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DG Feb 2019
It smells just like her
It smells just like the woman who taught my mother to raise me
The woman who comforted me when it stormed
The woman who taught me to appreciate my German heritage
I miss her . . .
Gucci bloom smells just like my great-grandmother guys it’s freaky
Nevermind Feb 2017
I'm so blind
I'm so blind
I know it's too late to turn back time
Your beauty's rotting off your face
Worms in your eyes
But I was never beautiful so welcome to my mind
Let's pull off our rotting limbs
Throwing decayed flesh into the wind
I'll put dirt where your eyes used to be
So you can really see me for me
I'm so blind
Can't see the light
In this tomb we argue and fight
I just say yes
I say okay
My fingers are falling off today
As I kiss your lips decay
So many things I wish to say
Infront of the mirror you stand and sway
Let's forget our lives before
Rip off our faces and leave them at the door
You're obsessed with vanity
I'm obsessed with gore
I'm so blind
Not enough time
Dirt in your eyes
The way your lips shined
Over and over in my head
I'll rip out my brain, give it to you instead
I don't want to see again
I just want my old best friend
Dark n Beautiful Jul 2018
I want to write a poem that politically minded would read more:
My political allegiance: my contribution to the art:
those Snakes in the grass would adhere too: without obligation;

The hidden agenda of the world leaders
Would suddenly, take the Sephora masks off
just in time to reveal what we thought of them all along;
Those voices of the babbling brooks: some louder than the other:

the poem must expose secret of the ocean mystery /myth
Without apprehending the beauty
of the dolphins and the whales legal rights;
While its uninvited guests are caught up in their lies
we the people must say to them
"you all can’t plead the fifth" because

They are still a lot of trivia question for us to answer.
And it’s still difficult task for some of us to find
where's waldo amongst the leaders:
Deep Thought Apr 2018
Beauty isn't everything folks.

Stop letting Estee Lauder, CoverGirl and Sephora define you.

Companies such as these try telling us what beauty is, but it's merely just another exterior pleasure.

Although, we're told differently, and we foolishly believe it wholeheartedly.

Okay, let's take it back for a moment, rewind.

When Adam & Eve were created,
not only were they shamed, they were naked.

"Who told you, you were naked,?" said the Creator.

Now, I ask you same question.

Who told you that you weren't beautiful?

Not to be caked up, overly concerning yourself with vanity.

Oh, look at me, aren't I pretty!

Everyday I see women trying to be everything they're not.

Hate to burst your bubble, but
feminism isn't the solution to the problem.

Face it ladies, you will never receive the attention you deserve, unless you give it yourself first.

I speak from experience.

This feministic agenda tells us we can be "the man."

This isn't true, there is nothing you need to compensate for.

We can be strong and feminine just like our mothers

I believe our Creator came in the flesh, to tell us our beauty is full. BEautiFULL.

Marvelous are HIS works, And that my soul knows very well
- Psalm 139:14
Get Cardi B out your ears, face your real fears.
Cameron Godfrey Oct 2015
We all start with blank faces.
Ebony or
Ivory or
Olive or
Anything in between.
Skin so dark they don't sell the shade at Sephora.
Skin so light you've got to mix the color with white to make it match.
Whatever the color, it's all the same skin.

We all start with blank faces
Made of cells and covered in blemishes
Stretched thin across our cheekbones
Or hanging loose and wrinkled with age,
With lines on our foreheads like
for laughing too much.
When did laughter become such a grievous crime?

We all start with blank faces.
… and then we become Van Gogh.
With expert brush strokes, we paint.
We coat ourselves with thick layers of pastey goop like Elmer's glue
Paint it on thick to cover our blemishes and red spots
We top it off with pigment like powdered sugar on sweets
Not knowing that the more opaque our makeup is, the more transparent.

We all start with blank faces.
… and then we become sculptors
Contouring and contorting to conform to unrealistic standards.
We highlight our best features and conceal the rest.
We conceal the redness of our cheeks just to paint it on again with blush.
We paint wings on our eyes although we'll never fly.

