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Coral Jul 2020
Peace by peace, I'm stacking up violence.
What they can't hear, is my silence.
It's new year's eve, I can hear the sirens blaring.
Cuffing me up, while they hear my bones cracking.

Darkness all around, enveloping me like a blanket.
All I need is, one ray of sunshine, through the dim night.
When all I crave is one speck of light,
One speck of peace and life.

I know life's not all cupcakes and rainbows.
But for one second if I could believe in the impossible.
It would be peace all around,
Love for all, hatred for none.
Where we spread arms to hug, not just for guns.
I hope you liked it.
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Thank you.
Purity Kimani Jul 2020
He hit me once,
then again and again
I kept screaming...
But my voice was like words; without noise,
I cried out loud
But my tears made a meaningless tune.

Who would believe me?
Such a gentle face he has
His friends thought i was crazy
That i had provoked him
To them He is an Angel.

And now when i see him,
When he says sorry I wasn’t myself
When he says am his world...
It makes me so mad!!!
Its like for a moment; i cant breathe!
And i wonder how long
Before he hits again!
Isn’t that how it goes??

And i wonder if am unfair,
Not to be able to forgive
Or forget.

For now my solution
Is just to write it down
And unburden my heart.
Olivia Bennett Jul 2020
I live in fear
But never for myself

Bystanders video, as the act done
by “my people” takes place

But I am not one of “my people”

I live in fear
Not from them, but for them

Another mother who loses her son
Maybe from a gun
maybe from a cop kneeling on his neck
Either way it is not correct

Innocent lives lost, with no one to pay

Day after day, the fear grows
Sprouting into the unknown

Pouting people pray
But they could never repay

“my people” keep their jobs
And their lives

I wish things could go my way
For I would jump far forward to what I hope will be the good days
Claira Lymei Jul 2020
Supple. Soft.
Bare it. Bare it now.
Tougher. Harder.
That won’t do. Move up.
Seamless. Untouched.
Grab it. Pull it.
Is it ready?
Inspecting for impurities
That will ruin this rare experience.
Drag it. Rip it. Tear it.
But no.
This time it glides.
Smooth. Effortless.
Over. And Over.
So fast.
Grinning wide.
Insides now outsides.
Spillages for someone else to clean.
Interpretive piece surrounding self harm.
Claira Lymei Jul 2020
Walls are attractive.
Walls are so ******* attractive.
I want to smash my ******* head against a wall.
What a ******* stupid fat ****.
See a ******* wall?
That wall.
The wall.
That’s where your ******* heads going.
Over and over and OVER.
Crimson red walls.
Concussion red walls.
Death painted walls.
******* die.
You stupid f-
Oh sorry, I saw a wall, where were we?
Mama earth Jun 2020
Experiencing domestic violence
Sitting here in the silence
Hashim Ashram Jun 2020
I reek of the stench of fear as I gaze upon the tall, slender figure before me. He towers above me while I oppose him, weak and frail in comparison.

He takes his stance whilst the adrenaline rushes through my veins and I feel my body shiver in sheer terror.

His fists are quick to meet with my face with such turbulent, burning anger.
My head soon lands harshly on the canvas, and mere seconds pass before hammer fists rain down on me at my most vulnerable state.

The gore pours down and I taste the metallic warmth of my own blood,
the smell of carnage reaches my nose as I begin to embrace this elation.
As the abuse boils my blood and sickens my soul down to its core, I tell myself, “let them RAIN! RAIN! RAIN!"

I am once again the victim of this heartless cruel world.

As the trauma settled within my brain,
it felt like waves were crashing against my skull.
I barely held on to my consciousness while hammer fists continued to rain down on my face.
What is this creed that makes him believe that he must make me bleed, and bleed, and bleed?

Every time he sends a blow towards my liver, I feel my lungs ache for air, and I miss the taste of the wind.
Nevertheless, he refuses to slow down.
His attacks are relentless, as though he must settle this cold dispute by any means, even if it calls for him to break my bones.
My body slams against the concrete floor, he crushes me to my core, and I see my friends walking away from the corner of my eye.
If they weren't heartless, they would have checked if I’m okay
Does anyone know the struggle I endure?
I stomach the pain and swallow my pride,
I let go, and my eyes roll back as the warm blood trickles down my face.

As the trauma subsides and the dust settles, I question if he wished death upon me, or for me to lay here and cry in torment upon these wet white tiles.
I look up towards him as he just smiles,
A chunk of cold, unfeeling ice sits instead of his heart beneath his ribs.
I sit in my now cold blood and ponder,
My emotions rushing with turbulent power,
I am left to wonder if he had beaten me for a reason, or for the thrill and elatio
Ian Everett Jun 2020
A cataract to truth is cloudy violence
A cataract to truth just spits at science
You wear Your home team tinfoil hat
no need for jabs, don’t wear a mask
You spend your cash as you make it fast
No time for “them” or your income tax
A cataract to truth is cloudy violence
A cataract to truth just spits at science
You live in your fog of privilege
you’re rich white trash and you’re ignorant
You’d rather lose a hand than help an immigrant
But your daddy got you shares in his business
You wear Your home team tinfoil hat
a pricey suit but still no class.
Ya Gammon, Ya Gammon
You ******* soulless Gammon.

~ I Everett
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