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Vanessa Grace Dec 2015
I will re-decorate
the space in my mind
for you;
the space that cries
and the chains that scream
h o a r d
I hoard memories.
Vanessa Grace Nov 2015
Leave me here beneath the willow,
beneath the setting skies:
Now that I finally have a moment alone,
I can learn to drown my cries.
The water here is cool
as if from fall's frostbitten lips,
and I long for some revival
in her ever gentle kiss.
It is the seasons and I
who have missed you the most;
February and its fears.
But it is this willow tree that will coax
out from within me all these tears.
What if you never come back to me?
Whatever will I do?
To whom will I give my love,
when this wood has rotted through?
This willow will cease to dance,
and I'll refuse to sing
A song of how you left us both
for a war that fateful spring.
I wrote this on my cracked little phone screen through some weepy tears, so I'll have to edit it and proofread it later.
Vanessa Grace Oct 2015
and I've waited three years
for you to
kiss me
A moment worth savoring.
Vanessa Grace Oct 2015
draw near unto me
lonely creature of the night
and kindle sweet dreams
Vanessa Grace Oct 2015
I am tingling with the thoughts
that my body simply
Vanessa Grace Oct 2015
She is a phoenix
bathed in crimson and light,
but within the company of crows.
They are content,
whereas she pines for the feathers
that lack a certain glow.

For a dearest friend of mine. Don't you dare wilt!
Vanessa Grace Sep 2015
Because I am terrible at using my words,
I often intervene with body language.
But I will never be able to say through an embrace
"I love you,"
"don't leave me,"
“won't you please stay?”
if all you do is continuously silence me
each time you pull away.

Actions do have the tendency to speak louder than words.
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