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Sarina Jul 2013
I imagine I must talk to my dead seventh grade teacher
who told me to be better, who
told off the children when they brought me a butcher knife
because I cannot learn algebra if I am dead.

The deceased are more than likely with the sun
wherever it is right now. Tomorrow’s twilight, I will find
my dead seventh grade math teacher
stand on my tippy-toes,
try to be as tall as him and ask if he still thinks I should be
alive. Five years later and I cannot understand
why a person with his same name could
ruin my life when he, in turn, saved mine. I am a bad
person for wishing she were the one that the flu took then.

Unlike the others,
Mr. Kats did not mention the SATs or growing up. He
would not be there to see either happen
and I bet he believed God knew.

Then again, I knew the side of him that did not
know God well enough to remind me of a Mormon church
until I saw his youngest daughter alone on her knees
whilst the eldest sang about how
her father would never need to move with
a walker. I held my best friend’s hand
when we met his corpse, because he had saved her too.

I imagine we must talk, but not for me to tell him
that I do not care about algebra, I guess he already realizes.
We were never really special to each other
when I think about it,
he was too strict and I was too sad and now it’s too quiet:

I haven’t entered a classroom since, died some as well
but my only punishment
was a broken heart by his reincarnate. There was no lesson.
Ousmane Iacavoni Oct 2015
I finally understand why your favorite candy is kit kats, it's because you love to break things that are only sweet to you
I don't understand because you either lied then or you lied now but either way you've poisoned your name and I'll never put in back in my mouth, because if I did it would be speaking ill
I walked a tight line of secrets from my heart to your ears and you chose to cut it and leave so you didn't have to watch me hit the cement and pay for my vulnerability, and just blame myself when this entire time I never realized that your just a thief that stole me secrets, now you they can be a gift, wrapped in the pieces of my broken heart they can remind you of how you abuse it when people give you absolute power
And even as I write this I realize I will never have my secrets back... But I suppose they aren't secrets anymore, just my information that's known by a stranger
this is about an ex of mine after we broke up
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Vow Renewal ha davvero bisogno di presentazioni .Perché appartiene Gene Simmons e la abiti da sposa on line sua splendida moglie Shannon di Kiss !E.a parte il folle .folle d'amore che tutti noi sappiamo che condividono .questo duo sa anche come ospitare un impressionante bella festa - con file di Pretty in Pink .schiocchi di favoloso e una devozione a tutte le cose ballare degno.Creato da Lady Liberty Eventi + un cuore Matrimoni con fotografie di Trish Barker .c'è molto di più nella galleria .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsAl FrescoStylesModernRomantic

Dal Liberty Woodman di Lady Liberty Events.I hanno conosciuto Gene e Shannon per anni ed era così eccitato quando hanno deciso di rinnovare i loro voti alle Hawaii !Abbiamo collaborato con i talentuosi One Matrimoni cuore che gentilmente hanno contribuito a portare tutto il glamour alla vita!

Gene e Shannon volevano un incontro molto intimo dei loro più stretti amici e parenti di essere una parte del loro rinnovo di amore .Abbiamo deciso di fare un palato nero .fard e oro per riunire l'atmosfera glamour e moderno.con il suggerimento perfetto di nervosismo .Il progetto per questa occasione era semplicemente incredibile e era la rappresentazione ideale della loro morbida lato romantico mescolato con il loro rock \u0026rotolare personalità !

All'arrivo gli ospiti hanno fatto la loro strada attraverso un bianco appeso all'ingresso 25ft parete del fiore .dove erano seduti a splendide vignette in stile.Una combinazione di divani vintage.pouf e poltrone accentati con moderni cuscini neri e blush tiro .creando un ambiente opulento per i posti a sedere cerimonia.Flutti che scorre biancheria coprivano le pareti e soffitti .mentre blush e avorio nastri proposto come lo sfondo perfetto per la sposa e lo sposo a dire che faccioènuovo.Affiancato da lussureggianti centrotavola di ortensie e un corridoio personalizzato in mostra il loro monogramma .la passeggiata lungo la navata era niente timido di stordimento .gene \u0026Figlia Shannon ' .Sophie .ha messo insieme una cerimonia calorosa e cordiale e con l'aggiunta dei loro voti personali .non c'era un occhio secco in casa .Poco a poco gli ospiti sanno che ci sarebbe stata una cerimonia a sorpresa da seguire!Shannon illustra la sua sorella Sara .e il suo sposo Greg .felice di poter condividere questo giorno speciale con loro.Sara \u0026Greg ha proceduto con più di una cerimonia tradizionale stile hawaiano che ha aggiunto un'aggiunta unica e incantevole per i festeggiamenti .L'amore era certamente nell'aria !Come la coppia ri - sposato.e sposi fecero il loro ritorno lungo la navata.gli ospiti gettati petali che sono stati elegantemente presentati in sacchetti di rete a ogni sedile rosa .Gli ospiti

