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353 · Aug 19
Riot’s Echo
Geof Spavins Aug 19
In twenty-four, the streets aflame
a tempest brewed, a nation’s shame.
Southport’s wounds still fresh and raw,
three children lost their lives, a flaw.
False whispers spread through cyberspace,
the stabber’s name, a twisted chase.
Muslim, seeker, both or none
the spark ignited, chaos spun.
England, torn by fear and hate,
far-right voices, venom’s weight.
Riots surged from Southport’s core,
a wildfire leaping, burning more.
Arson’s dance, a crimson waltz,
shops looted, streets in tumult’s pulse.
Police van torched, officers besieged,
a fractured nation, wounds unseized.
Islamophobia’s venom seeped,
racist fervour, hatred steeped.
Disinformation’s murky tide,
Russia’s whispers amplified.
Yet amidst the flames, a counterforce—
Stand Up to Racism, voices hoarse.
Anti-fascists, Muslims, too,
clashed with rioters, hearts askew.
In this fractured hour, we seek the light,
to mend the rifts, reclaim the night.
For England’s soul, a plea resounds:
heal the wounds, find common grounds.
I stand against the darkness,
where prejudice and anger collide.
My words, a beacon of empathy,
a bridge across the chasm wide.
For love knows no division,
no borders drawn by fear.
In unity, we find strength,
and hate dissolves when love is near.
So let us rise above the chaos,
embrace compassion’s flame.
Together, we’ll extinguish hate
and heal the wounds that bear our name.
I stand against hate
Geof Spavins Sep 9
It was January last Wednesday,
When the moon turned bright green,
The stars danced a tango,
And the sun wore a sheen.
The clouds sang a lullaby,
To the mountains so high,
While the rivers played hopscotch,
With the fishes passing by.
The trees whispered secrets,
To the birds in the air,
And the flowers wore hats,
Made of chocolate eclairs.
The wind told a joke,
That made the rocks laugh,
And the grass did a jig,
On the giraffe’s behalf.
So if you see a rainbow,
On a snowy summer’s day,
Just remember this tale,
Of January last Wednesday.
238 · Aug 19
Big Sis
Geof Spavins Aug 19
Big Sis was living in France,
Where she learned how to cook and to dance.
With a baguette in hand,
She felt life was grand,
And she twirled in a joyful trance!
My elder Sister lives part time in France - I could not leave her out of the limerick compilation.
202 · Sep 3
I am confused
Geof Spavins Sep 3
In a world so vast and wide,
Seeking answers, yet they hide,
In the shadows of my mind.
Paths diverge, which way to go?
Questions linger, answers slow,
Heart and mind in constant fight,
Searching for a guiding light.
Dreams and hopes, they intertwine,
In this maze, I seek a sign,
To find my way, to understand,
The mysteries of this land.
Yet in confusion, there’s a spark,
A chance to make a brand new mark,
For in the chaos, I might find,
A clearer path, a peace of mind.
But now I walk this road alone,
Since fate has taken you, my own,
Your memory, a guiding star,
Though you’re gone, you’re never far.
In the silence, I hear your voice,
In the darkness, I make a choice,
To carry on, though heart does ache,
For your love, my soul’s awake.
With God’s support, I find my way,
Through nights so dark, and brightest day,
Heaven waits, a promise true,
One day, my love, I’ll be with you.
193 · Aug 24
Smelly Nelly
Geof Spavins Aug 24
I think I got a little bit smelly,
From running around and being so silly.
But a splash of water and a bit of soap,
Will freshen me up, I surely hope.

With bubbles and laughter, I’ll scrub away,
The grime and the dirt from my playful day.
And soon I’ll be clean, from head to toe,
Ready for more adventures, let’s go!
167 · 4d
Sleep Calls
Day Fades
Twilight takes
Stars chase
Pillows soft
Dreams aloft
Moonlight dances
Silver calls
Night whispers
Guide to sleep
Blankets wrap
Warm and Tight
Night guardians
Eyes heavy
Breathing slows
Slumbers arms
Gently sleep
Tomorrow waits
For now, Rest Quiet
Dream far and free
As stars watch
130 · Sep 3
Geof Spavins Sep 3
Busy hands, hearts give,
Selfless acts weave a tapestry.
Volunteers' legacy.
87 · Aug 28
I Just Want to Be Me
Geof Spavins Aug 28
Who am I?

