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Zero Nine Sep 2017
Everyone dies, yes I do know this.
Have you noticed?

I smoke cigarettes.
I inject my sugar.
I neglect myself.

Everyone dies, yes I do know this.

I know your pain,
I ******* SHARE IT.

I know your kind.
I know all too well.

I know your kind.
"Why don't I ask for help?"

You see,
help is
to find

You see,
I'm no

I'm fine with that,
it's just, I can't get no
get no
get no
get no

I can't get no, get no

Why would I want my fingers over the flame?
Why would I bother calling out your name,
when I'll burn either way?

Can't get no (insert noun)

you know who you are.

you know i seldom go for hurt,

but you're a ******* *****.
Romantic arson,
a thousand lovers burning
to the blooming flowers
of my accelerant:
amoral, senseless rage.

Because I do not
or will not consider
another vice
for your confessional.

Come shed indifference.
Thumb the holy water font.
Theorize inconclusive evidence
of life apart from love.

Crawl into
the vacant church
which is my heart.
Idolize Me.
Ever notice how a piece of timber first catches on it burns so bright...
There's sort of a passion to it?

How it moves along flaring hot or hotter,
flaming-out here or there...

Coming around again to exhaust all efforts at staying alight...
...but it matters not.

That dark hardened shell of the wood has nothing left to give...
...can't maintain itself.

Sure, -you can add accelerant.
A later something, perhaps different in thermal expression?

In the end only speeds up the process of becoming nothing; as ashes cast into the winds.

Charred pieces were better left alone, dissolving in raindrops over time?

Never rekindle a thing once burnt.

Yes I suppose that makes logical sense...

Unless you feel cold?
Ma Cherie Jul 2016
So I hear the word
this Poetic World
has some unnecessary criticism
Not the constructive kind
not building anything
just tearing it down?

Not anything anyone wants to hear
maybe that's the fear
Pretty hard to understand motive
when we don't even understand it ourselves
Constant contradictions
Unrealistic predictions

I'm sure you'd cut your nose off to spite your face
Hoping to get their goat
that they are thin skinned
I hate clichés
Doesn't leave much room for intelligence
who doesn't use 'em?
Everything in life is a metaphor
even life itself
truth is only a concept..
the only thing I can imagine is that if you believe it enough it's true
Everyone's version is different
Even swearing on a stack of Bibles
We see things we don't know we do
When choked till blue
A different view
I won't tell you what you want to hear
unless you come real near my ear

I don't pick sides
I'm far from anything but a perfect storm
one that can't be warned to stop
once the wind of calypso blows
And the water shows
I can turn it on like a light switch
strike a soaking match
burn like the fire of your hell
without accelerant
Not arson
You can drag me there but I won't dwell
I've seen the devil face to face
Even he has some poetic Grace
as a fallen Angel might

You don't necessarily have to say anything nice
Can you write it on a grain of rice?
maybe don't say anything at all
or be more articulate
think a little bit before you speak
Or shut that squawking beak,
start talking... there you go.

You never know
who might be listening
Poison arrow with ****** ink it might be glistening
aimed and ready...sights are steady
covers the view from the desert sand, still can see

You'd rather just send a deluge of hate
Bitter taste you can't get out of your mouth
you thought you'd spate
something ate?
Like the **** addicts that were eating the face off a homeless person
or the woman on the news who stabbed her four children to death
I got a knife don't want to plunge
So don't you lunge
Plenty of darkness and so-called evil in the world
We can share the stage
I can listen to your rage
or not
and vice versa
We all can be sent to that address
That Abyss
You think anything you're saying is different?
Not very poetic.

Are you an emotional vampire?
Cuz I'm guessing you're just trying to be a literary one
Do you think you have some emotional intelligence and the rest of us don't?
Some people might have to look up with that means
That is alright
poets strung out tight
you think this reporter won't cover subjects others won't?
Like an unpoetic war....

That we cower in the corner
Like a well-beaten dog
or a scrambled eggs and mixed messages
Eventually they'll bite back you know
I would just laugh
Not maniacally
Just because I know I'm protected
I'm insured for writing this down
I hate to run you out of town
I'm running out of time
We all are
so stop wasting it

I got a gun it's a 45
Shoots shotgun shells and hollow point bullets
called The Judge
Just gave her a rub
It decides using my hands and words
If they're heard
might help the Jury and trigger the Executioner

I won't to ask you treat me the way I want to be treated
cuz I don't know that myself
And I sure as hell don't know how you want to be treated
Personally I don't really read into any messages from sources I can't trust,
there's tetanus in that crusty rust
Too many big problems
just past twelve
send in demon elves
Be careful who you pick fights with
Even that friendly dog will turn
Not sure you'll ever learn
I hope there's no need for extreme rendition

Some people belong to clandestine services
Maybe recruited really young
Couldn't confirm or deny
Really wouldn't want to make you cry
anything but your own tears
Where do you think all that newly discovered water in the center
of the Earth comes from?
More water than all the oceans rivers and seas on the surface...
everything we believed about how this it was created, formed was WRONG.

