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Earl Jane Dec 2015

     ♥ ♥ ♥                                                             
kiss, a taste of heav-                                                    
              en, it's a chef d'eouvre,an                  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥                                   
                exploding fulgent tint•                  ••of love••                               
                 & commitment;, our to\         /ngue limning ela-\                     
                 tion with these lips as ˋ•´canvas, stars detonate\              
       lavishing blessing from above to our bona fide\\
                love ethereal emoti-             on scintillate from w/in \               
             creating a paradigm-           of immaculacy of \\/\      
       endearment with an-       ....enfolding c- \\\/\/ /
           ape of assurance it's an e(mpyrean aroma from\//\///\
                two seraphic being wit(h ablazing devotion towards//\\
                 each other it erected a b(eatific paradise that link two/\\/\
                   souls together in love &    harmony & while your lips/\\///
               pressed to mine, it  also      push away all of my/ /\\////
              trepidation &        with prodigious/__/////  
                   bliss, it colors my coun ,,,_
,,,tenance with perfect\//////
                       euphoria that spread out to my psyche.oh how heaven\/\/
                        descended on earth & spiced our lips with its ethereal sa-  
                     vor oh how it birthed wings in our back that allow us to s-
                       oar high while relishing this very moment oh  how  it crea-  
                        ted a divine crown to our heads & dressed us with ecclesi-
                          astical robe that scintillate w/our love as the source of lig-
                          ht oh how I want the time to cease to eternally feel this--
                           juncture oh this kiss.oh this kiss,oh how exhilaration do-
                         minate in me oh this phase with my king,oh how I pray
                           this to never end a phase that ignore the world & just fo-
             *** to each other we           |are united)with the )
                love of God that bin-          |d us toget(\her a love(
                     that come out from -           |our mouth )\and reveal )
                       it with this kiss, oh t-          |he sweetest )\just the sw)
                      eetest of all, oh i close         |these eyes )   \and appre)
                   ciate each movement          |our lips p)      \erform o)
                    h how i love this kiss          |oh how i)         \w i love)
                      you my king, you ha-         |ve suppl)          \emented)
                     me with all nutrients          |that I n)              \eeded f)
                   or survival, your kiss          |have s)                \ituate)
                    d me in a bed so dear          |surro)                  \undin)
                  ­ g yellow flowers that          |bloo(                      \ms i(
                         n its most ravishing            /state,, )                     /oh this)
                      kiss became gleami-          /ng sun\                  /light th\
                        that gives us warm-         /th, yes \ \              /this sac\ \
                       charine kiss, a taste of  (heaven/   _\        (en you/   _\
             've let/    \me taste heaven!                                        

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

oh my goodness!!! this is the hardest poem that I have ever made in my whole life,, and the form so funny ******, LOOLLLL :V :V :V took me lots hours to finish this,,, my monthsary gift to my king,, our monthsary will be tomorrow but i gotta do this ahead coz it's our exam and it's my big time mathematics so i gotta study and i know my king understand it.. i love you so much my king, and i am really trying my hardest to do everything for you, to give you time and make you happy always,, i love you ssoo much and i am waiting for you alone,, i am trying all my best for you,,, i love you most!! i am ssooo afraid to lose you my king!!! i can't lose you ever!!! i love you ssoo much!! i love you most,,

i hope you love this Brandon, this is not really perfect looking piece,, hope you love this :'( :'( :'( i love you most!!!

