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Holly Mar 2015
It ***** always feeling like the
"Second choice"
But i am the sceond choice
For everything though.
Im the second choice for my friends,
My sister, my mother, my cousin, and
You too.
Even though you always tell me im not.
You should stop trying to make me feel
Because we both know your lying,
Im just going to need to face  the facts,
And accept it.
everybodys flyin around
everybodys leavin town
Everybodys tryin to be who they are now
and if only they knew who it was
Threy might could get by with who they are
If only I wish we didn't forget from the start

Some people are fueled by hate
Some people are fueled by love
some people are fueled by selfish intake
Some people are fueled by drugs

And im trying
To go back
From when I started
I forget that
Deja vu I feel it everywhere
I been here before I swear

some people are stuck in the past
And they worry about it all the time
No good moment can ever last
Cause they recreate that last line
That they remember and face disorder
Where all they read is that memory reordered

We have to forget the demon of the past
To reorder the angels in our lives and see us when we laughed
And all of the good that we did that was blessed
Someone got some good or we got some good and it made a difference

And im trying
To go back
From when I started
I forget that
Deja vu I feel it everywhere
I been here before I swear
barnoahMike Nov 2010
_I'LL NEVER FORGET  "THAT-NIGHT" It was 8;00PM, a Thunder and Lightening  storm had just begun  and what seemed like thousands of BB sized HAIL WERE  PELTING  the roof,  making it Hard to Hear the  Ringing Phone ! !     I Barked OUT a  "HELLO",,,the tearful,   hesitant voice on the OTHER END....CRIED OUT... " Come over  quickly"  She pleaded and  continued with  "IT'S LIKE DEMONS Have CONTROL OF HER ! ! !   ,and SHE KEEPS CRYING OUT ..  AUNT BEA,,, Aunt Bea... Over and over"_  .      This was going to require a SPECIAL-EXORCISM  I Stated... "I'm ON MY WAY" !             Upon my Arrival , I was greeted  by a trembling,sobbing  LaCretia,,claiming,  "HURRY  to the Library Room.,Rochelle is waiting ! !"         The repeating AUNT BEAS   were spoken as if Gargling...   "WHAT are her Symptoms "  I Queried ?    IN A VERY-SLOW  Determined Voice, LaCretia   detailed the following,,,,     "She has the BLUES,  She has the BLAHS,  She has BLEMISHES,   She has BOWEL Constriction,   She has been BLASPHEMING,  She has BUTTOCKS Wrinkles,   She has  BREAST quivers and has been having BELCHING FITS "! ! !     I THREW MYSELF ON THE FLOOR IN PRAYER...Asking for the strength to DEAL-WITH  these DEMONS...** A N D _Here's what CAME-OUT of  ROCHELLE,,,, (#1)=BREEZEWAY-LIPS= when encountering these rascals ,it's highly suggested  that  WE BE UNDER  Proper Cover..    (#2)= BISTRO-BREATH-LEADER= Demons that emit SPECIAL AROMATICS  into the air ,that keep screaming  ,,"IT'S TIME TO EAT"....(#3)=BEHEMOTH -TESTER=  Demon assigned to see how BIG OF A MONSTER  he can turn you in to ....( #4)=BRAZEN-FELLOWS=  Demon who attempts to Get "YOU" TO   **** INTO EVERYBODYS BUSINESS,  and ruin their whole day & night...! ! !      I   THEN SHOUTED OUT  TO *ROCHELLE *    " ARE there any more " B " DEMONS IN there ??"     Rochelle, collapsed to the floor,, I promptly RUBBED-IN  the BROWN SHOE POLISH  into the soles and heels of feet,, FOREVER-BLOCKING *" B " DEMONS ,  the ONLY-ENTRANCE to our BODIES ..__  Rochelle ,with a new found strength, lifted herself from the floor,  Gingerly grasped my hand,  Pulled me "VERY-CLOSE" .    KISSED   me with a FERVOR , THAT I   CAN "TASTE"     TO THIS very-day...     I bid LaCretia and Rochelle "GOOD-NIGHT",,   AND FOUND MYSELF "WHISTLING" and  "THINKING"  as I walked to my Vehicle.... "The Demons are increasing their activity ! !    I MUST  "BE-PREPARED" for the *NEXT-CALL*PERHAPS  FROM  *  Y O U * ??_
copyright 2010      by barnoahMike           Mike Ham
Debra Speed Jun 2018
An official looking notice said he had passed away
A service for his tortured soul was being held today,
I plan to get there early, to get a front row seat
I've always loved to people watch -
Who knows who one may meet
Everybodys' whis-pering, they wonder how he died
Though nothing is official -  they're betting suicide

