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I wish I could, open up my brain sometimes,
Show everyone what it’s like, they all would say,

“Sure it’s a normal brain, everyone’s the same”

Nah it really isn’t you see, because there is something different with mine, I’d show it to you if you have time?

I might “look” okay but, my brain races,
I might say that I am okay, but within moments,
My brain creates scenario's for a million different things, that dont even exist,

If only you could see it, some days, it’s repaired,
Next, it’s beyond.
I don’t know what to do how the **** am I suppose to respond?

Some days I feel everything,
Others I feel numb,
On top of that,
A voice,
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Zack Feb 12
My dreams of a warm snow day were thwarted by nature's other plans. On my way to work, my car slid down the same Wayne mountain which had imbued me with dreams of peace for today. The unkempt roads, covered in the slush of snow crushed by other poor souls trudging their way to work.  Jobs who could care less about employees safety paved the way for my mood to reach the tipping point it's at. 2 minutes late to punch and my boss says it's my fault for not planning properly. Little did she know I had planned on them caring about me more than they apparently do.

                                           On my way to work
                                      Ice plots my likely demise
                                           God plots otherwise
If you ever feel that you are frightened,
by barks, intimidating.
Do not fight, ignore or repress your feelings.

If your inner-walls detain you. Imprisoned.
And you seize. It is because,
your rage within, will leave you beaten.

If the dark arts can't ever be enlightened,
start off, illuminating,
your life's canvas, with your soul's graffiti.

If cold, bitter winters leave you stricken,
stiffen your fingered gloves,
and reach for your extra cover, fleecy.

Life's the hard part, please,
know, that the unliving's easy.

Strife's a scarred heart, please,
be careful, when it is given freely.

Be careful and know that,
the windowed moments,
of living pane,
will be mirrored,
in the reflections,
of every anguished,
droplet of rain,
and as they descend,
upon the ground,
in puddles, lain,
they'll pool together,
a collective of absorbing grief,
cried from the heavens,
again, and again,
and again.

© poormansdreams
Nemusa Dec 2024
I’ve seen the future,

it looks a lot like this.

Your eyes, full of old fights

we never had, but should have.

We carry on, hands full of silence.
Up early again, can't sleep but shattered, now watching a ****** movie to take my mind off the pain and my thoughts.
Not my usual style.
Lena Oct 2024
See if I care.
I’m so numb now
All I can do is stare.
Stare at your face,
Cold and upset.
Why so upset?
I don't exactly know where this poem came from, I just started typing and this is what came out.
My pillow is my silent guide,
A therapist where fears confide.
In moments when my heart's on fire,
I scream into its cotton spire.

It muffles all my ragged cries,
Absorbing every tear that dries.
A sanctuary soft and near,
It holds my pain, my darkest fear.

No judgment in its tender folds,
Just comfort that it gently holds.
When life is more than I can bear,
My pillow’s always waiting there.

A witness to my sleepless nights,
It knows my lows, it feels my heights.
In muffled screams, in quiet weep,
My pillow grants me peaceful sleep.
anna Aug 2024
sometimes i want to open up to you.
slice through my bruising flesh,
to reveal to you what words could never say.
i trust you like that.
to see how my ribs cage fragments of a broken heart,
and how my lungs are black from second hand smoke.
i want you to dig in,
and pull out all the things i’ve always questioned.
til the only thing left is a hollowed out hole.
maybe that way i can really feel nothing,
instead of saying i don’t
to avoid the conversation.
i want you to drain me of my blood.
like the vampires in movies i watched as a child.
so i don’t have to feel it pumping through my veins,
every time i feel the urge to open myself up
and search deep,
for a reason to feel nothing instead of feeling everything all at once
Jamesb Jun 2024
My old friend,
A famous song and I love to be in the dark of a near silent wood,
Especially with good company
Of worthy friends,
But the darkness referred to in the song is nobody's friend,

The darkness of the soul when life goes south,
When illness strikes or hearts are broken
Then darkness comes
To **** out life and joy
And happiness,

I am in that darkness now
But I refuse to submit,
I will NOT sit blinded
By my sadness and
That which is inflicted,

I shall live my grief
And outlast it until such time
As love returns and the sun rises
On a new day
Or a returning love

One way or another my heart will sing again

I shall prevail
Ghxstcxt Apr 2020
Can you feel it?
Can you feel the heat?
Can you feel the pressure in the atmosphere?
Or is that just me?
When did the calm disappear and my palms get sweaty?
****, I'm unsteady on my feet.
I've been flipped like a light switch.
Cool and collected I am no more.
The words I pitch to you are already formed without thought and will hit you full force.
Maybe I could've waited?
But anger's never procrastinated.
It's instant and ferocious.
I know this, you know this, we all know this.
But it doesn't help knowing in these briefest of moments.
A flash and its done, nobodys won.
Just two broken people with regrets of whats happened with a loved one.
What a shameful and painful time to be alive.
It almost hardens the heart,
It takes its toll on the inside.
It's something we can't plan for
We can only realise after the fact and apologise.
Even if the wound is still sore.
I'm sorry.
In that moment my mind was blinded.
Can you forgive me for that moment of unkindness?
Argument, anger, passion
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