---i really don't understand it, i wanna put with normal font but there are lines that go bold italic, so i just do bold and it's messed up some parts
Unknown Aug 2014
How I wish to float upon your breast
Soft and placid as a glass lake, windless

But to delve into valleys
Unexplored, keeper of buried treasures
I trek throughout, wandering

Aimless deliverance, unspoken promises
Intricacy of intimate embrace
I weave in my fingers, passion

Spill me, leave kisses like ghosts
Translucent memories
Moist with seduction

Delicious droplets of enticement
Proposing infatuation, falling from your lips
Illustrious little allures

Swim through me
Serpentine twisting contours
Wrap me in flesh, consumption

Stares, to reiterate a longing
Convey this truthfulness
Honeyed words of desire

Think not to deny yourself this moment
Make love to white whispers
Embedded in the mouth of temptation

Take no responsibility
Let movement be freely expressed
Body caressed

Comforting red embers
Of lustful flame
Spin tales of time and tryst

Inhale the sweeter aromas
Entwine with immaculacy
Reciprocate sensuality, a pair

Two with a twist
And many other turns
For my love
Becca Jan 2014
As a  chain fence protects a herd of cattle from the wind,
You protect me from the falsehood of life.

With my  trust in your palm,
you willingly lead me into the safety of peril.

For my head upon your shoulder,
fits like an agonizing glove.

The love you possess for me,
is the same love a wife has for her husband’s mistress.

The amiable animosity that you show toward me,
is not deserving.

Your head now rests where my father’s once did,
and my mother’s heart beats as it once did for pure love.

You would know an insignificant amount about purity,
For it was you who corrupted my immaculacy.
He is a gentle, lonely man
Looking for love
But willing to accept
company, and comfort.
He is crying alone, now,
In a vast and empty bed
Having said goodbye to another someone
Twelve hours later than advisable.
Those transient lovers
Are always impressed with his beautiful house,
His designer bed, with Harrods sheets
Everything white, and the best of the best.
He tells them he's an architect, and it shows
In the immaculacy,
But last night he took home a builder
To ***** and rumple those pristine sheets,
And he wished for an excuse to knock through the walls
And tear it all down,
So he could keep him, to rebuild.
Travis Green Aug 2022
His elegance, fragrance, and freshness
Makes me adore his harmonious ardent grandeur
His enchanted manful extravagancy
Angelically appealing brick

I slip deeper into his attention-getting
Award-winning enchantment
His crash-hot eye-grabbing immaculacy captures me
Flexing fresh-cut sexiness

His lush, mesmerizing sensationalness is
Strikingly succulent, transcendent, and unforgettable
His dimension is distinctly dreamy premium immenseness
His musculature is luscious, picturesque, and vast magicalness

His swag is vibrant, enticing, and awe-inspiring
I fall into his ardent arts center, encased in his creativity
I feel his irresistible sun-filled slickness encompass me
He is my engulfing superman imbued
With pulchritude and smoothness
Cunning Linguist Jun 2013
Spells of immaculacy,
enamored by divine blasphemy
Oh, the glamour of defeat;
Illuminating my delusional illusions of grandeur.
The facade erected
in the name of my dissonant lunacy -
Replenished to diminish, ease the tension
while I watch the world around me burn

With purification, the nameless and faceless yearning for the knowledge
God blesses upon his prophets
Rather burning in oblivion,
fate earned by blind devotion and faithlessness.
Only time can tell, when shall we
separate ourselves from this abomination?
For only from the ashes of chaos
brings forth the promise of creation -

Salvation bathed in blinding light
Only with open eyes will one see an end
for which there is no sight.
Eradicate your spite
and take a deep look inside yourself
It is only then you will ultimately find
you are the sole Creator,
of your own Paradise, and of your own Hell.

Call this my dissertation
on a nation rife with desensitization.
Certainly plagued by monitors and screens,
can your hear their screams?
Why, but of course not. We fear no evil.
The evil is unseen. -
Lying in wait
behind the prospect of the American Dream.

The interests of the men lurking behind the curtain permeating our everyday ideology -
Lulling ourselves into a false sense of security
Why question such a monumental absurdity?
Too distracted even to leave our homes.

Our minds have been effectively infected and collectively we've turned ourselves into drones.
Reclaim your mind, Or in time you will surely incur horrors I perceive worse than Death;
The beast has swallowed you whole.