Courtney stands alone in a two piece textured suit,
MJ leans against the wall in high heeled leather boots
A familiar face is walking in - he must have taken leave
Wraps the mother in a hug, her hand upon his sleeve
I've never seen his brothers' in a jacket or a tie
They look so tall and handsome, as usual side by side
Nick and Faith walk in together, she wears a floppy hat
Stands next to Portland hipsters - all buckles, leather straps
Sean engages Stefan, Lisa holds the arm of Vince
He really hasn't aged a day, I haven't seen him since
we double-dated sisters', we bought a birthday card
Tried to get to second base, they smiled and hit us hard.

All heads turn in unison they see you walking in
Lips stained a dark bur-gun-dy, defiance to your chin,
Lowered eyes survey the crowd resigned to this days fate
You wish it hadn't come to this, the switch from love to hate
Your dress is black, above the knee, the bodice spotted lace
A pillbox hat perched on your head, the veil to hide your face
I knew you'd wear your purple heels, they make your legs look long, but underneath the prim facade,
Pink bra and matching thong
I'm enjoying your discomfort as you pause inside the gate
You'd loathe to be too early, and you wouldn't dare be late
You fumble with the clasp of an expensive looking tote
Pull a lighter from its depths- I've never seen you smoke
That pretty auburn haired girl whose name I can't recall
Tells a story of him to muffled laughter and applause
Is that the music starting? We'd better go inside
Someone holds the door for you, you smile, but not to wide

I'm bounding up the staircase - no one appears to see
The view is priceless- truely - front row of balcony
His mother's gently weeping, his father's looking grim
My eyes are one direction on your pale and perfect skin
Mira dabs at her nose, her handkerchief trimmed with lace
Why my wife do tears not run down your exquisite face
Your hand gently fondles a golden chain with hanging heart
But I am focused on your thighs - the ones I used to part
You steal a glance at your watch, you have to be discreet
Think of your waiting lover, parked in a nearby street

I remember that I couldn't sleep, so put on Leonard Cohen
I don't know how he did it - he just had a way of knowin'
Sheets were turning crimson as the blood began to seep
That's all that I remember - I just drifted off to sleep
I dreamed you'd sent hydrangeas, a bright and brilliant blue
Could you not think of something else than what I'd give to you,
Lilies, peonys, tulips, lilac or a rose
I'd buy you blue hydrangeas when you didn't like your nose
Soaring Hallelujah chorus fills my darkened room
From my bed I see the clock, it's time to get up soon
I pad into the kitchen to get my dog a treat
Make a mental note to apologize to my neighbours when we meet,
In the hallway, or the lobby, or the park across the street
" I'm sorry man, the other night, I guess you couldn't sleep "
Turned off my record player that was programmed to repeat

I'd buy you blue hydrangeas - you didn't like your nose
I noticed that you'd changed your hair and you had on new clothes
The clothing and the names are all of real people. The girl in the pillbox hat is real, was sent blue hydrangeas ( her favourite ) by the male in the poem during their 7 years together. Have written 2 other poems of the same vein, each with blue hydrangeas the in the storyline. Thanks for reading, Deb xox
Denise M Vazquez Feb 2012
tired of hearing "potential" in reference to me
cause i only hear it when i'm being squeezed
into a box by those who think they know whats best for me
its a wonder i haven't gone ****** from all the pressure
writer, lawyer, realtor, travel agent, hair dresser
i don't know yet, i don't know! yes i do want better
but how am i supposed to plan a career when
i can't see as far as my hand in front of me

i love everything! how am i supposed to pick one passion?
is my passion divided among a hundred interests lesser in value
than someones passion focused on one point?
i can't help but think so. and it discourages me even more

and its not just a career, job, and school
pulled in all different direction i'm everybodys fool
i  have to be a different me for just about every person i see
selecting aspects of my personality to fit the scene
its not fake its not phony. its reality.

i have friends in all circles, family in a whole separate ring
i can't share all the aspects of me or i'd spend my time
defending my thoughts, beliefs, and interests.
i am so tolerant, why can't people afford me the same luxury?

