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Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
432 was the amount
of a crushing defeat
for 202 Toe Rags.

432 is a symbolic figure
for Ireland and not a
poetic metaphor either,
it was the date St Patrick
arrived here from Boulogne
Sur Mer in Northern France,
where it was a tradition of the
local mariners to paint a shamrock
on their fishing boats.

432 has often been associated with
the 4 provinces and 32 counties.

John B. Keane's "Field" was 3 Acres
1 Rood and 32 Perches, a classic
representation of Ireland.

202, or TOT will become iconic also,
not as a number, more the word!


TOT  |tɒt|
verb (tots, totting, totted) [ no obj. ] (usu. as nountotting) Brit. informal
salvage saleable items from dustbins or ******* heaps. local authorities frown on totting.
feet fade into feathers
streets are named after leather
longing for loops of string
ringtones that dream in desert timing
first rhymes then rhythms
decency gone blind
so we must find our light inside
held in bed against our will
vintage bells dressed in music
goose feathers used for pillows
the west-winds find his lips
respect turns to trust
and kisses your bones
in bird language i speak
tones of glowing stones
roses freeze the afterglow of darkness
dressed in moans and loaning
their hands to anyone that passes
Babu kandula May 2014
It seems like a tennis
Problem faces us like
Bouncing ball
We are ready with the rackets
In our hand
Hitting hard to send it away
Be careful with the faults
That gonna cost you  
To lose your game
Gear up oh buddy gear up
Look at the corner
Shoot it up and get rid of problem
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
You're a call
to leave the world of virtual
Embark on a real journey we shall
to the midnight realm of the whimsical
Past the yellow cavalry
and the anonymous imagery
We'll find ourselves reading poetry!
One day we sit by the creek
or watch the city from over the peak
One day we become the expert of avocado pies
Next we are the pros of tarantulas and butterflies
You're a call
a bus ride ticket to the enchanting fall
I hope this feeling is mutual
'Cause I don't want this list to end, that is all!

Do People moulder equally,
They bury, in the Grave?
I do believe a Species
As positively live

As I, who testify it
Deny that I—am dead—
And fill my Lungs, for Witness—
From Tanks—above my Head—

I say to you, said Jesus—
That there be standing here—
A Sort, that shall not taste of Death—
If Jesus was sincere—

I need no further Argue—
That statement of the Lord
Is not a controvertible—
He told me, Death was dead—
La Mer May 2015
While sabotaging agencies are corrupting,
I lie frozen,
Downloading how to translate
this brainwash without constantly erupting!

United Suits of America,
drug-guzzling, anti-christ
injecting poison in the fruits.

Wake to terror, bleed from pain,
get pushed from mankind,
from our freedom fighters’
propensities to feign.

Frequencies being altered,
from 432 to 440,
Unaware of the subtle control
they have taken of our
***** of corti.

Receptors are jarred
our balance mistaken,
slowly these trails are weakened,
and souls must awaken!

Rhythms of nature
being projected on a screen,
too safe to go outside,
we have become rotting cans
of packed sardines.
Circa 1994 Jan 2014
why do you even like me?
4,432 miles away
and you still find a way to make me
I calculate my words
and find that they are lacking.

Our romance is long division.
Did I forget to carry the one?

what is it about me?
Is it the way my hair frizzes when it's wet?
or the fact that my teeth are still slightly crooked despite my having had braces?

Surely it's my flirting.
And how my attempts at **** come off pathetic.
I'm sure you find it endearing.

I didn't notice that face,
the one I make when I'm concentrating -
until you mentioned it.

a bit of me is bothered,
bothered that you notice my embarrassing habits.
but another bit,
and a more prominent one -
is flattered.
flattered that you're watching me so closely
that you can see things
that I haven't noticed for 19 years.
Keep watching.
You're bound to see something you like.
Circa 1994 Nov 2013
He lived 150 miles away.
but there was something far greater
than a two and a half hour drive separating us.
You're 4,432 miles away
(I know. I googled it.)
yet you seem closer.
Though not close enough.

He made my bones feel dry.
I was afraid I'd break from the slightest movement.
but then you.
with your bedhead
and smiles
and love of the sea.

He wants to be a doctor.
Admirable I suppose.
Excuse me if I don't wait in line to kiss his ***.
He did more hurting
than he did healing.