We all start with blank faces.
… and then we become victims of consumerism
Spending our money on different shades of the same **** thing
They raise the prices because they know they'll sell it to us anyway
They force it upon us, then shame us for becoming slaves to it
We are the victims and the perpetrators.

We all start with blank faces
… and then we become artists
… and then we become victims
… and then we become warriors

**This is our war paint.
LjMark Oct 2015
I wish more than anything I was 20 again
And knew I was trans and could relive life then
what times I would have, adventures galore
My name would be Laura who all would adore

Long blonde hair, blue eyes and thin
A sweet smile, curvy hips and the softest of skin
Short dresses, high heels and smelling of rose
Red lipstick eye shadow and nails made to glow

A Lesbian I'd be, that much is sure
I love pretty ladies all lovely and pure
I'd work at Sephora selling makeup and Scents
My passions all realized plus money for rent

But now it grows late, and I'm falling asleep
With perfume on my pillow to make my dreams sweet
Even though when I wake it'll all been a dream
I know I'm still Laura no matter what life brings

by Lj Mark 2015
Sarah Elizabeth Nov 2017
I know objects
Can't truly make people happy
But Darling,
I want to give you the world.
Hold your hand and say
"Baby, you can have whatever you'd like"
Whether it be your favorite lipstick,
Or the moon,
I will
Find my way to the nearest Sephora,
Buy you red velvet from Lime Crime,
And then build a rocket ship
So I can bring you back her cratered Majesty
And maybe,
Pick up a tiara on the way so that you Can be my Majesty, too.
See I know that you don't have to
Own the Moon,
Or wear a crown to be Royalty
So I
Will treat you like a Queen every day,
And will
Never let you forget the role you play in my mind
And My pulse
Every beat getting stronger as you step closer
won't you let me give you the universe
A galaxy of beauty lying in your eyes alone
Teeth like stars lighting up the night sky as you begin to laugh.
Yearn to make you laugh
Cheesy vines
And making
Cheesy puns.
I'm starting to feel like in stuck in the middle of Wisconsin,
But even the middle of nowhere sounds like a nice place to be as long as I'm with you.
As long as its just us two,
And the moon.
Yes I know you can't buy lime crime at Sephora, no I don't care that that one line is inaccurate.
Mary Allard Sep 2018
-smash the telephone,
  make sure it hits hard pavement
  1,000 piece minimum

-tilt lit candle
  onto wooden countertop
  maybe make smores?

-smear sephora
  ****** words
  painted on windows of the honda

-find out
  what sledding through the window
  really feels like

-use the car keys
  as if they were wings
  up up & away

-be the girl
  who runs away
  to start her life
EEZ Feb 2016
A million sandlewood candles from
the quick checkout at Sephora
could not mask what we have
done here. Not all the *****
in the world could seize my
dripping mind, which always
seems to pour down the
drain for you and your
stupid ignorant
wild and lewd
cruel and deliberate
enchanting, invigorating—
I sit behind you in math
class and you hold
his hand.
He met me at East 79th
and fifth,
“I think she’s cheating,” he says.
“What a *****.” I say, shaking my head.
Seven Sins Collection.
Amariah Clift Oct 2017
I am young..
I am young and I am Embarrassed and I am Hopeless
and I am Discouraged.
We are a torn and bruised country. Dogs and wolves with frothing mouths represent and repress the bays of mass flocks.  
I am embarrassed to be so privileged, because when drowned children wash up on our shores, we do not take to the streets in furious rage. I cannot be the only one who feels this way. It is sticky and feverish.. My palms are chronically clammy.
I cannot be the only on here who sees this and feels the yearning for justified outrage and conscious righteousness.
Do not misinterpret me. I do not want revenge.
I am young. And I am sad and I am angry.
And I am ashamed. I am ashamed for the terrible things in this world. I am ashamed that I have not done more to make it right. I am ashamed that I am perpetuating this cycle of apathy.  
I am nauseated.. when an animal gets shot at the zoo, people will remember his name and how he died.
I am angry that we do not know the names of men and women who died for our country with no thanks.. No parade. Soldiers who; bloodied bruised and broken, carried their sister's and brothers through the pit of hell and over the Devil’s rosy cheeks.  
But now, I am not as young.  And still I am seeing more and more that my rage turns to sorrow and my sorrow into hopelessness and hopelessness into indifference. It is a writhing desperate wale. It is the sound of all of the mothers who watched their children grow up only in their imaginations, and the fathers whose daughters and sons were ripped from their calloused fingers. It is a writhing desperate wale.
And still, I do not know what to do. Instead, I am weeping inside and choking on selfie sticks and Sephora perfume.
Virtuous Oct 2018
It all started with a little Ghost
Until you became that Ghost
You asked for my username
And pretended that you couldn't find me in order to get a number
I wasn't fooled...your spell I was under
I was both impressed and flattered until I became angry and shattered