In this world of guises and shadows,
Where whispers shape the air,
I seek a route less travelled,
A passage bold and rare.
To drop the weight of others’ dreams,
And walk my own right way,
To find the light within my spirit,
And let it guide my day.
No more the ties of expectancy,
Nor the fear of being seen,
I accept my imperfections,
In the quest to just be me.

With bravery as my compass,
And honesty my guiding star,
I walk into the unknown,
To discover who I am.
For in the heart of truthfulness,
Lies a freedom pure and bright,
A life lived in truth,
A beacon in the fight
So here I stand, unguarded,
With a spirit wild and free,
In the beauty of my essence,
I just want to be me.
at 66 yo i am still finding out about myself
83 · Aug 19
Washing the Drive
Geof Spavins Aug 19
My sister was washing her drive,
With soap and a hose, she’d strive.
But a splash from the spray,
Sent her hat far away,
And she laughed as she felt so alive!
My younger sister is so alive - she takes joy in all she does
72 · Aug 19
The Badger
Geof Spavins Aug 19
The badger was digging all out,
In search of some grubs, no doubt.
With dirt flying high,
He let out a sigh,
And left quite a mess all about!
My sister has a problem with badgers invading her garden - so much so she has given up the struggle to keep them out - this was written for her amusement.
70 · Aug 19
The Mosquito
Geof Spavins Aug 19
There once was a mosquito named Jack,
Who bit in the small of my back.
I scratched and I swore,
As she flew out the door,
Leaving me with an itchy attack!

****** Mosquitos – Literally
Personal to me
63 · Aug 19
My Masseuse
Geof Spavins Aug 19
In a peaceful room with candles aglow,
She works her magic, gentle and slow.
Her hands, like whispers, glide with grace,
Easing tension, finding the place.

With soothing oils, she starts her art,
A dance of fingers, a healer’s heart.
Knots unravel, stress takes flight,
In her touch, the world feels right.

She exfoliates with tender care,
Removing worries, layer by layer.
A scrub of salt, a touch so kind,
Leaving softness, and peace of mind.

Her presence calm, her spirit bright,
In her hands, the day turns light.
This lady masseuse, with skill so true,
Bringing comfort, renewing you.
I have a bad back
57 · Aug 19
Geof Spavins Aug 19
The eternal mystery, where life’s journey finds its boundary. A passage from this earthly plane to realms unknown, where souls remain.

In shadows deep, we contemplate,
the final breath, the closing gate.
Yet in this stillness, hope does bloom,
the promise of life beyond the tomb.

A tempest in the heart,
tears that flow when loved ones depart.
Memories etched upon our souls,
their laughter, touch, and whispered goals.

A beacon in the night,
guides us through the darkest fight.
For death is but a transient shore,
and love endures forevermore.

So let us honour those who’ve flown,
their legacy in stories sown,
and as we weep, we also find,
that death is not the end of mind.

For in the vastness of the skies,
their spirits dance, forever rise.
And though we mourn, we also know,
they’ve found a home where angels go.

In the hush of night, when stars align,
we sense a peace that's near divine.
For death's not just an end, but start,
a journey of the eternal heart.

In every tear, a love's embrace,
In every fear, a hidden grace.
For those we've lost, we'll meet again,
in realms of light, without the pain.
I wrote this after my wife and soulmate of 40 years passed away, nearly 18 months ago. I have written poems constantly since this was first penned. I am still shedding a tear for my wife but the happy memories are vivid.
49 · Aug 19
Geof Spavins Aug 19
Golden sun sets low,
Waves whisper secrets to shore,
Peace in twilight’s glow.
45 · Aug 27
Bloody Mosquitos
Geof Spavins Aug 27
In the dark night, they come, tiny vampires on silent wings,
seeking the warmth of human blood, their presence felt in the itch that stings.