You'll be a marine biologist
and we'll live by the sea
and have a beautiful multiracial family.
I can't touch you.
but one day I will.

"Peace promise?"
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Hello God are you there?
Why is it when I call you, you don't pick up
Is it that you don't love me enough?
Hello, Hello, God are you there?
I want to come home but I don't know where.
this is not a good place for me here
too many beatings and I always live in fear
I have a mom but not a dad,
He died when I was twelve
That makes me very sad
In the bible you said come to me
I'm trying, but can't you see?
Your up there and I'm beneath thee.
Hello, Hello God are you there
I know your there but where
My heart is breaking in two
I been waiting so long for you.
I want to come home
Dear God I'm so alone
I've written letters and address it to Heaven
Letters come back to sender since I was seven.
Hello God so Now I use the phone,
I a little older now, I'm thirteen and home alone
I dial HEAVEN 432-8367
A  busy signal ,you must be talking to some one else,
Please please Jesus pick up to save my self.
as I sit here all grow up, I now realize he heard me all along
My faith has deepened, he had a plan,
Now I 'm a women with a beautiful man
All along when I was writing and calling,
he's been with me
Thank you God you didn't pick up
lessons I learned has set me free.
Jordan Danielle Mar 2018
night falls like eyelids
on the brink of sleep—
I lay on ***** sheets,
no fault but my own

there are 432 tiles
in my shower stall
I count them everyday,
twice a day,
three times,
four if it’s real bad

after the fith time there
is no more counting,
or singing, or crying,
just being.

water falls off my body,
into the drain,
and i go with it.
Timothy H May 2016
Sunrise explosion!
Sneaking up on no one
But the unawake
    At life, at the day
But to the awake...BANG!
And the planet we are on in all
    its Enormity
    and prism power - atmosphere
Separates the radioactive
That is traveling
299,792,458 miles per second
From 93 million miles away
    (a whole 8 minute journey)
From a hot body
With a 432,288 mile radius
of glowing
    exploding gas
That, upon reaching us
Is recklessly
Into all potential tertiary shades
Of cerulean and sapphire
Of marigold and sandstone
Of shades beyond identifiers
    (we all experience them
    differently anyhow)
And for these opening moments
    of the day
All masterpiece paintings
    appear as preschool throwaways
And as quickly as the calm chaos enters
It stage exits
    On account
        Of the 432k mile monstrosity
            That will blind
                    Who dared look at it

Good morning.
Diana Nov 2021
Who is someone you have let down in your life?

469. If you could go to any age in your life for a week, what age would you choose? Why?

468. Have you ever regretted meeting someone in your life? Why?

467. Who is a person in your life that you are no longer in contact with, but if you were to think about them enough you would tear up?
->Ben, Itzhel

466. What is a memory you wish you could relive again with one another?

465. Where is a place (restaurant/arcade) you want to try or visit?
->rage room

464. What is the longest time you have chewed gum for?

463. What is the weirdest gum flavor you have ever tried?

462. If you could say anything to someone you no longer talk to anymore, what would it be and why?

461. What is one of the most painful words you have heard your parent day to you?
->maybe you really are sick in the head and need a therapist, you're killing your mother, you've completely changed and I miss the girl you were weren't a burden

460. When you go on vacation, what do you look forward to most? Do you prefer cold or hot weather? Do you like to plan or wing it day by day?

459. What age do you think you would want to live until? What's the perfect age range for you?

458. What do you need to have happened to feel like you have lived a fulfilled life? family, work, travel, love, etc.?

457. What’s a fun memory from Valentine’s Day when you were in elementary school?

456. What’s the coolest or most memorable Mother’s or Father’s Day arts and crafts that you did in elementary school?

455. Have you even grown your own vegetables or fruits? If so, what was it?

454. When was the last time you went to the movies? What movie?

453. Recall the first time you tried pop rocks.

452. As a kid, what was your favorite jolly rancher flavor?

451. Who is someone that you think about from time to time wondering how they are doing since you just drifted away from one another?

450. What is a relationship (romantic, friend) that ended that you're glad ended but still hurts to think about at times?

449. What is a door that closed in your life that you were devastated by at the time but now realize was actually a blessing?

448. Would you say that you lie often?

447. What was the last lie you told? To who? Why?

446. What is your choice of sauce if you order chicken nuggets?

445. How do you like to be supported when you are sad?

444. Face one another, close your eyes, and open your eyes once you’re ready. Once both of you are staring at one another, stare for as long as you can. Then at the end describe what the experience was like.

