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CK Baker Jan 2017
They brought them
from the hollar
to the barge
to the field ~
into the wallows
in prayer
skinny little pinkers
cropped by ivory gates
buzzed with hot wire
hooked on bug worm
whistling dixie
around scrummers
and **** pen

peckers squawk
down eden lane
(nipping at jean lint
and fraystring)
deep in the hollows
a mad crow
(with steady tap)
the snouts high
on grunters
and squealers
stomping past
the feather pack

folded fingers
on the gatekeeper
(an engineer by
trade they'd say)
pigtails and
slack line
down the dusty lane
a snap of the jawbone
and lawn chairs settle
(facing north)
the bold script
and chimes
Lil Pet Feb 2018
Roses are red
She makes my ***** sore
She is my owner
And I am her *****

Im the property of thee Miss Jazreal
And my best reward possible is her pleasure
I gulp at the sight of her sharp pointed heel
But her kisses at the end are my soothing treasure

I try to be an obident boy
Even though everytime she whips me I whimper and hollar
But at the end of the day Ill still be her feminine toy
Because Im bound to her by both love and collar

Miss Jazreal wears the pants in this relationship and Im proud to say that I wear the *******
Thank you maam
Brycical Jun 2012
Cups runneth over
and over
& over
from absinthe to zinfandel.

Men & women parade the streets
with whimsical abandoned
swaying bodies
like they just got laid--
or are about to.

******* bathrooms roar
while marijuana balconies cackle--
even the folks staying in
have their music turned up
so nobody can hear them *******.

Barefoot indulgence
and tropical dresses flowing
in the midnight air--
even the cops don't care,
this is business.
Every whoop and hollar
is a dollar in their pocket.

Each vehicle blaires
a different song
chaos to the ears
becomes rhythm
for the body-
shots don't need to be in glasses,
grinding is the traditional greeting.

The young come for the atmosphere,
the older for the work release...
everyone is reckless on the weekend,
all the bars runneth over
and over
& over.

A ritualistic hedonism
leads to a collective sleep
that slowly, slowly
overtakes us all
as we slowly fade,
for a few hours until

Cups runneth over again
and over
& over
from absinthe to zinfandel.
Jeremy Betts Jul 2023
Maniacal laughter deployed to be louder than the roar of any monster

Most notably the inner

It gets harder and harder to adjust from loser to winner when just a beginner

Sold a bad bill of goods, nothing gets easier when older

I reside in my own temple but can't shake this feeling of being a squatter

Labeled by life as nothing more than NPC fodder

Never been...never seen a main character

In essence, I'm just practice for a dark passenger that always comes out of nowhere

Far scarier than the for mentioned inner monster but they conspire together

I am not now nor have I ever been a shot caller, never given a reason for no offer

Rather, I've been assigned a standard issue shock collar

Always trying to silence the hollar

Why bother?

Stay inline or find the hypocrisy of anarchy and counterculture

Tried bein' louder than ever before, pullin' from somewhere deep in my core

There's no one with a willing ear prepared to listen so no answer

Preforming to an empty chair reserved for anyone who might actually care

It's been empty for as far back as I've been allowed to remember

So I just stand there, wondering what's the matter, what is matter, do I matter?

A pitiful stature of a habitual quitter being quit on over and over

Want to know where I learned it? Just look over my shoulder in a family picture

This is a learned behavior taught by an unqualified teacher, both mother and father

Scream into the ether, I'm a dreamer but this nightmare ain't from a fever

There's no relief either

Not even first chair in the orchestra playing behind the dumpster fire of my own one man disaster picture

A head scratcher to any outsider, just another blunder to anyone who's ever been there

Next time'll turn out to be better

I swear

I'm a lier

We prefer the lie, at first it's far easier

A few too many attempts to hide the pressure, broke the regulator and boiled over

My present back lit by that there **** dumpster fire I explained earlier

My past rages unchecked through my future

A failure by every measure

No answer to why bother

...real quick...

