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I hate it when a virus comes back,
to torment you over and over,
just when you started to earn the pace,
back to living  like a 4 leaf clover.

As a child, I rarely ever got sick,
until a red rose finger pricked
Now its agony and trauma
of being dehumanized,
as the only flowers ever picked

Wild as the spreading of covid 19
On trains congested heat boiling,
Fingers point to each of every Judge
obsessed like a kid with choc fudge.

There's only really one true Virus,
Its called the Virus of this Living,
we imagine our veins swollen bleeding
as the stitches come apart from the seams.
Zee Nov 2024
Guys don't open any messages from sgg. In inbox please report as the message they send is linked to a virus. Please report and block so we can crack down on this asap.
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2024
lines on the thermometer,
when it happens,
it moves all by itself.

random restless waters,
terrestrials standing on their banks,
recidivists having deposits
and withdrawals
at an inflated rate.

--the amplified gesture
means a convenience charge,
elevate me later.

I'm on the existential end
of viral paradise,
"the files you have on me"
are a trail of stolen pebbles,
sure to inoculate my final
walk into the sea.
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2024
Rarebit fiend

with an insatiable appetite

zapped internally

******* off wi-fi

looking for hideouts

and new gold wings

the brilliant glow

through a transom window

summons him

feeds on the sleeping man

programming him

into a pathogen
George Krokos Nov 2023
Shame on that country as future history will show
what it had done to the world as it began to grow;
ignoring those standards of international laws
going about its own business unmindful of flaws.

Many of the other countries it shared borders with
had complaints to make against it that were in a pith;
related to its intentions towards them that seemed
to be hostile beyond those they apparently deemed.

The global community began to be alarmed
when that country's military build-up was armed
and ready to take on any other State around
that so tried to restrict it from gaining further ground.

Regarding itself as having gained the upper hand
in the area around most of the sea and land;
ready to defend its own interests and portion
by building fortifications as a precaution.

Together with a pandemic started on its shores
and allowed to spread abroad before closing its doors
hesitating to inform the world of the virus
that was going to infect people and to harm thus.

Done for economic and strategic advantage
as the virus has spread all over the worldly stage
pushing most countries into a recession these days
being reminiscent of old times the past displays.

It seems that the ball started rolling at the end of
a trade war between it and the U.S.A. to shove
that country and any other out of the way and
to show it also really had Trump's winning card hand.

One of its main objectives was to just gain Taiwan
an island country near its shores as part of its plan
having similar ethnicity but different
in political ideology it was bent.

The tables have been turning against it for a while
as the world now looks on at the extent of its guile
for those countries that've been affected will decide
what actions to take in curbing this rogue nation's stride.

A worst case scenario would be another war
if too many thresholds for either side slam a door
into each one of their faces as they'll test the throng
and spy on what the other's doing in case it's wrong.

In order to avoid such a dire confrontation
both sides must employ high level communication
in the field of diplomacy where it's most concerned
to resolve all those issues so the world won't be burned.

The situation above may remind us about
those preceding years of the second world war to flout
that mankind doesn't need to go down this road again
unless our life and survival on earth we disdain.
Written in Oct'21.
There shouldn't be any doubt about which country is being referred to here.
A similar correlation can be said about Russia together with the outbreak of war instigated between it and the Ukraine. The war between Israel and Hamas is different but still exhibits extreme rogue like behavior by Hamas in provoking the conflict. Other nations that may fit the description of the title of this poem are North Korea, Iran and Iraq, perhaps others as well.
Anais Vionet Jan 2023
I was diagnosed with double-pneumonia on the 15th and classes started on the 17th. I’m already getting nagmail about assignments, yea! I’ll be behind and virtual for a while. It started as a rhinovirus, honestly, I don’t even remember being around a rhinoceros, but he trampled me good. (Hmm, song title there?)

I’m feeling better today, I can read without the room spinning - heck, I even managed to write this, but a new, implacable nemesis - low-energy - is here, like Lebron James, to check me when I attempt something over ambitious, like picking up my chemistry book. At least I got to stay in my room.

My roommate Sunny’s so angry with a certain girl that she even thinks it’s hilarious. Her creative, revenge beast has been awakened and her feelings are practically colors in the air. It’s entertaining. I think if she saw her now - well, let's say Sunny takes boxing in the gym every morning. “I’m over her already,” Sunny announces, stomping around her room, trashing all reminders on contact.
Be careful out there, people - if love doesn’t get you the rhino might.
*nagmail - mail about late assignments, class papers due, surveys
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Implacable: unappeasable, unchangeable
Ken Pepiton May 2022
On Youtube,
from the Camera holder POV,
- we, the living, we are first to have these eyes,
augmented us,
memory arrays of instants
with days and hours and minutes and
just nows
between them and us/nows
and whens

this becomes, in a trickle or a flood, a sense
I know the good is done, being
directly from the sense
we call common.
HP is a very tiny whole. The documentary form of poetry takes a special eye.
Alienpoet May 2022
In the nightmare
we lose ourselves
not wishing to look in each other’s eyes
left versus right
only millionaires and billionaires can afford to fight
male versus female
drop the hate to relate
life sold cheaply over internet wars
our nation
a nation of locked doors
and hate driven speaking drivel
I love you all but your minds locked into
Facebook culture wars
media ******
ratings soar
go viral be the virus
or inspire us
it’s your choice
war is afforded to the rich
if your poor dig your grave or ditch.
nick armbrister Apr 2022
Drink Flask
See the drink flask there on the desk
A boring blue in colour
Slightly scratched and dinted
Well used by the owner
Made to look normal
Like it was just a flask
To carry coffee or juice
Drink it while you eat
Your dinner in work
Or sandwiches out hiking
The things of a normal world
All illusion soon to change
For this contains no drink
Not in the normal sense
It contains a virus from a lab
If the lid is removed
Other things done
And released free
We are all in trouble
George Krokos Mar 2022
What of life now ill days have come
and fate reveals its time for some;
our lives to date we could endure
but now it seems we're less secure.

The days ahead are fraught with fear
if there's no hope, there is no cheer;
although we ride our current state
that does not mean it will abate.

A way forward we have been told
is to accept the common fold;
get the jab then we'll all be sweet
and each other safer to greet.

For things are getting harder still
as this virus they can't yet ****;
it seems we'll have to live with it
making the most of each minute.

The delta* variant somehow
is the one that's so rampant now;
being more transmissible and
getting a little out of hand.

It's such a pity for the race
now this dilemma has to face;
a slow decline of values past
as the future is shadow cast.

Yet life goes on we see around
people are building above ground;
they're making the most of the rate
banks are lending with in this state.

Who knows how long it will go on
this crisis that seems like a con;
they haven't done enough to stop
the virus spreading as we shop.

Stricter measures could be imposed
but that might mean more to be closed;
life as known may come to a halt
and our lives get a backward jolt.

The vaccines developed to date
are only as good as a mate;
they can't stop or **** the virus
but lessen its impact in us.

O woe be told! what can one do
when all of life depends on you;
man's guilt 'n shame have led to this
because of things hard to dismiss.

In times past the same has happened
and life then was also flattened;
it seems that man hasn't yet learnt
to live life without getting burnt.
Written in early September 2021. *Now it's the Omicron variant.
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