443. What song reminds you of the other? If there isn’t one, give a song recommendation.

442. Give a compliment to the other that focuses on something you think they do not hear often?  

441. What is a time in your life you would not want to go back to?

440. What is a time in your life that you would go back to?

439. Who is a friend that you miss the way things used to be with them? What changed the dynamic?

438. If you want to get married, what is your ideal age? Why?

437. If given the option, would you be a sugar baby?

436. Who do you think is most likely to live in another country? Would you? Why or why not?

435. What color do you think of when you imagine the other person? Is there a smell, a shape?

434. Who is someone you wish you knew under different circumstances? Why?

433. Overrated, underrated, just right: chocolate chip cookies, bacon, French kisses, forehead kisses, chalk?

432. What is the most intimate thing another person has done to you?

431. What is the most intimate thing another person has said to you?

430. What is the most intimate thing you’ve done to another human?

429. What is the most intimate thing you’ve said to another human?

428. If you’ve been kissed, explain your best kiss and what made it so?

427. Describe a memory that felt like a movie scene?
->my first and second kiss

426. Is there someone in your life you wish you could take their trauma/pain away from? If so who and why (if you feel comfortable naming)?

425. Who is someone who you consider to be precious that isn’t young? Why?

424. Who is your closest friend form the opposite ***? What is it about that that made them get this title?

423. What is the worst pain you have ever felt that wasn’t physical?

422. If you could speak any language in the world, what would it be and why?

421. Who is someone who you think has experienced the greatest amount of pain but hides it "well"? What is a misconception you have of them?

420. What is one of the biggest misconceptions you have of yourself in relation to how you think others view you?

419. Do you think you’re good person? What makes a person “good”? Why it why not?

418. Would you like to be proudest of your accomplishments or your character

417. If you could confront someone who did you ***** in your past and ask *** who would it be and why?

416. What’s the pain in me you’d most like to heal?

415. Have you ever been too scared to admit your growing feelings towards someone? What stopped you?

414. How would you describe falling in love with someone to an 80yo vs a 7yo?

413. What do you tend to think of as you wake up and lay in your bed in the morning?

412. What’s a kink of yours?

411. How has this week went week because of (you) something you said or did?

410. What do you want me to tell you that you feel you can’t say to yourself?

409. What is a movie or book ending that stayed with you?

408. How would you describe the feeling of sunlight and moonlight on your skin?

407. Do you like the sun or moon more?

406. How do you know you’re alive and not just by your ****** functions?

405. What color do you think of when you imagine a unicorn, bird, heart, fear, lollipop?
-> white and light purple, blue, red, black, red

404. What was your last memory from your childhood that you were reminded of recently?

403. Would you be a top or bottom?

402. What kind of shampoo do you use?

401.  How often do you shower?

400. Does assurance work?
-> depends. Sometimes it’s needed to help boost, other times its like a drug you need another hit
-> a behavior or action never happens once

399. What are your unique values that you bring to relationships?
-> thoughtful, kind, wonderful lover, goes out of your way to those you live, loyal, good conversationalist (feed the relationship with your mind)
->Knowing your value won’t change when challenged by the other’s external achievement and you won’t need to be reassured

398. Have you met a person that has challenged your mind intellectually? How many?

397. When was the last time you went to bed hoping that you’d not wake up?

396. Do you ever wonder how you came to be attracted to a physical look? What makes someone attractive to you physically? Is it conditioning? What if our desires were purely constructed for us?

395. When was the last time you felt proud of yourself? What was the context?

394. Who has made you cry the most painful tears in your life?

393. What is something someone struggled with around you and you didn’t know how to help?

392. What are you struggling with?

391. What is something that always makes you angry when you think about it?

390. When was the last time you cried? What was it about? We’re you alone? Did you want someone?

389. What is your favorite and why: earth, fire, water, wind?

388. What is your favorite vegetable?

387. What is your favorite fruit?

386. Do you have someone you would call in the middle of the night for emotional support?

385. When was a time you said I love you and regretted it the most? When was a time you said it and didn’t mean it the most?

384. How many times have you peed in a pool?

383.  How do clams reproduce?

382. What color of you think of when you think of the ocean? Blue, green, or both?
CMD May 2014
April 27th, 2014

Five days, 120 hours, 72,000 mins, 432,000 seconds

I count until I see you next.

