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We Are Stories Dec 2015
I remember the days when I knew
Or I thought I did everything I could do
To make this something that involved me and you
But my worst thoughts were the ones that got through
And broken glass has been all that lies in my center view.
I remember when
I was a kid and nobody ever questioned a single thing that I did
Now I'm the only kid
That stares hard at my hands and ***** the joy out of the life I live.
I was a care free heart devoted to the only Son
That shines bright, the only holy one,
But that was some time ago.
Nowadays I am captured by my fear, and driven by making time slow.
Oh God,
You can take the decisions I've made, all the days all the nights,
If it means that I have my heart back and can once more see the light,
Because I'm tired of being so lost in my own past
And all the things I wish I had.
I spend all my days just wishing
That I had a day where I'd stop giving away all I've given,
But I don't care if life is something that keeps me driven,
As long as I can remember that you're alive, you're risen.
Tell my friends I love them
And embrace them harder than I would've,
Keep my heart close to yours,
And help me find my way back to you
And to those sunsets I fell in love with in Africa,
Like the moon.
Like the dust blowing in the distant breeze.
Like the rain pattering down and flowing out in my streets.
Let me fall in love with you all over again,
Because those were my most joyful moments.
We Are Stories Dec 2015
Your creation burst from my mango
And drips from my lips unto my shirt
As I indulge in your sweet tasting world.
You drip from the tree leaves after the storm
And glisten in the lake outside of my house
Reflecting the sun's might off the soft ripples.
I am captivated in this moment
Where creation stands still
And I find myself at the center of your world
Even when I do not have you at the center of mine
-Oh what a God to be a son to
And to be adored by,
One who never stops showing off his great love
Even when we stop showing off ours.
What a lucky moment
To be hit by the cool breeze in the summer sun
With juice dripping off your face
While you smile at the ripples that distort your reflection.

A little taste of heaven
Not to be wasted-
We Are Stories Dec 2015
Here we go
Another testament of what we already know
Just for show
So that the unbelievers will be put back in the quiet zone.
That's what is right?
That's what's in his write?
And to put people in their place is something that is his right?
And here he is pointing his little fingers at the other man,
The same fingers that pick his boogers on the same pointers on the other hand.
And he wants all those around him to understand?
When he cant stand
While his temper rises and nostrils flare as his eyes expand.
Tell me this, tell me this,
When did the solution to the polluted arguments turn to breaking wrists
Over the back and forth action of battling opposites
Who wait for their friends to chime in and throw them some compliments.
"It's only common sense."
"It's only civil defense."
"I'm trying to prove that everyone's wrong and I'm the one in perfect tense."
We all gladly
Trade our thoughts for emotion and want to get rid of truth so badly.
We turn to insanity and sadly we're in love so madly.
I don't throw shade but I stay under my shady tree.
Pass me the plate of fries but don't you dare give salt to me.
You see I'm free,
I don't need some validation from my anger to give me Identity.
So finish up your childish games,
It's time for dessert, but your still stuck on your tiny screen.
We Are Stories Dec 2015
I prayed to God for the rain
But when the clouds turned black, I pointed my finger at his face.
How dare he bring all this change,
What about the summer sun, all the summer waves?
How dare he tell me I can't be the same..
I guess somewhere between my words, I got lost along the way.
We Are Stories Dec 2015
To you who grew up and forgot about what it means to live,
To you who grew up and gave life all you had to give.
I'm there with you,
I'm there with you,
When you go I'll miss you,
I hope somehow you see some hope!
Because I've been here in my rocking boat
For too long!
The waves go on and on and on and on and on!
And once you have nothing left!
And you've taken your final breath!
People will tell you that you didn't do enough for them!
So to you who are completely dry!
And you're feeling dead inside!
Remember that when we go home
We will find some rest.

To you who see life like me
And visit death frequently,
Tell him I said hello
It's been a little while since I visited my old friend!

Oh death your trickery
Has never been so sly!
Oh death your blood ******* seas
Have never been so wide!
Is it my time now!
Is it my time to go!
What's the deal, I thought we were friends,
But I guess your lust finally found my soul!
Was it too sweet to resist, you devil!
Was it too luscious for you to settle!
Does all hell know of my good taste and seek to thrive off my flesh!
Has my soul become so wicked that you'd toast to the sound of my death!
Oh death!
Have I become your friend to the point of serving you well!
Has my heart been married to heaven, but sleeping around in hell!

To you, death, the one who's been causing me to fear,
I will find my rest, and I will run my way out of here.
And even if you have my heart,
I will tear of your head and pull your skin apart.
I will enjoy the day when your eyeballs roll down your floor
And I stand there as the blood flows out the open door.
In the end your pieces will be ripped and torn
And the one who sits on bones will be devoured and thought of no more.
We Are Stories Dec 2015
After all the years, you'd think I'd forget,
But my nightmares keep coming back, they won't relent.
I still remember all my worst memories
And sad as it is they will still be apart of me,
Because late in the night
When lay down to sleep
I can't stop my mind
From thinking of what life would be
If everything stayed the way I wanted it
And left me alive
But the worst part of life is that
Even when you grow old die
That you can never go back.

What I would give for second chances,
What I would give to get my moments again.
I'd tell my family that I'd miss them when we're no more.
I guess I just wish we had more time than before...

I still can hear the thoughts playing on my cassette tapes,
They're all broken records, all stuck on replay,
I thought I escaped,
I thought I escaped,
I thought I escaped!
But my heart is a hard thing to replace!
So I sit here still dreaming
Of what a family still is!
But my investigations show that it doesn't exist...

-I wear a lot of faces, I wear a lot of things,
But the one that I forget belongs to me!
These pencils don't do justice to the thoughts in my seas!
  Nov 2015 We Are Stories
Ryan M Hall
I once rubbed a crucifix to know
what it was like to be touched by Christ.
It wasn't warm.
He wasn't warm.
He was rusty metal.
A relic.
A man who has long since died.

One day that will be me.
A long lost artifact
Or photograph, that
will be stuffed in a drawer
next to a book and some condoms.
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