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Repcin Maker Jan 2014
In the beginning it was fine
When I played it the first few times
I* grew old and weary
Losing a bit of me
Lending this game most of my precious time
Not knowing this will lead to my...
nvy-because my highscore is 8
engeance- because the pain is too much  
nragement- because my highscore is 8
otteness-because I've been playing all day
Probably I will stop,
Letting go is a choice,
Allowing this game to control me should be no more
Yes! I should never play again but...
I need to try it once more
Travelling the pipes of legend
Again and again I *fail

Gone is all my efforts
Atrocious this game is
I conclude
(Read the first letter of each sentence to finish the poem )
1.  Not knowing my future
2.  Owing money
3.  Trees being deforested

4.  My parents
5.  Youth unemployment

6.  Klu klux ****
7.  Usher being alive
8.  Stupidity being rampant.
9.  Her

10. Irregular heartbeats.
11. Time being a factor
12. Silly tings

13. Brain aneurysms
14. Losing
15. Empathy
16. Superman
17. Staying past due
18. Every one being rude
19. Discussion isn't important

Read the first letter of every word :^)
Ja feel

Also I actually like usher
Penelope Winter Apr 2017
I replay it in my head

L osing our temper
O verthinking
V iolent words
E xaggerations

Y ou walked
O ut the door
U ncivilly

S till, I wait
T omorrow you might come back
I leave the door unlocked
L isten to our song
L et it play over and over again

I pour another glass

A llowing myself to
L ose my mind
W ondering
A pologizing to myself
Y our voice in my ears
S uffocating my thoughts

W ould it have ended differently
I f I had let you win
L et go of my pride
L ooks like we'll never know

- p. winter
i ******* up
Satsuki Feb 2014
To being 18 and insecure
Every day fighting more and more
Love hurts worse every time
Losing myself in a poem's rhyme

Missing you always
Endless nights and tiresome days

Your voice echoes in my brain
Over and over, again and again
Useless feelings, my insecurities reign

Covering up my scars
And frequenting bars
Really it's not that great
E**ighteen is just ten years of misery, plus eight.
Krusty Aranda Jul 2013
Again I'm feeling empty
Losing me in myself
Only to find out
Nothing can save me
E**mptiness, my fate.
Àŧùl Feb 2016
For me,
You truly,
Care Sir,
My future,
You wished,
Only bright.

But alas,
It's not,
Thoroughly dark,
Sitting here.

And endeavours,
Not sufficient,
Doomed failure.

Priceless moments,
Indeed wasted,
Eastwards staring,
Caring not,
Efforts wasted,
So sorry.

Because I feel so cheated,
Unforgettable are the marks,
Truly loving makes you prone.

But yes Sire,
I'm only debilitated,
Totally not devastated,
Such pains I'm accustomed to.

Wishing an easier life,
Is not for me at all,
Losing myself,
Long I have been.

So hear in night's ears,
I will rise once again.
This one is for Professor GitacharYa VedaLa
I am so sorry, Sirji.

But I promise,
My potential is only debilitated,
I am not defeated.

I'll rise again.

With love and power of life immortal.

I am in bits and pieces,
But bits will shine.

My HP Poem #1035
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Feb 2011
And as I was driving along; almost
Losing control, over an inspirational thought.
Many times that has happen, but    I am fine ---
Only I need to get this down on paper
Soon before I explode!    I realized as we go
Through life, the past is crystal clear, like my back window,

Evenings, I can still see the past, but the future, like my front window,
As ***** as can be, is blurry and hard to look through and
Sitting from within, all comfy and warm I watch as I past
* and I move on to tomorrow, living for **today.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.,
written from a little thought while I was driving one day and the title is from Avenged Sevenfold.
-fyi I kept my front window clean...but on my car the front window get dirtier quicker than the back....hence the future, past inspiration.
R Jul 2013
Silly me for thinking
I** could be part of you.
Losing people is
Like being sane and
Yes I do mean "normal."

Maybe if I was "normal" then
Even I could be loved.
Not even sure what this is but whatever. I **** at these. Comments?
Àŧùl Oct 2019
Demons seem stuck in my nose,
Eerie suffocation haunts me often,
Vile are the consequences,
Irked I am to say the least,
A choking sensation threatens me,
Throttling my breath away,
Even the best medicines won't help,
Day of surgery beckons me.

Nostrils struggle to keep hydrated enough,
Awful is the nasal sound that I make,
Sniffling loud enough all the time,
A snorting man is not so pleasant,
Losing my years, I am, due to it.

Seldom passes a minute I don't snort,
Elephantine this issue becomes,
Putting a bad impression of mine,
Taking care not to let people be friends,
Ultra irritated I am by myself,
Must is an intranasal surgery.
DNS also means Domain Name System but in my case it means a Deviated Nasal System.
I am going for an intranasal surgery early next year.
It will require me to be unconscious by administration of general anæsthesia.
I don't fear the OT.
I have survived worse.
I have survived the worst.
However, funds are an issue for me.
I don't want to bother my parents.

My HP Poem #1779
©Atul Kaushal
Cody Haag May 2016
L** osing people.
I gniting fires.
F ailing sometimes.
E nduring forever.
Baylee Nov 2014
C-alling your parents because you have no
O-ne to talk to or hang out with.
L-osing touch with everyone and
L-eaving all your old friends.
E-ventually realizing that it's not all you made it out to be.
G-reat, compared to high school, but
E-very day you come "home" to an empty dorm. Alone.
Shan Coralde Oct 2015
Silly is what they call me
Happy is what I'll be
Another would be a maniac
Not knowing why I act

Awake in the evening
Losing sleep in the night
Depraved of sleeping
Really, in the dark nowhere in sight
Idealistically wanting to be cool
Alas I'm corny like a fool
N**ever say 'give up' in a battle I fight
for those who wants to know me (lol)
Àŧùl Nov 2016
I** know that for sure.