40 days, 960 hours no -

I forget how long since I last did.

4, 3, 2, 1 day

24 hours until your body touches mine for the first time in what feels like forever

He drives.

I stare at myself in the mirror touching my face my hair my skin

Will you know me?

Of course even strangers know love,

But who is stranger after all these days

I do not know

He drives.

I pace, back and forth like a ceaseless wave crashing

Through doors unlocked waiting and I wonder -

What is it you think of on those long stretches of highway?

Me, I hope

In a tunnel, my eyes like a clear light at the end

And I tell myself you did not think of me when you


He drives,

Right into me, right into my soul;

I dream it, I must because I know you're not here, you're not in the tunnel you are



I wake,

In sweat and tears your body next to mine for what feels like the first in forever

May 5th, 2014

3 days, 72 hours, 4,320 minutes, 259,200 seconds

You have been home and yet

I still have the nightmare


By the idea

Of you not being

Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
If one were to use a metaphor
for Brexit, no better place than
The Garden of England to begin,
partly, because of logo centricity .

One might be accused of telling
yet another Kent of a story and
of course the emphasis on ***,
yet, we all know it was a cherry.

So, what is the real reason for
Leaves seduction and to whom can
we attribute this act of persuasion?

Another question one might ask,
is who was the actual snake in
the grass?

It is time for us all to Forage,
only 50 days to find the answer.

But lets not overlook the Do Ron
Ron, because he Came, and left!

That is a contradiction in literary
terms, due to Leave, being the verb,

Which became the 'Present' of The
Do Ron Ron's two past participles.

This May all sound as if it could be
resolved by the semantical logic

Of the English language, indeed it
could, were it not for The Irish Question,

Which has not yet been answered
despite it being posed some 800 years ago.

But when one considers, that The Shamrock,
Irelands answer to Punk Rock, has 3 Leaves

And the Paddies have been making sense of it
since the year 432 ad by way of 17 March.

Why is it, will you tell me, that the English can't
even seem to manage, one, lousy, solitary, Leave !!
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
432 AD is the date attributed
to St Patrick and the shamrock.

The H.A.R.P. came much later

Which of course is an eternal
reminder on all Irish Passports.

Guinness and Government was
the ****** for a non secular state.

All changed now, the terrible
beauty has had a face lift.

Abortion, divorce, SxS marriage,
popcorn, drink from bottles, we

Must now have now have ice in
our water here on a frigid island.

Support America's worldwide
regime changes, mass murders,

Induced famines, launder their
drug money in our green haven

Where Google is exempt from
paying any tax contributions,

Send our court jester to the White
house annually with a bowl of weeds.

What a joke, a shameless nation
that honourable people died for.

Have an ice day, and of course,
Oh, their, GOD, is here instead.
Infamous one Apr 2019
The mind full of thoughts
Words won't come out
Can write for days
Surviving the craze
Escape the toxic daze
Over the drama at peace
Bad habits over that phase
Seher Seven Nov 2015
sing a song for me.
**** a tune for me. drum bamboom for me.
Nina, sing to me.
reset with me. 432 for me.
I hear you.

Nina I hear you
singing… your words are
quiet plainly the beauty of the cords
strummed for me. or, at least it seems.

Nina, you are singing to me.
I hear you calling, me.
taunting my harmony,
plucking my keys, you and Jean.
Nina, what is it you see?
What is it I am to see?

the music of things,
I can feel the planets moving.
circling, looping. the air whips
the curve of my lips and stuns me.
it arouses me, induces screams of love.

silently, inwardly, slowly releasing into the vine.
stretching my fingers individually,
stroking the strings,
getting good at things,
Nina sings to me,
and I feel good.
TreadingWater May 2016
you like to drop, me, a, few, words,
from time-to-time
{432 hours
with\out a thought of you}
as. if. you. knew.
& you'll say how
you miss me //inside you\
wine & words
read _ ing _ a _ loud
you crouched^on^the^step^stool
while i cooked the food  
¡remember¡ how you took
me in that tiny room?
my hands in your hair
{can't seem to part with those
crumby dish towels}
how. you. dig. in.
un _ der _ my _ skin
only. to. go. silent;again
& I'M stuck on some °mem°o°ry°
of the >girl >i > once >knew
too blind to [really] see
the PuZZling PieCes of ₩e
Vic May 2020
Maybe I'm not attracted to you,

