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The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                             om mani
                          padme  hum
                       om mani padme
                       hum   om   mani
                      padme  hum   om
                      mani padme hum
                      om  mani  padme
                      h­um   om     mani
                      padme   hum  om
                      mani padme hum
                      om  mani  padme
                      h­um   om     mani
                      padme   hum  om
                      mani padme hum
                      om mani   padme
                      hum   om     mani
                      padme    hum  om
            mani padme hum om mani

        padme hum        om mani padme

          hum om mani        padme hum
* om mani padme hum " is a mantra.   It is Sanskrit.  It means " I am a servant of god."
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
I'm the Emperor and my face looks like a prune.
I have dark circles around my eyes which also makes me look like a raccoon.
My name is Palpatine but I'm also known as Darth Sidious.
Everybody pukes when they see me because I look hideous.
I was able to trick Anakin Skywalker into turning to the Dark Side.
I actually convinced him that I had the power to save his bride.
I can't believe that I was able to turn him into a Sith Lord as easily as I did.
He actually believed that he could save Padme by killing Separatists and kids.
I thought that my new Death Star was safe from the rebels, I thought that I had won.
But Darth Vader dropped me into the main reactor of the Death Star to save his son.
Luke Skywalker removed Lord Vader's mask and he became Anakin Skywalker again.
I still can't believe that those **** Ewoks were the reason why my Empire didn't win.
This poem is based on the Star Wars movies.
Perig3e Feb 2012
"Hail to the jewel of the lotus."
Om mani padme hum
From muck beauty grows,
Om mani padme hum,
Om mani padme hum.
wisdom burns through my veins,
Igniting endorphins into flames,
Primordial fire,
Exhale desire,
Detach from the self

I will love all who cross my path
I will treat them with kindness and compassion,
Wear my heart on my sleeve, but not for fashion
I feel a swelling in my heart you can't even imagine,
My spirit lifts, soars,
Powerful, born of dragons

I will take only what is given
Receive humbly, give naturally
I will help others reach the top of the mountain,
Making leaps and bounds over life's long climb
I will offer them water,
And let them drink from my hands
When they've become to weak to help themselves
Because those who would tend to the Buddha,
Would tend to the sick, the tired, and the famished

I will live in the present moment,
Not in my inescapable past or independent variable of a future
The only time is now,
And I'll liberate myself from the chains of suffering
I will be free,
I will return home

This is my Mantra
daniela Jan 2016
when i was six years old my whole family went to disney world and being the self-respecting born and bred star wars fans we were, my brother and i cajoled our parents into letting us buy pictures of our little faces photoshopped onto the faces of star wars characters.

my brother? anakin skywalker. and me? aayla secura.
who you probably haven't heard of, even if you're a pretty big fan of the series. to get you up to speed, aayla secura was a jedi knight and a general during the clone wars era in the prequel trilogy, which is all suitably ******* badass, but if i remember right she has roughly five minutes of screen time in the movies and even less in lines. and you probably remember her as that one blue chick.

and if i remember right she was also one of about three or four female options for the pictures. sure, there was padme amidala and princess leia, who are badass ladies in their own rights, but see the thing is that no six year old watches starwars and thinks to themselves, "hmm, i want to be a politician!" you think to yourself, "i want to be a jedi." and the only option that was a girl and a jedi was a background character.

but that's the thing isn't it? being a background character, a love interest, a side-kick is something girls grow used to seeing themselves cast as. sure, we're in the movie, but with half the lines and screen time. never the center of the story. never the hero, just the pretty girl with fluttery eyelashes he saves. too often i found myself having to invent my own characters and stories so that i could feel that i was part of a narrative, too.

and suddenly, more than ten years too late for for six year old me but just in time for a whole new generation of little girls, the person in the center of the poster clutching a blue lightsaber like a beacon of the light side was a girl.

