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larni Aug 2019
i couldn't even weigh
the amount of love
i have for you
without even
breaking the scales
‪People won’t love me unless I’m thin. ‬
‪They say “be happy in your own skin.” ‬
‪But how can I be happy when I’m so fat it’s a crime. ‬
‪I want to be less then a hundred pounds but I know that will take time. ‬
‪It will take time to be beautiful and thin. Then finally I’ll be comfortable in my own skin. ‬
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2018
I love you no matter what happens in life
One day I will become your wife
Burdens grow heavy but weigh less if we share
From now on all our struggles will be easier to bear.
A message I sent Taylor at the beginning of our relationship.
Solaces Dec 2015
And I stand here waiting for all of your shadows..
Drunk on your sin and spite.
Powered by lightless souls..

I stand here and wait in your shade..
Sad shade darker than darkness..
Night bliss of the sunless day.

I can feel your thoughts and see your happiness..
It speaks of the darkest one never to be overthrown..
To cast a shadow over a star and become an expanse of endless void..

But its your presence alone..
Your presence lights the lantern in this endless night..
Your presence forces a light to be born in your endless weigh of darkness..

And so forth you come to me..
But are unable to push me away..
As I shine forth like a candle in a dark room..

I will be so bright in someone else's sky..
So bright so far away..
That when I do finally die I will still shine a million light years away..

A light that will shine even when it has flickered out..
To believe in something that is not there..
Will be all the light we will ever need.
Your night made my day
Solaces Apr 2015
In the weigh of darkness and organized chaos created a star..
Let there be light....
softcomponent Apr 2015
matching wings  
your halo was golden, mine  
was silver.

who we was

wasn't even relevant

until death came

and slit the


from off my


it didn't matter
that I didn't

want to  


it didn't matter

that sun

supersedes rain




pushthepulldoor Mar 2014
I said I didn't think
I would even miss you.
But it's been less then
twenty-four hours and
I have a hole in my stomach.
I try to eat and it just
wants to come back up.
They say wounds heal in time.
I leave in 82 days for
another time zone.
Maybe the hour difference
will effect the time and
healing process.
Until then we'll see how this goes.
Maybe this will help me
shed those extra pounds
I was so worried
you'd notice.
© M.S.

— The End —