This is off topic
But please don't let me become my father


Cover mistakes faster with lead paint over plaster

Pay no mind to the cancer that comes after

Dangle from a rafter like a fleshy chandelier

You don't have to guess what happened here

The dossier of the crime scene is crystal clear

You couldn't not get the picture

Even if the veil is never lifted, ignorance a problematic but gifted blinder

Gotta know I would never go and drag myself across the floor before arising once more just to lay on an altar

This has been nothing more than my dark passenger being front and center

How could I know letting it steer would lead to a full takeover of more than the arm and shoulder?

Will this ever be over?

Excuse me, is there someone there?

Has there ever been anyone other than me here for that matter?


Dennis Willis Aug 2018
Did you feel it?

'Round about 11:37pm

Last night

I was rebroadcasting
This enormous grin

This joyous

This hoot
And hollar

A small

And releasing

A death star sized
Blast of joy

You had to feel it

It was
Just after
She left

When I
Could think

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Sethnicity Jan 2016
To mutilate a body
of work and play on
To justify the night
from day,
Tray bomb
When ink on court paper
When blocks are heavy
more than cities and hoods
Having pens and fingers
crossed unlucky would
be Having plenty of sense
yields no change  know nothing
These are the feels
of blacks on reels
best trip found on wheels of steel
boys in hoods
dream of get a ways
but stuck in rent trap
just around the way
old whips spinning in place
feudal fictions with chrome face
but they spin in place
mine expired on the shelf
others capped in plastic
gone without a trace
and souls never get laced
wanna speak up
but the protest gets maced
wanna be out and about
but the fear has clout
taken root like gout
and tyranny's history can't be erased

We palpate emotions and scatter when lit
scared of the shadows ***(s) it reminds of the gallows
we don't **** each other for hate but the fear of fake fellows
when wedged against one another friendly fire is common
want the hole truth ask a woman
about **** and her worth to her mate
easily forgotten
or a conditioner well set in
the follicles of cells
that have scheduled themselves
does she have to remember or is she trying to forget
it's not irrational when the actual is soul grim
not one goddess in my life has been free from man's sin

So why would you ask me to fore grin the future for-a-shadowed past?
Those fair weathered sentiments won't equalize the rash,
the cash, the inevitable failing that you will consider surprise
but everytime I tune I-n-turn-all-bleedin; so eyes
in glass
and I rehash
about what it means to be flesh and
bleed to death until
dues US part          
of a hole
Whispe ring smoke shaped
squares that paint bland pastel No thin g(s)
over the future
over the graffiti gravel walls
artistic truth strewn loudly in rainbow-essencent  font
wormholes to the past
the truths written outside of the lines
like my thoughts
residing before and after their time

But I will not be blotted out
I will not be a second page story
I will not be his story
I will be beautiful
I will be bold
I will bow as I
will my will
into arches

A rainbow
you've seen one before but Why not once more
A candle cut and relit
You've Seen one before but Why not once more
A levy split wide then mended
You've seen one before but Why not once more
An invisible line to demarc yet removed
You've seen one before but Why not once more
A Justice Deferred to a Justice Realized
You've Seen one before but
Why not see One More
The 4 car pile up
You've seen one before but Why not once More

My Dreams have Dreams
and my deeds have means
I'd mute or late the alpha; Bet!
com mem or ate via
Con temp late buy weigh a
lack-lust-or-love core tessy of
for est ries dove s
held high above
a symbol to shove mine waves
in current streams
d v us meme S
eth ni city
Make Like Kings
and drop beats
down sewer swings
where rats tap time
on the crumbs of earthlings
Shiva grant me Wings
So I maybe shot out the sky
by pole lease hap slings
but Fire Works
with ease
Pop Flare
don't stare
You There
Whoop and Hollar
with yo hands in the air!