But the idea of you
A poem every day
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
nietzsche was ****** and made mad for deeming kant's solitude as idiotic, based on his intellectual output... no wonder he found admirers akin to married men like heidegger who held their solitudes as based upon their duties, obligations... having read heidegger admirer nietzsche's solitude, he who ****** kant's solitude: look - a wriggling worm, turning in his grave... much easier to play the joker card of solitude when darting across europe, eh? much harder to play the solitude card, rooted in one place, being deemed more eccentric, than: MYSTERIOUS... that being said, i really only have to pose for a Y (sky below, a place in england and a place in poland), HH: chiral displacement... W: edinburgh; which kind of translates into the modern narrative of everyone calling everyone else stupid... i already desecrated the altar of the jews, in that, my "saviour" taught me nothing of the nature of "the", "father"... i guess (roman gematria) Y (25) + H (8) + H (∞) + W (23) means something... not to mention M (13), and of course little 11 with a little 3 and a big up 20 (λ, γ, Υ)... but i ask you... how many times, does it take a greek to hide iota? Θ (theta), one... Ξ(ksi), two... Φ (phi), three... Ψ (psi), four! ha! all it took the barbarians was a bot-pod.

you can tell of of israel, when the dome of the rock, falls.

never you mind, but don't have two
at the same time,
  once upon a time i had locks,
long hair,
        and the women used to say:
what girl wouldn't be envious to
have that sort of pony tail...
    ****... getting out of here...
     and now, post scriptum the year
of maturing ****** *****,
i can appreciate men joking
about me having a beard:
      don't worry, it's growing,
you can hear it rustling among
    the tall grass when the wind blows...
but never, god forbid, you expose
both extensions...
    it's either: long hair and no ******
*****, or it's ****** *****
       and a roman / ottoman haircut...
******, coin flip!
              heads or tails?!
                 and this is the part where
we cocktail insomnia with
       that acute sense of ingesting
                berserk frenzy of the type...
catch me on a spelling mistake
and i'll solve you:

   643 825 719
   579 164 382
   128 973 645
   396 512 478
   754 698 123
   281 347 956
   815 436 297
   432 789 561
   967 251 834...

you can solve that,
i can tell you why it so HaPPeNs...
    quantum grammar
name it whatever you like,
i'm already having to address
a revision of crypto-nationalism
beyond the anglo-franco sphere:
hell... load of **** is, really happening
in Poland...
       i'd whip the leaders who
cling to their dead twins
and blame it all on russia,
and not the fog,
           and not a drinking problem...

    i'm in the trenches in a foreign land
using a parasitical tongue
while everything else is going
smoothly: to keep the memory
of the child i once was, intact...
that's crypto-nationalism to me...
yes yes, and i'll dance naked next
time you try to IMPLANT
of a colonial past my body,
my is bound to: REJECT...

  hell, should have seen her,
no six-pack of muscle, no 12 incher
and she was still bewildered
as to why that turned her on...

            inflate the ego to an equivalent
of an acid trip with english lyrics,
aah... deflate it with finnish folk...
  goes hand in hand...
       and some were born adrenaline
***** monkeys,
   and some were the ones
who: "apparently" elevated
conscious by digesting a fungus...
            well... that's history
wrapped up for sure,
  a nice christmas present,
  all glittery and amnesiac of
anything that might have
happened in any century that
does not point toward
a rhetoric, namely:
the oddity of the area of European
land, not affected by the black plague...
       is that like: people knew hygiene,
or really liked cats?!
           stray dogs teach
stray man how to coexist...
i.e. share the burden...
         you take the stray dogs away...
the homeless men are worse
off than if they were introduced
into a rehousing programme...
  **** the bureaucrats pencil pushin',
hussling paper maches...
      leave the stray dogs where
they are... the two will naturally
gravitate to each other...
   but hey... if it's going to be
doggy Ritz all of a sudden,
         and man: the push-over?!
i'm dry on what surprises
are coming...
                 vee'schtyrn e-u-rho-pa'h...
       did i get something wrong?
               always the man-child,
never the *******,
what ******* complex?
                  one ****** is poor
and "requires" psychiatric
                    like a snail needs
while the other?
          never played with matchbox.