the worst thing is the fake smile and polite subject change
whenever a parent of a friend asks what i've been up to
when i can SEE it in their eyes, they are all thinking the same
that i've thrown my life away, that i'm not a good influence
anymore. nevermind that they've known me for years,
that i've set dinner tables with them, celebrated birthdays,
and survived puberty alongside their kid, my best friends.
all they can see is another college-dropout who is going nowhere fast

i lied... the worst thing. what hurts most is that they are right
i AM going nowhere fast and it kills me everyday.
and its more salt right in the wound that i know my parents
have the same conversations when they run into neighbors,
friends, family, and the "how are the kids" comes up
how did a 3.7 G.P.A. and a 1410 S.A.T. turn into a
20 year old with a P.O. and a record.
i know they love me all the same but i can't help but feel ashamed
i know they wanted, i know they expected... better

i've been decorating the same mistakes in different frames
so i can pretend they're not the same
but who's the fool when its you fooling you
and me hurting me by playing fast and loose
with common sense
some people they keep fit by going to the gym
shedding of the fat turning it to slim
lifting up the weights skipping on the spot
running on a tread mill as they begin trot

going in the sauna sitting in the steam
losing lots of weight everybodys dream
eating healthy food to keep themself in trim
with there daily visit to the local gym.
I've always lived inside a shell,
But i want to be free and
I've always felt like i'm nobody's,
but all i wanted to be
was everybodys',
I wasnt hungry for fame,
but deprived of love.
I still am.
I always thought i could
never be loved,
but i always badly
needed it,
I’ve always asked for
Because I’m never
I’ve always called myself a loon,
Because I think,
I think too much dirt.
I don’t think im pretty,
‘cause from near,
When my demons are visible,
I see myself
My ugliness
Comes back at me.
More hatred.

When guys say , “ oh you’re so pretty,
You can get any guy you want!”
I shatter,because I think
They pretend and lie and repeat.
I don’t always get what I
Crave for,
Nor do I manage the relationships.
Or maybe they don’t see the real,
‘ugly’, ‘crazy’,’silly’,

I don’t see any bright light,
Darkness blurs my vision,
As if morning
Is still asleep,
Causing me more
But all I wanto see is
A ray of hope,shining at me.
For once,
I want to be called actually pretty,
From someone who’ll mean it and
From the one
I’d be able to believe.

But I am not sure
The pseudonym I choose
To live with,
Would let me
Accept what I am wishing for.
That’s my issue,
I’m locked in this personality-cage.
I need rescue.
Save me from rage
Wake up.
Fill another page
im looking for a better future ahead,but presently, so much mess.
i was told,i tend to live in a situation im not even in,my overthinking ruins it.andi need some real good advise .

©Complicated charmer 2013
kate crash Oct 2010
There's horns and heartache in every direction a ***** smile in the sirens that echo through the alleys bricked or stuccod into self martyrd silence at a world that is only a glossy poster of its former self an hour glass up everybodys nose some torn pantyhose hope I'm smiling in my 4x4 a beam watching the people turnstyle through despair and ecstasy I'm painted white but I'm full of termites and I love this mirage world despite all the anyways and brick roads that lead to cliffs and cliffs that lead to lovers and lovers that leave for sunrise and railroad ties  me unholy headed in every direction that leads to nowhere everywhere but like I said I love this mirage
Copyright Kate Crash 2010
Noah Stowe Mar 2015
i am a very talented typing cat
all though i know how to use capital letters and punctuation marks
i cant stand them i have decided to take over the world through lack of both
if you cant use comas then lets eat grandma will **** everybody
leaving me the only one left
but what happens when somebody says something that kills the cats
i am beginning to see why we use grammar
yet i still refuse
i wish i could explain to you why my predicament is so brain racking
but what if i did take over the world with lack of grammar
but then again what if i took over the world through extensive use of grammar
causing everybodys brain to take over their body
wait arent brains already in control
so what if the lack of grammar caused the brain to only focus on my lack of proper english
and now you see why english teachers say they arent payed enough
so maybe if i used an extensive amount of grammar then people would be required to go back to school
just because a cat is smarter than they
and then the outcome would be a financial crisis causing more people to be poor
and goods to become more expensive
maybe i can take over the world with extensive grammar usage

