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 Jun 2018 adept
Nivine Nahli
The stars and the moon,
Have fallen beneath my feet.
You brought them to me and
It all makes sense now.

Since there is no radiance,  
Above me anymore.
In a split second,
My heart has changed.

Thinking it was kind gestures,
But only taking away what’s left in me.
I have nothing to look up to,
No stars to count, no moon to watch shine.

You left me with darkness.
You took away my universe.
You took what you gave me,
Buried it beneath my feet.

And wondered why I was so cold and empty.

 Jun 2018 adept
i've bitten my tongue so much
that it bleeds because it stops me from talking,
helps to keep the peace.
it stains my lips red as a reminder
that your words can start wars,
hurting those around you and
leaving destruction in their wake.
for what is the worth of the blood of one
when it has saved the lives of many?
You impacted me in a way I can't put into words. You saved me, but, in the end, no one could save you. I'm sorry this is how your story had to end. You'll live on.      r.i.p. xxxtentacion
 Jun 2018 adept
i've always wanted to introduce you to all my friends
we sacrifice ourselves just to break ends
we're abused
we're confused
and maybe feeling a little used
welcome to hell as you've never seen it before.
it's under new management.
we hope you enjoy your stay.
 Jun 2018 adept
you run your fingers along my fault lines
and watch everything crumble to pieces,
unaware that we're both in a dangerous place
as the world falls down around us.
 Jun 2018 adept
to my favorite infatuation,                                                     ­                           

you told me that i was holding on like it was my lifeblood.
i said you weren't wrong.
right before i left, scared of what might happen next,
you told me that my voice gave me away.
that there was a certain naivety to it.
i hadn't yet been tarnished by the harshness of the world,
and that's what you thought was most beautiful about me.
i will never forget your words.

                         with love,
                                                                ­ the stranger you said was perfect
 Jun 2018 adept
One day we’ll wake up and call each other.
Our voices will be monotone.
We won’t really have anything to talk about.
We’ll go through our photos.
Make ourselves see how good it was.
We’ll look at each other and see why we fit.
Determine the pros and cons of staying together.
It’s just not that good anymore.
It’ll all end that way.
Not because anything is dreadfully wrong.
We’ll just be bored.
Everything will go back to how it was before.
Except that we won’t be a couple.
Just two people who coexist.
I can talk to guys at bookstores and fall a little bit in love with a perfect stranger every day.
You can pick up girls at the baseball field that you always thought were better than me.
But we’ll always have us.
For now, let’s stay us and hold off until later.
 May 2018 adept
the pounding in my head only stops when my head is resting on your shoulder.
i never though that it would be you, though.
 May 2018 adept

you best save yourself

before i can
sink my claws into you too.
uh oh.
here i come.
i suppose i didn't notice until it was
far too late.
every time. every single time.
 May 2018 adept
you are the soundtrack to my life.
your breath is the rhythm to my walk.
your heartbeat is my refrain.
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