I've been tearing around in my ******* nightgown 24/7 Sylvia Plath Writing in blood on the walls 'Cause the ink in my pen don't work in my notepad Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not But at best, I can say I'm not sad 'Cause hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have...
not a poem, just lyrics that i cry to every day:)))
we mistake a small cold for a chronic illness leading to death we mistake a bad grade for failed success that leads to a job at McDonald's we mistake a bad haircut for a complete unattractiveness that leads to being alone we mistake an awkward look for a social downfall in today's botched society we mistake a bad day, a horrible week, an ugly year for a permanent lifestyle leading to suicide the sun will come up don't end the day before it has finished
When I describe the air in the current season I never have the words to Articulate This feeling Fall Autumn Harvest All hallows A Season To Be Thankful The corn ready to be cut Or perhaps molded into a maze for the little ones Pumpkins Full of spice and flavor for you to smell Or maybe just to be severed for your porch The air Is crisp, refreshing When you say “it’s nice outside,” this is to what you refer Is nippy, full On the edge of Sweaters On days I have time I like to lay in the center of the field after practice and breathe The air restores my soul, my hope If nothing else, I love The air
He’s kinda weird The way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not looking Do you think he notices When I do it too? I kinda like his hair The way it curls makes me wanna run my hand through it it’s kinda strange Why these feelings never came up before? I wonder
why am I trying to finD the sin Of a point iN the uniT circle wheN i could be Eating my lunch in thE hallway with frienDs i dont have and Munching sounds better thAn all of this **** That they tell us we need in stupid matH class
I need you to know ILoveYou you took a hit I want to take the fall ILoveYou You're hurting I Hate It ILoveYou just play it out be sad your life is like china my heart is a glue to mend ILoveYou
I hate crush culture I’m in love with a gay guy And a straight girl I’m in love with people who will never be with me Because of a dumb thing like sexuality I’ve tried to define my self but the closest I’ve gotten is that i like people... just people.
Acceptance is cool Trying is cool Colorful things are cool Researching the things you like are cool Eating healthy is cool Doing things with your friends is cool drugs, in order to expand your mind and grow internally, are cool Working out and exercising all the time to make yourself healthier and more attractive is cool Keeping your room clean is cool Brushing your teeth every day is cool Writing everything down because documentation is the only thing that helps you to remember who you are is very cool Creating fantastic works of art and functionality are so very cool Drinking 8 cups of water (8oz) every day is cool Being nice and helping your family is cool Loving being outside and active is cool Actively fighting the feeling of heaviness and darkness that keeps you stagnant in life is cool being content is cool Being cool is the only way to survive while enjoying the whole thing
A Fly that's what you are pesky little irritating low-life if you were a fly you would die in less than a day less than 24 hours I would be rid of you with your disease, you spread pain and suffering that kills you have infected me and I have a Fly Swatter so rid me of your presence before I rid myself of you
Sometimes it’s because I have no food No money to go buy it No means of transport Sometimes it’s because I have no time to eat High school takes up 13 hours of my day not including homework No time No time No time I’ll just sleep it off It’s for the best
i think of home whenever i smell my shampoo i soak in the sun i see smoke i am home
i don’t know what home is home is familiarity home is blanketed home is safe home is you
i feel as if home is barefoot home is short hair home is bonfires home is young home is crushing home is christian home is swimming home is family home is smores home is the nature club home is loving to read home is learning to ride a rip stick home is painting with my neighbor home is reading to laynie home is warm home is easter with everyone home is memaw home is october home is cozy home is Sebastian the cat home is joy the cat home is pe uniforms home is 7th grade home is running home is coach lang home is pickles for my history teacher home is the river frio home is camping home is laughing home is smiles home is hide and go seek home is confidence home is childish blind love home is not caring
home is home home isn’t going anywhere i would never return home is smoke and smoke and mirrors
my inspiration has fled me as my innocence has left me and my friends have foresaken me I wish I could find the words to express why people choose to depress and why I cast not to address The feelings inside me that tear me apart rip holes in my heart and retain my ability to start writing again the demons are back they provoke my stability to crack why cant I get back on the track?