diretti verso l'area cocktail .che si è svolta sotto un albero magnificamente fiorito che è stato appeso con centinaia di candele appese .Un albero augurio visualizzazione degli ospitiècarte escort perfettamente ondeggiava nel piacevole brezza hawaiana .Le melodie contemporanee suonate dal duo stringa a condizione che il suono perfetto come ospiti sorseggiavano un cocktail speciali e mordicchiò bocconi .Gli ospiti

sono stati poi invitati a fare la loro strada in reception e zona pranzo .guidati dal suono di freddo jazz suonata dal vivo banda di 9 pezzi .La tavola era apparecchiata con biancheria blush frizzante .carica d'oro eposate e nero cristalleria moderna .Ogni impostazione è accentato con neri abiti da sposa on line laser taglio plexi Consiglio vetro carte.che sembrava incredibile contro il rossore e oro toni .Overhead .festoni di blush tendaggi e lampadari splendidi con sfumature nere fornito una magnifica atmosfera .Oro candelabri \u0026votive oro mercurio sono stati mescolati con le modalità lussureggianti che consisteva di fragranti rose da giardino e ortensie stabiliti nel colpire le navi nere .Le sedie erano vestiti con flirty battiscopa blush che fatica complimentato il paesaggio tavolo .La vivace verde vivente che circonda la zona e il suono luce delle cascate perfezionato l'aspetto della sala da pranzo .

L'enorme pista da ballo bianco incandescente con Gene \u0026Monogramma Shannon ' stato circondato da 4 .100 £ lampadari floreali che erano semplicemente bocca caduta .Vignette Petite circondato il pavimento e sono stati accentati con personalizzati monogramma cuscini di seta dupioni con ricami in oro .Una volta che tutti hanno fatto la loro strada verso la pista da ballo .feste la sera ' aveva appena iniziato !Shannon aveva chiesto karaoke per abiti da sposa corti la ricezione .così abbiamo pensato

così cosa c'è di meglio che avere una band suonare dal vivo come la loro musica di sottofondo !Sophie ( Gene e figlia Shannon ' ) ha iniziato le danze via con la sua interpretazione diè eeautifulèeè et Ultimoè?mentre i suoi genitori amorevolmente ballavano tra di loro e hanno accolto i loro amici e familiari a unirsi a loro sul pavimento .Gene saltò sul contrabbasso .mentre .Sophie \u0026Nick ( i loro figli ) ha cantato tutta la notte .Hanno sicuramente tutti scosso la casa .e ci siamo divertiti tutta la serata !
la serata si è conclusa .Gene e Shannon sono stati presentati con una splendida torta 3-tier .che consisteva di due livelli oro con finiture nere.e un livello inferiore di perfezione filodiffusione avorio rose .Mentre gli ospiti erano riuniti attorno .un solo cuore matrimoni avevano sorpreso gli ospiti con una giornata di modifica video l'intera attività serate .ogni ipotesi era in soggezione .E 'stato il modo perfetto per concludere questa bella raccoltaèsi poteva assolutamente sentire l'amore nell'aria