Mind only your indulgence of all that is true and you will find that which is eternal bliss.
I'm impatient and far from complacent with a world so blatantly detrimental to itself.
Allow your wisdom to be your might,
lest we continue to arbitrarily pass judgement amongst ourselves.
Think I watched Zeitgeist a few too many times before writing this.
David peered out the glass
patio door commenting on how
straight and tall the Florida pine tree
bordering our property was
except for the numerous pine needles
and cones burgeoning forth from its branches
it was truly a straight and narrow trunk

Well, I responded, pine represents purity
and immaculacy
I remember my Mom scrubbing
our house with pine-sol
schools and buildings
were also steeped in the
overwhelming scent of

Native Americans believed
allowing pine needles to
brush the crown of the head
cleansed the aura of all negativity

In fact the pineal gland or third eye
of Lord Shiva
is shaped like a tiny pine cone
and harbors the ability to know
the past, present and future

Pine trees are emerald guardians
of the forest
virtuous, protective, refreshing and invigorating
rising in solitary splendor
its lofty height allows a broader view
and larger perspective of things

David and I leaned back on our sofa
the balmy wind
whistling clean and sweet through
the benevolent branches of the
noble pine
Lara Lewis Jan 2014
You are the golden boy,
I, silver.
Your immaculacy is enhanced,
As I stand, downstage/left:
Trophies are coveted,
Trophies are discarded,
Shiny space-fillers, second place is shame.

I want to be as a child's toy,
torn to shreds with use,
A noble way to go.

You are sanctified, your apotheosis is imminent.
I will stand witness to the fall,
I will stand witness to you.
A one-way ticket to hell, comfortable in a designer handbag.
You watch the world unfold around you. You feel like a move extra, you walk across the shot, you are in the action, but you aren't playing the game. What's it called, observer sports? The ones that are fun to watch?
That's people.
Jack Singer Nov 2011
Churning violently
Hurricanes rage
and gyrate,
great torrents
of hurdling water and wind.

Volcanoes and their magma plains,
places where the earth’s molten core
shows raw from between
bits of cracked and hardened skin,
reminding us of her birth.

Great patches of forests
sway gently in the breeze
like the crested wave tips
of vast green oceans
rolling over the hills and mountains.

Her oceans themselves
are glittering mirrors
dancing eternally in a world
different from ours,
beyond time, beyond history.

Slabs of frozen ice,
jagged and hardened, white and deep blue,
crumpled like slabs of granite,
they are defeated; they retreat.

Once there was coexistence, beauty,
Contented perfection.
But ever dissatisfied, we must now destroy her.

We seek something better,
Power, Control,
Synthesized immaculacy.

Why struggle and ruin
When it is everywhere beneath our feet,
Whispering silently
Songs of forgotten majesty.
Runaway Joe Jun 2012
Cusp of the great sea
A mighty cliff
Lightening calcified
Strikes into the water
the chaos
the world
washed of sins till it burns the night
with consecrated arrogance
Immaculacy sans remorse
and I
I, on the brink
The stain
look upon the sea
Giada Luciano May 2014
your intellect stands ahead of your immaculacy
and your heart of diamond

mindset an enigma, a paradox
i sat in the corner, trying to figure you out

physical appearance not lacking in any way,
magnum opus, james dean.

italic my insides rot with the thought of you belonging to her.

you're my favorite variation of reality
my one and only way out of a feverishly clogged society

i'm afraid i threw the tea into the harbor
i ran away with you in my mind

but when i returned, somewhere between comatose and awake
i saw you, and it was like we'd never met.
A Mareship Sep 2013
You stood up,
Your blazer ironed to immaculacy,
And in the quietest voice I’ve ever heard
Told the Society




I piped up like a prophet and said
"The only true nihilist
Is a dead one."
I just wanted to speak to you.
I didn’t mean it.
Hannahsue Oct 2014
Skinny. Fat.
Tall. Short.
Quiet. Loud.
Sweet. Evil.
Innocent. Monstrosity.

These preconceived notions of who we ought to be. They’re lies and they are circling my brain, running through my veins.

They tell me immaculacy isn’t the way to be. But if I am caressed just one time, the corner on the street is where I should be.