so this halloween as i'm handing out candy i will see myself in every little girl with her hair twisted into three buns and light saber in her hand and the galaxy in her eyes. finally, finally the story is about her.
i wrote this in like five minutes after ranting to my mom so y'know i got feelings about representation in the media and sexism and also space
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
I'm a Gungan from the planet Naboo and my name is Jar Jar Binks.
Senator Padme put me in charge once even though I don't even have the ability to think.
George Lucas brought me to life with a computer, I'm a product of CGI.
Because many Star Wars fans find me irritating, they want me to die.
Many people hate everything about me, they hate my voice, my six foot tongue and my orange skin.
Now that the prequels are over, those people are thankful that they'll never have to see me again.
This poem is based on the Star Wars Prequels.
am i ee Jan 2016
may i be safe
may i be healthy
may i be happy
may i live a life of ease

may you be safe
may you be healthy
may you be happy
may you live a life of ease

om mani padme hum
Timothy Brown Aug 2013
We used to say " I love you";
Now we just think it.
The people we became
are an odd fit.
I will admit
I am no longer pleasant
to be around.
Constant scowls and frowns
amidst the silence.
The clicks of keyboards
divide us.
Define us.
Align us.
We used be to analogous
like Bubble gum Princess
and Finn.
Just like them we've become unakin.
Padme & Anakin.
My fear of loosing you has caused me to loose you.
Like an episode of That's So Raven;
attempts at the prevention
of the future
ripped open the sutures
in my heart once again.
Been working full-time plus Saturdays and Sundays and going to school, finally finding time to write.
I use to write to relive myself, now I'm writing to remember.
© August 9th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
am i ee Jan 2016
each and every moment
some one, some thing
is either coming into
this world
or departing

shall we join in prayer
for those hovering at the edges...

babies not sure they want
to come into this hilariously
convoluted crazy gross
plane of existence

and those hovering at the edges
of leaving it...

om mani padme hum
power in her words,
power in her curves,
power in the dove,
power in the love,
power in her hugs,
power in her shrugs,
power in the death,
power in the breath,
power in her kiss,
power in her kiss,
power in her kiss,
power in her kiss,
I'm lost in her eyes,
she's lost in her lies.
said there wouldn't be another,
I can see I'm not her only lover.
I stay by her side,
like a waking tide.
said I had saved her life,
said she'd be my wife,
I left her without notice,
I knew our love was hopeless.
I have no patience,
for open ended statements.
This is something that came to me today. She holds no bounds in my heart anymore but I still think about her from time to time.
Sarah Jystad Sep 2010
the crazy reason beauty is
is that everytime something repeats,
it becomes a rhythm, a beat
the beat enchants, repeats entreat

there is the ocean in all of us
om mane padme hum
july 2010
David Backer Jul 2011
I have the willpower of a torrential flood
I have a tongue like a bolt of lightning
The drive of an ardent wildfire
With the serenity and Zen of a lake’s mirroring surface,
When the sun is just shy enough to hide away from the world five minutes before dawn.
I have traversed the Atlas and soul-searched in temples and nightclubs alike
As I navigated skyscrapers and mountains of mass media with a wrought-iron compass
I meditated and prostrated and repeated my Ex Corde mantra,
“Om mani padme hum, our Father in heaven,
I pledge allegiance to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth will set us free.”
These old words resound in the Information Age with feigned harmlessness,
Amplified with the subwoofers of today’s youth, screaming, “The only true victory is peace”,
Screaming, “Rise up, daughters and sons of Forever”,
Screaming, “Next stop, the Greater Good!”
I noticed I had a gift for words 4 years ago. Since then, I've been using it to try and rally my peers together for change and for togetherness.
My soul honors your soul.
I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. 
I honor the light, love, truth, beauty & peace within you, because it is also within me.
In sharing these things we are united, 
we are the same, 
Oh mane padme hum
Come to me
Our love is eternal
Like the fire in the earth
Like the sky above us
We are the same we are One
Hello this is my first upload. Its about the beauty and love within everyone. To all people i say namasté
jjcsm Feb 2012
the wind takes
the leaves
         now curled
dried and brown
on the oak
the leaves shake
their mantra
     Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ
to bless this wood
with their
Perig3e Dec 2010
updated prayer wheel
recursively twitters
Om mani padme hum.
All rights reserved by the author
Rob Cohen Nov 2022
linguistic ******* as the emergence of furor poeticus
  :: out of phonetic oral *** comes lyrical transcendence

acacia thorns pierce the skin
while shittim pierces the veil of the perceivable
as golden incense weaves across the sky
to a sanctuary where we unwind space & time

prophet's write of the vapor turning on lights
and horns shining in rays of synesthesia

magi mixed herbs under the desert moon
which mapped a path through golden the sand

bundle's of wild harmel wood burns
as sparks flicker & dance with stars
in a moon reaching bonfire

under autumn shadows
in the harmonic hum of the aboriginal didgeridoo
drifting on the streams of wattle-seed smoke
  gazing down as the earth unfolds and refolds
            in a cymatic origami cardtrick

out of the soil grows the ship
which flies above the starry skies
fruit of biblical implications
with seeds of knowledge
& keys to ghostly dimensions