My dance is broken english
To Mute or late my body
of work is fore play
better read weep to soak up my
oil of a lay
scramble Hamlets in four ways
door ways work both ways and
mine is a carol cell of more rays
sung from sunrise to where devils dwell  
No bullet will silence my pathway
Just incite celebration
for a birthday;
I learned that one from MLK
Happy Birthday to Ya!
Gavin Betty Mar 2015
Ring ring, screamed the teens phone,
Ding ****, cried the bell,
No ones answered a door for a friend,
Since the great wifi curtain fell,
Pay no attention to what you can be,
A wonderful world awaits,
Ran by blood and money,
Oh! The beauty of business baits,
The one true God,
the almighty dollar,
Dethrones that fraud.
And silences a Hollar.
Why feed the hungry,
When you can feed yourself,
Why give clean water,
When you can stock your shelf?

Well maybe I'm just tired,
Of always making excuses,
And maybe im just sick,
Of the horrible things we do,
I want a world desired,
Otherwise we're all useless.
I've given up on the *****.
That claims he wants what's best for you.
I don't know.
Jay Jimenez Feb 2013
Ha im a sicko
a ******
a troubled youth
grown to a ***** mouth
Been sellin dope out the days inn
yeap she look at me
This ***** going in
Have her hollar out
eat that *****
she know im good
cuz im mexican
ill eat the taco
treat that ***** like a buffet
and here I go again
she pop that *** back
and I make it soakin wet
Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
Dad went down to the corner store
For smokes.
He caught the first thing smoking out of the vicinity.

Left his old steel lighter sitting on the chair
Still stting there
Faithfull as a tick hound.

Guess he could see his options shrinking
So I figure that **** got pop to thinking..

Pop musta rolled snake eyes and went west with the

Urge by the way that the crow flys.

All that I know is he's ashole and elbows
A track star in grass under his feet.

Dad you are a gent and a scholar.
And if your ever in town just give me a hollar. NOT.
Pretty girl Apr 2016
I think that possibly maybe I'm falling for you
Sad part you don't even have a clue
It's me I hollar but you're stuck in your own head
Me I yell but there is no one at the door
Look I say but you're up in your attic
I run searching for you in the halls of your mind and you are searching for something that you'll never find
Turn around I say but my words are whispers carried through the wind
The noise unable to reach you
It's like I don't exist and for a second I stop and look around its my memories playing a trick on me because you really were never there in this attic we both share
but we don't and its my attic that I need to clean out I've got bones under my bed and bats in my head
I forget what I'm doing in this basement walking around the empty spaces
Wasn't I in the attic?
I actually like this one ... I usually hate what I write but I think this is good. Just me :P being weird. Okay I'm done :)
Jai Rho Jul 2018
’s gone phishin’
For some fools a’wishin’
They could whup
The good ole USA

They all voted for some chump
Who always takes a big fat dump
On the good ole USA

They hollar and they scream and shout
And then they cry and then they pout
Because they’ll never get their way

‘s gone phishin’
For some fools a’wishin’
They weren't so sad
In the good ole USA
There once was an old man named Benny.
Who never in life saw a penny.
When once saw him dollar,
he fainted in a hollar.
O poorest! the old man named Benny.

Paul Donnell May 2017
The witness let out a parody of a scream
Strangled against the depths of the hollar.
The mountain like an inky black old God.
It spoke in tectonic speeds
It shocked the witness
Every cell moved in protest
Its mind was rent from body
Scattered to the void
Alexander Coy Apr 2016
Guess what?

Today, I didn't find the cure for cancer.
I didn't stay faithful to my wife. I didn't
call up my father and tell
him Happy Birthday. I didn't
bother to feed my goldfish.

Instead, I stayed in bed all day
and texted men and women
and anyone just as lonely as I am.

I didn't bother to separate the whites
from darks. I skipped breakfast;
had two large pizzas with
extra cheese delivered. And
you know what? I didn't tip.
I burped in the girl's face
told her it doesn't
get much better than this.
She smiled at me, turned
around and as she was walking towards
her vehicle, I whistled and said
Nice *** there, Sparky.