I am just shy of 100 pounds, my body screams anorexic and you all point and gasp. But a mere one hundred twenty five makes me obese.

They tell me to be myself and exclaim that I shall not be judged. I wear my tall socks, skirts, beanies, sneakers; the things I picked out but then I have no style, I am just an ugly freak.

I keep my lips sealed in class, I am afraid of the judgemental looks and comments I may get. I keep to myself but to them I am a loner, just a freak. But if I talk too much, If I speak a subtly sentence  I am annoying and highly obnoxious.

I am told I do not need make up but when I don’t wear any people say I look different. More tired like, practically sickly. If I do wear makeup I look like a cake face, fake but in an odd way slightly more beautiful. More respectful.

Societies one you can not please. If you listen or you don’t, you are always doing something wrong. Do you. Who cares about the rest. You’ll never be who they want you to be.
faa May 2018
Do my fingers
Find its way
To grasp pens and scribble
Endless adjectives on paper
Until I drain the ink out
And fill all my notebooks with lead
Striving to describe your immaculacy?

Do my fingers
Run their tips across
The keyboard of letters
Pressing out the syllables
Forming verbs and nouns
Struggling to define how much of my heart you hold?

Does my heart
Find harmony in wasting my time
Pondering, writing, loving, day dreaming
The perfection you have become?

Is only all I ever asked myself
But I have never wondered;
How I manage to make the simplest of words
Sound so exquisite
Whenever my hands
Scribble and scribble endlessly
About you

Forever asking the Why’s
And never asking the How’s
The How’s that prove
My own worth along with yours
Ayn Nov 2019
Loftily flowing through the air,
In the almost nonexistent breeze.
It wanders everywhere,
But is locked to one spot.

The imperfect immaculacy called life,
Flowing unrestrained through all things.
It flows with neither rhyme nor reason,
It flows without regard to the season.

From the tips of my wiry, weak fingers
To the roots of the solemnly stoic tree,
Standing proud, for many years to come.

From the lifelessly vibrant autumn leaf
To the ceaselessly soaring summer bird,
Brimming with an almost vexing vigor.

From the phenomenally frostbitten stream
To the swaying spectrum of vernal petals,
Berating the grass with their "benevolent" beauty.

As I have said before,
The imperfect immaculacy,
Chained to existence.
I've always seen 'immaculate' as a more sinister way to say perfect, as if something is being hidden.
Advice and suggestions are welcome! Thx for reading!
Ayn Mar 2021
Like pearls,
Like glass;
A shining immaculacy
bereft of the past.

With an infinite capacity,
The vessel holds the soul,
And two parts become whole.
Take a swing, see what you think it means.
Travis Green Jul 2023
He makes me feel so gratified
When I rivet my eyes
On his dreamy, tender invention
So entranced by his breathtaking radiant handsomeness
So mesmerically beardalicious and superbelicious
So manlicious and sweetalicious

I am so hopelessly in love
With his mad splashy immaculacy
His eye-catching swagger makes my mouth water
His impassioned ravishing masculineness
Makes me crave to melt
In his top-drawer rock-hard arms

Make me feel so soft
Lose control, floating on air
Gaze in awe at his marvelous sparkling hotness
Listen to his dope, macho tone
As he knocks my socks off

Make my head spin
Make me so drunk
On his untouchable gangbuster ruggedness
When he stares at me
He has me catching feelings
Rhapsodizing about his sexually arousing appetizingness

He affects and arrests me
Infects me with his overwhelmingly compelling love
My honeyed succulent lover man
I am so strung out on his monster luscious thugness
Everything about his greatness
Emblazoned in my inner space

Feel his flesh pressed to mine
Creep in my mind and beguile me boundlessly
Make my heart beat rapidly
As I burn to merge with his immersivity
Let him take control of me
And be my romantic fantasy enchanter
Love on me for a month of sensational Sundays
Travis Green Jan 2023
Drape me in your blazing-hot sensational enchantment
Rouse my inner desires with your empowering
And awe-striking invitingness
Make me ache for your unparalleled stately greatness
Smooth-talking, good-looking, yum yum crunk stunner