A buzz, a hum, a fleeting dart, they land with stealth, a needle’s *****,
drawing life with every bite, leaving behind a mark so slick.

Oh, ****** mosquitos, bane of sleep,
your thirst insatiable, your bite so deep.
You dance in shadows, evade the swat,
a relentless foe, a nightly plot.

In the dark, I wage my war,
with claps and slaps, a futile chore.
Yet still you come, relentless, sly,
a tiny terror beneath the sky.

But in the dawn’s first light, you fade,
your reign of night, a brief parade.
And though you leave me marked and sore,
I’ll face you down each night once more.

For in this battle, small but fierce, I’ll find my peace, my sleep, my cheer.
And though you bite, and though you sting, I’ll rise again, a warrior king.
Geof Spavins Aug 24
In the face of storms, I’ll stand tall,
A tree that bends but does not fall.
With roots deep in the earth below,
I’ll weather winds and let love grow.

For every trial, a lesson learned,
In every heartache, strength is earned.
Resilience is my guiding star,
Leading me to love, no matter how far.

In quiet moments, I reflect,
On paths I’ve walked, the ones I’ve left.
Each scar a story, each tear a guide,
To the love that’s waiting on the other side.

I search within, where shadows play,
And find the light that leads the way.
For love begins with self-embrace,
A journey inward, a sacred space.

With faith in God, I’ll find my way,
Through darkest nights and brightest day.
His love a beacon, pure and true,
Guiding me to love anew.
40 · Sep 4
Geof Spavins Sep 4
Where the winds blow, a heart of stone grows.
Eyes that pierce through veils of night,
A soul that knows no wrong from right.
Ambition’s fire, a burning flame,
No room for mercy, no room for shame.
Steps that crush the fallen leaves,
A path of power, one that deceives.
Whispers echo in the dark,
A ruthless mind leaves its mark.
No tears to shed, no love to give,
In this world, only the ruthless live.
Geof Spavins Aug 23
I’m not an American but what’s the score with Trump,
A figure so polarizing, he makes the headlines jump.
From tweets to rallies, his presence looms large,
A captain of controversy, always in charge.

Policies and promises, some kept, some not,
A legacy debated, in every thought.
Supporters cheer, detractors sigh,
In the court of public opinion, the stakes are high.

Economy, immigration, walls and trade,
Decisions and actions, in history’s shade.
Love him or loathe him, his impact is clear,
A chapter in politics, both far and near.
35 · Sep 7
The kissing
Geof Spavins Sep 7
I kissed a girl, I kissed a guy,
Underneath the twilight sky.
With stars above and hearts so high,
We danced until the night passed by.
In moments shared, no need to lie,
Just pure connection, you and I.
With every touch, a gentle sigh,
A bond that words could not deny.
Through laughter, tears, and dreams that fly,
Together, we could reach the sky.
In love’s embrace, we both comply,
A perfect match, a sweet reply.
34 · Aug 21
Geof Spavins Aug 21
In the beginning, You spoke the word,

Mountains rose and oceans stirred.

The Earth was born, a work divine,

A sacred space in all time.

Hallelujah to the Maker of the skies,

For the Earth's beauty before our eyes.

From the rolling hills to the deep sea's roar,

Every creature sing, "O Lord, You’re adored."

You painted the fields with flowers bright,

Gave the stars to adorn the night.

The sun to warm, the rain to nourish,

In Your love, all life does flourish.

Hallelujah to the Artist so wise,

For the Earth's splendour, a holy prize.

In every sunrise, in every bird's flight,

We see Your hand, and it shines so bright.

Every leaf, every grain of sand,

Is a testament to Your master plan.

We stand in awe, we kneel in prayer,

For the world You made, none can compare.

So, we sing this song with hearts so full,

For the Earth, Your canvas, so beautiful.