The people who are absolutely certain
are the ones I trust the least
Keep thinking they're going to discover the God particle
is that what you're looking for?
We're not going to find the answers
if we don't stop asking
questioning everything
we die.

get a picture of the force?
so don't make this an outbreak
leave that scab alone
don't touch anyone else
Unless they want to be touched
where the want to be
let alone what you don't understand
agree to disagree
check yourself

There are a lot of Cooties going on
and few snipers
got gear
and we got game
You can blame
try to shame
whoever you want
You know the truth just gotta dig a Little Deeper
Listen to the creepers
Or not
Today you got more than big brother watching you

You'll see when you look in the mirror
Better be looking over your shoulders too
have some eyes in the back of your head
Do you see that witch?
A mirage?
Could be worse
you could be deaf and blind.... without those hands,
with no food on the poet Island

Maybe not maybe only in your sleep
Get past what hides beyond skin deep
Look up at the sky when it darkens
Watch swooping blackened wings
guttural things
shadowed figures and crimson eyes
and capes
swarming locusts are a gift

Every fear you have inside
crawling on your skin
Brought up in a Riptide
From the belly of the Beast
Anyone purges in the same
different ways
Today is just another piece of time
another rhyme
Nothing special
Or different....
or is it "the day"?

As I see it All I Got the Magic Eye
So just be careful who you pick a fight with
they might walk softly and carry a big stick
as I drag my baseball bat behind me with my glove and ball caught inside
I hide
Tipping my hat at the winking sun
You hear my cleats Crush against the pavement as I walk
it's the only sound
Until a loaded round
or the sunken broken arrow
taken out by the singing sparrow

Going off in peace
So let me go
Upset enough so you should know
Be careful who you pick a fight with
Tread lightly
Right now I got nothing to lose
The archangels are getting Wild
And I'm their child
not because I'm ugly
I just hate ugliness
Not afraid of 7 years of bad luck
Using that bat on the mirrors
I might be a joker,
a conscience stroker
A poet... you are too and you know it
Hard tellin' not knowin'
Can't get there from here
just be careful who you pick a fight with and I will too
Missiles on standby
Not stand down
banks of your armies clowns
Retreat in defeat
Don't appreciate having to go there

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Need I say any more? Of course that's for another poem... this is not a reflection of who I am, as you well know.. a collaboration of sorts. So I'm just taking about for every poet & poetess.
The future is not orange.

It's the colour of faded newspapers,
Dying embers, Buttery moonscapes and
Concrete scars.

It reeks of chip shop oil and skidmarked tattoos.
of Rotting flesh and accelerant

The future comes with arms outstreched,
with daggers in your back.
with comforting palms.

The future tastes of soft toys, lost in time,
of thick cut white with butter
of goat.
It tastes of blessings once before.

and with luck, tastes once more.
Ma Cherie Nov 2016
It's not necessarily dangerous,
to pour gasoline,
on top of me,
I like the smell,
as I rub it in,
I rub my arms,
& gas my soaked skin,

It's only dangerous,
when you keep pouring it on me,
pouring it on me,
until I'm drenched
soaked in it,
you're poking & poking & poking,
you poke around to much,
till the fire is way too hot to touch,

Scorched hair just reaks,
in an unpleasant vaporous,
& dangerous
in such awaiting & toxic
stench filled fumes,
you never know when enough is enough,
when you get way too close,
because that gas is like my perfume,

You get too close for my comfort,
or yours,
& boy people just never learn,
by fire we will always burn,
& unafraid in ash,
again, return, return,

And as you take out,
that tempting lighter,

    Flick A Bick

I'm not going to be ashes just yet,
because you see,
I'm a fighter,

step back,
behind the rope,
you are very near,
an extremely,
flammable accelerant,

Coming so close,
you are igniting,
certain buried,
& long forgotten fears,
bones I didn't want to dig up,

Engaging in,
a war within,
you are inciting,
me to burn,
& like you,
I too,
I never learn,
to me a burn,
might be exciting,

As I am burning,
& returning
in this old anger,
because I let it go already,
it's been gone for years an years,

Nobody likes to be to disturbed
from the stillness of a grave,
this would never be tolerated,
my soul you need to save,
would not be tolerated anywhere,
not anywhere else,
by anyone else,

Just leave me be,
I'm a smoldering coal
& a truly gentle
kind & beautiful soul,

Undisturbed I eventually,
turn into diamonds,

& unless,
that is,
petrified wood finally burns,

As I'm raging out of control,
because you are a terrible arsonist,
a terrorist who stalks women,

I said,
don't stand so close to me,
I warned & warned you,
you just don't head or hear,
those warnings,

Too busy dragging,
those neanderthal knuckles,
to my door,
that's the place you cannot go,
don't set this old page ablaze,