Thomas Aquinas
& Meister Eikhart shared the same eye
as you & I
peel wide the smokescreen
& spy through the looking-glass used by god
  which saw god
which was the eye through which the son of god saw
& wept at the stale state
  of the collective unconscious bots
lost in spirals of consumption & mirror reflection *******

this is not the godless wasteland
advertised by the screaming anchormen
    fear-mongers & alarmists
who sell panic by the gallon

with electrodes probing their temporal lobes
the prophets & shaman's
are in the asylums
labeled as ******'s for their visions of angels
& demons
& messages from the god's

an amnesiac species
chasing the neurochemical highs
shaped by evolutionary design
as a means to survive

barrel of monkey's biologically
swinging about nuclear powered technology
that far removed from nature (forest. desert. ocean)
planning to leave the planet entirely

    Om Mani Padme Hung
    Om Mani Padme Hung
'Om Mani Padme Hung' is a Sanskrit mantra associated with compassion.
the use of the mantra 'Om Mani Padme Hung' is to express a model of phonology in linguistics (the sound quality) and the importance, to lengths of religious significance.
Seas twinkle and there is a trace
Of diamonds in the sun's bright face
Day comes again; there is no death
Inside the garland of your breath.

In the temples praises sung
From dawn to dusk, Padme Hung
Gods and demons and their ilk
All churn the sea of milk.
Ohm          Mani padme       Hum
Toxic yeti Feb 2019


Hail! To the jewel in the lotus.
am i ee Feb 2016
a friend, a teacher, a love, a companion
so warm and full of life.
reduced to grey ashes,
a small bag full.

finality in the clearest terms.
deep sorrow wells up.
hard to remember non-duality
when duality stares you in the face.

