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sked Feb 2016
It  started as a bout of depression
As I woke up in my bed that only contained one pillow
A Valentine's Day that I have seemed to have forgotten
As I started to ******* to pictures of my exes
Picturing them in their vulnerable nakedness
In a previous life in a previous time

Dreary Day is what it seemed to me, D-Day
What I would have given to have a German shoot at me
And give me a jolted reminder of why I stay alive
Just go through the days and go through the motions
Make breakfast, eat, Netflix, make lunch, eat, Netflix, make dinner, eat-

"Come to my anti-Valentines Day party... It'll be fun!"
I thought that it'd be easier not to go
Just stay home and stay in the cycle
Then again, all of my exes had boyfriends and they are happy
How dare they get to be happy while I am not!
I'll show them, I'll throw a big ******* on the day they so cherish!

I go to the party and get drunk quite quickly on the wine and beer
Then you came in, an angelic being among the party stoners
You come up to me quickly, since I am the most attractive person here
And grab my hand to shake and you tell me your name
That voice sounded oddly familiar in a sense, it was arousing
And that hair, and that body, and your initial passions that you express

Yes! You were perfect!  We were both a bit drunk
Got ***** as hell quite quickly and took off to a private suite
On one of the stoners beds and made love so sweetly
So tenderly that it was literally quite difficult for me to finish
Or that could have been the alcohol
Regardless though those were the events of that day

It is interesting to see how things change over time
How we are no longer just a fling, just an illusion in our heads
But our own people as we are now one
And as I look at you and get ready to continue my life
And you get ready to continue yours, there is no doubt about one thing
That everything from that day forth was better than the day I met you.
Mario Cervantes Feb 2016
Your loves fool's gold
So precious yet so cold
You call & put me on hold
I wait knowing I'll grow old
I'll love you with a blindfold
For you I'll even sell my soul
& become a slave to your eyes
Like wise I'll believe all your lies
Make love from sunset to sunrise
My love for you is beyond the skies
It's unmeasurable with an infinite size
I'm infatuated by your loves grand prize
Fool's gold is when you love some one who's only using you , and you know but you still love  them.
Ash Jul 2015
They say there's no such thing as;
time travel,
Yet gazing into your sullen aged eyes,
I see the pain this world has caused you,
the memories you wish you could erase,
I see the glint in your eyes past adventures have left you,
As if I was reading a bittersweet;
mystery novel,
Or watching a replay of your life,
Though your eyes are pools of;
chocolate and locked up secrets,
I can almost feel the bruises and;
aches this world has left you,
Your eyes are an abyss of secrets,
I've been ****** in to your  alluring;
Lost in the small world in your eyes,
Ive found its too hard to come back
Rosemarie Caruso Apr 2013
You are the fragrance of dark coffee.
You're slow jazz and flamenco guitar -- depending on the weather.
You're the sweet smell that happens after it rains; and the soft pitter-patter of the rain that sings me to sleep --
You're that too.

And the caffeine and the lost jazz musician and the cold rain hitting his face as he walks home to the song of a memory and the smell of rain on brick -- almost sounds romantic, doesn't it?

You make my world romantic.

And not in the lovey-dovey sense of the word, not just that.

Romance as in the knight who seeks great treasure,
Mark Twain in his steamboat down the Mississippi,
The old sailor who sails the seas just for the constant surprise of just how beautiful the world is --

Romance as in adventure.

And you make me feel like the best kind of music,
And you make my  heart beat faster than caffeine,
And you make me feel as beautiful as when the moonlight shimmer against the dark clouds and it looks more exquisite than anything Van Gogh did.

And you --
You're more handsome than a starry night,
Better than the smell of good coffee,
more than any prior fabrication I'd ever had of "perfect--"

And I love you.
More than the smell of rain on brick.
I felt as if I had to write something grossly cute for him for Valentine's Day. So I did.
Towela Kams Feb 2015
The greatest love story ever told is about 2000 years old and concerns a righteous Son who put His Kingdom on hold to step into a world so ruthless and cold and redeem it once and for all. In my defence, this Man was bold.

He was humble though, He was a Jew, with his sandles hardly new and His friends very few. His Voice pulled large crowds and spontaneously they grew pulling masses of lives that had to be groomed. His Words so sweet like far-away imported perfume. His tongue so smooth yet holding authority to cast away any manner of doom.

This Man came to recreate.
His plan was to mould us like clay and position us in such a way that even when one sheep goes astray, he'll take it upon Himself to save. And from what I know, this service is open 24 hours a day. For He'll never turn away anyone who says and acts in the path He prepared to save us from sin's stain.

Brethren, understand that this Man was treated like a slave. Yet His Mission was solely based on the establishment of grace on the Earth's face. This Man came for your sake. All He ever intended to do was embrace us as Kingdom Heirs in His Name. And shower us with wells of blessings our lips longed to taste.

This Great Man willingly took upon the human condition to bring us redemption by God's permission. God's most-prized possession released into a physical realm yet had no worldly recognition..
So you're gonna have to forgive me if all I got on my mind right now is His Submission..
An example for all who live for acceptance yet secretly die from worldly perspectives and secular perceptions. A leaving and breathing example with no insecurity yet left to face and fight against this evil world of obscurity. Thank God He breathed in within us a word of purity. Especially to a society like ours that reeks of inequity.

I'm surprised He decided to look twice at me. When all I had to offer was a crooked past and a list of broken dreams. It's unfathomable to find anything that exceeds the level of the mercy He's poured over me. And I know I'm undeserving. And this rises the question of why He stands opposite me with arms wide open in the name of amazing grace.
Someone, please explain:
How can I be embraced by the One who created the Universe in the first place?

But it appears to me that there's a personal message He has for those unwilling to perish and die:
**"You'll always be a child in my eyes. And when you need someone, my arms are open wide. Even when you're growing old, I hope you realise that you'll always be a child in my eyes."
I'm a Christian poet. It's who I am. It's what I do. If God has gifted me in writing, it's only right that I uphold Him in my rhyming.
Kariel K Buche Feb 2015
roses are red
violets are blue
you're ridiculous
I adore you
JW Harvey Feb 2015
Hearts of stone melt
At heat tissues burn,
Blood to boil, into ash,
Muscle blown away
strengthless, weak
at Mercury's Ascent,
Wherein this fluid rock,
reveals molten flexibility,
An adept athleticism for
Love's sport alchemy
As  cold marble turns
to gold.
Steven Hutchison Feb 2015
I look at the stars quite differently now
Dumbfounded by the heavens
I'm content here below
You're in my arms
and I've nothing else to wish for
Roxxanna Kurtz Feb 2015
Pen and paper,
meet again,
in sweet love,
do they blend.
***** words of
dreamer's desires,
forming a book,
for cupid's admirers.
Pale thin skin,
with ink's loving,
as the writer's heart
keeps on beating.
Even though this love
may stop at some time,
stories will always be,
a writer's valentine.
Happy Valentine's Day! <3
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