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Madison Jul 2018
We almost made it.
It was almost enough.
I was almost enough.
She almost lived.
He almost woke up.
They almost did it.
But it wasn't enough,
Only almost.
Sam H Jul 2018
People often forget
to write about their happiness
It's only when they're upset
that they clamor of their madness
because they know
pity comes to the loud,
and ignorance to the mellow
I am happy right now
C-Nova Jun 2018
Do we belong together?
I don’t know.
As the days go on,
I can’t seem-
to let you go.
I think about you all the time,
Do you ever think of me?
I’ll sometimes forget you in reality-
Only to wind up finding you
In my Dreams.
Ron Gavalik May 2018
Calling out dead poets
as sexists or rapists or users
is the opposite of woke enlightenment.
The poet’s job is not to censor
his experiences or his madness
for sanitized comforts.
The poet’s truth is his gift
of insight, a naked wisdom
of hard love and difficult choices.
Narrow fools so often absorb
this sweat and blood poured onto the page.
After their souls are satisfied,
that’s when the fools unsheath
the long sword of ignorance
and ****** the blade square
in the poet’s back.
Read more.
Daisy Vallely May 2018
Before I wake by morning light
I asked that I will dream tonight.
Blessed be our sacred eye
Show me truth and never lies.
For what my realm of sleep reflects
When I awake, I'll recollect.
Something I recite before I sleep, while using mugwort under my pillow
EmperorOfMine May 2018
Things go down when the dominos fall,

I would know, I watched them fall

The scene imprinted in my mind

Lives crippling from out the sky

I'm slow in motion, I can't help

I'm just like you inside this hell

Although I wish I couldn't see

I'd rather silence from the pleas

I feel like I'm going insane

Watching the effects take their place

A choice was made, a result after

So much beauty made from disasters.
Not meant to rhyme...kind of rhymes
nadine shane May 2018
i woke up next to you again,
red wine lips
slightly parted,
a contented sigh
escaping out
of crushed cherries.

the night is still young,
you had said,
a lopsided grin
crawling its way
to your sinful mouth
speaking in dead languages.

( do not lie to me, darling )

i woke up next to you again,
eyebrows furrowed,
small hands traveled to mine,
soft whilst never unwavering.

you begged me to stay,
never letting go of the
edges of my shirt.
insides stirred,
i watched you in awe
as you pat the spot
next to you.

( just this once, i let you do as you please )

i woke up next to you again,
gaze already set
on my visage.
a lazy smile and a kiss
greeting me.

this was love,
you had thought
but you were

( tonight will be the last, mi amor)

i woke up next to you again,
clothes tattered and torn,
lifeless eyes greeting me,
sheets splotched
with regret and blood.

grief and love
are no such thing.
prey  and a predator
EmperorOfMine May 2018
I scream and I scream and I scream and I scream

Yet you cannot hear me

They're ripping me apart, I beg your attention

Not for submission, but for some peace

I doubt you can understand me since I'm speaking in riddles

But I speak as clear as air...

I scream and I scream and I scream, please help me...

But I'm silent

I'm quiet...

And as I try to breathe, after being forced to hold my breath

I need to breathe...I'm suffocating

You've put me on mute

You've clogged your ears with hypnotic vibes

You don't even realize there are vines gripping around your heart

A seed has been planted

I'm being stabbed in the back of a van, begging for help

Screaming for help...

And yet they jog the sidewalk

They've put me on mute.

Now let it sink in........

My lungs are collapsing as I die of the incapability to breathe
The only help I have is intentionally muting me
I am valueless when I am simply one grape out of a bowl of fruit
As I'm stabbed by demons, only I can hear my screams
The human lens is cracked
What you see is not real
I am not in need of pity
I am in need of your will
Get new lenses
Someone needs your help
Don't put me on mute...for your comfort.
I'm an advocate of those who are silenced, suffocating, and dying for the chance to breathe...
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