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CK Baker Jan 2017
Leg off the table
you red face recruit!
put on the offensive
and break down
the bolted door!
you are the soul saver
the peddle maker
the calibrator
with colored handbills
and front line

join the masquerade
in ivy league style!
politicking with
cunning guile
invisalign smile
blackened vile
bleeding the funnel
with gold plate omega
and crocodile shoes

get on stage
and dance you fool!
you are the headline maker
the pantomime juggler
the compromised closer
pull out that 5 page review
(bullet points only please)
and polish those weathered lines!

did you give it your all?
the door tags
and pleasantries
the tidings
and clippings
the irrevocable claims
and postured blames
all those impressionable basics
put to the test?

you know the call
(straight from
those cold academics)
the pie chart gurus
and contract killers
(complete with bone in finger)
whipping their
frenzied crew
in an all night

old yellar
and the gatekeeper
sure seem amused
(sharpening their inquest
behind closed doors)
firing up the shiit storm
with those hostile priicks
and a slew
of insatiable

there’s laughter from the back room
the dripping nose
and wavering hand
the cut white lines
and checkpoint tales
the pipeline romance
and lacking form
(of a basic essential

and narratives
for logging time
slouching on the
steel case
over moot points
ready to play
the 3 weight
butter card
(if need be)

might I remind you
it’s only an inquiry
(with a slight hint of concern!)
surely no
or deception intended
so step back from
the melt down
and cut to the chase!

headlines to breadlines
penthouse to outhouse
those immoral pursuits
have taken their toll
(haven’t they?)
madman or rogue
(you take your pick)
for the scores
and tabulations
are final

shame on you
for the foul play
the bold hypocrisy
and order desk games
the back stabbing blames
and spurious names
just sign on the dotted line ~
this banter
is killing me
Yenson Aug 2018
But why do they do all this, I asked, shaking my head pitifully.
Its unimaginable  the amount of time and efforts they expend,
over nothing. Not to mention having the inclinations for such

She leaned in closer and whispered conspiratorially as she puts
down her glass, while she waved at me to lean in closer too.

Her cute lips barely moved as she whispered theatrically,
" this is a secret, don't quote me."
I nodded.

" POST TRUTH" she uttered, " It's all post truth, they have put
all their people in a post truth world and they all live in post truth now"

"Do you know what Post truth means?" she asked, her eyes glaring inquiringly in a straight gaze at mine.

"Yes I do I replied, basically its, ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’", I trotted out. Leaning back in my seat, I considered this, and what she had just shared.

My plight has been Orwellian, from the very start, but I honestly wouldn't have believed people would be so gullible in this day and age. But then who was it that said " No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the public".

Internally I processed things again, Welfare spounging Crooks burgled me, I gave them a piece of my mind, crooks call on their Socialist mates, who then launched an unjustified campaign of
slander, vilification, harassment, hounding, intimidation, ruining
my marriage, career, reputation and my health. I, the victim of a fowl crime becomes the villain and the criminals gentrified working class heroes.

It all seem implausible in Modern Britain, this day and age, yet it's all true.

My silence prompted her, " I don't like it myself and you already know how I feel about them, but..... and she shrugged her slim
shoulders and the look of sadness and resignation in her eyes says
it all. I felt sorry for her, only God knows the leverage, inducement,
threats or dirt at play for her cooperation, given the nature of the ***** politicking that's been playing all these while
and the  results of former experiences. Poor thing, I mused,
knowing her private life was at stake now..

In Post truth terms, you are a rich arrogant privileged and greedy chauvinistic parasite who deserve all you're getting and more. 
Their propaganda machine is devious and slick. 

I couldn't help acknowledging the disingenuous politicking at
play here by our Red comrades, the nasty racial undertones of my
plight had been white-washed, the theft of my hard earned possessions is bye the bye, the bullying and intimidation by the
neighbouring criminals and their subsequent gangstalking covered up. now, what remains is hapless me, alone, unsupported and just the heinous distortions, the misinformation, exaggerations, slander and disinformation exists, and all these are falling into receptive ears by the bucketloads. The general public's moral compass has been twisted and befuddled if not totally obliterated.  

I sat in silence and for a short while, we both avoided eye contact,
finally we looked at each other. She knew I had got the picture and
for a second I saw sorrow in her eyes. Then it was gone, you could
almost glimpse this was a sentiment she wasn't allowed.

I had seen that look before from quite a number of others, nobody dares act against the wave, nobody wants to be considered a traitor
or a sympathiser.

I tried lifting the mood and changed the topic, we made chit-chat
and found laughter in some places, we finished our drinks and left.

On the street walking I once again felt sorry for her and made a
conscious decision not to see her again. I was a persona non gratia
now, and it's not healthy being my friend. Friends are compromised, debriefed and used as baits or informers. I have become a dangerous person to know and the truth has been murdered, cut into little pieces and then incinerated into ashes.

They had perhaps forgotten that TRUTH lives forever, the truth
is the TRUTH and remains the TRUTH, no matter what you do to it.

Your guess is as good as mine!