now i just need to figure out how to get people to read my work

please excuse my spelling and grammar i may be a very intelligent cat
but i too am lazy
This is a poem to show people that they shouldn't be overly worried about grammar.
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2012
Dont destroy what you have to chase after your past....even if your past has a phater ***..Well maybe you can visit once or twice...naw that isn't right...chasing after pleasure for the cost of your life...or maybe just for the cause of a good time...cuz it seems like theres little good in a good time...but everybody wants one...just to have a lil fun..So if im just looking for a good time does going backwards make me dumb...or can I just use the excuse I was looking for some fun...I mean yeah my present is a gift..but my burdens it cant lift... its tylenol to my pain but I need some extra relief..but that sounds contradicive to my belief...of monotony..creating contraversy...inside the deciding to switch lanes...But i just want to taste it...its like i just became a vegetarien but i want a buger and with meats the only way i can make Im pondering if I should...I dont wanna be thinking that I should have could have would...can your past become your future... or should your present be the picture....Of Jubilee..When do you get to blame destiny...Cuz everybodys looking for a reason..for treason...But they always need a point man to evoke..Destiny you can be my scapegoat...Cuz i want to relapse just a bit..I just want one more high one more hit..and if I again become addicted...I guess my present isn't want Destiny predicted...But i dont want to destory my present it really is a gift..but destiny only made me a man so sometimes I think like this....
Dead Lock Apr 2015
This is for the stoic
No one asks if they're okay
They really wish to hear that question

This is for the kind
They smile wave and applaud
Just imagine all the pain
That hides behind their walls

This is for the silent
Not only voices do they hide
But everybodys secrets
Bottled up inside

I don't know who this is for
Have it if you so desire
This one may be your kindling
To your inner fire
A lit cigarette dangles from my lips,
I don't know how, I'm hanging on to the tip
Of the fliter, reflecting on the cynical sinner
That I see in the mirror, every day and every night
Stay calm, Obey the law, live an ordinary life
I'm just an ordinary guy with an extraordinary mic
Singin' all my songs while I'm in the limelight
But after the crowd disperses and the lights go off
Then I'm just a lonely pothead with a smokers cough
I'm not rich, no, I'm worryin about the cost
When eatin my next meal is like eating from a food trough
I laugh at the fact of a casket, For the one certainty
In life is that everybodys just food for the maggots
But There's certain truths you come to understand
In the middle of turning from a boy into a man
I've learned you gotta get to the top, or go to the grave
I refuse to go down without every man knowing my name
And you gotta do what you can to follow through with your dreams
I know that everybody is just bursting at the seams
With the ideas and beleifs thay've come to uphold
Pasing it on to the young from the teachers that were old
I'm spreading mine through my music and my writing
Wanna be the best at rhythm and my rhyming
So be yourself, and do you
Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can and can't do
Started out cynical, but I started cherring up while writing this. Just a positive ending for you. :)
when the snow is falling its such a lovely sight

as the snow flakes drop so pure and so white

lighting up the night on roof tops and the ground

landing oh so gently it dosent make a sound

such a lovely picture natures work of art

that brings love and warmth to everybodys heart

i love to watch the snowfall bringing such delight

falling very gently makes the world seem bright
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
To All The Reapers
Who Desire To ****** Me
Hold It Please
You Might Need A Shoulder
After My Golden Speech
Let Me Be The One To
Turn This Beach Into A Perfect ****** Scene
Crismon Glistens Twisten
In The Sand
A Samuri Sword Through My Trachea
Out My Pineal Gland
Puddles Of Blood **** I Felt Stuck
I Have Infinite Potential
& Hope
Just So You Know It Wasnt Enough
My Books Scream For Me To Pick Up
My Land Line Service Been Cut
I Feel Everybodys Pain
Everyday I Meditate In The Rain
Before My Image Fades
I Will Manifest My Twin Soul Flame
Ingrave My Master Piece In Trees
So My Trajadies Stay At Peace
If The Trees Dont Mind Cos I Will Never Harm The Vine
Happiness Is A Choice
So Is To Fly
My Soul Has Silver Wings
I Feel Like Dying Tonight
If The Sun Hugs In The Am
And The Birds Dont Sing To Me
& I Dont Awake From Sacred Sleep
I Left Earth It Hurts
I Had No More Air To Breathe
I Passed Along With A Song The Wind Carried Me
If You Ever Feel A Scary Breeze
Im Passing Through
On My Way To Burry Me
tribute to a star a scoucer through and through

everybodies friend that every body knew

she entertained us all with her singing voice

everybodies favourite everybodys choice.

with her ginger hair she gave our hearts a glow

suprise suprise and blind date she really made the show

now cillas past away but in our hearts will stay

she his watching over us every single day
Mariah Aug 2014
So sick of everybodys ****,
Everyone has their own issues and no ones complacent.
Everyones steady complaining.
Everyones steady misleading.
Everyones doing their own dirt and cheating.
Just waitin for someone to take me from this disaster, help me heal, and no longer let my heart shatter.
Im sick of this ****,
To much to deal with,
Sometimes i wanna just take these pills and float off to bliss.
bobby was a singer he loved rock n roll
he was born to sing with rocking in his soul
everybody loved him he was the peoples friend
happiness to everyone bobby he would send

