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Thomas W Case Sep 2024
You build me with
turquoise and
the mountains of Taos.
Cerulean blue
serenity in my soul.
My heart chases
after you.
Even your chisel
helped me
grow through
the pain.
are the
grand artist,
The Supreme
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
God's Oracle Dec 2019
As if the Universe where conversing with my Inner Temple, indeed I feel vibrations a Grand Blueprint encoded with all energetic signals that transgress time and space where Galaxies and everything that coexist here on Earth and beyond all things seen or unseen said or left quiet The Master Of All Hosts (God) has allowed me to understand the melodic harmonizing tunes and signals every single molecule of energy has its own unique signature created by a Supreme Being overshadowing The Firmament outerspace of the cosmos the extraordinary thing about my observation into the Lenguage Of The Creator is truly mesmerizing it leaves me appalled to be even talking about it as if it's something long forgotten by Mankind. I know I try to remain teachable exponentially exploring my own most private and intimite thoughts where I converse with the Creator of all creation. Unspeakable words and collossal admiration I have gained to getting to know this Being for He is the Father and Author of all things created. His splendor and radiance can be felt seen but never understood fully and the overwhelming joy and feelings of love and worship can be expressed with my words on this poetic expression of my penmenship being solemnly dedicated as a letter of why my faith remains tremendously strong and unshaken because I have the honor and pleasure of knowing and talking with him on a deep spiritual level because he made me just like he made you (whoever the reader is) and am just so blessed and thankful to know that he watches over all Creation and mantains Order thru his Celestial Armies Of Heavenly Bodies and Angelic Forces that have dominion and rule over the final destination of our Souls Planets Stars and even Galaxies...yet much mystery and enigma is shrouted in God's presence am humbled to be submerged in the Holy Spirit at this moment talking about our benevolent Creator...remember to just contemplate and ask with all humbleness and meekness in heart for his Celestial Majesty to personally speak to you in a way he only can and just be receptive learn to observe your surroundings with spiritual eyes and speak to him with uttermost sincerity love admiration and respect. The Master Of All Celestial/Terrestrial hosts is listening and if you learn to use your Soul&Spirit and intertwine its energy field with the Universe you will have some deep and meaninful things be revealed to you in ways you cannot even begin to comprehend. Meditate on his Holy Word daily remember to stay prayed up abstain from fleshly and carnal desires and last but not least remain holy because he is holy. My Aura Colors today are 31.3% Yellow 69.7% Purple 6.4% White. Mood: Cheerful, Calm & Serene Flow of my inner & outer thought patterns: Heightened yet remaining stable Spiritual Path: 8

Lord I want to thank thee for allowing me to see admire and minisculely understand your Celestial Order and your Decree of Peace & Love unifying all energy throughtout the cosmos. Thank you for your Holy Spirit accompaning me tonight in this day and am forever thankful for sending your only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for me and atone all mankind's sins. Amen!
Conversing with my Inner-Self my Soul and God the Creator... using meditative techniques then slowly making this observation of my current spiritual state and also illuminating and healing my temple by giving glory and honor to the one who made it all.
Ylzm Nov 2019
Righteous' presence
     and innocents' innocence
Pleasant fragrance
     the Essence’s essence

Sparrows nest
     in cherub's presence
Leaping loyal dogs
     wagging effervescence
But cats sleep,
     without care, blatant nonchalance

Beauty’s transcendence
     and inviolable permanence
Musical cadence
     in timeless immanence

Elephants' endless patience
     and endurance
Hummingbirds whizzing
     winged iridescence
Orchids blooming
     riotous inflorescence

And monarchs live and die
     in glorious ignorance.
Psalm 150
Je tremble des lèvres et des cils
Tout en moi se raidit, je bande
Je suis possédé