Goodbye dear friend, I watched her walk away, there was an unusual slowness in her steps and she looked back at me just as I was turning away, I did not turn to look back at her again,

I knew I will not be seeing her again................
Post-truth politics (also called post-factual politics and post-reality politics) is a political culture in which debate is framed largely by appeals to emotion disconnected from the details of policy, and by the repeated assertion of talking points to which factual rebuttals are ignored.
‎History · ‎Summary of the truth is contained in the poem - WHERE IS JUSTICE on this site..·
Terry O'Leary Feb 2017
Awaking blithe each morning,
with eyes upon the World,
I wonder, are we mourning
with ebon flags unfurled –
or are they but a warning,
some draped like snakes and curled,
stray stars and stripes adorning,
sent from the netherworld.

I wander through the garden
with nothing on my mind
and say 'I beg your pardon'
alarmed at what I find
as winds begin to harden
and fate begins to grind.

Confused, I watch my neighbours,
they're wide-eyed, unafraid
to halt all useful labours
and join the death brigade;
the ritters rattle sabres,
the frail and fragile fade,
morticians tap on tabors,
the potentates parade.

The military blesses
(in tunics somewhat browned)
its crimson-stained successes,
hell bent and heaven bound.
Such scenes no more distress us:
a ****** battleground,
dissevered heads with tresses
and arms and legs abound;
the fourth estate suppresses
the heaps of bodies  found
(collateral excesses
discarded in a mound).

Society regresses,
now living by the sword,
with torture and its stresses
upon a waterboard;
a captive kid confesses,
his innocence ignored -
fallacious facts and guesses,
the guts of justice gored!

With canting vindication
a big brass bully brags
(with pearls of perspiration
and swollen tongue that gags)
of third world  subjugation
for gelt and oily swags,
of human rights' castration,
and on and on it drags.

The manifold migration
of refugees in rags
while searching for salvation
soon finds compassion lags;
uprooted populations
are fleeing from their flags
else dying of starvation
as naked hunger nags.

With trump cards politicking,
two little hands (all thumbs)
may send the Mad Dog siccing.
Insane! All sense succumbs.

Atomic timepiece ticking
until the Reaper comes
as Geiger counters clicking
drown out the droning drums.

Cast out for not conforming,
I wander day by day
to find the earth deforming
as nature wastes away,
with bees no longer swarming
(expunged with garden spray)
and ocean depths transforming
(neath plastic overlay).

With CO2 performing
the climate's led astray,
the atmosphere's been warming,
the grasses ashen gray,
eternal tempest storming
while permafrosts decay,
and ozone holes are forming
in deadly disarray.

The people profiteering
descend a slip'ry *****
destroying, never fearing        
of running out of rope;
instead they sit back sneering
“our wealth’s your only hope”.

Yes, Armageddon's nearing,
it's doubtful that we'll cope,
for Evolution's jeering,
she's scanned our horoscope:
we'll soon be disappearing
with whale and antelope.


The multitudes were jumbled,
some milling ’round the mall,
while politicians bumbled
when bracing for the brawl.

The World around us rumbled,
our backs against the wall,
as bombs were tossed and tumbled
across our broken ball.

My kneecaps creaked and crumbled
but I, too proud to crawl,
took but a step and stumbled  
yet found no place to fall.

And no one heard me grumble
although I tried to call,
or maybe I just mumbled,
as strength began to pall.

Well now the World’s been humbled
I seek an urban sprawl,
but since the feuds were fumbled
there’s nothing left at all.
The current political mood in Kenya is sombre and tense given the manner in which the former prime minster Raila Odinga is pushing for mass action destined to be held on 7th July of this year; 2014.He has labeled this day as saba saba day, in memory of former democratic struggles that were held on a similar date in the past by the then leaders like Martin shikuku, Masinde Muliro, Charlese Rubia and Keneth Matiba, just but to mention a few. The spirit of this political move has been inculcated into Odinga motivation during his holiday trip in America in the past three months. And the entire globalectics is eked on Raila’s personal advantages that Kenya and America has had soared relations because of Kenya’s substantial business dealings with China.
Tenseness of political feelings that are overtly observed in sombre moods of some Kenyans is based on the fresh memories of similar political behavior displayed by the same Raila Odinga in a few years before post election violence that erupted after 2007 elections. By inference,   Raila has nothing very critical that he wants to solve for Kenyans but he is only   aiming at execution of a very simple Machiavellian logic; He wants to use the mass actions to provoke international sympathy for himself as at the same time he anchors himself for the next presidential race which is barely three years to come.
It is a fact that there are some teething problems of political policy in Kenya. Like inferiority of the judiciary, biasness of the electoral institutions, insecurity, joblessness and tribalism as well as political cronyinsm.But these are usual features of politics in a developing country. They are the same things that Raila Odinga and Carol Omondi used as tools of maintaining power when the former was the prime minster and the later his aide de camp.
Effective solution to any  failures in public policy or even dysfunction in the public institution  is  usually what President Uhuru Kenyatta suggested; gentle dialogue by political representatives over a cup of tea, a class of wine , a tumbler of water or even a bottle of tusker not necessary raucous and  Arab spring like violent politicking at Kasarani grounds or Uhuru park. Raila only wants to misuse the poor masses in Kenya, the masses that are already infiltrated with deep sense of tribalism, to pile pressure on the incumbent government for his future political advantages that will go with presidential bidding. This is not reasonable.
Raila Odinga has a unique political psychology. Let me term it extra-masculinity. He has always portrayed a political signal that when he is not in power then there is no democracy in kenya.He is like Coriolanus and John Falstaff of Shakespeare. Thus by premise Raila Odinga suffers from a weakness in political thinking which can logically be branded political falstaffity. This is so when we subjectively analyze his public political behavior  in relation to Moi, Wamalwa, and Kibaki. And is still so when we soberly recognize some institutional success president Uhuru Kenya has registered during his two years as a president of Kenya. Uhuru has scored hundred percent on devolution, availability and open governance. He has already displayed promising efforts when it comes to infrastructural investiments.This is a kind the president that needs to be mentored through genuine support and criticism other than mudslinging him in every public rally  attended by masses on heat of ethnic political consciousness.
My present and tangible reason for this position is that already businessmen of kikuyu and kalenjin origin who of-course belong to Uhuru Kenyatta’s bandwagon are  now not travelling to kisumu, similarly Luos belonging  to Raila’s camp are not free in Eldoret town and Naivasha. Obviously business activities will also close on saba saba day of July 7th and as a matter of fact some people will suscetain mayhem, looted or even loose their lives. All these will happen because Raila Odinga has not seen a more reasonable way of carrying out national dialogue.