what a ******* sour grape...
            the patron saint of snowflakes;
      crown prince mohammed bin salman...
snowflake... yeah i know,
no chance of snow in the desert
as such, but once in a while...

ha ha... #welcome yada yada ditto....
but seriously... doing this *** puzzle
had me thinking about spelling...
                 HHa and HaH...
                         # (obviously) -
                 ||| versus |/| vs.
                                this 2 dimensional
cube is, hyper-geometric,
             because it's an implosion,
             i.e. when it's 2 dimensional
it's an understanding of trigonometry...
when it's 3 dimensional it's an understanding
of geometry...
      how would you represent
sine, cosine and tangens in 3 dimensional space?
but back to spelling...
           stray dogs teach abandoned
men a freedom that no polity that discourages
strays to be free can ever teach
abandoned men
  to reenter a polity...
                  in the east you can still
have a stray dog companion...
   in the west?
   crawl on all fours,
          bark... and you might just
get into the Battersea Ritz!
   (laid slabs on the roof of
the new extension) -
           i've seen the "cages"
the strays have to endure...
             very ******* far from
a Bombai ghetto, i have to admit...
    maybe Paris Hilton wouldn't mind
                 and always, this persisting
personification of inanimate objects...
i can understand a personification
of animals... but sausages?!
                        i haven't smoked
anything but i says to him:
dude?! did that hammer just insinuate
i'm a nail?
Hi De Nov 2017
111 121 122 123 124 131 132 133 134 141 142 342 431 143 122 233 234 221 241, 751 512 613 111 141 342 132 431 143 133 343 431 122  131 132 133 134 751 124 842 511 513 124 143 122 422 344, 143 122 422 234 224 431 432 224 344 111 234 221 111 242 234 224 842 823 234 234 111 921 344 523 412.
this thought came to me...
That day really turned out to be the last.
not even a single word nor goodbye.
From yesterday and today rises the hope for tomorrow
by which that day may bring an end to human sorrow.
But though this will seem to some now a very long way off
true faith is known to work wonders so we shouldn’t scoff.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early 90's
You turn to me and break me up
Little pieces scattered to the floor
Danger in the sharp edges
If you tease me again
If can make you bleed
If you care you will leave me alone
If you care you'll let me move along
If you ever cared about me at all
You will turn around and let me be
The clock ticks and
Memory fades
Each second makes you disappear
A little bit further
Down memory lane
You will inhabit one of the houses I built for my memories
And I will come and visit
Until I forget about the number of the house
And the colour of the door
The last time I knocked
18 days ago
How long it has been since I heard your voice
432 hours
And how if feels to hear you steps following mine
Your hand wrapped around mine
Your legs in between mine
The smiles you throw at me
And I wish I could catch them all because I make you
So happy you smile all the time, even when I am not here.
And I wish I could bottle your smile up
And open the sound of your laughter when I am all alone
And you are

Long gone.
Graff1980 Feb 2020
Somebody’s daughter
is standing on the corner,
covered, almost smothered
in several layers of
***** old winter clothing.

She has mastered the art
of begging with carboard pleas
for something, anything to eat,
while stranger’s have mastered
the art of never seeing her.

Further down the avenue
somebody’s son is sharing
the same sick despairing
hunger pains, and ragged wares.

****** features slightly uneven,
but no one is really looking.
No one ever truly sees him.
So, he scratches his brown beard
and plants his feet where
he thinks he might find
someone with a kind
and generous disposition.