Banda : Jimmy Mac \u0026 The Kool Kats | Dress Brides 1 : . Jenny Packham | Dress Brides 2 : Badgley Mischka | Cake: DesignerCakes | Restauro : Sugar Beach Catering | Sedia Covers : Wildflower lino | Coordinatore / Progettista : Lady Liberty Eventi | Assistenza design: bianco Orchid Weddings | Designer : Matrimoni Un cuore | Fiori : Uno Matrimoni cuore | biancheria: La Tavola biancheria | Fotografia : TrishFotografia Barker | Luogo Carte : Pitbulls e Posies | String Duo : Don Lax | Luogo : Haiku Mill | caricabatterie: BBJ LinenBadgley Mischka è un membro del nostro Look Book .Per ulteriori informazioni su come vengono scelti i membri .fare clic qui .Wildflower Lino.un'orchidea da sposa bianco .INC .BBJ e Lady Liberty eventi fanno parte del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Wildflower Linen vedi portfolio un'orchidea da sposa bianco .INC vedi portfolio BBJ vedi portfolio Lady Liberty Eventi visualizza
Gene Simmons Vow Renewal_abiti da sposa 2014
Benji James May 2017
Hey somebody
pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes  on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Always underachieve
Failing everything I do
Failing them, keep failing you
Can't seem to do
Anything I set my mind too
I'm looking around
For something worth living for
Every time I find something
It escapes my grasp
Always end up back on my ***
Can't seem to get it right
No matter how hard I try
Can't appear to get it right
No matter how hard I fight

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Why does life smack you in the face
When you're circling the drain
The skies have turned to grey
You're miserable every day
Can't seem to catch a break
No matter how many Kit Kats you ate
Is this it, is this my fate
Staying up until late
Just so that I can contemplate
Every **** mistake
I've ever made

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Do you know
What it feels like
To stare at your phone
No messages coming through
Feel like nobody
even cares about you
Yep you wonder what you can do
Is there something wrong with me
Is there are reason people hate me
What is it they need to see
To see I'm worth some time
Every once in a while
Trying to hide this emotion
Behind a smile
All these sarcastic remarks
Covering scars

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

Can't seem to make it pay to pay
All this debt is crushing me
And I'm losing my mind every night
To that devil inside
The one that won't let you sleep
He even haunts you in your dreams
There no escaping this reality
And all I can do
Is keep on strolling through
The best that I can
Hope that someone understands
Maybe one day
I'll find happiness again

Hey somebody, pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
Yep **** it
I'm the drama queen
Always get it wrong it seems
Some say I complain too much
But I don't give zero *****
Sometimes you need a whinge
Yeah just have a little *****
Wise words from the drama king

Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need
Focus all eyes on me,
I've got something to say
Listen to what
comes out of my mouth
Maybe I'm talking
a lot of **** right now
Focus all eyes on me,
Attention is what I need

I want to get dramatic
Don't tell me not to get dramatic
Don't say I'm complicated
No, I'm not complicated
I'm talking straight
Hey wait, wait
Sister pass me the eyeliner
Because I want to get Emo
You know I want to get Emo

©2017 Written By Benji James
Muggle Ginger Mar 2013
Reese’s Pieces are for people who
Are used to picking up the pieces
Of broken hearts
But they still want to make it
A good experience
Smiles that look like peanut butter
And kisses that taste like chocolate

Butterfingers are for the kids who
Are used to being picked last for
Everything except to cheat off of
In math class
They’ve grown accustomed to
Not being thought of

Popular kids like the M&Ms;
Because in the end
What else do they have except
For the stories of muses
And the parties they attended
One-by-one they picked apart
Everyone who didn’t act just like them

Pop Rocks are terrible and
So are Peppermint Patties

Crunch bars and 100 Grand’s
Made the jocks think they would actually
Go somewhere and do something
With their lives
Hope comes in strange forms
Monkeys don’t know the difference

Kit-Kats are for the hipsters
Talking a little too loud about mustaches
Listening to music that nobody knew
Grouping around vegan lunch tables
They would break off one by one
When another clique accepted them

Anything made by ***** Wonka
Was a favorite of the kids who
Knew who they were and
Weren’t ashamed

After all, what does candy say
About any of us
Clothes and shoes
Were only disguises
To hide us from the world we
Desperately wanted to fit into
If you had a Five Star notebook
Started mattering a lifetime too soon