(Alexander k Opicho
Eldoret, Kenya).
Aaron LaLux Mar 2018
Kanye Got Got

Well I guess They got Kanye,
I suppose They’ll get me too one day,
and I can try but can’t get away,
because They get everyone eventually,

hundred years ago we were all playing flutes,
we’re all guilty as charged even without proof,
and then we play ourselves that’s the truth,
because those in control have nothing to prove,

They pull up the trains and tell us to move,
get to your job gotta quota to fill,
these politicking capitalists are making me sick,
and maybe I’m one too and that’s why I feel ill,

but I’m better than that getting better in fact,
and that’s why my cup overrunneth when filled,

to the brim ballin’ all in,
swimming in sin still blessed as Mary The ******,

first programmed device was invented in Baghdad,
but we’re all caught up in these narcissistic sentiments,
we’re in The Greatest Time in Human History,
and all you can think is the narcissistic thought that “I’m sad”,

Yeah we’re all sad,
and that’s our own fault,
got me mad as a cam in Baghdad,
which I guess was the results,
of being over optimistic with bad math,
and being on the war path with a sadistic cult,

but what’s the cult called,
does it even have a name,
and how’d it get Kanye,
and what’s it gotta do with Jay?

Well I guess They got Kanye,
I suppose They’ll get me too one day,
and I can try but can’t get away,
because They get everyone eventually…

∆ LaLux ∆

The New Book Is FREE Here:
Aaron LaLux Feb 2018
Well I guess They got Kanye,
I suppose They’ll get me too one day,
and I can try but can’t get away,
because They get everyone eventually,

hundred years ago we were all playing flutes,
we’re all guilty as charged even without proved,
and then we player ourselves that’s the truth,
because those in control have nothing to prove,

They pull up the trains and tell us to move,
get to your job gotta quote to fill,
these politicking capitalist are making me sick,
and maybe I’m one too and that’s why I feel ill,

but I’m better than that getting better in fact,
and that’s why my cup overrunneth when filled,

to the brim ballin’ all in,
swimming in sin still blessed as Mary The ******,

first programmed device was invented in Baghdad,
but we’re all caught up in this narcissistic sentiments,
we’re in The Greatest Time in Human History,
and all you can think is the narcissistic thought that “I’m sad”,

Yeah we’re all sad,
and that’s our own fault,
got me mad as a cam in Baghdad,
which I guess was the results,
of being over optimistic with bad math,
and being on the war path with a cult,

but what’s they cult called,
does it even have a name,
and how’d it get Kanye,
and what’s it gotta do with J?

Well I guess They got Kanye,
I suppose They’ll get me too one day,
and I can try but can’t get away,
because They get everyone eventually…

∆ LaLux ∆
vircapio gale Oct 2013
a confessional screen
chambered in opaques
                        the pearly gates would sport
checkers sovereignty with grime
between myself
               and the other side of this poem

another acolyte had founted
             from our species-widened narthex-maw
                              the answer to the test
                                    the answer i have tested since
despite the veto of a roshi's sleeve

while adults justify in frowns and threats
i am a child still
           aghast at drawing lines in sand to mark the living
                                           from the soon to die

one i knew who drew such lines                                  
             for whom a line was drawn to mark himself as well
not just in votes and homeland hate-speech
you see
he crossed the line
                        no unadulterated childhood can cross

he shot  his  own  face
                              or at least his face was shot
                when he was found
who can read the final lonely moments of another
                                                 when mistakes are easier than ownmost acts ?

bombing bullies politicking death
                 can sanctify the safe
unpunctuated traps
                     dividing moods in swallows
swilled with undigested fear
                                   of nozzled death
mercilessly sudden