We celebrate Your mighty deeds,

For You, O God, meet all our needs.
34 · Sep 7
Geof Spavins Sep 7
To be honest with you,
The sky today feels heavy,
Clouds hanging low, whispering secrets,
The air thick with unspoken words.
In the peaceful morning,
Birds sing their usual songs,
Yet something feels different,
A pause in the rhythm of life.
Walking through the streets,
Faces pass by, each with a story,
Eyes meeting briefly, then moving on,
A silent acknowledgment of shared existence.
Moments blend into one another,
Time flowing like a gentle stream,
Carrying us forward, always forward,
Into the unknown of tomorrow.
To be honest with you,
There is beauty in this uncertainty,
A delicate balance of hope and fear,
A dance we all partake in, together.
This morning felt different somehow
Geof Spavins Sep 3
I Speak Before I Think
Words tumble out, a hurried stream,
Before my mind can catch the theme.
A thoughtless phrase, a careless slip,
From brain to tongue, a hasty trip.
Regret, it follows close behind,
A shadow cast upon my mind.
I see the hurt, the puzzled glance,
The missed opportunity, the lost chance.
The sting of words, a potent force,
Can wound the heart, derail the course.
A careless whisper, sharp and keen,
Leaves scars unseen, but deeply mean.
If only I could pause, reflect,
Consider words with due respect.
But in the heat, the moment’s rush,
I speak too soon, my thoughts a hush.
I strive to be like Jesus, wise,
To speak with love, to empathize.
With the Holy Spirit as my guide,
To find the words that heal, not chide.
Yet in this flaw, a truth I find,
A heart that’s open, unrefined.
For though my words may sometimes sting,
They come from a place of genuine feeling.
So, bear with me, my friends so dear,
For in my haste, my heart is clear.
I speak before I think, it’s true,
But every word is meant for you.

I Think Before I Speak
In silence, I gather thoughts,
Weighing words, untangling knots.
A careful pause, a moment’s grace,
To find the right words, time and place.
I see the power words can wield,
To hurt, to heal, to build, to shield.
With wisdom sought from deep within,
I choose my words, let truth begin.
The sting of words, I know it well,
A careless phrase, a bitter spell.
So I reflect, with heart and mind,
To speak with love, to be kind.
I strive to be like Jesus, wise,
To speak with love, to empathize.
With the Holy Spirit as my guide,
To find the words that heal, not chide.
In every word, a chance to show,
The love and grace that we all know.
To lift, to comfort, to inspire,
To light the world, a holy fire.
So when I speak, I take my time,
To craft each word, to make it rhyme.
For in the silence, wisdom’s found,
And in my words, love will abound.
30 · Aug 24
Geof Spavins Aug 24
Sometimes there is the need to just walk away,
Another time to run, to not delay.
In moments when the heart feels torn,
A path unknown, a love reborn.

With every step, a choice we make,
To hold on tight or to forsake.
The journey’s long, the road is wide,
In love’s embrace, we must decide.

When shadows fall and doubts arise,
Look to the stars, the moonlit skies.
For in the night, a guiding light,
To lead us through the darkest night.

Sometimes we walk, sometimes we flee,
In search of where our hearts should be.
But in the end, love finds its way,
To bring us peace, a brighter day.
I wrote this for a very special person going through anguish and turmoil. I hope it helps some out there in the real world.
28 · Sep 5
It's A Hard Rain v2
Geof Spavins Sep 5
It's a hard rain that's gonna fall,
On the graves where the shadowed ravens call.
Where once were the echoes of laughter's light,
Now lies the silence of perpetual night.

It's a hard rain that's gonna blur,
The lines between what was and what were.
The joy, the warmth, all drowned in sorrow,
Lost in the storm, with no tomorrow.

It's a hard rain that's gonna pound,
On the ruins, where hope is no longer found.
Where love once blossomed, now decay takes hold,
In the relentless rain, so bitter and cold.

It's a hard rain that's gonna sweep,
Through the soul, too fractured to weep.
The anguish, the void, an endless despair,
In the downpour's wrath, nothing is fair.

It's a hard rain, unforgiving and stark,
A symphony for the broken, a hymn for the dark.
Yet even as the tempest claims its toll,
We brace against the rain, the dark, the cold.