Looking up staring down Heavy hearts only weigh what you feel like The glass is only half-empty if it was full before Loss is only a loss if you feel worse The best thing to say is “at least” “Well now I get to” “It’s fine because” Don’t worry about it Unnecessary sadness Think up Not down
a magnet, with little wooden posts, and little wooden birds. they sit stagnant still perfect clay maybe, that stuff from walmart that never dries so you have to cook it in an oven they never grow old or weather on my fridge ill polish them, make them wish they could sing
each victory smaller than the last We are told none is too small but I can’t see them they blend in no longer victories, they are routine nothing changed
Sick of you Sick of him Sick of the way you like him better than me how is it that you care for him the man that I care for too at the same time I care for you as well It is All So Sick
Your eyes, prettier than you say I am You got your nose pierced and it’s making you harder to resist Your smile, brighter than our futures combined But hey! I never would’ve met you if not for our minimum wage jobs Your rep, worse than the instability you give me People tell me no, that you just want me for reasons I want people to want me for But hey You’re cute and looking at you can’t hurt, can it?
The cars drive by It’s cold outside The puddles on the ground Sterilized my ignorance Water is water Ocean spray or the day after blizzard Feels the same Imagine a space where it feels better Be there Be better Do it
Stopping your car in the middle of the road Jokes that people laugh at but hate (puns/offensive jokes) Drugs (but not alcohol) Wrestling with animals Eat the entire pizza in one sitting. Alone Arguing in public Respect (apparently) Making your mom jokes to people with dead moms Being louder than your dad Existing completely out of spite (as a result of your mom) Living with your best friend Ordering an entire pizza and instead of eating it you just lick off the toppings Jokes about suicide ellen
someone told me it was a poem, i didnt mean it to be. i think the only thing im capable of is verse
i don’t have any words they used to fly around my head looking for a way in flowing out of my ears out of my eyes seeing everything i stopped and stood on the sidewalk watching the red light and as i yelled it changed
it's so overwhelming the work why do you have to make it worse the pain it's so hard to deal with already why do you feel the need to make it worse I try try try so hard to impress but you are never satisfied
when the stars collide, maybe you'll mind your own buissness, maybe you'll see that I don't want you intruding on my life how I don't care if you feel as though we have fallen out you care for me the wrong way the way that I think is too much mind your own business stop creeeping into my life stop socializing with my friends just stop At the same time though I miss how you hold me I miss how you touch me I miss how you look into my eyes and say "It'll all be alright" So maybe I don't want you to stop maybe I just want a different love one that isn't so tough one that I can depend on one that shouldn't depend on me so much
My words are failing My heart is falling creative mentality My teeth are grinding My hand are clenching stop telling me what i need what i should do what you beleive i should be what i believe is wrong? My lips are trembling My legs are folding better faster stronger bigger Better Faster SStronger BIIgGer BETTER FASTER STROONNGER BIIGGGEERR
grain, world Expansion, sudden New love, new Take that -nothing matters-I rule the world- I hate everyone- Bury it Humble yourself, cry a little, cry a lot Get bigger, get better Grow, learn, say everything say anything
As my playlist plays The tears roll down Picture this. It’s dark The bass shakes the salt from your tears His voice calls the water from your eyes My shirt Soaked You’re rolling in the feels And he isn’t stopping you I float And shake His voice pierced the waves
I’m trying to convey how this song makes me feel and how you and this song give me this same feeling but I just can’t use words to describe this, seasonal sunflower feeling.
I want to do it, to do what I've always wanted You wish I wouldn't because then you would be haunted because what I would have done would have involved a gun
I bought a new dress and it makes me look like a lost sock it fits me well and makes me feel grown, the kind of beautiful you find in a fish with funky spots descriptively the lost sock has the kind of pattern to make you want to take markers and draw on the wall. the one you go crazy and see women inside of it gilman could get lost in my dress makes me want to hold a microphone and unplug it, so that i can let the voice in my head talk over the others.
I want to know when you stopped smiling when you heard my name When you began to not care how I was doing all the time When I stopped crossing your mind at the end of the day I want to know why
It's too early for the past music takes forever too bad it's not last ions and molecules I didn't ask 43 feet above the floor my ferris wheel of a task Je n'aime tu puis mange parce-que j'ai faim Can we move to creative writing? public static void main(String [] args ) public String want; private boolean love?;
Love is not easy return love is not slice a cake love is not lemon squeezy love is not chill Love is permanent and most importantly when love is broken Love gets revenge.
Whats wrong Are you ok Talk to me What’s going on Why are you sad Why aren’t you being yourself why are you crying Stop crying What are you saying I’m sorry Stop What’s wrong .. why don’t you already know