1. A portico or lobby of an early Christian or Byzantine church or basilica, originally separated from the nave by a railing or screen. 2. An entrance hall leading to the nave of a church.
The spiritual leader of a group of Zen Buddhists.

working notes:
a tone in flux, a new eureka spoken for an ancient crowd

a guru's overbearing beneficence
the roshi's cryptic dismissal
adult scorn of immaturity

sanctified trapping of division

infantilist projectionism

Real dope rappers
Who write good flows
Not those whackers
Whose IQ ‘s low

Real emcees
Not them fake gees
Whose violence fancy life they pretend to live
In their video scene
Make them obscene

Rap shouldn’t be getting kids trapped
In a ****** life
Imagining wrongly outside the map
Now most of these kids had swapped
Their real life with that rap-gee crap
Things need to be done asap
Before things get out of bound
Before these kids gets out of hand

Rapping should be about feeling
Happening and politicking
And how we take beating
From murderous policing
Rap should be a stencil
Unfading, unlike pencil
It should be a language, fundamental
That boots the mental
Coz rap music is special

Rap should be words arranged in rhythmic verse
To fit the beat and bass
Where the preceding rhymes
Fit the proceeding lines

Rap could be a war song
Against gunmen and war-thugs
To stop their inhumane wrongs
Like killing youngs’ and dropping bombs

Rap could be a love song
Song that keeps our vibe on
And become more strong

Rap could be an ornament
To our chameleon-like president
And those in the parliament
And other less-sensible personnel
In the government

Rap should be an inspiration
That helps you find solution
To war and destitution
And impact its contribution
as medication
To a mind filled with gruesome

Rap should be a resolution
To peace and revolution
Not the type that cause body and soul pollution

Rap should be about feeling
Not *** and drug preaching
Not fake-life flaunting
That leave the young heart bleeding

Rappers should be evolver
Logical thinker
Intellect ******
Who don’t just wear blinkers
They’re problem solvers

Realest cyphers
I’m talking real rap gods
Whose song do not preach hate
Whose line will all relate

How about those with silly way
Who’s supposed to be in jail
Coz their rhythmic way
And their wordplay
Preaches stray
And could derange the brain
Of the kids to decay

Let’s talk euphorism
Rappers whose rhythmism
Somewhat lacks euphemism
Whose art of lyricism
And rhyme algorithm
Lacks aphorism

I’m talking wu-tang pal
Not YMCMB clan
Whose art lack style
I’m talking 2pac
Whose rap never past

What about the music tycoon
Who make the world roam
Whose song gives the heart relief
And gives a warming beat
To a wandering lost soul

Real poetic wordsmith
Whose every word spit
Has a taste of God in it
And could make the world spin

But when rappers start displaying
An art that’s straying
And still gets to be known
That’s got to show
That they’ve bargain their soul
For fame, a chance to glow
Coz they’re rhythmic style is low
So, for them to blow
They’ve got to sold
Their body, heart and soul in whole

But rappers these day
Are just insane
Their lust for fame
Outlived their love for the game
thanks to Dammy Zuliha and Abdul Muhsin for the inspiration
Shelby Hemstock Jul 2013
The plantations have been privatized
The cotton fields paved with concrete
They still exist
Despite how much you resist
Needing working bee's
They persist
And insist you enlist
From the stone like mass
Sky scrappers are erected
At the tiptop, a ******* runs the show
He tells all the little white men
Who work beneath him
What to do and were to go
You're too tired to even think
But you have to work
If you want to eat
From cotton
To poppy
From slaves in shackles
To droids with imperceptible chains
Leading and whipping the pack,
NASDAQ reigns
Grinning like a fool
All complacently cozy cuddling your coins
In an ornamented box
Where your view of the stars is blocked
Politicking away with a bottle scars of yesterday
Telling yourself "Everything will be okay,
It has been this far."
All the while Uncle Sam blows freedom smoke
Up your *** with his federal cigar
Buy, consume, sell
Get drunk, stay distracted, inhale
Imbibe thoughts instead of ale
You could read a book for fun now,
Or to cure boredom in jail
Tommy Jackson Feb 2016
Warm and gregarious are the politicking politician's.
They give hand outs, they take back. 100 dollar plates,
1,000 dollar ties, 50,000 dollar rides, all seem innocent
Behind smiles and whitened teeth grinches. All want to
Win a race, based off of other young men's livelihood's,
Sticking poor in poorer places, down south we call that
HOOD! Small business hard working peasants are losing
Stores to affluent men, who get ****** under tables for
Favors, present day-galore. The fast food workers get an
Extra dime to spare their time, while trump, Clinton rehatch
Nixon, and communism's back in prime. Bernie Sanders about
To die, Ted Cruz speaks of God, while playing pokie-pokie
With the fallen ones mirage. Mansions get bigger, pockets
Decrease, no more Mary Magdalenes to be forgiven, beggars
Only beg for hard cash, not their food to eat. Life's become*
Moneyrichesjewels_you steal from me. I'll **** for you . don't worry uncle Sam's tax fund will keep you happy for tommorrow, don't worry, we'll get more money, from the wars and the next one we will borrow
Too many whys
Running through my mind

Like why o why
Do we live our life
Searching for things that never wanted to be found

Why do we shy....
away from our real purpose in this life

Why oh why
do our Politicians lie
Telling us things will be fine
beguiling us with few cups of rice
Acting like we the people blind

How oh how, do they expect us to thrive
When the only thing they subsidised....
is our faces filled with joyful smiles

Why do they connive
to bring sufferings to our lives
with the politicking vice they devise

Why do fathers die
Living their kids orphaned

Where are the real mothers and Wives
When wishy-washy women keep tiktoking their pride.