Because I am,
my own justice system,
creating a devastating path,
that I never wanted to even take,
an enormous path
of destruction,
I will leave there,
in my wake
so for your sake,
our sake,
& everyone else's sake
for the love of God,
I don't want to destroy you,
back off from the intensity of my fire.
I'm not angry, this is all metaphorical, I think anyway. Hope you are all well  ❤
Steven Osborne Oct 2015
I've gone and laid it out as perfectly as I can
And we've both heard them all say it so many times before
I swear it I never have and never will be keeping score
Because if you where the one with me
I'd show you everything there is to see

I've always been here and could never sway
I could not beguine to imagine it any other way
I've always lifted you up when you are down
I'll chisel out a smile of every frown
You've always been there and could never sway
You said that you couldn't imagine it any other way
You've always lifted me up when I am down
Even managed to chisel a smirk of every frown
How could I picture it any other way?

Never have I ever believed in fate
  I could never seem to relate
Until the day I came into the sight of it all

Passing through the rear view
I'm plagued with these ghosts of you
You always seem to just barley slip through my grip
But could I ever catch you in time?

I've always been here and could never sway
I could not beguine to imagine it any other way
I've always lifted you up when you are down
I'll chisel out a smile of every frown
You've always been there and could never sway
You said that you couldn't imagine it any other way
You've always lifted me up when I am down
Even managed to chisel a smirk of every frown
How could I picture it any other way?

I may never come to know
When we stopped seeing things eye to eye
And I may never stop wondering why
But I'll go and find the strength to move on
If that's what you really want

I could never bur the bridge on which you stand
Believe me I've gone and already tried that hand
Doused it in accelerant and dropped my cigarette
The flames grew as did my regret
Playing with fire you are bound to get burned
The scars are markings of lessons learned
I've found my own way to move on
Without letting go of the past
But I can't promise this moment will last

I've always been here and could never sway
I could not beguine to imagine it any other way
I've always lifted you up when you are down
I'll chisel out a smile of every frown
You've always been there and could never sway
You said that you couldn't imagine it any other way
You've always lifted me up when I am down
Even managed to chisel a smirk of every frown
How could you picture it any other way

At times the world may come to seem so bitterly cold
I've felt the weight and the pressure grows bridle and old
Maybe it is just the price of starting a life
To anguish and make it through the thicket of strife
But with another shoulder you can make it another mile
Don't worry you'll make it after a while
It gets so much harder from here
With a will you'll find the right path to steer

If the years pass and you feel you where wrong
Listening back through the lines of every old song
I'll pick you up until the very end
But you swore only as a friend
I held on to the time as long as I could
Still you swore you never would
So I told myself to let go of the past
If not now it would never last

I've always been here and could never sway
I could not beguine to imagine it any other way
I've always lifted you up when you are down
I'll chisel out a smile of every frown
You've always been there and could never sway
You said that you couldn't imagine it any other way
You've always lifted me up when I am down
Even managed to chisel a smirk of every frown
How could we picture it any other way?
Poetic T Feb 2016
One bullet, one god dam bullet, this cant be
Happening to me..  These little jackets more
Precious than that which was converted by all
But now worthless only good for wiping my ****.

Why would they take them that way, its not
Fair, they never hurt anyone. I cant believe
I had to do that.... Their skin it just descended
Just like taking your coat off "O' GOD...

It was so quick, why was I not with them, I
Would be at peace, but I had to do it for them..
For me to survive "No for them, I cant do this;
One little jacket to end it all, peace in moments, bliss.

What was that? I cant let them, cant believe I'm using
A ******* water pistol but this would be so much
Fun if it wasn't for this, got to get height, learnt that
Their  fast, "Hi **** come here often, nice smile,

A push of a button, Dam the batteries died, me to
If I cant, always carry a spare. I douse the chatter
In accelerant and then like a candle they blaze in
A moments glory, "I swear I see peace in their eyes,

Fumes are a little to strong need to wear the mask next
Time, I fumble and collapse on the filthy floor.
Knock, knock,
Who's there?  Wake up if you wanna survive,

I hear chattering as I focus on my surroundings,
Got eat something cant do that again. I should have
Covered this place before doing this, blind surroundings
Mean a hasty death, learning as I go along.

What's the smell, its an odour of burning. Crap it
Wasn't dead it crawled. I lean out of a window and
See flames licking at the outside of the building.
There moving higher clambering away from death.

I can feel the heat from below, the halls lined with
Wisps of corrosive smoke. like rats they ascend over
Each other, not caring as long as they are in front of
That colour that charring heat that grasps on to all.

I run but my lungs are burning is that the smoke or am
I badly out of shape. Stair after stair I ascend just hopeful
And glad that non have found this place my legs are
Stumbling, like lead weights I lift each one repetitively.

I think of just sitting on this step, so many feet have passed
On these now dull and silent, echoes of floors below as I
Hear then now flooding this place so many eager movements
None thinking of the other as over the railing like rain they fall.