Hundreds of cars roll by
in the day to night sky
with only handful
of hands out the window
to offer him
any compassion.
Sk Abdul Aziz Apr 2020
It started outta curiosity
I started with one
Then doubled to 2
Then further doubled to 4
Then tripled to 12
Before I knew it I was puffing 20 a day
A drag here
A drag there
Waking up
Before going to bed
Before going to work
When taking a break during work
After coming home from work
After ***
When frustrated angry happy or high
Sometimes with alcohol and drugs
Sometimes in isolation
Sometimes with colleagues
Till I had felt a cigarette on my lips
I felt as if my day wasn't complete
But gradually the smoking started to take it's toll
My lips turned black
My lungs literally gave up
I was coughing
I was panting all the time
Couldn't think clearly
I would be irritated all the time
I lost friends 'coz of my rude behavior
My family isolated me
I was a nuisance at home
My hands would tremble
My body in a constant state of confusion
I had to visit visit the hospital several times
That's when I finally woke up
and realized that I needed to cut back a bit
It wasn't easy... Trust me
From chewing nicotine flavoured gums
To attending seminars on addiction
Joining rehab groups to yoga and then Finally to writing...
Today I'm down to 0 cigarettes a day.. Writing.. This is where I got my refuge... My sense of comfort and safety... Writing became a therapuetic process for me
It dragged me outta the abyss and showed me a light of hope and ressurection
Today after years of being a non smoker I appreciate writing even more
Wanderlust Aug 2018
5 Days
120 hrs ago we parted ways
432,000 seconds ago I was happy
60 mins ago... Im Home
No Kiss
No Hug
To bed you went
Why can't you just love me
Hold Me
Hug Me
I missed you
Im over It
The road might have been too long for you, but It wasn’t long enough for me
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Saint Patrick in an AD 432
metaphor, banished all the
snakes from the island of
Ireland, in County Mayo
where a small mountain is
called after him and every
year people climb it bare-
footed to look Westwards
towards America where
they all ended up and are
still there to this day in a
fort that was called after
John Knox the Caledonian
equivalent of Luther and
Calvin, thus why everyone
loves the Irish, but think
the Swiss, French & Scots
are vers de terre. VIPER$
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Two days to the international
greenway which was started
on an island circa 432 AD.

4 represents all the provinces
32 incorporates all the counties,
St.Pat's Ethic is a unified Ireland.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
i like that phrase, which invites that rare curiosity
of believing in journalistic integrity,
which... is a belief surmounting a belief
in god...
                     and that's ******* rare...
the phrase?

            an investigation by this newspaper

      oh lucky me ****** up look me here...
they're onto it again!
   they're actually working the *******
mill!      they're making flour...
into us dumb-folk dough!

1,335 suicides among the 21,432
the civvy street affair... (civilian)...
so here i am, wondering why
i sometimes cry when hearing the soundtrack
to Mel Gibson's the Passion movie...
or Vaughan Williams' -
Phantasia, theme Thomas Tallis...
or Black Sabbath's song solitude...

no man deserves to make a punching bag
a worthy outlet...
   heart... heart...
           an honest outlet of lament
on the altar of beauty will suffice...
that's all it takes...

i find that becoming... since i'm now
laughing at the political articles
in the newspaper...
a second referendum *******...
i mean... you have to be ******* me...
it's like a king piece in the hands of a pawn...
funny, eh? Helen of Troy...
Elizabeth I,
                           the king is just
an elevated pawn in the game...
but the queen is everything...
  bishop, knight, rook...
                funny, isn't it?

who begot the all the wars of our time?
while little jimmy is off in
the trenches, big fat **** Alfonso
is ******* the "sacred ******"...
                                 to an extent...
other that the current in situ of
the Syrian crisis...

                it's like that Hellraiser hellbound
quote... please, feel free, explore...
the labyrinth of a man's heart...
yeah... mind the heart, forget the stomach,
i'm pretty sure i can cook a meal
for myself...

  the element of a pulverizing rage,
        happy? happy?!
who the **** needs happy these days?
happy does not feed you energy...
but anger sure as **** does -
and i mean disorientated anger,
                a cancerous growth of
mike [by shortening & alter.] 1 : MICROPHONE 2 : MICROMETER CALIPER
(Fr. p. 1,432 of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1967)

microphone or mike, not mic
bicycle or bike, not bic
tricycle or trike, not tric
refrigerator or fridge, not frig
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
St Patrick was a Vegan, he ate
Shamrock 3 times a day which
is how it differed from clover,
one leaf less, the latter for cows
who, incidentally back then in
Hibernia, were herbivores also.
Ireland was the first country in
the world to go green circa 432
AD according to Leprechaun
manuscripts recently discovered
under a stone in County Cork.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
432 - 2018.

Get rid of his God and
all his fakes.

Tree wise men are but
pruner's one of them rakes

The Apple was not, nor
green, but Eve’s cherry

The snake, Adam’s ****
turned myrrh into merry

The garden of Paradise
where Eve stored her eggs

The water into wine, was
rain down on the dregs.

The best was the Shamrock
they all knew it was ****

Finn Mac Cool got so high
that he mounted his steed.

Pope Francis arrived and
assumed things were grand

But it’s Brits and Religion,
that divided our land.

— The End —