Why wont our elders understand
That the life we in now is different from the past

Why oh why
Is it so hard to find
Someone to keep close to our heart
When all they do is t mess up our mind

Oh why Oh why
Do our youth put on guise
guise of lies' just because they want to survive

Why do our boys sell their soul all for that luxury life.
why do our girls dress bare; to impress and advertise.

Why do our clerics keep weponising our mind
Building partition in the name of the most high

Why do those terrorist thinks they're doing it right
When clearly tis not jihad

Why oh why
Won't God listen to our doleful cries
Forgive our past; filled with sins and crimes
Guide our leaders right....
and liberate us from the powers that victimise our lives.
Dave Robertson Jun 2020
framed by inequalities
that sew the disaffection,
throw the disenfranchised into
blues sharp relief,
stark contrasts of
black and white
rich and poor
needful and needless cries

There should be no politicking
or filibustered unkempt bluster
in the emptiness of children’s stomachs,
nor grave injury from
the ignorant knuckles of authority

Hunger of all kinds
in guts and minds
brings pain
and a shame to even voice,
for there shouldn’t be cause
to have to

Hunger has a way of spreading
to hearts and minds
and when hurting enough
will drive change

But not alone

The comfortable,
careful, silent,
the full,
must give time,
use voice,
use currency,
and fight
Anay Contractor Dec 2018
Under the rubble
Of humanity’s last battle
Lay the lost children

The neglected, impoverished and unfortunate
Subject to the politicking of cruel men
Their souls polluted with the dust of the devil incarnate

The children have no voice
Lost, in the darkness of Damascus
Stolen, in the ruins of Rwanda

But their odes shall remain
Imprinted upon
The broken concrete of civilization
Butch Decatoria Dec 2020
When in doubt, pouting about, feeling empty without…
Say it loud… ain’t this Somethin’?

Everything is possible, the universe is proof
The infinite and the finite
We all know how to seek & look,
Dream big out loud, drink up the stars,
Say it… now, ain’t that something?

If Everything is everythang,
Then Nothing’s impossible
To achieve, and it’s easier to blindly believe,
But we must prove it with something
Seeing is not just looking
Like a man,

Who wakes from sleep walking,
(Footprints in the sand)
Because sometimes, having Nothing leads to
Hating everything, but I tell him, (Lucid now)
Ain’t Life Somethin’?

So stop the ******* complaining, wars & politicking
Killing and polluting the planet, please stop...
Don’t stop making more of love, no sexting
No prostituting out your family’s church
When it’s door to door, behind closed doors,
In missionary…
In the family, the genus of propagation
Genius of gifts, over population...

A little something can be everything,
To those poor and lonely.
For a smile be it ever so
Behind a mask ‘ can’t breathe,
“—‘Said speak don’t mumble”
Show some sincerity please
just because...

Ain’t this Somethin’?
Witnessing this moment’s
Spectacular Now…

It’s Time we have/
More than talk
(tik tok)
Don’t spend too much of it trying
Or surfing the web crying
Living ain’t dying, just quit hiding...

—Rather, Go! play outside (boy)
With Laughter and joy —it’s quite
To gaze upon starlit skies
Rather soar on high/ space flight

Big Bang —Surprise! ...
Ain’t Life Somethin’?

Live it, love it, hate it, **** it
Not for nothin’
But ain’t you Somethin’?
Give it your all
Give it life, you mothers...truckers...shucks!
A Word is a word, ya heard?
Cuz Life is quite Somethin’—
At birth Til six ft *****
We are worthy
We are...
Certainly beloved,
                  ain’t it Somethin’?

(If it's your life, be ‘Captain’)
World Peace Now!
Yenson Jul 2018
From the south to the North, from the West to the East

we built hardy galleons that sailed us over the seven seas

from our sacred little Island we ruled the waves to feast

we raided and plundered and did it all with guile and ease

where that failed we routed red flowing blood from the beasts

Our power speaks from blazing guns merciless true and fast

give us your treasures your women or very soon you decease

give us your history and traditions and all things good and vast

and we will leave you in a mess and and give you a killer disease

We smile thinly while confusing you and taking you from your past

put alien ideas in your hollowed out heads and rule you with decrees

divide and create discord and separate brothers into warring caste

will reign over you and we are politicking masters that do not appease

Our forked tongues twist with serpentine grace that leaves you aghast

our varied coloured eyes belies we are all soulless and don't hear please

our god is money and wealth and power and ******* unsurpassed

We set sail to ravage, destroy, divide, plunder and put you on your knees
Rana roy Dec 2019
Stop the war, stop the bombs
Child is dying, inside the womb.
Birds are crying, crying everyone
Someone is lost, someone just gone.

