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Blossom Feb 2018
Please try to be kind
With the words that you choose
You don't know others lives
Till you've walked in their shoes

People can smile
People can grin
People can lie
About feelings within

Helping brings Kindness
Kindness is Brave
Compassion brings Love
Loving is Strengh
Blossom Feb 2018
Baby Panda
You called me
A *****-*****
When you woke
And I smiled
In response

Baby Panda
When eating
Fruity pebbles
With almond milk
You croaked like
A frog, croak
Over 20 times
And got up
To spit in the sink
Excessive saliva
In between
Each bite
I asked you why
You croak
I smiled
And say
Never mind

Baby Panda
You ran to me
Sobbing as if
The world was ending
My socks!!!
No more clean
****, I forgot
To dry them
You pace
As you're forced
To go barefoot
Feet ****
For longer
Than an hour

Baby Panda
I return to
You're stash
Of a room
And picking up
Your pajamas
I smell an
Of both sorts
Soiling your
Red faced you enter
I smile and
Remind you
To let me know
Next time
And not to
Throw it on the
Wooden floor

Baby Panda
Socks on smooth
Shoes tied with
Quadrupled knots
You head to your
Room, radio blasting
Some radio talk
Station about comedy
Until 8:21 rolls around
And you run
Like a bullet
To the bus outside
Our house
I smile as you yell
No matter what room
I'm in

Baby Panda
I worry for you
The second you walk
Out the door
Because you have such
Big, terrifying emotions
Yet a small filter
On your words, thoughts
Of your own body
Despite the fact
That you're turning
Into a real teen
Before the summers end

Baby Panda
I wish I could help
In ways I cannot
I can't read your mind
Though you think
I should
Know how by now
I can't make socks magically
Not hurt, or have people
Not get ******
When you randomly shout
When your last conversation
Was regarding food
And I can't
Stop the madness that
Overtakes your body
Every time you get ill
Physically, mentally

But Baby Panda
I love you now
And always will
My baby, 12 year old brother
Blossom Feb 2018
Unfeeling, I watched the waves rise
Over sunsets of color and light.
Grasping my cold hand
You took me to land-
Denied Neptune the right to my life.

Feeling, I looked into your face-
Sad tears looking so out of place.
I sat with you all night
Promising, not to die
No matter the demons that chase.
Mom-Dad-Sister-Brother-Friend-Aunt-Grandma-Uncle-Grandpa-Cousin-Coworker-Pets-Bed-Classmates-Poets-Children-Depressed souls

These are some of the people who would be impacted by your death. Just a thought for when on the brim of a metaphorical or literal ride to suicide sea.
  Feb 2018 Blossom
tired of being lonely
when surrounded by so many,
the dark sky whispers a loving secret

one that wraps me tight
& holds me down,
choking me where I've fallen.

you ask me if I'm okay,
I tell you I'm fine in whispered breath,
as I imagine a world that never exists.
  Feb 2018 Blossom
Hidden Glade
When I say I lie in bed
I mean that I'm a liar
and not that I'm tired
or maybe I am because
i'm sick of hurting people
because I tell them I care
and then turn and push them
away to find another and the
cycle just keeps repeating
and I want it to stop
but all I can do is just
lie in bed.
  Feb 2018 Blossom
It is easy to lie
About how much I cry
I barely even try
It is kind of scary
That it is so easy
Who else lies?
Who else secretly cries?
How much do they try?
I can lie
And so can everyone else
We let life fly by
As we constantly lie
A poem for all the liars out there who might stumble upon this. Why do we do this?
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