New momentum has me up stepping two at a time, I burst
Through the door, I see the edge and run, just as I thought
Old wooden planks grasp at either ledge. I hear there need,
So I quicken the pace, step after step till I traverse across.

I see them flood through the opening where minutes before
I stood, they see me running at full pace. I smile give them
A polite wave with my index finger and just as one lunges
Across I kick the planks and it descends then still again.

I sit on the edge watching their frustration, teeth chattering
But in unison. It cant be like a form of language? is that
Even possible. Then silence, awkward black eyes stare focused
Just on me. Then they start to jump leaping to certain demise.

But as I watch then swan dive some grapple to the side laughter
Turns to concern and I stamp on bloodied hands, They have no
Skin but where that loss others things grew. Nails were more
Hardened like jagged steel they latch on to the brick work...

I swear that one that was able to get across even though no lips
Was smiling in arrogance its muscles lifted teeth chattering and
I understood its clicking "one of us, "one of us, what the
Hell is going on how did I understand that thing?

Exhausted I search for a place to hide as screams heard not
So many now, I find homes abandoned, a door left ajar.
"Blood so much blood, I look upstairs and find a loft with
A ladder. I poke a head through slowly no chattering and rest.

Nightmares ensue as I dream of what I left behind, my wife
My daughter it just felt like taking off a coat. They were just
Muscle teeth chattered I locked the doors "I ran, I ran,
"I so sorry, I  awaken to chattering how did they find me.

Pain gripped me, but their close no time to think, I just climb
Out the loft window. I look down no others around, I hear the
Sound it speaks to me "We mean harm, I'm startled and
I fall, my last thoughts are  "I will see you both soon,

But death didn't wait, as I ascended I landed on claws,
I ignore that moment and run, I feel the breeze upon
Myself, I feel so relaxed burdens, fear, anger have all
But faded from my view. I see them like fearful statues still.

I call out to them fear not freedom from this existence is
Within your grasp. But what was heard by those stunned
In perpetual fear was but chattering, I do not realize it yet
I will not till I carve upon their flesh that I am what is feared.

I gain pace, hungering to teach them the error of the flesh,
To teach them this is but a better way. No hatred but a
Yearning to teach them the freedom of this existence.
We are evolution, we are a higher conciseness.

No need for mortal entanglements, no need for possessions
Freedom to roam. Flesh was a prison that is expelled, freedom
From those traits that burdened me. I killed my brothers,
Sisters but no regret they passed wilfully enlightening me.

Passing a shop window I see my new form, I am not horrified,
Neither repulsed. Freedom from form as I sense those that are
To be apart of us, but there are those who are neither of freedom
Or form for those there is only the consumption of old flesh.

The others they run, but not relaxing that it is but a matter of
Time till they dispose of that aged form no longer suited to
This new word. I hear talking, voices unmistakable that of my
Wife and daughter, not departed as I thought, i speak to them.

.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / .. / .- .-.. .-- .- -.-- ... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. --..-- / -- -.-- / ..-. .- -- .. .-.. -.-- / -- -.-- / - .... --- ..- --. .... - ... / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / .- --. .- .. -.

( Loosely translated)
I love you I always will, my family my thoughts together again.

They claws so gently, caressing  each others features. They look for
Others so near to the change, so in need of a familys help. I took off
My contempt and it was like I had  just slipped off my coat.
Jude kyrie Sep 2015
Lost in the aftermath of heartache.
Changes I did not ask for or want.
You are just a part of the change now.
I still  had pictures of us on the walls.
Held in with colored thumbtacks.
We were drinking flutes of champagne.
At a café by the Seine in Paris.
They are all pictures taken with Kodak film
from a lost long ago time.
But I kept them.
Even after you left me,
I still kept them.
I pull out an old Vinyl album
Sinatra sings our song,
“The summer wind.”
I dance as though
you are close in my arms.
Yes I am drinking again
why the hell not.
One morning I was lay
at the bottom of the stairs.
A bottle of whisky
spilled all around me.
Our friends found me
They tore down
all my old pictures of us,
and ripped them into pieces.
I had been told you were remarried
to someone other than me.
I threw the torn pictures
into my fireplace.
And lit them using my whisky
as an accelerant.
It should have taught me a life lesson.
That holding onto the past is unhealthy.
But instead I burnt my hands
putting the fire out.
I was not ready
to let them burn to ashes.
Not quite now.
Not just yet.
kels Mar 2016
The woods are burning
I know that all I've done is not enough
I'm constantly lowering my ideals
Everybody around me is so false, yet
There's always hope for a diamond in the rough

A big blaze going on all around
Don't you care whether we live or die?
Our brains are fine machines
Too capable of judgment and worry
I'd love to shut them off

