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October Oct 2013
sorry for my cutting presence
a darkened cloud of piercing shards
for these words stand to make a mark
I fight for girls and boys of a crimsoned heart
a mischievous rising that shakes and splinters
that comes down upon all of our calloused contenders
self proclaimed nights of armor
to which they could not stand any more wrong
oh how they pull and tug, weeding, deceiting us along
an enamored kiss that shined rose
cloaking all forehadowed, creeping woes
glittering flames that sparkled with lust
a now blistering conscious and presence of regretful musk
raise those silvery swords
because today crimsoned boys and girls
we enter a battle of heart forsaken war
The demons dance,
ominously disguised
as Monsoon clouds,
hovering above the
slick, crimsoned altar.

One more heart,
one more soul,
one more sacrifice
might make the toll.

Life-blood River
deposits iron
on the pyramid's
sculpted stone
cascading, absorbing deep, flooding the gates of hell.  

On a canoe of bone
the King embarked
to negotiate peace
with the underworld rule.

"No more blood,
no more skulls
no more souls",
said the Lord . ...
"your time has come.
No more bargaining fool"
Poem to complement a recently completed blow-torch, pencil and watercolor painting on raw edge wood.  See profile background pic.

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,
The vapors weep their burthen to the ground,
Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath,
And after many a summer dies the swan.
Me only cruel immortality
Consumes; I wither slowly in thine arms.
Here at the quiet limit of the world,
A white-haired shadow roaming like a dream
The ever-silent spaces of the East,
Far-folded mists, and gleaming halls of morn.
    Alas! for this gray shadow, once a man--
So glorious in his beauty and thy choice,
Who madest him thy chosen, that he seemed
To his great heart none other than a God!
I asked thee, "Give me immortality."
Then didst thou grant mine asking with a smile,
Like wealthy men who care not how they give.
But thy strong Hours indignant worked their wills,
And beat me down and marred and wasted me,
And though they could not end me, left me maimed
To dwell in presence of immortal youth,
And all I was ashes.  Can thy love,
Thy beauty, make amends, though even now,
Close over us, the silver star, thy guide,
Shines in those tremulous eyes that fill with tears,
To hear me?  Let me go; take back thy gift.
Why should a man desire in any way
To vary from the kindly race of men,
Or pass beyond the goal of ordinance
Where all should pause, as is most meet for all?
    A soft air fans the cloud apart; there comes
A glimpse of that dark world where I was born.
Once more the old mysterious glimmer steals
From thy pure brows, and from thy shoulders pure,
And ***** beating with a heart renewed.
Thy cheek begins to redden through the gloom,
Thy sweet eyes brighten slowly close to mine,
Ere yet they blind the stars, and the wild team
Which love thee, yearning for thy yoke, arise,
And shake the darkness from their loosened manes,
And beat the twilight into flakes of fire.
    Lo! ever thus thou growest beautiful
In silence, then before thine answer given
Departest, and thy tears are on my cheek.
    Why wilt thou ever scare me with thy tears,
And make me tremble lest a saying learnt,
In days far-off, on that dark earth be true?
"The Gods themselves cannot recall their gifts."
    Ay me! ay me! with what another heart
In days far-off, and with what other eyes
I used to watch--if I be he that watched--
The lucid outline forming round thee; saw
The dim curls kindle into sunny rings;
Changed with thy mystic change, and felt my blood
Glow with the glow that slowly crimsoned all
Thy presence and thy portals, while I lay,
Mouth, forehead, eyelids, growing dewy-warm
With kisses balmier than half-opening buds
Of April, and could hear the lips that kissed
Whispering I knew not what of wild and sweet,
Like that strange song I heard Apollo sing,
While Ilion like a mist rose into towers.
    Yet hold me not forever in thine East;
How can my nature longer mix with thine?
Coldly thy rose shadows bathe me, cold
Are all thy lights, and cold my wrinkled feet
Upon thy glimmering thresholds, when the steam
Floats up from those dim fields about the homes
Of happy men that have the power to die,
And grassy barrows of the happier dead.
Release me, and restore me to the ground.
Thou seest all things, thou wilt see my grave;
Thou wilt renew thy beauty morn by morn,
I earth in earth forget these empty courts,
And thee returning on thy silver wheels.
Gabrielle Magana Apr 2014
They say falling in love is not easy, but all it takes is a shot glass glance, and no sooner than later you’ll look at her profile in the dim light, and you’re in love.