When I step into the convenience store
I picture the kids that I know
Because of the candy they ate
I regret having such a sweet tooth
To pick apart kids’ lives
With nothing to satisfy the bitter
After-taste of social humiliation
BSeuss Jul 2017
Welcome to gorilla garden.
King Lions roam like lone wolves,
Some wolves are crowned like the head of their pride.
Few bears are curios, like your common cat.
Some giant killer kats are kind,
Some giant kats aren't killers.
A bear can sound like a dog barking, a cat purring, or you might barely hear a crow craw before you're mauled for being far to close to the cubs.
There's ants the size of pizza pockets.
And garfield hates lasanga because he got his name from never leaving the
feild he was born in; such a stubborn
Gar; born in a pond in the middle of a field, refusing to be carried to freshwaters in America.

Welcome to Gorilla Garden.

In here, family is king.
Not pride, not packs, not flocks no colonies.
Snakes are welcome, as long as they don't cause twinge.
3 a.m Web of thought
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Pumpkin  fest
The night of Halloween,
We went to the pumpkin fest
We were all in costumes and dressed our best
thousands of pumpkins were on the ground
Wagons hooked up by horses were all around
Filled with excitement
And filled with cheer
As we load up on the wagon for another year
Oh how I love Halloween
Carameled apples with sticks in between
horses pulling the hay ride
  yelling trick or treat out side
They fill our bags with lots of candy
Reese 's peanut 's and m&ms;
snickers and kit kats
and three Musketeers
Oh how I love Halloween this year.
The grown ups are sitting and drinking hot cider
I'm dressed as a witch sitting by a tiger
Ghost and goblins their there too
a Cinderella and bear bear boo
The night's coming to a end
and the hay ride is over
It won't happen again til next October.
sweetie pie Sep 2013
I need a break ..nope not like kit-kats
Not like passing time in a school
not like vacation worried about who's down at the pool.
I need a real one.
Not to just get away from home.
I needa break before i break down like stone.
I'm exhausted.
Madeysin May 2015
I keep everything bottled up, like the alcohol. I kept bottled up until the perfect occasion. words are like wax, the way they soothe your skin. Just to be ripped off. Beauty hurts, and my brain is like the junk drawr your mom says is pointless. I've got more than one, some have nick nacks. Others have yellowed pages with an 8 year olds signature. 47 questions to a dad she'll never meet. My mom found them and asked if I stll need these. I shrugged it off, but later that day she found me in a pile of trash gripping those wrinkled pages. Because if I let go of the grief who am I? I eat mini kit kats, and get drunk with people I don't know. To pass the time. I watch strangers in the streets, know me more intimstely than I ill ever let a boy. My mom asked me what the matter, the world shook into a great perhaps. I look away, running my finger down the cracks in the pavement. My dad never wanted me. She said, oh please. Huffed away. But what she doesn't understand. Is that she understands perfectly. But selfishly she puts it behind her. Because the men she chose to put in her daughters life, didn't belong there. In this spectrum. And everything was built up on pity & rebellion. Emotionally & physically abused since 02. I crushed that sea shell dad, the one I got from the sea. I guess it got bad connection. Maybe you never could hear from me...
Like why right now, do j choose to break down. Like **** dads & influences. I don't need anybody.
his life
my life
is built upon time lapse
bordered by chip shops
and Kit Kats
topped off by the old chaps
who meet down the green.

I have seen the cynical
join with the maniacal
to plot diabolical acts,
time lapse.

And the pollsters who all
think like gangsters,

Gotti taking shots at the
politicians and cops
topped off by doughnuts,
cold cuts are the best though.

Now there were ruins and now there were mansions
all in the blink of the cameraman's eye
high rise and low cloud
don't think I am too proud to
take your advice.

It stutters on taped to feelings long gone
and the time lapse
and the Trilby's and flat caps
and the Kit Kats
and the chip shops and
it seldom stops anywhere
where I could make a
my punishment
reliving through creased folds
on clean linen bedsheets.

