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If only I was brave
like you said I was
all of those years ago
when you weren't sick yet.

If only I could remember
back to a time when you were alive,
And I wasn't living in this exile of a world,
Trapped between his life and mine.

If only Death wasn't so harsh—
He wrapped you up in his cold, dark grasp
and took you away before I even said

If only I could be him and live my life
without thinking of what could've been different,
I could excel at everything and not be scared
to even get out of my house

Because I'm living a life I do not know;
If only you didn't go.
I really appreciate comments and feedback! :)
Lizzie Bevis Feb 25
We built our friendship piece by piece,
with laughter and late-night talks,
but, I never thought we'd reach the day
when our shared path just...stopped.

I remember the good days and the bad,
a shoulder was always there to lean on,
I thought we'd be two crazy friends
growing up and still going strong.

I remember how we used to plan
our lives, growing old and grey.
It is funny how our future dreams
just sort of slipped away.

I've tried my best to fix the broken bits,
and to patch up what came undone,
but some things, once they've changed too much,
can't be joined back together as one.

And yes, it hurts like hell sometimes
to know we've drifted apart and stalled;
But, I wouldn't trade those memories,
not for anything at all.

So here's the truth, plain and simple,
as I let these words go free,
I hope you find what you've been chasing,
and that you are where you are meant to be.

I hope that your days are kind and gentle,
and that all of your dreams will come alive;
And although we're on different paths now,
I hope that you will still continue to thrive.

©️Lizzie Bevis
How bittersweet it is to drift away from old friends.
It will never be the same as it once was.
Zywa Feb 11
The world is silent,

at night people are inside --

warm or hankering.
Composition "Moon Viewing Music" (2018, Peter Garland), for three gongs, part 3 "Only the moon / high in the sky / as an empty reminder - / but if looking at it, we just remember, / our two hearts may meet" (tanka by Saigyo, 1118-1190, translated by Burton Watson), performed in the Organpark on four gongs by Pepe Garcia on February 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #87
I’m tired

Of trying all the time

Even when surrounded by people

I feel so  a l o n e

A body without a soul

Leave it behind to rest

Let the world carry on

Without me

I listen to the same songs

Over and over again

Because nothing else

Is loud enough to drown out the pain

Oh, to be a kid again

With no need to overthink

To see the light again

Without drowning myself in the kitchen sink

I want to leave behind

This heavy heart

And fly away to my neverland

Living my life inside a hopeless daydream

I want to be held in your arms

As you talk with that calming voice

So I drift off

And fall asleep
I think this was a vent, woopsies
When their eyes meet
And I wish i was you
I'd be holding your hand
Oh what would I do

I can't see the world
When covered in cloud
Will everything change
If you lift up this shroud

You fill my dreams
On the lonely nights
If only you were here
To shine down your lights

I'm hopelessly chasing
A dream I can't pursue
My head is spinning (a)round
Trying to find you

I can't walk straight
When you aren't here
But I've long since accepted
That you'll soon disappear

All I want
Forever no more than a dream
Is to know what it's like
to be loved by you~
A song
I miss you

I miss your face

and how i long

for your embrace

And when you smile

you shine so bright

not a day goes by

without your light

When your path becomes rough

I wish i was there

to help smooth things out

but i don’t know how, when or where

We laughed together

And we cried

we were always there for each other

until i found out that you lied

The day you left

sleepless nights

i lost myself in

all the endless fights

I love you

I hate you

because there’s nothing

there is nothing i can do

I can’t even bring myself

to look deep in your eyes

I try to look strong

but the tears bring forth my demise

When we cross paths

i try to ignore that pretty face

but instead i turn around

and try to walk at my own pace

I wish

i could see you again

to go back to the old days

when you were my friend
About an old friend I used to have, as well as a romantic twist that didn't apply to us
Oh tell me, my dear

when you dream

what is it that you see

are we playing in a field

or just sitting on your couch

merely enjoying each other’s company

when the stars in the sky

come out to dance

what about us

what is our story

are we together forever

or does it end in tragedy

I think back

to the late nights

you were there for me

and I, for you

i forever wish

for these times

to never end

Do you dream of me

the way i dream of you?

when the stars in the sky

come out to dance

what about us

what is our story

are we together forever

or does it end in tragedy

A memory now so bittersweet

if i was ever to think

you didn’t remember

the moments we shared

the nights all alone

the first time we kissed

i can only wonder how much they meant

to you

for when you dream

do you see me

or am I not there at all

Do you not feel the way i do

when the stars in the sky

come out to dance

what about us

what is our story

are we together forever

or does it end in tragedy

My dear

i love you

my only wish

is that you love me too
On my original platform, DeviantArt, I got front-paged for this poem. This was one of the first ones I ever wrote.
Zywa Jan 4
I think my love wish

into the world: please bring me --

you into my arms!
Song "Into my arms" (1997, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds), album "The Boatman's Call"

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Soft snow falling,
Kissing the white tops of the trees.
It'll be a white Christmas this year,
First one my baby cousin will ever see.
His sleepy eyes and rosy nose,
Does he know that his joy will simply grow,
When Saint Nickolas completes his flight?
No I doubt he'd know that tonight is the night,
Of the birth of Jesus Christ.

No, but he will learn,
All in time as bed hours turn.
A yawn catches me drifting off,
As I sip my spiced cider and listen to the Christian hymns.
Staring into the golden lights of Grandmother's "Angel Tree,"
I often wonder, did baby Jesus know, he was sent by God,
To save our souls?
Or did he find his light along the way?

I'd ask the pastor,
But tonight the church is quiet.
Waiting for Christmas Mass tomorrow,
While young children are tucked into bed,
Drifting dreams of presents fighting the will to wait up for Saint Nick.

And as the candles fade,
I figure it is my time as well.
To turn to bed,
And await the sleigh of Santa Claus.
This Christmas though,
He will not be able to bring me what I want.
Unless, I could catch a ride,
On his magic flight.
Visit the ocean,
And sing "White Christmas," with you one more time.

But matter not what I long for,
I will slip away to sleep eventually.
'Merry Christmas to all,
And to all, a good night.'
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope we all will find everything we want under the tree tomorrow morning! And a happy birthday to Erin's mum, Jesus Christ, and anyone else who has a birthday as magic as tonight. <3
I feel little,
Compared to the poets whos' poems trend for days.
If they came 'hot off the press,'
They'd burn the printer's office down.
Their flow is perfect, and every poem has a clear purpose in their line up.
How can I be like them?
Traveler, Peter Garrett, Ben Noah Suresh,
All big names.
They have years of experience compared to me,
Traveler's poem trended so much it's temperature matched the year.
If I asked nicely,
Could he teach me how to make my poems great?
I learn so much from every poem on here I read,
Liana's a person, a poet, a vine.
That nobody cares about the number on the scrapbook poem,
They just care they're there.
I write because I want to show people a window into my life,
But deep down there's a part of me,
That wants to be famous more than anything.
So here I am,
Feeling little,
Feeling small.
Hope nobody's offended by the shoutouts, I love everybody's work on here, this is my favorite place on the whole wide web.
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