Everything then becomes crimsoned, not because you are in a pub,
but rather because it is the shade of passion,
And no sooner than now, you are dreaming of throwing your hands beneath her dress,
and thinking of mouthing, “I love you” from your eyes, to hers.

But no, she does not walk up to you, and you feel that the stereotypical misconception of a woman never making the first move, is true.

This is a man’s work, you tell yourself, dubiously forgetting what too lies between your legs, is nothing that of a man.

You’re intoxicant now, perhaps from the four Pabsts you've downed because you’re cheap and cool,
and you are incoherently waltzing
on over to her, and of course she smiles,
either because you look like an idiot,
or because she is charmed.

You cup your hands on her face.
The skin is soft, she says nothing,
but feels warm.

This is not love. You’re just drunk.
I wish I was who you think of, when drunk.
Braylynn Holt Feb 2016
the mouth of life gaping
for a warm wave of whisps
underlying sun captured
making an accomplice
vines weaving upon her shoulder
pink flowers intertwined with her crimsoned hair
pouring kerosine on the woodened Fire
for that's the warmth she yearned
meadowlarks having vivid conversations
wishing she could fly to the clouds
smelling pines rolling the breeze
watery drop scatters the freckles
fore the day is sad; grimacing
the girl with the crimsoned hair
returns back, for a cup of tea gladly relinquished.
The Dedpoet Feb 2016
I grew wings
For you,
And became an impatient moth
Circling your fiery brand.
And I became like water,
Your thirst from the storm,
Daily you drank of me,
The drought in my body.

So I became a wild dahlia,
And you cut me from the stem,
The flower that grew had not yet
Known what it was to bloom.

    Devastate me,
I am blessed with every wound
Your love opens, blessed is your knife,
And praise the alter, I await.

      Cut me a thousand times,
     I am your crimsoned lover,
The rose blood is flowing with your
Everything, I bleed deeply.

      Instead of a ring of promise
Love, I will make a ring of thorns,
I will wear a necklace anchors,
They would drown me into you.

You will see me smile,
You will see me hurting.

      And when you realize the love,
You will cry for me,
And you will be mine forever.
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
everyday i'm discussing with everyday, myself as i make out to the glamouring
the inches and dashes of every self i have
and stitches of sinew here in which lies the me that is this i, i that am

i walked in leaves of grass, of wriggling splendor's summers of shoulders
and achy crimsoned necks by the suns meters of light
measuring the stints of our crawling opaque days and suns of many sons

it's very that is that even when sun should repose his ***** of uncadenced
carefully miraculous shimmering blood
like orange and ardent flesh he'd go on us it, giving his very stuff our bodies

to wear on our wheres and whens and whys. is night not also beautiful?
it is naked beautiful. **** and beautiful
plenteous and beautiful with all its hearts in tinder palely igniting every

atom of copious earth. bowls of copious illuminant children, the things
which will become after us
the us that we were before their coming. but they are gorgeous and neither

would i weep if in my going they should take that space where were was
i. resting the shouts of my self
in the orchards of youth, i am now so but it's quickly running, flitting

eagerly from my this. in vines and plurals i am single and many. neither
none nor many. but many ones,
little bubbles of tranquil vile fluid guttering the songs of wind.

i go to streams and they are me. i go to mountains and they are me. i go
to valleys and they are me.
can i be streams and mountains and valleys? can i not be streams and

mountains and valleys? they are weeds and i am a ****. a **** is a rose.
i am rose.
i am blossomed in full spring. able of petals. i am turned to the sun, with my

root between the lips of earth. who is my lover. the earth is woman.
she is a ****.
a **** is a rose.

by another name. they smell just as sweet.
RMatheson Jul 2014
My top and bottom incisors do not meet
the wall of your big toe between them,
my enamel spades crushing against your nail bed so gently,
perforating your toes’ soft bottoms so exquisitely.

My tongue slowly dances with your toes,
the ridges above and the arch below the foot,
you flinch at the tickle.