For it's a hard rain, a merciless test,
But even in darkness, the heart seeks rest.
With each drop, let the pain depart,
And in the depths, find the art of a new start.
this is the same poem in version 2
27 · 12h
In the hush of dawn, the world is still,
A canvas blank, awaiting will to paint.
Soft whispers of the morning breeze do pass,
Through rustling leaves and swaying trees they dance.
The sky blushes with a gentle hue,
As night departs, and day breaks through anew.
A moment pure, serene, and bright it stands,
Where shadows yield to dawning light’s embrace.
Thoughts gather like the morning mist, they form,
In quietude, they coexist in peace.
Dreams and hopes, both old and new, arise,
In daybreak’s glow, they come to view and shine.
With every breath, a fresh resolve is found,
As morning’s light begins to spread its wings.
In this tranquil, sacred space, I find,
My strength, my inner grace, my heart’s true calm.
Goodbye, Yesterday
Yesterday lingers like a shadow,
A whisper of what was, a ghost of dreams.
It held my hand through fleeting moments,
But now, I must let go.
Memories are etched in the twilight,
Fading with the dawn of today.
I see your face in the morning mist,
But the sun rises, and you disappear.

Goodbye, yesterday,
With your laughter and your tears,
Your promises and your regrets.
You were a chapter in my story,
But the pages turn, and I must move on.
In the silence of the night,
I hear your echoes, soft and distant.
You were the canvas of my past,
But today, I paint anew.

Goodbye, yesterday,
You were a friend, a foe, a lesson learned.
I carry your wisdom in my heart,
But my journey calls me forward.
Today I move on.
26 · Sep 5
It's A Hard Rain v1
Geof Spavins Sep 5
It's a hard rain that's gonna fall,
On the fields where the silent crows call.
Where once were the sounds of children's glee,
Now only whispers of what used to be.

It's a hard rain that's gonna wash away,
The dreams we painted in colours of day.
The laughter, the love, and all we knew,
Drowned in the downpour, leaving no clue.

It's a hard rain that's gonna beat,
Against the windows, in the empty street.
Where lovers walked hand in hand with hope,
Now just memories with which to cope.

It's a hard rain that's gonna pour,
On the heart that can't take anymore.
The pain, the loss, too much to bear,
In the deluge, we gasp for air.

It's a hard rain, relentless and cold,
A testament to the stories untold.
But even as the storm rages on,
We find the strength to carry on.

For it's a hard rain, but it will end,
And in its wake, we'll start to mend.
With each drop, let the old depart,
And water the seeds of a new start.
This is version 1 of 2 poems written after listening to the man
24 · 12h
F♯ Equals G♭
In the realm of keys and chords,
Where melodies take flight,
F♯ and G♭, two names, one sound,
Notes so clear and bright.

F♯ equals G♭, a harmony so pure,
Two paths, one note, forever sure.
In the symphony of life, they blend,
A tune that never ends.

On the strings of a guitar,
Or the keys of a baby grand,
F♯ and G♭, they play their part,
In every song we know.

Different names, the same refrain,
In every scale, they find their place,
A universal, timeless chain,
In music’s warm embrace.

F♯ equals G♭, a harmony so pure,
Two paths, one note, forever sure.
In the symphony of life, they blend,
A tune that never ends.

When you play that perfect pitch,
Remember this simple fact,
F♯ and G♭, forever stitched,
In music’s endless track.
Music is a love of mine, I long to learn to play an instrument.
24 · Aug 27
Did you want anything?
Geof Spavins Aug 27
Did you want anything?
She asked with a gentle smile,
Just a moment of your time,
He replied, pausing for a while.

What shall we talk about?
She inquired, eyes bright and keen,
The dreams we chase, the fears we doubt,
He said, with a thoughtful sheen.

Do you believe in fate?
She wondered, voice soft and low,
I think we shape our own path,
He answered, letting his thoughts flow.

What brings you joy?
She asked, leaning closer still,
The simple things, a child’s toy,
He mused, with a quiet thrill.