om mani padme hung
Oh mané padme hum
Translation: oh pearl in the lotus flower

Set your mind free
Tal Haynes Apr 2016
I wanna be your light , shining on you and bringing you outta the dark !
I wanna be the sun to your moon
I could be your whistle tune
The mother of all what we thought were stars
Misfits of our solar system
I wanna be your king jupiter ...babe you can be my padme
I have talents and you could be my amazing
Sitting on a blanket , getting bit , while star gazing
I make a good friend but that's not the labels end
Starry Aug 2019
Uh, yeah
Another one of those
(This is for my man the 14th
Dalai Lama)
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
What they don't know is
The *******, the drama (uh), the guns, the armor (what!)
The city, the farmer, the babies, the mama (what!)
The ghettos, the drugs (uh!), the children, the soldiers (Uh!)
The tears, the hugs, the love, the slugs (c'mon!)
The funerals, the wakes, the temples, the coffins (uh!)
The heartbroken mothers - it happens too often (why?)
The problems, the things we use to solve 'em (what!)
Mustang, Bhutan (uh!), Kathmandu , ottawa (c'mon!)
The hurt, the pain, the dirt, the rain (uh!)
The ****, the hate, the work, the gain (uh!)
The friends, the foes, the protests, the nazis (what!)
The autopsies, the shows, comes and it goes (c'mon!)
The racism, the envy, the phony, the friendly (uh-huh!)
The one that gave them the slugs, the one that put 'em in me (woo!)
The snakes, the grass too long to see (uh, uh!)
The lawnmower sittin' right next to the tree (c'mon!)
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
What we seeing is
The streets, the chinese, the uiygers, torture (uh-huh)
The options, get shot, go to jail, or getcha *** kicked (a'ight)
The human rights , the part they are of the puzzle (uh-huh)
The release, the warning, "Try not, to get in trouble." (****!)
The bullies, the odds (uh), guantanamo, yakuza (what!)
The new enemy, the prank, the ****, the airports (****!)
The cell, the airport security, the ride down south (uh-huh)
The greens, the boots, camp delta, the dogs  (uh!)
The fightin', the stabbin', the pullin', the grabbin' (what!)
The trade center, nobody knows what happened (what!)
The wars, revenge, the plots (uh!)
The sleep devipravtion, the one hour that's not (uh!)
The silence, the dark, the mind so fragile (a'ight!)
The wish that the streets of lhasa would have took you when they had you (****!)
The days, the months, the years, despair
One night on my knees, here it comes: om mani padme hum
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
This here is all about
My girlfriend, my parents (uh-huh), the life that I live (uh-huh)
Through the night I was his (uh-huh), it was right what I did (uh-huh)
My ups and downs (uh), my slips, my falls (uh)
My trials and tribulations (uh), my heart, my baoudings (uh)
My mother, my father - I love 'em, they annoy me (uh!)
Wish God, I didn't have 'em, but I'm glad that he made 'em (uh!)
The airplanes, the fire, the strays, the cats (what, what!)
The guns, knives and bats, every time we scrap
The hijacking, the kidnapping', the robbin', the stealin' (uh!)
The **** hit the ceilin', little girl with no feelin's (****)
The frustration, rage, trapped inside a cage
The beatings till the age I read (a'ight!)
Somebody stop me (please!), somebody come and get me (what!)
Little did I know that the Lord was ridin' with me
The dark, the light (uh), my heart (uh), the fight (uh)
The wrong (uh!), the right (uh!), it's gone (uh!), a'ight!
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
They don't know who we are
Toxic yeti Jan 2019
In the morning I made love to you
And taught you everything I knew
Then I left
To be with my secret lover
Sensei Yuan Matsumoto
I made love to him and we ate together
He noticed the Om mani Padme hum
Near my womanhood
And asked if I was tibetan
I said that I was Irish
“Good beautiful, because I am part Chinese and Japanese”
“It was loud mouths idea,” I said coldly as if you were ****.
He looked like an evil, pasty,  glasses less, tattooed
Version of the Dalai Lama
He had only compassion
And gentleness
For me
Soon I spent nights with him
This continued for months
Almost a year
I had to go back to you
So yuan and I wrote **** love letters to eachother.
And we would have the affair
Before class
You were welcomed back
And you got strange when Matsumoto winked at me
You asked what was going on
And that you’ve read every sorted
You weren’t angry
But curious and worried
I said it was because I thought
You were gay
“Boris, yes I **** your sensei girl friend” yuan said.
I left and went back to your appartment
And curled in bed and cried
Until no tears came out.
You rushed in
Saying that you will always love me
You climbed in
And we ended up making love though I was shamed.
You kissed my tears and my face and mouth
“Boris you are a wonderful person”
You said that you were only on this planet to love me.
Toxic yeti Jan 2019
I did something stupid
I look around your ******
And found some pictures
Not of rockers or Bruce lee
But that if I strange part of the world
It looked like the slasher but g rated and not gory.
I saw some pactuclar yet beautiful flags
And mountains
Then I found a creepy
Shrine to some middle aged
Bald monk with the strange writing
Around it.
Freaked out I thought you were
Secretally in love
With the Dalai Lama
“Boris! What the **** is going on?!”
I screamed
I was thinking that my parents
Were right
That you were junk
“You bi? No don’t answer
If you go to my classes great
If you don’t fantastic.”
I heard you say “I love you Claudia,”
But in a rage I left
And went to my friends house
In upper Manhattan
I only came back
To teach a class and for my lessons.
But before I secretly checked on you
You were too busy watching that ****** up movie... again.
So I went on my way
During my lessons
I noticed you standing outside
I was going to make you suffer
And sweat
So I thought that my instructor was
I went up and made out out with him in a corner
“Claudia, what the...?” He asked
And he took me to his place up top
Of the training hall
And we were going to have ***
We were kissing
I saw his full body tattoo
And we started to couple
When I heard you yelling my name
The instructor
Said  something in Japanese with rolling r’s
I asked and he said that the ******* ******* was back screaming.
I kissed him and said maybe tomorrow
I got dressed and run to you
You had some gifts
And I had to tell you that my sensei
The owner banned you
And that he was yakuza
You weren’t afraid
And said that you wanted me to get some tattoos
Most of my choiceexcept for one
We went and I got a strange tattoo near my womanhood
That was in the freaky text
You said that you it was tibetan for Om mani Padme hum
The rest I got were stars and flowers
Stars for the arm and the flowers for the chest and throat.
At home you undressed me I
While we kissed heavily and passionately
“Claudia I am sorry for that picture freaking you out”
I just kept kissing
We got into bed and
You messaged your mantra
Near my womanhood with you lips and tounge
Then my womanhood.
You then gave me the treats and drape the colourful
Flags around my neck
As you were pleasuring me I thought of my instructor
But your piercings
We’re a pleasurable reminder
They were right
I was a *****.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
Claudia had to
Go to her classes in the dojo
Something she dread
Not that she didn’t love karate
But she wasn’t sure if her love was there
Or not.
When she arrived not finding Boris
She was relieved
Everything went clockwise
Until the end of her lessons
She saw her lover there
Hair spiked
She saw that he
Had a bag full of stuff
He said that he hurt her
She said no
But that she loved her ******.
They kissed
He said that he though a few nice tattoos would help
Her feel less freaked out.
Though there was one
That he had her get
When they got the tattooists
She was said that she was going
To get some strange writing in the inside
Of her right thigh
That was the tattoo that he wanted
When it was done
She was again a little creeped out it was
Writen in a strange script
And he said
It’s tibetan for Om mani Padme hum
The rest of the ink
The Claudia got
We’re flowers on her neck and chest
And stars for her arms
After the tattoos
The young lovers
Went back
And then Boris gave her some colourful flags not unlike
The ones in the photos.
And some rings.  
Which pit on her fingers
As they walk into the door
They made out
Undressed each other
And then Boris
Dropped the flags
On her neck
And over her shoulders
“My new shrine
And my love”
Claudia felt touched
And they gently kissed
And he asked about the books
Saying that she might
Want to learn about them
As they kissed
While being in each other’s arms.
Then he got between her
And kiss her on the thigh tattoo
And other places.
Toxic yeti Dec 2018
Soon she was called into
For a job interview
At the FBI
And she gave her whatever resume
She had
And that she spoke in tibetan, Japanese, Russian and of course English
They told her she was accepted into the academy
4 monthes of shear hell
But she has been through worse
And she proved her metal
And passed
Not she was an FBI agent
But celebration was short lived
When she went to
In her dreams Boris haunted her dreams
She did a lot of good and saw action
But lived as a loner
And wrote to her daughters
Though she couldn’t bare to see them
For they reminded Claudia of her first
She just hope that they never saw her sketches
One October day
On the year of 83
Claudia’s tragically cut short
In action
Before she died in her hospital room
From complications
Of being shot
She sat up
And breathed out Om mani Padme hum
And drifted off
Not a care in the world
For she was with her
Beloved Russian punk
In shambala.
In paradise.
am i ee Dec 2022
the new boyfriend
now the gone boyfriend