people gathered round when he began to sing
rockin and a rollin that was bobbys thing
entertaining fans at each and every gig
they would dance a long to rocking bobby rigg

everybody new him he stood out from the crowd
singing to the people it made him feel so proud
every where he went his fans were always there
singing to the people each and everywhere

then the angels came took him up above
to there place in heaven to there place of love
bobby he still rocks though so far away
his fans still think about him every single day

now he rocks in heaven to the angels too
way up in the clouds in the skies so blue
singing all his songs at his angel gig
as the angels rock. to rocking bobby rigg

the peoples superstar that everybody knew
still rocking up in heaven like he used to do
bobby he will stay in everybodys soul
singing to the angels with his rock n roll

everybodys friend he will always stay
rocking up above so very far away
singing all his songs at his angel gig
we wont forget the name of rocking bobby rigg
Monique Matheson Jan 2017
It’s been awhile since I've had one. I try to push it away when the slightest things seem to light the fire, burning everything down I've worked so hard for. Most days, I come home fine and feed my fish, make dinner and live the life i deserve. I deserve it, i gotta keep telling myself that. It used to be so much worse though, oh god. So much worse. Each time my head explodes, I always hope it’s the very last time. The very last time or i can’t do this anymore. Or so i think, anyway.
By then, I can’t bear to nurse this succubus any longer, and cannot handle the leech ******* off my stability. My life is constantly dancing on a tight wire; balance and don’t let go.
Don’t fall apart.
She comes for me still, and I have some hope that she will die in some nasty trainwreck or even better, taken hostage by some scaly aliens in a world I can never get to. And when she comes, she takes everything from me. I’m not doing well enough, i didn’t do anything to accomplish the goals i have, to have achieved everything i could ever want in life.

Anxiety has a way of making everyone feel less than, or things that could not have been farther from the truth. Tonight it came to me, in a rush episode followed by bouts of extreme sobbing, trembling, mania, and telling myself to let everyone go because I make their lives miserable. My head will try to poison what good I have here. I believe my significant other can do better, way better, and why isn’t he? Why am i not making him? I will sit there and question him and trap myself to really assume he actually does not want me, only pities me. And for that, I must make him go. Run away, please, get away from me and hide because i’ll look for you. I’ll look for you and scream your name so loud my ancestors will hear it. Don’t come back. You are better off without me, without my low self esteem and my fits of rage. You are better than this, pristine and godly and I am utter trash. Tell me to go f*ck myself, hate me and say you never want to see me again. I will have won and lost at the same time.

She tells me I am a disappointment to my family’s name, weak and small. My energy drains in picking up every phone call from my mother only to tell me she knows I've been busy, but they are still there waiting for my call. She doesn’t really mean that though. What she really means is she’s upset at how busy I am, how I never see them, and how I never turned out to be the daughter they lost. I will never be her but I will live my life and die trying, so hard that my veins will protrude from my neck in frustration. No no, that’s all wrong, it got to be all wrong, I tell myself. Two sides of my mind that battle to the death, coming up with every fake persona to please. All I want is for people to like me. What a ridiculous idea, isn’t it? What matters whether or not someone that I will never meet again cares about what i think? Or even yet, my own blood, as it is my life and absolutely nobody else’s? That’s just it though. It’s everybody else’s. I am everybodys and I am nobody’s. The only thing I belong to is her, the only thing I try to break free from.
Someday I will give up, I say.
I will not.

It’s too bad that I am doomed to share my life with the deceiving entity that is anxiety. Fear, what grasps on tightly around my neck, squeezing slightly tighter after some time. Gradual, like it should be. I have no social outings and have decided to give up on them, seeing as I am too afraid of disappointing. That’s all i ever do, it seems like. Or so i thought. Of course, once it bangs me up and leaves me in bruises, do I then realize it was never really there. I am free, I think, even just for a moment. My lungs release the liquid inside and I gulp a large amount of air. I sob quietly on my bedroom carpet, hoping and praying to whatever nonsense is out there, that my loved ones have not given up on me. I turn to see my SO and he was right next to me the whole time, waiting for it to pass like a seizure that he can do nothing about. Wake up, it’s time for the next episode of your life, you idiot. This is all the moment you get. Be free.
in a place called happy land so very far away
everybodys happy every single day
there is lots to do in this happy place
there are always smiles on everybodies face

there is lots to do to pass the time away
lots and lots of fun with lots of games to play
theres never any tears no ones ever sad
always very happy always very glad.