Blood in the breakfast, served to them
Politicking, polarizing in their vein
I need your backyard, but I need at any cost
Be you dead or alive, my dog baths in beer froth….

Who care’s…who who cares???

Eyes are dried up, tears for funeral drums
Endless motionless bodies, in the poultry firm
Is it a bird flu or flu from the tunnel?
Wherever it is from, it’s a turmoil……

Who care’s…who who cares???
About They power seeking leaders of this world
Yenson Aug 2019
simple wiggins from hanky panky
lucre snatchers, con artists and hatchet jobbers
conjoiners fleecers and dastard pirates and blighty racists
all in the mix waiting for a fix to put the licks on an unexpected brick

simple wiggins twisting and turning
crooks from nooks and dopes with hapless hopes
takes on a softwood that turns out an oak that's no joke
now they're all in a tizzy frizzing and frazzling in dazzling dizzy

simple wiggins confused and nonplussed
flinging pans, pots an kitchen sinks cause they're ****** finks
plans astray and lies exposing they're decomposing pansies in panic
shamed, belittles in prattles, rattling as dumb cows in stinging nestles

simple wiggins oafs without loaves
liars and shysters wanting unearned pearls and oysters
foul bullies in foul follies ganging a set-up con for purloining lollies
using all fooled cannon-fodders as watchers, informers an performers

simple wiggins thieves and chalk scums
go dig your rig and rind your grid for your putrid grimy tosh
undermined criminals in urinals politicking garbage to your trash
most now see your game for you're lame in your shameless lanes
Yenson Nov 2020
cast me curmudgeons and frissons
of thousands of subliminal tokens askew
hailing from chalky isles and cloudy heads
where in sunken histoire Ordinances of one and three
afore one and one in the bespoke thiefdom of glass-eyes
and impeached rulers in colourless robes as does carpe diem(s)

The hue of night is deem unworthy
in beastly form the robed conjured and concurred
in dud recognition of ethical grace culture or heritage
not of rule or dignity shall we find charcoal mined from pits
yet in blazing brilliance diamonds of priceless lustre digs from black
eons of looters rapists and harbingers of scorched earth reek divisives

In Millileum archaic paths trod impudently
obtuse ignorance courts voguish moral decay et ideologue
voicing Artificial Intelligence and Levi's over robes et pointed hats
the poachers turn game-keepers at your service and equality is game
as of then so is now reprobate alchemists twisting truths to delusions
the snake oil merchant selling anti-monarchist lotions to cure laziness

Hide not your shame in skulduggery
aromantizing Robin Hood and perverse politicking stinks
these days Robin would be head of a Major Crime Syndicate
and if not languishing in jail would be hiding and living in dread
kings queens and princesses and princes all pay taxes legitimately
perchance you cannot work there're Social Assistance aplenty to help

This is the twenty-first century
work for a fairer just and peaceful society for all regardless
everybody has a cross they bear each in whatever way they can
stealing from your neighbour or another is not socially acceptable
even more reprehensible is blaming discrediting and ruining the victims
the truth will always out sooner or later even for princes with hues
you hate
Yea, politics is good
But now it's often abused
by those clueless old dudes
Whose ways are cruel
Cos' the style they choose
and the rule they shrewd
doesn't favour the youth
That's why I choose
to stay my cool
you can call me a fool
or a lifeless dude
I'll just sigh
And afterward... write
about the kinda sheople you are
Just like I am now
about the crazy old clown
who see it fit
to drag me in his filth-filled pit
of political ****
Well then, this is it...
Let me give you a bit...
of my poetic hit.

First; here is my question to you
Who are you?
A branded fool?
A nincompoop?
Or a new-age tool...?
for politicking dudes.

Alright ***
I already got the answer to that
Now, let me ask you this...

Who you be...?
To remotely think
That you can silence me
with your conning tricks

Wielding worthless words
With wrecked worsened world
slewing witty words
Spewing stink-filled spit
That smells like public pit

I don't dine with cocky crew
So, get off my track' ***
I can't deck with you
Cos' I don't roll with people
Who are mentally sheople
And if you refuse to be feeble
You'll get psychologically crippled
Cos where Wordsmith roll
is high like church steeple
far from your scope
and sacred from your evil
Tom Shields Feb 2021
Unshaken, acknowledge the weight
unburdened, emptied gunpowder shell of hate
lips in hyper-focus replay, see: Red
crutches become umbrellas, sleep of the dead
stolen dreams from the catcher overhead
****** the precious sands of time from your bed
memories return, telescopic drills, etched in skin they said

Politicking and bartering, moral wrestling
mental positioning for emotional bracing
surgical decisions remove festering
remembrance, blinding hindsight; constant reflections facing
mistakes, real-to-life fakes, styrofoam microphone testing
screaming about hurt to the stagnant air, home replacing
where dust was resting, there's no water, the throat aches
trench-lines tracing under burning stride, puddles pooling, cooling lakes
stomping, quenching, questing, pacing, steam rolling off a rising tide
placid people, vitriolic acid in store, bakes their plastic masochistic sakes
expressions like bitters from the vine contort with every sarcastic snap they make