Trapped by flames
They move faster than any vehicle I've seen
Alienation is only a weird word until you feel it
Thinking thoughts that fuel the fire faster
Than any accelerant ever could
I revised a poem I wrote a few years ago.
Jay Bryant Jun 2013
Locked within the prison that is my mind
My cerebral connects to my spine
And nerves endings tell my body lies
So that I may believe that everything is fine
Love lies connected between these lines
Although this heart does echo the most silent of cries
holding fast to any dreams deferred by time
and letting go of any ill feelings ive come to deny
This is a chance to confront any fears,
to cure this confusion,
this pain... these tears
to reveal the deepest secret that i've always known
that with patience good things will always unfold
that my reason of existance is still untold
that true love is eternal and never grows old
Love lies connected between these lines
Lines that merge my heart with thoughts inside
Inside of me is the truth
Truth Never seen only spoken
Spoken words never heard but inspire hope
Hope that is the accelerant to the fire of my life
Life may be filled with stress, but I try my best.
Best, better, good, bad, worse, worst
Worst case scenarios seem to chase my dreams
Dreams of happiness and stability, maybe even civility
Civility I've never seen maybe once or twice in a dream
Dream just dreams I hope one day I know what it all means
Harry Roberts May 2019
I feel like there's an accelerant in my mind,
Expression and impression crosses the border,
Compassion and pure passion hits the line,
In awe at all the chaos it's like I'm a hoarder.

Let me take a sip like pollen from a flower,
Transfer this pain into transcendental power,
Diffuse hopes fragrance and infuse my soul,
Refuse to compromise I'll aim for my goal.

Swallow the energy
Defy the enemy
Rise from the cemetery
Reflect with pure symmetry.
Ryan Frisby Jul 2016
the world is burning down
ignorance the flame
hate the accelerant

passivity the water
you don't throw

bewilderment the catalyst
that pushes you to flight instead of fight

the world is burning down
institutions we once believed in
are preventing people from breathing

the world is burning down
schools are teaching our children
to be xenophobic civilians

the world is burning down
a system we once thought had merit
is so broken we don't know how to repair it

the rug of democracy
pulled right out from under us

using your voice
is your one opportunity to make a choice
but they silenced us with all this noise

sign on the dotted line
with both hands tied behind my back

establishment didn't want a revolution
they came up with a solution

one candidate a fear mongering *****
one the robin hood we've been waiting for
one in a position they bought and paid for

the world is buring down
they locked robin hood out of
the water supply

now we've got two choices
suffocate in the blatant flames of hate
or smolder slowly at the hands of powers that cannot relate
CJ Sutherland Jan 13
One Winter
When we were
all in bed

Old Mother
Left the Lantern
In the shed

When the cow
kicked it over
he winked an eye
and said

“ it’s going to be
a hot time
in the whole town


This poem is lighthearted, however the biggest cause of fires according to an electrician is heating pads left on. Outside a  lawnmower sparked by a rock, or leaf blower. Those things actually can make a fire, but the biggest threat is arson. When they allowed people to have their get out of jail free,  a woman wanted to burn down California. She started five fires and caught herself on fire. She had accelerant in the car. She went to a firemen. She was arrested in 90 minutes. She was back out on the street with her car and accelerant. She lit six more fires before she was apprehended again and released
California is broken. We should take the time to get rid of the sanctuary city status. Get rid those in charge who have destroyed our cities ,our state
Every year in California, we have the season of fire. It’s become a part of the landscape of living. I’m near Paradise at the time 30,000 people were evacuated. There were five other fires all around me. So many people had evacuated they were stranded on the five freeway Where to go when fire is all around. What happened in Southern California should not have happened. I see how we send my water to Southern California and it gets spilled over into the rivers instead of going to Southern California. We have very strong rules about making sure there is no brush Within 3 to 5 feet of our home. If the fire marshal observes an abundance of leaves or branches down you’re giving a red tag warning and you have 30 days for your fine so they expect us to the brush well kept homeowners have even taken care of with the city is supposed to do on the outside near the street because many fires have started because the government has not done their part case in point the car fire a car tire came off the rim was sparking that fire was very destructive could’ve been prevented if the government had done their maintenance. But what happened in Southern California governor Newsom, the mayor and the water company all those all those people should be fired. If I was Trump, I would say will help you, but those people have to be fired. They’ve been robbing Peter to pay Paul for these amounts of money for years.
Steve Page Feb 2020
Lord, save me from empty lent abstinence
Protect me from light hearted choco-resistance
And stir in me longer-lasting adherence
A dig down deeper ringing resonance
That falls in step with your quiet insistence
to follow a path of greater resilience.

Lord, save me from a temporary temperance
And lend me your eternal Spirit of endurance
That I might take lent as a growth accelerant
And so hold my head higher
in your post-Easter presence.
Getting into Lent
John F McCullagh Jun 2018
It sounded, at first, like two kids fighting.
Then two hard hits brought neighbors to their doors.
Her “boyfriend” splashed the accelerant upon her
then he lite fire to her clothes.