Shall those moments not repeat,
Tilling the land of youth for maturity,
Irrigating the seeds with my love,
Lowered my voice in tensed times,
Lost in your dreams my mornings be.

Lost in these dreams,
Of your plain youth,
Violent violet hues pull,
Encumbering memories.

Yeoman of youth I had been,
Ousting the blues away from
Underneath the carpet of lies.

Bringing up the zombies of stale issues,
Until all of my sanity just vanished,
Trounced & trampled upon my heart.

In this digital ink my heart bled.

Wuthering away my own youth,
In return of momentary pleasures,
Loving yourself via me you were,
Luck has never been kind to me.

Awake I am in your memories,
Loving all the dreams I get,
Wherein I only see you,
Away from the world,
You actually live in,
So prone to negativity.

Righting your wrong I was,
Enchanted by your youth,
Mine was nothing ever,
All was just yours,
In the night too,
Not just in the day.

Lightheaded I always am,
Onto the ground I might fall,
Not poised to die in the deluge,
Ever I will be made to suffer,
Losing next battle of life,
Years are limited for me.
Don't worry, you will get married too.
Like every other girl that I used to love.
Be thankful for my bad luck.
I am sick of this burning headache.
Of this tinnitus & vertigo as well.
Pray that I get some kind of cancer.
I will be at peace with myself after death.

HP Poem #1254
©Atul Kaushal
ok okay Apr 2021
Life is empty
Like a sullen lonely hollow
We trip and we fall
And sometimes we keep falling
Life starts to blur
Memories become fragments
We want to dream forever
But even our dreams tell us to wake up
Because if we refuse
We will keep
                     f orever
                       a lone
                         l osing
                           l ife
                            i n
                              n othingness
                                g rievously
Took me a bit to format but yee :)
Àŧùl Dec 2016
I** am so tired of just dispensing love.

Now I'm selfish as I look for another dove,
Except for my parents, none loves me back,
End of my days approaches nearer now,
Doomsday for my poetic and musical life.

Losing someone because of my horoscope,
Over with the fake love I must get again,
Vanguard for my existence her love will be,
Especially for me, she will take every pain.
Another 2º acrostic poem.
My HP Poem #1354
©Atul Kaushal
Right through most of my whole entire life
I never have and I really don't do still true
Believe in things that really don't really exist
Or above human comprehention life through

If man had any respect for WHOM they call JESUS
They'd be able to live their lives in perfect simplicity
Being if one could not do a good turn he would not
For greed deliver a bad one makes good sense to me

Tell me of a was war that was not based on religion
Where live and let live without racism money or gain
Where some never existed thinking they worked for god
Regardless of broken hearts endless dying a world in pain

Over 300 plus bibles and religions but only one their truth
All worded differently that a Christ had died due to treason
And after this man had died ages 85 in Kashmir married
Over a hundred years later in 310 wrote bibles of reason

When he lived had a daughter named Sara to his wife Mary
After he died they went to south of France their blood holy grail
Never yet via following generations they ever found it at all
So assuming to know wrote their bibles and still they wail

Comes down to the words simplicity choice and live and let live
We all are born and so true we all of us one day all will die
Everything in time has its Karma earth destroyed 6 times to date
Nostradaus wrote 2018 year of earthquakes volcanic voice to cry

Its written this time earth will ceace to exist in via means unknown
And without to speak of warning as none believe enough to panic
Where are the Christians fed to lions by Romans away back when
And where are all that trusted in their God still on the once Titanic

Endless break-away religions of already endless wealth to date
Stop to think that if all donated even a dollar for the poor
The uncountable children and families would live far better lives
With all simply doing instead of praying like dying waves on shore

But religions better than working for a none tax paying organization
Spending their lives like bees in hives closed minded children wives
Convincing themselves they know God better than any above many
Driving new cars dressing to **** in the name of God as life it thrives

The secret to possessing souls is to close their minds easy to handle
Having them scared as id not if not they go diectly to hell below
Well even the pope admitted hell is a fantasy as is Adam and Eve
Their bibles state all sin is forgiven when comes time to go

What they get away with have done still do in the name of God
Yet All their bibles as such packed with endless contradictions
osing minds to ask God for help instead of helping themselves
And due to same an entire world of confused minds and frictions

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
ash Apr 2018
osing you was like a flowers petals wistfully wilting away.
losing you was like the sun disappearing for the sky full of sorrow to pour rain.
losing you was like a tree losing its leaves to become nothing but an empty reminder of what once was there.
losing you was like reading a book to find out that the last page was missing.
losing you was like never finding the answer to a question or never finding your way out of a maze.

knowing you was a dream and losing you was a nightmare and I don't know if I'm ever going to wake up.
Skye Apr 2019
L osing all you doubts
O pening up to them
V aluing them above you
E xperiencing life together
j a connor May 2022
C hasing
E verything
L osing
E veryone
B efore
R ealising
I t's
T oo
Y uck
LC Nov 2018
L osing time
O bsessing over each moment, how could it end
S weet love return, be mine
T ake my moments again

— The End —