Steady as an island, no man, I am
my hand, untrembling
seeing this nonsense I live
persecution complex, condemned, god ******
self-aware enough to straddle sanity, go on rambling
take all of me, I have no good to give
this dense fog places six knuckles to the temple
and batters sacred walls with no hesitance
violating sanctity, shutting down anxiety
shutting out those who care for me with no reluctance
don't give anybody a chance, don't want to know safety
if it's painful just let it be

Lower your guard, let it bombard
knock you senseless, go below
laid out, sleeping limbs, dead meat
you wanna leave yourself, go be senseless
go be low.
please read and enjoy
Yenson May 2020
So we know they are from
less privileged backgrounds
and not privy to a broader scope of references
with limited mentality and stunted erudite analysis
so lets be kind and help them in this their assigned mission

Let start with pink
and see rainbow delight again
we should not forget the Italian connection
for art for art sake can be triangular or even Cubism
take your pick and don't sully the party with your trust issues

The betrayal angle is good
so that should be layered on sumptuously
Screaming No No Nooo No rudely should be helpful
but the Preachers link and I'll never 'forgive was a wind-up
I confess now, for I knew all I say would be relayed and weaponized

So far so helpful I hope
the thinness bit is childish
the dramatics and power-play politicking is all contrived
there's a kind sensitive soul hidden behind the projected facade
examine things again I had switched off the second it became unreal

This seed of doubt concept
is hogwash with poppycocks and bullocks
the perception assaults is nothing but puerile theater
we're talking Philosopher grade here not John at the pub
anyway hope this helps a little to concentrate your mental harassments

You obviously have
nothing better to do, the gangsters have you in pockets
like I said to her, please make sure you get something out of this
for if I am going to be made a foot soldier for punks and lowlifes
and waste time energy and efforts I'll want more than arms and legs

The thing though is bullies are just talent-less stupid inadequate s
so I wouldn't hold out much hope. break a leg, luveess !!
Big Virge May 2020
I Really Think...
That What’s Happening Can Bring Good Things... !!!

Like MORE Thinking And LESS HATING... !!!
Because In These Days Why Would You Embrace...
Ideas of Race Hate When You Are Forced To...

....................... "ISOLATE"................... !!!

What Kind of Race War Can You Wage... INDOORS...
Although I’m Sure Some Are Trying Via Internet Science... !!!
To Incite Violence Like... Supremacist Tyrants... !!!

But I Agree With Pryor...

When It’s Freezing Outside You Tend To Find...
That Race Hatred Is Put Aside...
Even By... The Most HATEFUL Types... !!!

What I’m Saying Is Now...
That Things Have Turned Sour...

We Need To Uplift From PETTY Things...
It’s A Time To Uplift Minds...
Through The Things We Choose To Write...
And To Recognise What’s IMPORTANT In Life... !!!

Because Material Greed...
CAN’T Fight A Disease Like This Corona Breed... !!!

It’s A Time For Education...
That DOES NOT Deal...
In DIVI - DING Populations... !!!

Do You Get What I’m Saying... ?!?

We Need MORE Consideration...
And... LESS of This Hating... !!!

Because It’s Formation...
Has Been Causing Vibrations...
Now KILLING Young Generations... !!!

We Need MORE Meditation...
For Them To Start Raising Themselves From Irritation...

So That They Can Start Relating...
... About COLLABORATING... !!!

That Works Towards UNIFICATION..... !!!!!
Instead of Provocations...
That’s Leading Them To Stations...
Where Corrupt Police Are Waiting... !!!!!

With All This Isolation It’s A Time For Conversations...
That Deal In... ELEVATION...
of Where Their Thoughts Are Stationed... !!!

Its A Time For... Deliberations..................
That REDUCE... Discrimination... !!!!

There’s So Much More That This Can Bring...
Than Loss of Life And People Mourning... !!!

That’s Right... THIS Corona Thing... !!!!!
Because How We Have Been Living...
Now CLEARLY Needs... “ RETHINKING “...
It’s A Time For... MORE Forgiving... !!!

And A Time For THOUGHT NOT Drinking... !!!

Because THAT May Be Linking...
Certain Heads To Sinking...
In A Time Where Social Living...
Is Now Driven By Distance... !?!?!

It’s A Time For Folks To LISTEN.... !!!
Instead of Being... DISMISSIVE... !!!!!

It’s A Time For POSITIVE Missions... !!!
Where Our Human Condition...
Starts Dealing In Uplifting...
Instead of Pointless Dissing...

It’s A Time For Politicians...
To STOP All Their Restricting... !!!

Through Wars That Breed Conditions...
Like The One This Thing Is Bringing...

A Virus Now In Vision...
That’s Dealing In NUFF’ Killing... !!!

My Statements Have A Mission...
To Stop This... Politicking... !!!
And Talk Filled With Derision...
Because Such Talk Keeps Bringing...
An Ignorance That’s Stinging... !!!

It’s Time For Less Racism...
From People In Positions...
Who Shouldn’t Be So Smitten...
With Things Breeding Division...

Because Coronas Brought...
A Lot of Things To The FORE...

Economic Wars...
And Technology Like This 5G... !!!
That’s Leading To Conspiracies...
Based On..... " Theory "......