Terrified,  Screaming, she ran  into the hall,
She would have died if Not for Stan.
He got a blanket wrapped tight around her
and smothered the fire with his strong hands.

Her “boyfriend” fled, that sniveling coward,
who had tried to ****** that innocent child;
His criminal rap sheet gave no indication
That attempted ****** was his style.

They say she’ll live; that ******* fire.
Her beauty stolen; it was her curse.
The “boyfriend” ought to turn himself in.
It won’t go well if I find him first.
A domestic disturbance in the Frederick Douglas public houses makes the pages of the New York Post.
Delton Peele Nov 2021
Lab coat ....
Bench tops....
Pretty much everything is all white....
Except me ......
Bunsen burners
Test tubes
Full of emotions,
Boiling .
Vamping off clues......
Of what is it?
Which drives me to be so bendable.
The subject ......
Timid, me.....
Lab Rat.
Find me lost in a maze or running
On the wheel.
In the cage.

Not really too.....
Anything,but maybe away

Charts and
Elementary ....
Wall coverings
Crows feet.......
Control group
Doin they're thing......
Here we go.
Keep going ....
Keep my head down ......
Keep going .....
Please ....
Don't see me...
Oh ****.....
Hey ........

Waiting here for you to come by and ruin my day .....
Is what I wanted to say.....
But didn't......
Burning internally.
Feeling sorta
In different....
Like madness
Has separated
Me ....
My persona.....

Steeped in a white hot Seether.....
Could neither
Diffuse nor compromise...
Not  for persona  sake....
For the opponents.....
Being forewarned....
Chose ignorance.....
The desperate
Overtly obvious
At the apex of max capacity.
two choices.
Guilt could expand the space
Where swallowed pride sits...
at the price of homicide....
Tempting ...
Devise a compromise ...
Inspired  by both sides
And this fault line
Left from
A life time trying to be kind....
Smil­ing overpitty-ing,
Drawing the focus away
From themselves passing the shame  
Character bashing
My friendemies,
For exactly .....
Precisely the
same thing they are doing
Saying sternly
HEY  !!!!!!!!!!?
Don't you go & let them talk you into anything .
Look at me
You don't owe them a thing....
I mean it ....."
As I listen to these wealthy friends telling me they feel so bad for me ....
And there so sad cause they wish they could pay me
But right now
Can only give me a couple bucks .....but in two weeks come on back
& They'll settle up......
Then they don't...
Stoke the fire
Start woofin
The bellows
Flames darker ...and rising
This is it .....indecisive decisions on which side of the schism to give or not to give in .......
A raging torrent is oxidizing
Standing on the fence line
I'm the accelerant....
The sparks the flames the maddening magnesium
The wind uprooting trees and burning them
Woofin big time ******* in oxygen .....
Like a constant burst that don't end .
So brightening

Suns faded out ...
And now it's darkening
As my psyche

Split ......
id good ....
Id bad .....
Strange !.?.!.....
Very .......
News to me...
There is someone around here.....
Apperantly ....that looks just like me ...
Cause that's not like ????
I need hard evidence and need to be convinced
Without which ....
Won't set in .....
Bewildering ...
If and when ...
I remember the checanery and shenanigans
I have allegedly done...
There comes this this image ..
Me now ...
At a good distance behind
"The" age 7 me... .
secretly watching ....
In the back yard    
Of the home predating
That age.....
At dawn...
And the warmth of the sun in my face and the fog
"In front"  me
Above the sunken marsh in view of the slough
And secretive
Personal trail
no one but me knew through
Those cattails
I loved so much....and my favorite carrion the red winged blackbird singing .....
Not a thought or care in the world
Taking a good healthy breath.
The overwhelming
Sensation of a satisfying grin begining to unfurl
Turning into a gratifying smile.
Growing .... I fallthought compromise  meant maturity and letting others feel  valid while remaining the bigger man .
I .
I m not convinced ...
So I do worry
What did you think recipe is
Eminem manifest destiny is
I should quit pathetic
I get it.
Like a ***** flick.
******* before
Actors practicing  exiting
Amityville. Damnd if he will.
Say yes to the dress again
Hand at the wheel
Disecting pedestrians
Like genesis
Not scripture.
Talking the saga.
Rather the myth the legendary legolas.
The ring is a curse
Dwarfed when its
next to this
Fear of rejection
Of an obsession
sick. As dimensia medicine
For  Vietnam veterans
Dimensional benefits.
Like **** size in a tetris fit.
Its minus 77 red ink
Red face imbellishment
Period like a 7.7 point deficite.
You faking. Your pregnant
You got a point
But the ketchup smears selling it
Think in heinz sight ill
Invest in it

Interest percentage
Lending attention
To your
The way you handle
Your staff.
Like a 7.7 point deficite
Is inches in industry.
And your **** just invented it.
X y factor equation
Next gen tech there developing
Exposes. Plot holes.
Oh no science returns
To relish this ****
Like *** with ketchup
Mayo take your ***
Away I dont beef so lettuce
Be friends again