My mouth dancing like an anemic acrobat,
it finds his way along the high-wire of your fishnet guarded legs,
their pale contrast to the red cloth exciting.

Suddenly, you shudder as the muscle in my mouth finds
your flesh exposed above the stocking line,
I am a conquistador and I have discovered a new land – I will subjugate it,
taking it’s precious jewels and spices,
consuming them and getting fat with the richness that is this New World before me.

I devour you so slowly – is my mouth even moving?
It is leaving a trail,
slightly damp like a dehydrated slug,
a leech ******* each piece
until the bleached skin becomes en-crimsoned by the bruises
my biting and ******* have made.
Will you try to hide them?
I move on to places where this disguising will not be a concern, and you begin to spasm.

I’ve hung myself on these gallows,
and so having to die because of it,
I will relish it;
an abandonment atrocity of aestheticism.
Amber Sep 2015
petal by petal
the flower of your heart
The end I lost in a dream
They float past my membrane
Crimsoned with hatred
I scatter your belongings of our opening funeral
The distant laughter,
I will never know, and the tears flow
each one is gone,
ever beyond into infinite pain
Alone I stay
while years burry me
The flower aged though its fragrance still lingers.
I am more beautiful then now,I am perfect.
But you will never know,
You are blind
Sorcier d'argent Feb 2016
Love’s soother, sweeter than all lyre’s thrall,
Hark the lullaby held it captive, lest all sirens fall…

O sweeting!
Sang the wind unto me,
Lacking stature, crimsoned complexion,
My wishful gaze upon one…

Shades of affection, a dye hight red,
Sparked living as I gasped, “O yonder boon !”
Harbouring lust, yet gallantly shining;
Enchanting I, my soul deeply ensnared,

Yonder eyes, colourful or maybe of a shade?
One upon worlds, fair gleaming masquerade,
Myriad in colours, the fountain of all shades,
All but one it gleams, ‘tis yonder shade yclept fade…

Like Mab granting night’s pseudo-heaven,
Thou art to me my fairy, verily Mab; O amabilis!
Mine velvet noon, whose night’s fair and fancy,
O fair muse! La pucelle d’Alfheim, I flatter thee!

Flattering personas, all of the fairest,
Though one was lost, of all which I know not,
Wilt thou? Indulge me in those, thy full façade?
theinvincible Feb 2014
no, stay back.
inside of me
is a demon
will consume
and devour
every bit
of you...

let me, please!
just let me.
inside of me
is a hell
your demon
can live...

and so
i did.

we became

one stroke,
just a single stroke
we ignited.
into burning,
scorching flames
of crimsoned
scarlet fire...

just another product of imaginative mind
Down at the bottom of this hole
I worked so long and hard to dig
I can barely see the sunlight any more.

My feet are molding from the salty damp
That doesn’t come from rain
Or subterranean springs or rivers.

My shovel leans against the wall,
It’s wooden handle crimsoned
On the dirt that also isn’t paint.

Impossible for wind to reach me
Way down here, so what’s that howling
That I hear?  Could it possibly be me?
My hillbilly Gramma used to get depressed and say she "Felt like crawling in a hole and pulling the hole in after her".  This is my version of that.
Adesina Temidayo Dec 2019
My heart is dark
My soul is cracked
But if you search through my mind
You'll find gold inside

Into the dirt I was tossed
Even all of my bones were crushed
Though I may look rough on all sides
 This ruby will for sure shine 

‎I am formed with hope
Crimsoned with bronze
Diamond are my eyes
Yet silver is mine

Because I am broken
I became forgotten and forsaken
As though i'm lost in this storm of life
But this treasure I hope you find
#treasure #broken #forgotten #forsaken #hope
Svetoslav Sep 2023
Daylight messenger rests in sky alleys
Shining like snowy pearls
He glides with the scent of the valley

Fairy mist wraps up the cores of roses
Awaking their youth's aroma
Morning carries a bliss of chroma

With roots inside the earthly womb
Their cosmic songs flow
Feeding our senses with goodness

Enigmatic spirits
Has their beauty shown
The valley offers her rich growth

Petals majestic thrive crimsoned with a glee
Their oils are a blessing to all
Green forms breathe, apples, and grass sculpted within a scene