There are the gaps in the time lapse
when I seem not to exist
as if part of my life
has been missed out,
on purpose?
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
why do you think i'm some puny
Bruce Springsteen song monologue?
trapped in some high-school
macabre memorisation of Monday?
i loved the army routine of
Catholic schooling, the uniform
and the very clearly liberal
library choice of books that no one
really cared to notice...
Stendhal was there, the Gnostic
heresies were there, people minded
free periods "studying" for their A-levels
than reading the books...
well... more like Kit-Kats in Salmons
at South Park peeping Tom's salivating D.
now i could join to being really
nostalgic, what with me
French braid and girls getting wet
and ******* in year 10 and 11
me being in year 13...
this ain't a Bruce Springsteen song...
this ain't no glory days memorandum...
i worked like Proust from after what was said
was enough to make any man want
to die sooner... even the supermarket
attendees are dubbing me the
nickname: Russian Roulette...
70cl of a whiskey a night... they're betting
on the night when i start joking with
Rasputin in marshmallow clouds;
well, you know,
us peasants can't joke with the urban people
about crude affairs concerning Greece...
esp. not with the "ladies",
us peasants never made it with the urban lazy-girls,
we were sorta treated like *******
given the motto: ****** goes in, does his job,
****** exits... Shakespeare fills the rest,
i mean rhyming caricature *** in bed
while you read a book and she played a video game;
typical politics that always excluded the butcher
and the baker,
because all that mattered was how one nobility
spawned the iron maiden, and the other nobility
gave thought to acorns being harvested for nourishment...
and of course, much latter, wheat for dough...
still that other nobility, having exhausted the pleasures
of *** giving birth to torture instruments and
****... while the lesser nobility took more pleasure
from taking a ****... ease that loaf of **** out to every
Hellenic gods' non-involvement in
trivial tribunals of: what goes in and what
goes out, where and when... v. what goes in and what goes out,
where and when doesn't matter...
what's with the memorisation of school?
it's like we keep a fetish of being constantly ready for
being schooled... my memory circuit?
****... hangover... what's the last thing i ate?
what was the last thing i wrote?
and that's pretty much the end of all possible the ends.
Styles Dec 2014
I don't take myself too seriously
but I hope you, take me, seriously
I hope we get to do our thing
dont need a title,
lets just what our luck will bring.
Right now, iIwant to hold you and talk to you
put my arm around your waist, and just walk with you
show you off around the place, be proud of you
then take you to the room, and get loud with you.
create memories and share secrets- doing things that i wrote to you
freaky little things that stay between me and you.
Since you aren't the type to just let anyone get close
that means with both special, i appeciate that the most.
even Ethiopian Queens need Kings too
you already know, that my throne, thinks of you...(lol_
those other guys don't get you the way I do
the words I write, is what I think and what I think, I do.
now your imagination got you seeing things the way i do
I got much more to give, than those other kats do
your body fine, and still love just vibing with you
blow money and just spend time with you
take time- watching how your body move
not being bold, just being honest Bo
take you in the kitchen so I can make love to you
then head to the bath, wash it of, just in time for round number 2
I'm getting off track, this is what thoughts of your body do
as a result, I'm thinking out my plans for you- arousing your every desire, you caused a spark, now i'm igniting your fire- and won't stop until your bodies tires. From the second I watch you standing in line, you've been something to admire.
Dylan Mcconnell Jan 2018
I am from a crystalline chandelier
From kit-kats and crayola
I am from the dusty cobwebs in the corners of our house
sad, sweet, smooth
I am from Topaz
an aluminum and fluorine mixture.
I'm from thanksgiving and hope.
From Kerra and Beth
I am from the nervous laughter and card games
From gum rotting in your stomach and shoes changing feet.
I'm from the lack of religion, no Christianity or Buddhism in this house.
I'm from Madison, WI
Oyster Stew, and sauteed zucchini
From the horrendous stories told about my dad. Making him look like the bad guy and vice versa.
The threats of being kicked out, not realizing I'd actually get kicked out.
Under my room, lays the closet. The closet has everything our family represents. From pictures to mementos to journal entries.
I am from these yellowed pictures, pages, and cards.
Rough and smooth somehow.
Jake muler Sep 2015
Two kit kats cheapest ever seen in a carry out
Makes a grown man scream
Shout. Horray for two for 65 cents.
Addie Kay Mar 2019
Hes pounding back those Oxys.
Dandelion petals they’re toxic.
Bite down ******* that barbed wire.
So that inside you can feel the fire.
They say don’t take candy from strangers
But it’s Halloween
and I wanna change her.
Candy canes In your stocking
Causing nausea since 1990.
Poppy petals in your hair
Tell me where we landed from there.
Black beauty just busted the door
Her name is Addy.
and she’s taking the floor.
Hey we’ve landed on cloud nine.
Time to see that vanilla sky.
Brought back a couple of moon rocks.
I swear I saw a tic tok clock.
My favorite kind are Kit Kats.
Can’t deny that relapse.
Please get your facts.
No one here stays in tact.
My best friend is Cheshire Cat.
Don’t worry
we’re all mad at that.
Juliana Oct 2019
I am from books; yellowed pages and black ink.
I am from shoes; leather and worn.
I am from dancing; Tap, jazz, and modern.
I am from Disney; DCOM's and the Disney Channel.
I am from television; Riverdale and Pretty Little Liars.
I am from Freeform and the CW.
I am from Bones and The Pretender.
I am from Pokino, and Forensic Files, and pasta.
I am from Ireland, Italy, and Germany.
I am from Belgium, France, and Grease.
I am from my bed in the morning.
I am from Science and Anthropology.
I am from painting and graphic design.
I am from Twizzlers, and Kit-Kats, and Oreos.
I am from apples and peanut butter.
I am from Okemos and Syracuse.
I am from ADHD and anxiety.
I am from happiness and the sense of calm.
I am from blue.
I am me.
Inspired and In the Style of "Where I'm From" by Ella Lyon
Fuzz Butthead Oct 2024
Got tricked, no treat, now my mouth is clean
A twisted deed to give Listerine on Halloween
I know she can afford Reeses and Kit Kats
I’ll torch feces in dish rags
Leave it on her porch and record the greedy witch gag
The application allows adaption as