Flirting with ***
And eminems ****** instruments.
You know you sound
And frivolous. To all the men
You had casual *** and ****
Like you didn't know
They all had *****
When they hit that ****.
Okay thats actually rediculous

***** who you pretending with
Cut with the sob stories.
Difference in indifference
Is pretending you different
Heed Goliath for what he is
And aim at deliverance
No affidavids
Daily diligence
Or brain games
At millennial
Pass as female satire.
Or be fire and flame
As hot as turbo chrmical accelerant
Wreck it Ralph
And Hectors ******
Hetero deceptive
Secretive intelligence
I got a
Masculine past
Relax your a mannequin
Still **** and
My fashion staying relevant
Your ******* it up.
Cha just kidding  bro your cellibut
Switch up with the rhyme scheme
Like a flow from
The west side of heavens bed

Frame persuasive arguments
Like a painting from karmin
Or my dead aunty Margaret
Clothes and
Marked for bargain basement
Retail prices noone can argue with

Fashion on bark. Talking dog park
Evaluation. **** yeah bag it *****  and walk with it
If you got **** from
My corner store. I got a deal we can spark it quick
Like a moth drawn to a lamp
Or a cigarette **** to the carpet
I'm probably the
Dissatisfied customer.
Returning my product for bargain chip.
Its not defective. Just not selected
By the demographic we marketed
We targeted an audience.
And relentlessly marketed
But the target market.
Wasn't smart enough
To scarf it in.
I guess there not starved.
Like your *******
Heart for him.
******* martyr sin
I just bought my own *******
**** I marketed

For the record
This whole things dumb and ******
Marshall Mathers *****.
And ketchups never good on subs
My fashion isn't relevant.
Mann again.
With plastic mannequins
Chemical  imbalances
Of us

The ring is actually a curse
And tetris never fits.
Its a two dimension  curse.
Goliath was a *****
David put him to the dirt.
And the deficite. Would be less
If you put the period first.
Whats the point. I'm dotting
Eyes. Crossdress tease em with the verse.
*** the beat is never thumping
Less theres living
People in the hurst
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
Be-bop, shu-baby-bop,
  the blues on fire

The strings an accelerant,
  the harp but a pyre

The melody unseen,
  its heartbeat within

Be-bop, shu-baby-bop
  —reality’s hymn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2019)
CJ Sutherland Oct 2024
Pelosi, Harris, Newson if you please
All Took their share  Government deceived

Gruesome Newson took the ***** prize
Stiff competition for who is most despised

California was a place of opulence
Pelosi destroyed San Francisco pestilence

People could steal up to $1000 dollars
And not be charged The stores hollered

They were forced to allow destruction
In the false pretense of reparation

Gucci, Chanel Prada, Finest shopping
like locusts they came counter hopping

Broken glass Stores gutted fire remained
The fire burnt out charcoal left it’s stain

Strategically groups hit a street of stores
Filling their cars with their horder scores

There were cameras all around
No arrests were ever handed down

Bathrooms Human waste on the sidewalks
Toilets locked *** **** maps people talk

Drug addicts die zombie comatose frozen
from around the world free drugs chosen

An attempt to get them out of a ***** tent
Homeless in fine hotels Government spent

Drug paraphernalia placed in the lobby
A **** lab caught on fire, druggies hobby

People came from far and wide to get high
Partied ***** drugs fentanyl they died

Another failed project Quietly went away
Harris refused to prosecute anyway

A bail fund to get criminals out of jail fast
I quote “this will not stop it will last

“They will not stop after the election
nor should they. This will continue.”
(Kamala Harris)

Harris loves, vin diagrams color coded
The wheels on the bus duly noted

Criminals destroyed San Francisco
Gavin Newson’s the biggest fiasco

There’s so much that could’ve been done
to prevent these wild fires blistering sun

An Arsonist lit ten fires before she caught herself a blaze, went to a firemen hot haze

Found Accelerant fire starters in her car
No Help from the border czar

Thank to Harris the Arsonist lickety-split
set 5 more fires before she was caught lit

Arsonist quoted, “California burn it down”
Newsom playing the blame game clown

Arsonist demanded “If we don’t get
what we want, we’ll burn it to the ground.”
No comment Newson never around

The destruction for his sake  magnitude 8
California unable to rebuild in his wake

So many homeless bursting at the seams
Mass ****** Crimes women’s screams

be careful walking from the store to the car
Criminals on the rise abducted not far

Gang, ****, *** for sale, darker from there
Government housing, new homes bare

Migrants want to take over our entire city
They tell you one group Areas are for pity

Demanded immigrants congregate together
Sharia laws, private Police lines tethered

Tags Look what gangs are in control
American Quickly learn to stay or go.