I remember our first date,
The Mall is where we chose to meet up
Stumbled across Sephora and you watched me look at makeup
Too busy trying to rub foundation on your shirt
That I didn't see the other girls lipstick on your neck
What was I supposed to expect?
That we would be happy and live happily ever after
No my dear, cuz life is too much of a disaster
They say the truth hurts
And that may be true
But I would rather live a hell of truth
Than a paradise of lies
If only your smile wasn't so hard to resist
And the smirk in your eyes
The kind that made me faint at heart
And filled with butterflies
But those are just feelings
And they only last so long
And quickly overshadowed
By everything In the situation that is wrong
Jimmy Kudo Dec 2019
Hey baby
I put the kids to bed,
I got us Beautiful Darkness on 4K! But first We got to finish our sweet potato’s and mojitos
Only after I finish picking up your order from Sephora
And returning your Jessie Reyes shirt
Since it didn’t compliment
Your third Fenty bracelet like I thought
It would.
All the assorted scrunchies
And all these distorted thoughts
Match so well. They colorfully hold back
The chocolaty and scrumptious fullness
our perfect blend depicts.
Because there’s no HydroJug
Nor may the skies above
Contain this milky goodness of a mix.

My Peanut Butter Fudge
Turning you from a Tinder match
Was the ignition to the fire I needed
Churning you
From Mr. WhatsHisFace
Is the only type of disrespect I believe in...

Watching you.
do that.
Was like hanging,
His self esteem.
Watch me
Acquire a chess set
Just to hand you ALL the queens.
The once and the future king
Has nothing on our story.
Sophia Granada Jul 2021
If you learn the building blocks of womanhood
You will never be the same again
This gender self-destructs when gazed upon for too long
And The *** Therapists and Makeup Artists
The Midwives and Matchmakers
Have all been un-ladied by their knowledge of lady-ness
Here’s to the fat mask-wearer at the Sephora makeup counter
Who will never get a beau and did all the faces at her sister’s wedding
Here’s to legions of ruined teenagers
Riding on the *****-seats of motorcycles
Because once you’ve gazed on the truth of femininity
The others can smell it on you
Like mother birds rejecting a chick
And all of us Nuns and Ateliers
We’ve only got each other looking out for us now
Ryan Aug 2021
walking in the mall, between a Sephora and a Lids,
"hey buddy! you wanna help feed Haitian kids?"

"why, sure!" i said, "you're in luck!"
strolled over to his booth and gave him five bucks

"now am i able to ask you another question?"

"sure bro" i replied, "you seem pretty ni—"


no sir, but i just try my best to be a good person"


"well logically there isn't any evid—"

"im gonna stop you right there. let me share a little story"

"man im really just tryna buy a skateb—"

this basically happened today. the guy couldn't even pronounce 'catholicism' correctly
For me to be
Part of whatever that is
And have any chance at enjoying it
I have to change the make up of my brain.

Is there a kiosk for that at Sephora?

— The End —