I am not
lone, nor am I a beta, I am a me,
I could be you, they're coming to take me away,
who could it have been,
tomorrow, came and went, neither you nor me,
you were real, and there, you saw, they took
my mother away,
it was a time, it was a time, lotta shotgun weddin'
ended with the non ****** bride,
having prescriptions from four doctors, god knows, how many refills each
oh, we had our times of drunk, just
drinkin' not drunk thinkin'
you know, when you let go, oh,
Amelia, I think
sing Let it go, let it go, segue to George
blissed on the way it all came down,
went down, coulda been up, woulda
I never knew
what I was doing, oh, ** ** **, you know,
really, once done, the experience, Job,
and all the spinoffs,
messages with morals seeking worth,
hey, what's this {Your Hate Here} scalp worth?
me, the dad object, seen as any role
that Bill Murray could play, my role,
my children agree, but I know why,
Shadow Lands after Ground Hog Day,
we walked out and said, as we had said
earlier that sunny southern cal -coastal urban
early Nineties, ah,
let's go watch a movie... and it was Shadowlands next.
C.S. Lewis in love,
and now// Pine Valley. Rich in ancient lore,
and more,
I have made amends for my overspills, believe me,
believe me, I could not dream this alone,
oh, but I
did, I was just, a kid, I never knew nobody knew, but me.
Barry Rudd.
He is fiction. Bill Murray, maybe, we-- say too soon to call.
I do not know, the pursuit is the right we all have, but seldom use..