That Some Are Linking To What’s Deemed...
As A Major Part of This Corona Disease... ?!?
Well Quite Frankly... We Need LESS of These... !!!

Unless They Deal In... What Is REAL... !!!
Cos’ It’s A Time Believe Me For LESS Fallacies... !!!

It’s A Time That CAN BREED... !!!
More Love For Each Other And YES.... UNITY.... !!!!

Even Though We Live...
Through A Time Like This...
When This Virus Exists....

“It Can Still Bring Good Things !”......
As the poem suggests folks .......
Yenson Apr 2020
Isolate him, leave him no friends
no support whats so ever, no one to trust
scorn him, disappoint him, frustrate him no end
bully him, humiliate him, hound and harass him
sabotage him, demoralize him, cause him grief relentlessly
**** block him, depress him, slander and defame him no end
assassinate his character, blacken his name, pressurize him, no hope
We don't **** in 'slow death' we lead him to **** himself

Fine, they've done all and more
So tell it to the people as it is, don't fool them
they talk of chess, of revolution, the talk of greed
talk of entitlements, of elitism and taking their birthright
talk of perceptions, triggers, anchors and non-verbal programs
watch him, report all he does and say, drive him paranoid and gaga
all to fool the brainwashed crowds to use them to do your ***** deeds
I ain't done wrong, ain't gonna **** myself and the truth is the truth

It's not about power or control
its about racism and standing up to gangsters
who are trying to discredit and eliminate someone not as them
then comes us and them politicking, the lies, the twisting, the game
the momentum of errors, the persecution of innocence, the shame
why not go after Bobby the **** impregnating underage girls
why victim blame rather than condemn a wrong heinous wrong
look all you are doing against just one man, to your shame he is still stand......
In the heart of Africa... a tale unfolds,
of oil and gold... diamonds and coal
riches untold... of lands turned cold.
Our soil, a treasure... deep and vast
Yet stolen by shadows from the very past.

Corrupt leaders sit... on lofty thrones
Trading futures... for foreign loans.
They dine in luxury... in gold arrays,
While the people suffer... lost in haze.

The streets are weary... hope is thin
Promises broken... time and time again.
They speak of change... with polished lies
ELÖFÖKANBALÈ... now, our tensions hyped
While poverty stares... through our hollowed eyes.

Politicking thrives... in power’s game
A cycle of faces... but all the same.
The ballot's a joke... the votes erased
Democracy trampled... justice displaced.

The Europeans came... with flags unfurled
Promised progress... but pillaged the world.
From diamonds to oil... they took their fill
Leaving nations hollow... against their will.

They drew the borders... stole the grain
Fed on our sweat... left us in pain.
Our forests felled... our rivers bled
While leaders watched... their pockets fed.

We were taught to be cowards... so we tucked it in,
"Ranti omo eni t'oun sey"... know the child of who you be.
A will passed down from fathers to sons,
To bear the chains even when freedom runs.

Silent we stood, our voices withdrawn,
Like trees in a storm with roots undone.
"Ẹni tó bá dáké, t'ara rẹ́ 'aba daké," they said,
But how do we speak when our spirits have bled?

We were told to bow... to lower our crown
"Be an ọmọlúàbí, dâkê or face the frown".
Yet, in the quiet... there’s power untapped,
In the silence... our future is wrapped

We couldn't win them... so we blend in,
But deep inside, our fight will soon begin.
For now, we rise... refusing to fall.
The courage they silenced, we’ll answer its call.

Leaders of tomorrow; they said it aloud.
But tomorrow never comes... though the promise was proud.
We grew in the shadow of words never true
Waiting for the day when our light would break through.

But the future they spoke of remains out of reach,
A dream deferred by the ones who preach.
"Your hope 'd be renewed"... we were told
Yet they keep us chained in the stories of old.

But now we know, it’s in us to rise.
To break through the lies and open our eyes.
The leaders of tomorrow are here today,
No more waiting... no more delay.

For the time is now... the fight is ours
We’ll claim our strength... our hidden powers.
We’ll lead our own path... let our voices run,
Because tomorrow's promise starts with the rising sun.

Africa's spirit... fierce and bold
Refuses to be bought... Refuses to be sold.
In unity... we'll stand and rise
Reclaim our land... beneath clear skies.

For this is home... where ancestors rest
A future brighter... when we stand our best.
No more chains of greed or lies
Africa will soar... when her people wise.
celebrations in the street
the possibility of one small step
in the vague direction
well not of peace
but of ending the hot war
of the active shooting
the bombs, the missiles
the utter destruction
and holding of hostages
a ceasefire

....... maybe

maybe if what's been agreed holds
maybe if the killing stops
if the hostages are released
if the soldiers pull out
if the obliteration ends
if there is security from attack
if there is land justice
if rebuilding can begin
if there is hope for a different future
if ........

but so much has been destroyed
so many lives lost
so much land stolen
in over one hundred years of conflict
seventy-five years of war
ebbing and flowing through the decades
so many still dreaming of ethnic cleansing
politicking and fighting to make it happen

....... maybe a ceasefire
but peace? don't hold your breath

— The End —