Then I was suddenly inspired to write
a poem about what I didn't do. And how
much I enjoyed being on the other side
of accomplishment, goal setting, and
your typical, modern bragging rights.

Today, I thought
being a sore on the mouth
of life was much more charming
than flaunting money. I thought
it best to be honest rather than
a sick, fat facade marching his ego
down the aisle; digging through the many
layers of the inferno.

If only mother could see me now.

She'd offer me one more cigarette
from her deathbed; make a racist joke;

hollar, hoot, and hack.

Then tell me she's proud of me.

And I'd shout, you bet your *** you are!

right back.
MST Mar 2014
There he was, just a boy, sitt'in by the street,
impressionable and young, innocent through and through,
up comes a *****, giving him a smile that was sweet,
crooked teeth, coked up nose and spitting a loogie of chew,
she looked at him and impressed a world he never knew.
"Hey there boy, you're looking bored, happen to got a dollar?
I swear, you got enough and I'm gonna make you hollar!"

The boy stared at the boisterous cleavage which she presented,
as he didn't realize the trouble she fermented,
he stood up tall and looked her in the eye,
and replied to her with his voice so wry,
"Now listen up ***** and listen well,
I won't pay a dollar until I prove it isn't hell!
But if you can ****, and ****, well then time will tell..."
The boy had no idea what he had said,
but he wanted to be like his father who was now dead.
The ***** looked down in utter shock,
but this didn't stop her from making money from ****,
she taught the boy her every move,
which in the future he would learn to improve.

When it was done that young man had changed,
his mental capacity had re-arranged,
you see, in his life he had learned so many things,
about violence, *** and all the drug kings,
people would blame it upon the violent/minority gene
but what can you expect, when someone is just thirteen?
Noname Apr 2019
She sneaks out at night
Busts a couple moves
Makes few dollars
Couple men hollar
She's beaten and bruised
And she doesn't no what else to do
Rent is coming
She keeps reaching for god
But she feels all her sins have kept him from listening to each of her prayers
Please hear me
Please hear me
Each night she cries
My baby she needs me
Her father has died
I work nine to five  
But it's never enough
And the only thing that keeps me going is this bag of white stuff
If I leave her she'll go straight through the state
And her life will be filled with rage and hate so I stay
And try
But I know it's not right
When will our lives ever touch light
Just somethin different
calvin schafer May 2018
we suckle the **** of the "civilized" world
thats designed for your comfort and your ease.
but we are all blind, hit stop and rewind.
its the shaman that really sees.
umbilical chord to the material world
designed for fleeting satisfaction.
chasing for tomorrow, life that's full of sorrow.
fooled by capitalist distraction.
turn our backs on nature, killing for the dollar. eat some of nature's candy so you can hear the mother hollar. dog eat dog, no more running with the pack. shaman saying he could change the world with the fungus in his sack.
The night train moves
Quickly in the night's air
And the noise from the train
Keeps a steady beat lugging home.
I gotten a buzz of inspiration
Sweet inspiration from other poets
And their words expressed
To make me write these lines even now.

Good vibrations
Not like the Beach Boys
But perhaps more lyrical
Like Langston, Nikki, and yes Butterfly as well.
Inspired in lyrical soundbites
Feeding my very soul deep inside.
Makes me wanna hollar
Shout it to the world
I gotten bitten by the Poetic Bug
An inspiration that's catchy
To make me write like this....

                                            July, 2004
With every hug and kiss you gave I could smell the alcohol pour from your mouth and seep through my pale, white, delicate once said the bottle was your best friend.
Mom always told me addiction was the work of the devil and I wish it was a lie but father when I looked you in the eyes..I saw a completely different guy.
I would go days on end craving for your attention...hoping you'd care about your little girl instead of your "drinking condition".
Look at me. Notice me. Love me father. I can't help but to scream, shout and hollar. Hear me out for I am your daughter.
Ik you get angry and I know you get upset...but father please put your fists of steal to rest.
Can't you see that I'm hurt and confused? I want to be loved but instead I've become abused & bruised.