such fun we did have
that first morning

what is your name?
I can't remember yours either

how much fun is that
after a crazy night

barking dog
wandering paws

such delight

hotels, bars, roads
in common

lives lived in parallel
at the same time

movies, songs

laughter, yoking
such great fun

chasms of differences
matriarchy patriarchy

making someone into
what you like

i've been there too
how funny to have you

do that to me too

endless days
and nights

of talking

voraciously consuming
one another's forms

ah the adventure
ah the divine touch

seeing yourself in
the other

duality at its
very very best

duality at its
very very worst

you can't save another
nor fix them

the road
is a solitary one

the work is hard
and it plumbs the depth of your soul

of who you are

don't waste your time
in this life

recognize who
and what you are

we are ALL
the ONE

see yourself in
each and every creature

each and every being
every tree

every star
every celestial object

each and every drop of rain
and every body of water

laugh like a child
cry like a child

love like there is no tomorrow

nothing is ever lost
only changing form

om mani padme hung
may all live lives of ease, of health, of happiness, of infinite love
Victor Fuhrman May 2020
She completed all of her karma
Nirvana to be her new home
So compassionate was her dharma
That she vowed not to leave us alone

She saw human kind as her charges
Stayed to free all from suffering and fear
The promise of Quan Yin enlarges
To love all and dry every tear

The great chant will make us take notice
Her compassion and love in full bloom
“Hail the Jewel in the Lotus”
“Om Mani Padme Hum”

© Victor Fuhrman
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2021
the world as an illusion
those Buddhists saw the truth

Sacramento long ago
in my long lost youth

annihilation is a scary word
I hope I die at home

a tour on my honeymoon
the Eternal City: Rome

but nothing is eternal
ohm mane padme ohm

— The End —