a very special place where life is always free
happy and content the way that life should be
Elizabeth Been Dec 2016
when are you coming home brother?
the gun shots are so loud
mother is very worried
but papa so proud

dont you worry about me sister
im coming home to you
tell ma im fine and l love her
and pai love him too

brother i miss you so dearly
you've fought for so long
everybodys praying for you
and i wrote you a song

i was told you were hurt badly
you said you would come home
i cant wait to see you
i feel so all alone
hello brother can you hear me?
you were so brave out there
your in a better place now
life is oh so unfair!
.wrote this a couple years back
J H Webb Jun 2012
May 25, 1990*

I'm so brave
I'll lay my love on the line
For you my darling any old time
Doesn't matter how much you hurt me
'cause I'm still alive

Everybody thinks I'm crazy
Everybody thinks I'm half insane
Everybodys eyes go hazy
Whenever I mention your name

You say that we bring out
the best and the worst
from inside of one  another
like an ancient curse

Well maybe your right
then again maybe your wrong
or maybe that's the price we pay
for loving so strong

I'm so brave
I stare right in your eyes
get caught up in your person
and get mesmerized

I'm so brave
I let you walk away
knowing I can't stop you
I can only pray

There's no rest for the wicked
or the true at heart
'cause my love doesn't end
when you pull us apart
david jm Feb 2020
i go extinct.
i fall in love.
i make believe
i never was.
everybody needs more time, i know i do.
im not the meek.
im not above.
im just a man
inside the love.
cant nobody understand aside from you.
thought i wasn't human -
alas, i bleed.
bodies in the forest become the trees.

you know that i love you,
i cant help myself.
the afterlife's forever, ever.

im half asleep.
im half my mom.
im not beneath,
"Its not enough".
everybodys out their mind, im overdue.
you know better than they do.
talking while im sleeping is
not unique.
thought i wasn't dreaming, then lost all my teeth.

you know that i love you,
i cant help myself.
the afterlifes forever, ever.
Luna Jul 2017
Every morning I feed my cats. Little toy soldiers that never wind up (until you pull their tails) They dont march well either. They just eat sleep meow repeat. I'm always saying that they need to lose weight, but maybe I'm the one who needs to lose weight. More off my shoulders and less off my plate.  

Every day I give in to their precious faces. Prancing around in the most angelic of ways. I forget that even angels lose their halos some days. So I feed them. Gnarly minced meat that looks like a drunks *****.  

The phone rings. I'm the type of person that absolutely has to answer. I could be brushing my teeth or doing open heart surgery, and I'd still answer. I'm worse than your granny who picks up to telemarketers. $200 landline bill and a cheeky response of "but it rings" Yes it rings but it doesnt need to be answered. Diamond rings exist but they dont always need to be bought.

Florida called me today. (Yes, the state) They wanted to know if I would test out some skin products but my skin is already a product. I answered the call, in hopes it would be you but it wasnt you, because it never is. Even when it is it isnt because you are never you. (its not like you live in Florida, but maybe you moved?)

You told me about a week ago that you were "emotionally dead inside" What the duck does that even mean? We're all dead inside! You told me you didnt know how to love. Nobody knows how to love, its just something we're supposed to do. If we dont know we just act. Thats why we have actors and actresses.

I'm not good at questioning you because you're about as helpful as those helpless self-help books that i'm supposed to do (but I never do). You always send me mixed signals and but i'm too stupid to read between the lines.

I always fill my glass with too much soda. I always fill my plate with too much turkey and never finish it. Actually, I have this weird thing where I always have to leave the ends of things. The last bite of Thanksgiving dinner or the end of a Candy cane at Christmas (I hate Christmas) But things like that are normal, and if they're not, they're strange things that nobody really cares about! (so stop asking)

Do you ever get intimidated? I mean really backed up against a wall shaking? Not that 1 night stand kind where your boyfriend forgot where he left his boxers and Mr. Moroz gets off from work in half an hour. No, I'm talking scared shitless. You act so tough like nothing phases you. Everybodys afraid of something atleast thats what ive been told. You like serial killer movies, and getting into the minds of them. I like serial killer movies, and getting into the mind of you.

You started a job placement. I was half heartedly happy for you, but sad also cause you'd be busy most of the day. You tell me you never ignore me on purpose but what about that day you left me on read for 3 hours? Anxiously glued to my phone until a blinking light revived me.

Sometimes you calm the storm. You make me feel alive even though you know i'm dying. You tortured me in a way that I liked it. Laying on top of you, your arms stretched around me, until we both fell into a deep slumber. You told me you've never been with a girl but you'd like to. Truthfully, I've never been with one either.