So what is your reason for coming back all of the sudden? When at a time you couldn't be a father...couldn't even be a husband?

Ik that you're a changed man but do I have a change of heart? To throw the past away and begin with a fresh start?
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
I'd toss you down then roll you over and give you a slap on the ***.
I'd tell you I love you then then slap it again and call you a ***** of a lass.

You'd grin a little then slap my face the moment it was least expected.
I'd tie you down and grab a pillow to do what you least suspected.

I'd take a nap after eating some onions then give you the stinkiest kiss.
I might even blind you then run up behind you and hope I didn't miss.

Like bears in the woods we'll grunt and we'll hollar trust me it'll be good.
Come round two you can be Marion and I'll be Robin Hood.

When it's all done the sweat is drying and I've forgotten your name.
We can meet up tomorrow here and again this time we'll play your game.
January 7th, 2022

Assaying thoughts gambol,
scuffling as in an affray
née crushing, jockeying, stampeding...
demanding equal airplay
gushing as metaphorical think
spigot turned on full force airway
thru totally tubular cerebral
microcosmic aisleway
vesicular conduit fifty
plus shades of gray
exhaling sigh of relief, cuz

transcending writer's block
innovative talent with words
did once again allay
needless panic, where yours truly
finds himself punchdrunk
in some dark alleyway,
an unfortunate fate
aging baby boomer
once skinny long haired
pencil necked geek
during previous lifetime

branded as Unitarian heretic
and punished courtesy auto-da-fé
avert reminding myself
to utilize ujjayi breath
hard driving gateway
into Pranayama practices
analogous to make
emotional transit thru
golden itty bitty
teensy weensy archway

infinitesimal impossible mission
to pinpoint areaway,
yet crisscrossing meditative
zen zone an array
of utmost nirvana
will never lead effortless
mantra buffeted concentration
not lead astray
and matter of fact
lightness of being
scaling metaphorical kickstarting

rah height aweigh
up yonder within
outer limits of twilight zone
re: supraconsciousness
keeping at bay
non intrusive thoughts
ruff lee collaring, mimicking belay
boring bonafide dog obedience training
pant tum miming begging
for limp bizkit, thus
canine loosening seat belt buckle

one notch braving violating
no trespassing sign
despite restriction
heavily populated tint
head nab yule Haitian
made Christmas benday
eerily resembling voodoo
cursed poppet summoned
if anybody doth betray
not being spellbound
hence, blithely skipping

remainder of my poetry
magic edict I dust not bewray,
no matter red clay
rambling man evincing dismay
upon approaching his endplay
regarding scrimmage with death
when divine creator
mine lovely bones he/she will fillet
impossible mission to get-a-way
grim reaper who will hollar hooray
as one mortal man does inveigh
against purposelessness born
live free and die until judgement day.
Javier Garza Mar 2020
Close the curtains
The stain within claws outwards
Death a hidden desire

