain inside
I try to not let it show
but deep within it starts to grow

Like poison ivy which feeds on pain
drinking drops of blood, not of rain
around my heart it wrapped
and slit it all apart

As my heart is shred to thin
I know that I have died within
I need a fire to burn it whole
For a chance to save my soul.

This seed I planted deep with hate
I can not incinerate
For I can not ignite the flame
to burn down what I have became

They say the light at the end of the tunnel
is just a guy smoking a camel
but I don't care at all
because in his hand he holds the key
to burn this vile inside of me

Will you be this guy?
Will you use the key?
Will you burn this plant?

I can't.
I set fire to the vine
977 · Apr 2014
The scarecrow
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
A scarecrow is standing
lonely in the field
scaring away
all of the birds

A scarecrow is somber
because he knows
the birds will never like him
he will always be alone

In summer he stands
his timber body
cracking in the heat
as the farmer harvests his grain
not batting an eye
at his old fiend

In autumn he stands
he is left alone
he can only watch over
as the new plants
grow on the land

In winter he soaks
as the land take in
all of the rain
as he stand in the goo
he simply wants someone
to take him in too

In spring, the season of love
all he can hear are the voices above
the crows and the sparrow
screaming at him
he is frozen
able only to grim

As he know only spite
he spots something bright
shining with happy and glee
between the flowers flies free
a beautiful, colorful butterfly

He then understands
that he is the one
that keeps the butterfly safe

all the heat,
all the cold,
all the drought,
all the rain,
all the loneliness,
all the pain,
are fine
as long as the butterfly
can shine
Based on a dream I had about EBN.
922 · Mar 2014
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
This is not a poem
I am not a poet
And I am not
Writing it
919 · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
My right hand smell of steel
my left hand taste of it
909 · May 2014
The rain
Yoni Sav May 2014
I am not the drizzle,
Nor the hurricane.
I am just the rain
That falls down on your cheeks.
Inspired by “Looking for Alaska”
870 · Apr 2014
Are you real?
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I saw you
I talked to you
I ate with you
I hugged you
but still
I can't believe you are real
After Olamot.
844 · Jun 2014
working out
Yoni Sav Jun 2014
Running against the wind
as I am fighting windmills
for my health
840 · Mar 2014
My Pandora
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
I always had a cell
somewhere I would dwell
A place where I could hide
what I feel inside

I was so alone
as if you had known

One day you arrived
and left the past behind
You opened up the door
like no one done before

Pandora of reality
a mirror of insanity

As the bats all fled away
you decided you will stay
with the only dove
my love

I wish that I could give
a fraction of what I recieve

You must understand
you are more than just a friend
you are so much more to me
because you
                                                               set me
You know this one is for you. This is not my Orion, but my stars are starting to take shape.
838 · Jul 2014
Yoni Sav Jul 2014
my toe
in the water
what will bite

my mouth
in the water
to bite back

my body
in the water
to be eaten alive
837 · Apr 2014
Your knife
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
Don't be afraid to hurt me
Your knife will not find a space
to stab my tortured heart
between all the blades
jabbed in it before
RA, I think I understand
836 · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
My heart
is that
of a deadman

it's not beating
has no feeling
Knows no pain
816 · Apr 2014
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
Every single one
is a bottle of glass
some are big, some are small
some are short, some are tall
some are thin, some are fat
some are rough, some are flat
but they all
contain a scroll

When going trough their life
word are written in the scroll
the story of their life
the way they walk the earth
the secrets that they keep
what they feel deep

the bottle is often scratched
some are even cracked
reminisce of when they were attacked
some didn't come out right
and some
have fell apart

I am just a pile of broken glass
protecting a scroll
please don't try to pick it up
you'll get cut
"all we are is broken glass
try to pick us up
you're gonna cut yourself"
"broken glass' - Three Days Grace
811 · May 2014
Lord of the flies
Yoni Sav May 2014
I am dead, rotting
the flies are buzzing
the smell
is unbearable
the maggot are hatching
eating my skin
pealing off my disguise
I am
The lord of the flies
795 · Apr 2014
Writing to you
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I want write you a poem
to explain how I feel
I want to translate my thoughts into words
Because this is so surreal
but all I can do
is write this
to you
791 · May 2014
אנשים צעירים
Yoni Sav May 2014
אנשים צעירים
זקופים ויפים
למלחמה יוצאים

אנשים צעירים
כפופים ושחוקים
נלחמים ונופלים

אנשים צעירים
שוכבים ונחים
מנוחת עולמים
This one is hebrew. For Yom Hazikaron.
780 · Apr 2014
Why I cry
Yoni Sav Apr 2014
I think realized why
realized why I cry
when you complimenet

you are pulling out
the blades
stuck in my heart
and it hurts

this sweet pain
it hurts
the best way
it could hurt
EG, RA, SR, for all the times you made me cry
774 · Mar 2014
How do I?
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
How do you tell someone you love
that you love them so much
thats you can't even tell them
how much you love them?
764 · Mar 2014
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
My mental defects
are like cracks on the wall
I look through them
Into whole different worlds

One shows me a world
where pain isn't real
and I am free to slay
who ever I wish to ****

One other crack reveals
a realm of black rain
where I see nothing,
nothing but pain

One glance through another
shows me a world
where no one loves me
and everything's cold

Once I glanced into a world
as hot as the sun
and I was the one
who burnt it all down

One world is showcasing me
as I'm stabbing my heart
uselessly trying
to tear it apart

One of them earths
reveals me as a wreck
while I am swinging
hanged from the neck

One of the cracks
shows nothing at all
that is the one
I fear will break down the wall
I am not insane. I promise.
758 · Mar 2014
You must understand
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
I understand that this is not the right way
I undertstand that I should come and talk to your face
But you must understand that I can't
I couldn't stand you telling me to leave you alone
to go away

You must understand
there is only one way you could hurt me more
then if you let me inside
if you don't

I know you would rather I live you alone
I know you don't want my help
you didn't ask for my help
you would rather I will be gone
and leave you alone

You must understant that
It hurt's me to see you lie
It hurt's me to see you fake a smile
It hurt's me every time you put on a mask
It hurt's me every time you pretend everything's fine
It hurt's me when I can't ask what isn't right
It hurt's me when you shut me outside
It hurt's me
more than anything else

You must understand that I can't
Just sit and watch you in pain
And pretend like everything is alright

you must understand
that I care
more than anything else
I care
for you

You must understand
I don't know what else I can do.
******* E.R.  I can't conceal it anymore. You need to know.
I am sorry.
706 · May 2014
Yoni Sav May 2014
these                                          worlds          
­                                                          I'm    ­     lost
                                   your                          words
I'm                                                lost
Inside  ­                                                                 ­                             
                                   ­                                      my                                           thoughts
      I'm               lost
677 · Mar 2014
inside my head
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
Righ now I would tear down my mind
if it would help me to let you inside
So much to say, so much I can't.
677 · May 2014
castle of glass
Yoni Sav May 2014
Can I build a castle
from remains of shattered glass?
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