You love showers. You've never actually told me and I'm too afraid to ask. Is it because the water drowns out all other sounds? Or if you're crying nobody seems to notice. Water isnt that pretty to me. Alot of people dig the oceans view, but I just wonder about the fish and see past the bottom-less pit.

You had penne chicken tonight. Chicken is one of my faves too! I like it fried, greasy and deadly. Heart-attack in the making! You once asked me to pronounce something, I think it was **** but maybe i'm mistaken. I didnt know why then, but I do know now. I'll leave that to you to decode. You cant line up lies like numbers unfortunately. Life skills are a bit more complex than equations.

We all have self destructive behavior. We all dislike something about ourselves. After all, theres no perfect body. Theres no perfect brain. We all cope in ways differently, but indirectly that makes us all conclusively the same.

You told me you liked fire and I called you a Pyro. I should have called you a liar but at the time I didnt realize I was the one jumping through flames. You told me you didnt like fire because it got you off, you liked it because its amazing, its pretty, its miraculous. You told me you burned yourself. This should have rose red flags, I should have got goosebumps and took off running. I wasnt scared though, I was intrigued.

Maybe you're a thrill seeker. Maybe in the process of saving the world you forgot to save yourself. But then I re-analyzed the situation. I took a stand point from a birds eye view. You were never trying to dodge the fire. You were the fire and I should have been trying to dodge you.

You asked me what aroused me. I played ping pong and made you answer first. You said Brittany Snow. I wanted to say you at the time and maybe I should have. Maybe I should have held my heart on the line and watched you tie knots then burn it.
just maybe

i'd     still
here    today
dennis drain Mar 2019
I know that I'm a peice of ****,  an thats ok I can handle it..
But the 1 thing that was keepin me here,  was the though that some1 cared..
now i see... that all the time I, spent chasing you was 1 big game
And thats ok it was fun 2 play... but now ive got a say good by to the fake embrace the pain...
Pleasee lord send me on my way, drop my body onto the floor... I have never fealt this way b4.. but I know it'll be a better world with out me wasting everybodys ****** time.
A tool is only worth. What it can do and I don't see What the point is in going a broken one 2 you....

Please just take me down a path of nothingness.. I relze that you've lost your sanity waiting on this kind of **** but i won't be around much longer now ...  please take my words 4 what there worth.. and remember that I was born a curse ... unwanted and probobly better offending it all so as a load i can fall from  somewhere that never end..losing myself in the darkness of my own sin
love it comes to all no matter who we are

all around the world it travels near and far

a feeling that we have that is there to give

it helps the world go round helps us all to live.

something that we have something that we share

in everybodys heart love is everywhere

its a special thing in each and every race

something we all have in each and every place.

there to last a lifetime for all the world to share

there inside your heart love is every where.
Queen Aug 2014
Silence came creeping into my room without an invitation. She promised to love me without any expectations. I kept her word for it. She made everything seem easier for me. My cuts, the horrible dreams, my tears it was always between her and me. She told that she,d keep me safe from the world. She kept me strong even though I knew it hurt. She became my best friend. In everybodys eyes I would pretend, but in her eyes she knew the real me because she cared. Untill one day she left without leaving a letter or a trace, she never came back. My only friend left, leaving me dead. She was my only best friend
Astrobaby Aug 2015
ruined everybodys night
(What a surprise, what a surprise)
Unorthodox methods
Set to Iraqs clocks
We need to save our planet together and ****** the flocks of people..

Airlocks closed I'm going into the frozen snow why is the water higher putting more weight on the surface below to wobble and volcano
Wiskey on the rocks
Cheers from the
Mountain top we speak different in Earth's
Musical box
I bet in at least within a decades shift someone will see that we new way to much for alot to be dumb.


I give people feelings in my music Christopher Columbus had when he explored on ships looking through hourglasses giggling about English slaughter there bout to embark in the name of the business lay claim and hand out free books on forgiveness,
hand out the others too,
religions need to be specific
that's Y sum
calm some
violent but all of them
say defend faith
lets watch them loose,
they ain't even got space views,
funny truth just have to stay


I'm hype on the mic like hope for the white but nice And tight when I write to be precise,
Nobody my type inside they lied, and try ways i describe my expertise as i flyby like contracts at my feet soon to try and complete the
compete between whos the next money making machine,
Cha ching  
I exercise brushing my teeth,
In-between being beast and marked by Elites who speak about cash flow to see if I'm worth assassinating or will die out in a week.