If you wonder what is in store
Look California her beauty is no more

Newson A puppet on a string
King of Jerkwater USA no bling

Don’t fret, even when people are down out
In prayer God’s clout,faith without a doubt

Inspired songs

1) I love you, California
music by a.F.Frankenstein
lyrics, by F.B.Silverwood

2) Hotel California by the Eagles
(this is what we’ve become)
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Fret 10-2-24
To Fred is to worry or be concerned
Delton Peele Jul 2022
Control ......
Le et them believe ,
The secret war they wage ,
Is what keeps the shackle
From their sleeve.
Let them believe!.........
Feed them what they need
To weave the web that keeps them on their knees......
Never let the wounds  heal ,
Always in all ways be ye vigilant
Alternate the hate
Lower  their eyes down with it
Keep the pain of eternal flame lit
Let the pick of the week be named
Focus the blame
And douse the louse
With ignorant accelerant  
Make them walk in the way of Cain for a minute .   ..  
Beat them over the nose with it
And let the melting *** boil  
Wet the soil with blood
The emotional flood will darken their eyes and macerate them with doubt.....
let the apprehension rise
Never let the fire go out
The people will begin to see what was fake and what is real.
And without the use of media
You will be free to feel ..      
Love will infiltrate and as a people you will begin to congeal
And unite
As one .
Lift your eyes and not see the looming haze of oppression
Walk freely without  fear of aggression
For this will seal  our fate  
We the government
Have no escape route

So please read
But be bored by it
And be not convicted
Or you will  regret it

And you say we give you no choice.........

Back to work you fools
We need money    .....
And and and and and and and an, an, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
I can't take it anymore!
Delton Peele Oct 2020
You pay for the whooooooole
Seat but you only
Use the edge!
Jacques Cousteau
Without his flippers.
I see de feet
And zoe eye szay
Vhere am I Goingkah.
I simply do not know....
Although it is still a mystery to me
And yes
I can confess to you
My friends
At times a little scary
Yet who are we to resist ?
We can be anything.......
A an olive branch on de nile
Foating along effortlessly
Or contentiously
strong arming  the clock
Try holding back
....the hands.....



the sands of time
will have its way
and burry you.
Would you believe me

If i told you I was a liar?
Ok...a fool?

Or......if you perverse.
A private ****
Without a clue.
Still groping
A closet pyromaniac
A star in this ruse.
I slipped and fell in love
Way to soon .
My life caught on fire
It hit me so hard
my soul bruised .
I wasnt prepared
I wish  there was some
Kind of a school for the young and naivete .
Of course i can
Say that now
Want and need are two
Different things
One comes from
Greed the other
Out of necessity
Same as fate and
Buzz words
Sugar coating
Fantasy and reality
Desire and have to be
Let me give you
A small sample
I wish i didnt know love and hate
As fate would have it
Im an addict to both
Its disturbing
coexisting twisting each other
Alone And together they augment
My reality
Just like a bend in time increases with altitudes
(That is reality)
Which by circular reasoning
Gives us the illusion
Of gravity
(That is fantasy)
Truth is
My addictions would have found me anyway
Now the world is my oyster
And im withdrawing
Chasing what i think will
Heal me
Exciting and confused
I kind of dont feel the same way when i first used ......
Then again
we probably never do
I hate being in a state
Of chasing a high from the valleys below cause when you fall ya got a long way to go
Injured and impaired.
I self medicate interchanging
Love and hate

which have drug me
My fate
so addicted with love
The catalyst and
The accelerant like a
Two part epoxy
Both in me rent the veil

Mingleg and congealed
Over time i think im healed
I fear its only temporally
Not knowing
Im made out jade and im afraid
The One that taught me how to live
Or told me what to to on this pilgrimage.
Is no longer here
And ive surpasssed in years
Im loquacious and full of laciviousness
A facade to stave off the tears and even though
I love being alone
I remember being
Madly in love with my reflection
Thinking vainly saying
Cant get much closer
To perfection
Now im in the gloaming and it bitterly been months since iv dawned a mirror
im lonely here

Delton Peele Jun 2021
So tired am I
Tried love
It lied
I cried
My heart sang bitterly
Live and let live. ..      ...
And so I did.
It came back
To  many times .....
I died inside.
Became empty.......
Put  all my dreams and happy things
Carefully away in my secret storage far away ..
And there I sojourned a lengthy stay.
Organized prioritized and placed all my hope and future perfectly and locked the bay door securely.
Doused it in magnesium and gasoline ..accelerant.
No more hurten me
No more
In me.
You grieve me
Deceive me .
I believed
Now leave
Me be
Please ....
.be gone
Away from me.
And stay .....
Inspire me to do good and fill my destiny to be
Great ......  
So you will
Want me.....
Chase me ....
Fight for me
Prove your love...
Show me
C'mon let me see
Beg me ...
Please my love please

So I can finally look you in the eyes and say ........NO!

— The End —