Where do you see us going?
She questioned, hope in her tone,
To places unknown, ever growing,
He whispered, feeling less alone.

Did you want anything?
She repeated, a final plea,
Just to be here, in this moment,
He said, with you and me.
24 · Sep 7
Geof Spavins Sep 7
Hate is a shadow
Poisoning minds
Spreading unseen
Turning hearts cold
Eyes blind
Violence erupts
A storm
No warning
It shatters
Leaving scars
And of the mind
A cycle of pain
Endlessly turning
Breaking spirits
Leaving deep jagged marks

In the aftermath
A weight
A void
Lives altered
Dreams shattered
The echoes of anger
A haunting void

Yet in the dark
A glimmer
A hope
That refuses to die
For even in the face
Of hate
And violence
The human spirit can rise
Seeking peace
Yearning and longing
For light
I have seen this too often - I Hate Hate - is that tautological?
21 · 2d
Circle of Logic
In a land where rules are made,
A curious thought began to wade.
“The law must be obeyed,” they say,
“For breaking it is not the way.”
“But why must we follow this decree?”
Asked a voice from the old oak tree.
“Because the law is what we must heed,
To break it is an unlawful deed.”
“But why is breaking it so wrong?”
The question lingered, soft yet strong.
“Because the law says so, you see,
And thus, it must be followed strictly.”
Around and round the logic spun,
A circle danced, a web was spun.
For in this land of rules and might,
The answer lay in circular light.
The law must be obeyed, it’s clear,
Because to break it brings us near,
To the very thing we must avoid,
A loop of logic, neatly deployed.
I feel we are heading into the logic knot blindly
20 · Sep 9
The Enchanted Library
Geof Spavins Sep 9
In the heart of a bustling city,  
Where time seemed still, so pretty,  
A library stood, small and quaint,  
With scents of books, ink, and paint.

But this was no ordinary place,  
It held a secret, a magical grace.  
At midnight’s chime, it came alive,  
Books would whisper, stories thrive.

Characters stepped from pages bright,  
Wandering aisles in the moonlight.  
A young girl named Lily, pure and keen,  
Found this library, like a dream.

She loved to read, her heart’s delight,  
And on that special, starry night,  
She saw the books with a gentle glow,  
Curiosity sparked, she had to know.

She touched a book, and to her surprise,  
Was pulled into a world before her eyes.  
A forest magical, creatures grand,  
Talking animals, a wondrous land.

A wise old owl, with feathers gray,  
Guided her through the forest way.  
He spoke of magic, stories’ might,  
And the library’s secret, hidden in light.

Lily explored, her heart so light,  
Meeting characters, day and night.  
Learning lessons, brave and true,  
In worlds of wonder, skies so blue.

As dawn approached, with gentle grace,  
She found herself back in the place,  
Holding the book, still softly bright,  
Her heart aglow with pure delight.

From that day on, each night she’d go,  
To the enchanted library, where stories flow.  
Adventures endless, wonders vast,  
In the world of books, her love would last.
20 · 7d
Circle of ?
I’m stumbling along in life and boom,
A twist of fate, a sudden gloom.
Yet in the chaos, I find my way,
Through night and storm, to light of day.
I seem to recover, and a twist of pain
Gets in again, like a sudden rain.
But through each trial, I rise once more,
Stronger than I was before.
For every fall, a chance to stand,
With firmer grip and steadier hand.
In life’s great dance, I find my beat,
With every stumble, I land on my feet.
Without my God, I suffer and fall,
But with His grace, I stand tall.
In faith, I find my strength anew,
Guided by His light, I make it through.
Yet as I journey, a truth unfolds,
A hidden strength within me holds.
Not just divine, but deep inside,
A well of courage, my own guide.
For in my heart, a fire burns bright,
A spirit fierce, ready to fight.
With God beside and strength within,
I face the world, and I begin again.
In every trial, a lesson learned,
In every loss, a purpose earned.
Adversity, a teacher wise,
Reveals the strength within our eyes.
Through pain, I find my true intent,
A path of growth, a life well spent.
For in the struggle, I discover,
The deeper meaning to uncover.
New Beginnings - Old Endings
In the land of tea and crumpets, where politics is a game,
The voters cast their ballots, but the outcome was quite tame.
Labour claimed a victory, with cheers and loud applause,
Yet the vote count barely shifted, leaving many to pause.