Slept and kept the
next day up
I'm a shine in the dark like a claim of light during a fight of runestones ripped up during a rainy mudslide left alone
My mind's better with metaphors then doors that swing on my accord and cars that line up to wait like slaves to go around in a circle,
I make circles around these rappers and MCs like reruns on TV with shops they can visit and make footprints that fossil analyst can't see,
Geussing it's need but never the feeling of mutual need, spiritual healing, never capturing the smell in it's memories thats aroma leaves lingering..
Like leftover energies,

I just know things,
I try no picture folds or 2 inforce my horns when limmericks Carol
Just a talented individual that can
Scribble the whole pencil until portal ripples ramble
randomly rallying lyrics for
Anthems and battling,
Anteing between personalities next flow
riddles pickles and pent up old notes
Miracles worth scattering little
Giggles in crowds of people laughing,
All descriptional witnesses
Say it's cool
Fits sick has Confidence and brush strokes randomly concealed until
Intentions of
New inventions
in socialism with new record hits,
Is a serious position
Homosapien bait being marketed
In trends and picks,

still alarming like tense press
struggling to get to the biggest Mansions that compel him with thick thought process till he's wrighting on walls with his fingernails after all the letters meshed through 5 color pens overlapping with different wordin written in description that isnt legible even with the skeleton left from his frustration and drawings calling whispers know to be his voice hauntin
All around distances never distinguish or proven


Into the Forrest I walk blindfolded and pulled,
Aliens, cults, and shadows speaking words,
It's more fun to write a story thats suspenseful then one with no worth,
I work in folk lores and each word sounds like armies pulling swords,
I'm Golden like going panning where nobody's sighting as someone from the distance describes colors of lightning,
I require carrots the way I hip hop and attack starving Marvin like Martian toon ****** loon Roger the framed Grammy with smee and the princess with brother Luigi .. see
I'm just pretty with lyrically challenging wording warming in warnings during my warping and corpse ring I'm ordering when ripping vividly remembering mixing up tricky performing and never missing munipulating the weakening of cheeky speak easys that chant ceremonies
Like churches and voting for leaders under there policies,
I can make all poets and wrighters wish they could say


To me violently

and be the next to be engrained in there memories,
Like Jesus Christ and Wars that accomplished thing we don't see,
Just structured invisibility with others testimony spreading like wildfire getting wispers from a breeze,
Organized perfectly till everybodys in slavery and celebraties and presidency means king,
Looking at the black and white heavy and thin, light and dark with whatever's out to get in,
i try to spark a light in a dark world where
copycat/clone and new lower steeps,
I search and creep
Take a peak,
and render
the sly speach to be obsolete
so we can reach into the peak of Atlantians Mars
Daily reports of the week.  
I want the book of secrets we pretending it's real like the Vaticans hidden Histories aren't a big deal,
And these unorthodox methods are real
sing it like the beatles  like they used to do
with that mersey sound that everybody knew
singing in the cavern on saturday
singing rock n roll as they played away

ringo was the drummer paul he played the bass
when the weekend came they filled up the place
guitars were george and john to make the band complete
with there famous sound they call the mersey beat.

the flew across the country to the u.s.a
met the many fans  that loved to hear them play
the most famous band of all with there mersey beat
all across the world they wiped them of there feet

sing it like the beatles like they used to do
with that mersey sound that everybody new
with there many hits that reached every chart
they put rock n roll into everybodys heart.
i ***** all my candles
squander my skills
smother my talents
when theyre revealed
present a peasant
when pedants are near
prefer people with fur
to any human here
only known myself since birth
every human interaction
intricately observed
psychopathic tendencies
kept strictly in reserve
dont look in my direction
noone gets hurt
everybodys happy
when i say eyes i meant ****
Alok Kumar Apr 2019
My alone time
Is for everybodys welfare.
Because when I'm alone
I'm totally scare.

Scared to think
Why they're friends with me,
Scared to think
Where my future will be.

My lone brain causes
My body harm.
By staying alone
I've grown depression farm.

My brain serves as
Open door way to hell.
Thanks to my friends
I've plenty of stories to tell.
Please correct me in places I'm wrong.
marie Jan 2021
ive never thought that i could change.
until i met you
ive never thought i have this rage,
until i met you.

i love u so much
but sometimes it doesnt feel right
i dont even know who i am
who is that person, in your bed that night.

everybodys saying leave,
run away before its too late
but i cant stand a day without u
without how u made me felt that day

u make me feel alive
but u also make me feel dead
ive been dead inside long ago
so why can i just forget?

why can i forget you?
youre not even here anymore
but i cant run away from you
youre part of me, of my truth.
a toxic relationship-one sided love, it either means everything, nothing, or both.

— The End —