In the Land of Roses
Bulgaria, oh jewel in the wild
Your wheat and your goods spring from deep like the waters
There is an invaluable old Bulgarian manuscript in the British Library in London – the Four Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander. Below it is the inscription “Bulgarian Empire” or in other words, the British say that Bulgaria was an Empire! Moreover, in the English “History of Nations” by Arnold Toynbee, it is said that there are a total of 21 civilizations in the world, one of which is the Bulgarian. The Bulgarians were the most numerous people, who, thanks to their attractive culture, increased their borders from Crimea to Belgrade and from the Carpathians to the White Sea in ancient times called Thracian! ”In the Byzantine Troparion from the end of the first millennium it reads: they were once the fairest of all nations, and of all the world’s most revered virtues, and themselves attained great glory, and the cities and nations joined them voluntarily.
PK Wakefield Feb 2015
girlsome that immortal which
by vibrant edge of slivered day

         (    stops suddenly   )

the miraculous bulge and clumsy twitch
o' sweetly crimsoned even's fay
Danté Le Beau Apr 2020
Thy naked flesh,
O' so beautiful-
Kissed by the moon,
Tickled by the stars,
Their light shines off thee,
Wet to the touch,
Salty to the taste,
Marred by the stain of sin,
From my crimsoned lips
Nick Stiltner Oct 2018
A crowning flame,
the man with the beaming gaze
still wanders down the dreary lane,
with the sky crimsoned by the yawning
sigh of the Sun
as it waves its hand in goodbye.

Medals on the chest, stripes on the collar
are garnish on an ever crumbling tower.
The height once reached,
at the apex he stood
the forest engulfing him
and the chill air flowing around him.

But as he reached his arms high,
at the very apex of his climb
why, why, why
did he still close his eyes?
Josh Pampam Nov 2020
He rested
on the shoulder
of a tree -- with his
crimsoned eyes.
Stripes of sweat walked on his face
as thoughts sought his attention.

had eaten up his strength
and wreathed
his body with aches.
His clothes, like a sun soaked sack;
caked the air with cruel smells.

in the coo that stood
on his lips -- psyche
left him for home,
As he watched the sapplings-
bid them bye.

He was a big fish
in a small pond,
Before the drought.

Josh Wealth Pampam ©
25/10/20 GMT 13:22
The effect of covid-19.
Satsih Verma Dec 2016
The clouds hang on the strings.
I cannot dry my eyes.

Picking up the pine cones, on grass―
one by one, as the years went by.

How did I lose my home again?
Were there not footprints in snow?

The caladiums, you planted in
summer, had the crimsoned spots.

Like the kirmizi sun
dipping in lake one night.
Gazing at the crimsoned pulse,
Lingering until it fades,
A back turned on the road,
Plus the dillema it gave.

Sprinting waves of life,
Then he felt regret,
What's done is done they say,
Why'd he needed to go away?
Josh Pampam Dec 2020
Crimsoned eyes
In the room
laced with darkness.
Thumping heart;
whirring fan
painted the scene in blue
Shriveled sounds
sneaked into our ear
as we peak from the window.

Josh Wealth Pampam ©
6/11/20 16:13 GMT
What was happening we don'tt know.
John Prophet Aug 2021
the door
kick it
right in!
of approach.
Come in
from below.
directly in.
they must
be less
plans go
little creatures
in the
Survive or
of the
Power hungry
with stealth.
Take them
at hand.
Such is
the way
of things.
Satsih Verma Jun 2020
When a poem writes
you, I smell the
crimsoned moon.

Were you a possessed
angel, printing
desire on my palms?

Smeared on forehead,
the ash had left
the scars of kissed end.

You turn me on,
for a smile, before the honey
traces the question mark on lips.

There was no miracle
to retrieve the third eye
from the hidden love.
Benzene Feb 8
I  sold my freedom to poetry
and never looked back.
let ink carve oaths,
oaths of lament, agony, affliction.

Every  relationship a writing prompt,
each goodbye an unfinished draft.
half-written verses crimsoned the margins,
monsters growling between the lines.

I revive old wounds for epiphany,
reshape anguish until it rhymes.
Every trauma, a metaphor
a sonnet dressed in ruin,
a haiku carved from ache.

And when the page is filled,
when the ink dries,
who remains—me, or the dead poet??

— The End —