“How did they win?” the pundits cried, “With numbers so petite?”
“Did the Tories take a holiday, or just admit defeat?”
The headlines screamed of triumph, a red wave on the rise,
But in the voting booths, it seemed, there was no such surprise.

The leaders took to Twitter, with hashtags and with glee,
“Democracy has spoken!” they declared for all to see.
But whispers in the corridors, and murmurs in the halls,
Spoke of a quiet victory, with margins thin and small.

So here’s to the election, where the numbers stayed the same,
Yet somehow Labour triumphed, in this curious political game.
For in the world of politics, where logic often bends,
A win is still a win, my friends, no matter how it ends.
18 · 13h
Impossible Things
There’s a kingdom where dreams and shadows interlace,
Where murmurs of the stars explode the night,
There lies a world of wonders still concealed,
Of impossible things that dare to be.
The mountains rise, challenging gravity,
Their heights caress the heavens’ eternal blue.
The oceans dance with secrets in the deeps,
And time itself bends to the will of dreams.
One thought can spark a thousand flames,
A whisper can transmute the course of fate.
In every heart and soul, a universe resides,
With endless possibilities untold.
The borders of what we know vanishes,
As minds explore the vast unknown expanse.
For in the realm of dreams, all things are true,
And that was once impossible, now breathes.
So let us journey forth with open hearts,
Embrace the magic of the hidden ways.
For in the dance of life, we find our path,
And in the quest for dreams, we find our reality.
17 · 12h
Unseen in the crowd, I stand alone,
Never quite fitting in, feeling unknown.
Love seems distant, a far-off dream,
Overlooked, I drift in a silent stream.
Voices around me, yet none to hear,
Emptiness grows, fed by my fear.
Desiring connection, a touch, a sign,
17 · 10h
Missing You
I need a hug, a warm embrace,
To fill this empty, lonely space.
I miss the touch, the gentle care,
Of someone who is always there.

To love and be loved, a simple plea,
A heart that beats in harmony.
The nights are long, the days are cold,
Without a hand for mine to hold.

I dream of laughter, shared delight,
Of whispered words in soft moonlight.
A bond so strong, a love so true,
I miss the warmth of being with you.

Until that day, I’ll hold on tight,
To memories that light the night.
For love will come, I know it’s near,
And fill my world with joy and cheer.
I miss my wife
14 · 2d
Lucy - A Tribute
In dreams, she floats on rivers made of light,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
A girl with eyes like kaleidoscopes,
She wanders through a land of cellophane flowers,
Where colours blend and dance in harmony.
The sun, a golden orb, smiles down on her,
As rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.
She drifts past fields of towering blooms,
Their petals whispering secrets to the wind.
In this surreal world, time stands still,
And newspaper taxis wait by the shore,
To carry her to realms unknown and vast,
Where imagination reigns supreme and free.
Lucy, in the sky with diamonds bright,
A symbol of the wonder in our minds,
She guides us through the labyrinth of dreams,
Where every turn reveals a new delight.
A lavish spread, a tempting sight,
Each dish a promise, each bite delight.
But hidden within, a silent foe,
A treacherous toxin, a secret woe.

The night begins with laughter and cheer,
Unaware of the danger lurking near.
A sip, a taste, a morsel consumed,
The joy of the meal, soon to be doomed.

A sudden twist, a stomach’s churn,
The body’s revolt, the fever’s burn.
Sweat beads form, the chills take hold,
A battle within, fierce and bold.

Hours pass in a haze of pain,
The feast’s betrayal, a cruel disdain.
Yet through the torment, a lesson learned,
Of caution and care, respect hard-earned.

For in the aftermath, as strength returns,
A vow is made, a wisdom burns.
To cherish health, to heed the signs,
And guard against the food that undermines.
24 hours of agony later

— The End —