Preach I'm fine
Hollar I'm ludicrous
Yet death is all I seek

Peace within my clasps
Stolen from moral
To die is a sin

Freedom a sinful wish
Agonize life
Agonize virtue

Peace is sought out for sleep
Yet is peace seen as war
To be forgotten as a relic
Peter and Patrick went to sea
And then played another trick on me and never giving up
Oh no, never giving up
They walked into the building
And stole $1000 and each bit of guilt they were feeling let out a mighty big hollar
And then they prayed to god
To build them all a better life
After that they went to the nite club to look for a wife
Over to the bridge they go
Where the other side is snow
On this cold winters day
What more can you say
Peter and Patrick went to the sea and played another trick on me, but I don’t care cause I love life oh yes I do
Susan and Robbie said to each other how many years is your brother, both of them had a brother, and that is what made them glad
Sometimes I find it to be hard
To burn off that extra lard
I was fit back then even if I ain’t now, yes I party hardy won’t starty
Peter and Patrick went to the sea and they played another trick on me and also the devil played the same trick on me
Every time I walked in the room
Will you make me a card for my birthday with flowers and leaves and broom broom cars on it
You see this is the moment where we party yes
Right to the very end
So as Peter and Patrick went to sea
They couldn’t play a trick on me
And that is cool, cause I am too smart for them
Party all night, no tricks please
Nellie 55 Mar 2020
He got your attention
Had a lot of cute ****
Adorable intention
Now he's going to quit
Stop feeding him your attention
Ghosts are comin
Let's run away
I'll be your hero any day
You're my bestfriend
For real though all the way to the end
I hate saying forever
Because forever is a myth
Look at the **** we both dealt with
"*** don't leave"
"I'll never leave"
On a serious note i mean it boo!
Not worth it
You're a shooting star killing the darness in flames
A beautiful soul as Jesse McCartney would say
He all the sudden is keeping distant
Why try, he proved himself, not worth it
You a hollar girl
I'm a **** up anybody that hurts your world
Not worth it darling
Nellie 55 Jan 2021
With the boys at work, just enjoying ourselves while we put in our two cents worth.
I've got a hollar back, they put me on track. With us it'll be like that. Busted a crackpot to roast each other. A proud homie a good brother.
We laugh to tears, got jokes for years.
Thank homies for patching my back, for you I'll work with some slack
Nellie 55 Dec 2020
I've got you and you're all that I need to stay close to me. Shoot a flaire in the air. On the search for your love and I'll be right there. Illuminated my darkness. For our hearts we'll pick up the pieces as if it was a harvest. I'll no longer fall because you're my harness. Need you to never leave me. We'll find ourselves because it's our reality. You'll always be my baby girl, my hollar gal. I will never let a man mistreat you, I'll help you through. My best friend,  I'll always have my arms wide open. Just don't leave.
Cyclone Jan 2020
I guess the people don't understand, they clap hands and give a standing ovation, to the ******* that's really trying to ****** this nation, but I see evil in your face, I'm talking bread lines, increasing the debt with other nations passing deadlines, and steady rising hate crimes, coast to coast towards California, vivid descriptions in one's petition, well fool I warned ya, some now just scorn ya with furious blame, we're getting warmer, to see who leads the Earth's 4 corners, need to stop telling lies, realize people have heard ya speeches, that business don't help a man, it's bleeding us fast like leaches, go one by one pick the peaches and see what you find, you notice all of yours look the same, but they different from mine, I rhyme just right off what I see, and try to gain full appeal, I'm not no narrow minded sucka that don't care how you feel, I will rebel the government and put the shame on them politicians, stop your *******, America won't be great, you just dollar flicking, hollar snitching, calling Hillary Clinton out cause you know she winning, but of course, you endorsed by Rubio I seen him grinning, but now the days are thinning, wait for the time to reveal, all of you motherfuckas, I can't believe this is real, to Canada and Israel, I pray y'all won't be affected, by demons who got they ***** erected, man these times are getting hectic, hell will come when you don't expect it, that's what they tell a fool, it's not like a stick a dog will fetch it, wide receiver gone and catch it, Donald Trump if you are elected, just know this world's dissected, separated by fools that decked it, with the evils it's hell injected.
Nellie 55 Sep 2020
Every one knows me, we're all attempting to be happy. Take the judgments away because I guarantee I'll be scrapping. Happens so fast you wouldn't know what's happening. Woke up ready for a drink, fell asleep with a drink. Alcoholics need a drink, well i have a drink. I'm supposed to please everyone?
(The ****) well I with the Hollar Boys and don't have time to be frowned upon. Drink the keg and cases til it's gone. Music loud, keg stands and laughing out loud. Ain't know one here playing with me, I'm real and got more faces to see. We're all buzzin, drinking by the keg by the dozen. Have we met before? Nah lil homie thats fake don't show anymore.

— The End —