C'est Ma Phénicienne qui est à la manoeuvre
C'est ma diablesse qui se manifeste
C'est Jézabel, muse fatale, qui est à l'oeuvre
C'est l'esprit de Jézabel qui m'infeste.
Telle Anat, la Cananéenne, la Sanguine,
Ma prêtresse de Baal, ma Sidonienne
Se farde les paupières d'antimoine
Et se coiffe langoureusement postée à la fenêtre.
Ses yeux de gazelle me dictent les mots
D'une rare luxure
Que je dépèce comme une meute de chiennes lubriques
Ses lèvres entrouvertes dégoulinent
De mots adultères
Et la débauche s'empare de mon trône.
Et le désir me piétine de ses chevaux emballés.
Mais **** de m'apeurer à l 'approche du combat qui s'annonce
Je m'agenouille et je vénère ma guerrière,
Ma prophétesse, mon YHWH
Ma souveraine et seule voix sur terre
Vierge de toute armure ou parure,
Jézabel, mère d'Athalie,
Jézabel dont je suis l 'homme de paille,
Le prostitué rituel,
Le moine poète
Qu'elle a défenestré !
Stanley Wilkin Feb 2018
High he rode, high above,
no one to hate
in the clouds, no one to love,
lost in thin, ensnaring fate,
he fitted heaven, hand in glove.

From his perch,
at YHWH's ponderous side,
he would lurch
like the morning tide,
reaching out to clutch.

sullen of face,
mesmerised by YHWH's poignant glare
he failed to trace
in the ancient one, infinite fear,
The old one with infinite grace.

They played chess under Sirius
drank wine near the sun
becoming delirious
when YHWH called him his son.
He yelled back: 'You can't be seious!'

But now, in his failure,
the two rarely speak,
for god he's now a blur
a loser, hopeless and weak,
a blunderer and cur.

'Dad', he says quietly,
'there's plenty of planets around
i can visit each nightly
with one hop, and one bound.'
God acknowledged him but slightly.

God nods in the sunshine,
not listening it seems,
now senile, snorting a line
the ancient one dreams.
It will, he thinks vaguely, all be fine!
Nelize Feb 2017
Do stars gather every night
For this dear mortal to absorb their delight?
Does their light patiently travel all those miles
Only for these eyes to absorb them with smiles?

Gravity of Force, gravity of Love
I wonder how much stardust twinkles in my ****** glove.

Grab a plate
Grab a drink
Fly if need be
Allow your thoughts to levitate among stars
Go outside and accompany them
Despite their countless numbers
Always being present
As if waiting for me to accompany them
As if without me they're incomplete
Happily flickering when they see me
Wanting me to be part of their story

Twinkling novas and dancing nebulas
Stars probably say, "there's Earth again, a merry go round, humans hide among rooftops and ground"
Numerous or singular, planetary or nebular
Human dust or stardust, neither of this matters
Humans in days, stars in miles
We all stories in the end

Eyes are windows of the soul,
Stars are windows of the universe abode
God's winking morse code
"Hi there, I see you"
Stars or souls, we're all stories in the end

Made in images of our Creator
So much so, even neuron clusters in human brains
Have similiar visual patterns of galactic clusters in heavenly terrain.

Sapiens city lights, interstellar starlights
So close, yet also, so far away
Sometimes I feel YHWH's eyes on me
The many, many thousands of starry eyes
As if God's out there and I'm just stardust
But YHWH is everywhere
Just like starry eyes

Gravity of Force, gravity of Love
I'm in God's story 'till the end.
G H Goodland Jan 2016
Solem vow to which I owe
Lost to all unless all is given
Fearful mute is all I am
Coward among the blind
Whimpering lion hides in is den
The passer-by, nose up, grins

On the Rock to whom I'm grounded
I sit among the thorns
The unscathed one they'll call me
Omega is calling and thunder is near
Last note to you I must plead
Loose the grip and dine with adoration
cynthia Jul 2015
light fades to darkness
creeps in and over shadows
is it just me?
does the world seem to be growing
ever so darker?
ever so colder?

The Almighty Beacon
lights up the darkness
the ways of the world slow you down

picture: sunshine on your face
the warm touch of millions of sunny fingertips
caress me
caress you

picture: fields of open air
the aroma of lavender and lemongrass
serenity amiss distress

your troubles are overwhelming
your thoughts are never quieted
the world has you crippled in anxiety

We are not the world we live in
so many fail to realize
I have submitted by submission
my supplication

To serve but One
To love none short of All
I'm amidst an explosion
as is all of Being
we are exploding


— The End —