Bounteous crowned appetizingness
Splashy pizzazzy majesty
Emphatic, passionate immaculacy
Charming almond-brown eyes
That draw me into your sheer mysterious peerlessness

I become lost in your smooth seducing coolness
The way your myriad masculine magic
Unravel my gaytasticness
Feel the surface of my heart and soul
With your celebrated captivating machoness

Lovely luminous dopeness
That is so classically consummate and photogenic
I am blown away by your all-embracing inspirational infatuation
Your up-to-date, sophisticated engagingness
Silky, juicy lips, divine shining beard
Aggressive distinguished eyebrows
Ample, attractive, and wavy hair

You are an exquisite vision of loveliness
To be obsessed with, to feel how you arrest and impress me
Finesse my affectionate, benevolent delicateness
With your sexually arousing prowess
You entrap me in your pure sculptured debonairness and splashiness
Make me so ensorcelled by your delectable velvet finesse
Dan Hess Feb 2022
Everything is Being, in its most quintessential form. I'm reading The Doors of Perception, and while I disagree with a lot of what Huxley says in the book, the concept of "Suchness" as an ever present fundament of reality is close to my heart. I think the mind, in its folly, approaches that graceful bumbling and stumbling through which the overarching world, too, transpires into Being. Things that seem imperfect are tantamount to the immaculacy of the Pattern.
People see seasons and cycles, years, and births and deaths. They see decay and blossoming. They see in this the liminality of truth, and understand, as we do the contained and confounding grid-work of particles under force forming atoms forming forms, that all things are bleeding at the edges. The problem of identity is age old and often understood to be Oneness. This concept permeates philosophy, religion and culture; we are social animals, bound to Love to survive and coexist. We seek to understand ourselves, to understand the world, to make something of This. It's simple, and it isn't. We're making do with what we have. I think everything makes sense, and we struggle to make sense out of everything, because we are tethered to the corporeal illusion of separation; and I think, that is perfect, too, because it facilitates awareness of connection through reflection.
There is a great, profound truth in that all things are one body, but that doesn't make this any less "real."
Real is just a word; what matters is how we choose to use it.
Travis Green Jan 2023
The fresh **** smell of your unparalleled
Flavorful captivatingness makes me
Crave your ecstatic masculine vitality
Your magical bedazzling splashiness
Take in your succulent hundred-proof hunkiness

I want to travel the immeasurable depths
Of your accessible, incredible, and treasurable world
Caress your flexible shredded architecture
Get on my knees and kiss your feet
Let you see how I cherish your earthy masterful immaculacy

I yearn to research your mad passionate rareness
Slither my tongue along the titillating trail
Of your bare, hairy, and strapping legs
Feel the godlike hypnotizing power
Of your slick monolithic thighs

Allow my fingers to scrutinize
Every divinely elegant and effervescent sector
Of your top-shelf refreshing heavenliness
Cuddle up to your bang-up ***** thugness
My head against your deep-cut chest

You put your heavenly warm hands on my head
Take my breath away with your surprisingly sultry and sensual kisses
Let me slide into your dreamy liquid wonderland
Where your all-conquering applaudable awesome sauce
Enchants and finesses my vivid voluptuous velvetiness
With a blown-out candle
that started our doubts,
I've been drinking in
the white, the immaculacy
of a streak of hope.

I've been drunk on
whatever comes next,
with the future in chains,
with the past
put to its blame.

I've been leaving sand
for time to be told,
for faces to be revealed
in sudden recognition.
For I want to see
who I've kept it from.

I want them to be
circling in better thoughts.
Full poem:
Satsih Verma Apr 2020
Life slips through
pores of skin, and eyes
of all needles.

A fawn doesn't know
how to go back home after
losing the track.

Did you ever go
in the den of wild cats to
offer immaculacy?

— The End —