the bears bare no

The cows cringed coraled

down Durbin's Dude Delightful Deli

Every effort evaporated

forthright fast and furious was the fanale

Gone , as the greats grotesquely go

Hath Hell's halcyon held

in it's ignition of innovation

Just juxtaposition of jabberizations

Klinging like Klingons kasting kats

Longing for living listeners

of the many mangled munchkins

never to be notched near nor never

on or over the Overton Overpass

Past the principal part of Paradise

Quickly and quaint the quid goes pro quo

releasing the realization that reality rankly reeks

So service the sublime situation succintly

The truth turns to trash

Undercover the unwarranteed walk
without witness

Vaguely the vagabons vacated the vacuous vagaries

without whispering wantom wishes

as Xenophobic xenophytes xeroticize

young yanks from Yakima

Zestily zeroed in on the zagged zipper
Sheila Haskins Jul 2021
“Valerie, is it ready yet?”
Dark tea stains in a faded mug
Dusty brown teapot
A thousand cups have been poured
Strained, like me
It wasn’t always about the tea
The obligatory Kit-Kat
Or the toilet!
Too many trips
Too many times
“Valerie is it ready yet?”
When were you strong like this tea?
“How was your day?”
With that cheeky smile
And bedroom eyes
I miss that man so much
“Valerie is that you?”
Who do you think it is?
No conversation
The bleatings of a sad old man
“It’s got to brew,”
A discreet tap makes me jump
“He’s in the living room,”
“Valerie where’s me tea?”
“Yes it’s made,”
“He’s all packed,”
His favourite Chelsea mug
A multi- pack of Kit-Kats
Stuffed hastily in his pocket
In silver foil and blood red wrappers
A last supper
For the betrayed
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2018
i love how...
when whoopi goldberg
does the
O (three
it's all: ****** did
but when i do it...
i'm reduced to
stereotype of a lynch mob!
good to be known
as a ****** hater alongside
Dr. Dre...
and interracial *****...
but no thanks...
                      hello retards!
i'm no Christian,
i'm no Jew,
and sure as **** i'm
no Muslim....
         with the way....
kiss my ***!
your sanity is worth as much
as my concern for
your sanity...
           the belittled,
and rightly so...
        idiotic people.
how am i to deem
a ****** an Einstein,
and an Einstein a ******?
             well.... given the confusion...
please explain!

— The End —