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showyoulove Feb 7
It's never safe, and it's rarely very easy
It's a wild ride and it can make me queasy
Even though your heart might break
It's never more than you can take
It's quite a risk and you might lose a lot
And still, you gotta give it all you got
It's dangerous, that much is true
It's dangerous, and it's coming for you
Some call you crazy, others "out of touch"
To some it is crazy, it's all a bit much
He turned love totally upside down
He came to serve, not the other way 'round
His love was radical and reckless and free
To show a crazy world how it really ought to be
He was passionate, but tender and mild
And he looked with the eyes of a child
He went to the outskirts and healed the sick
The infirm in the flesh or in the spirit
The very light of the world died
For the sake of the life of the world
He challenged our thinking, had a wild streak
But you'd be amazed if you heard him speak
So, even in the risk and the danger
There is something even stranger
None of it matters, none of it could
Because he isn't safe, but he is good
Nobody Nov 2024
Open your eyes
You're not safe
Get out from the open
Hide in a cave

Lock your doors
Hide with me
In the closet
Where no one can see
Zyn Jun 2023
im scared
ive barricaded my door
cried a river into my floor
someone save me

im scared
i thought i was strong enough to be on my own
but now i'm afraid to be in my own home
someone please save me
november 2021
A M Ryder Aug 2021
I'm afraid to be
In my house
I'm afraid to be
Out of it
Because there
Are knocks
On my door
When nobody's there

Because I hear people
Whispering in
My basement

And because if
I sleep
Too long
I know it's
Gunna come back
Nicole Aug 2021
I am falling
Perpetual spirals into the dark
I feel my hands grasping
As air passes through my fingers
Something feels off and
I really can't tell
If the caution is real
Or a phantom of my fear
I'm in the land of ghosts and demons
Haunted by these oppressive memories
It's hard to know what's worse
The monsters or the claustrophobia
Flowers can't bloom in the darkness and
Humans cannot thrive in isolation
This place is lifeless, suffocating
Only tolerable through inebriation
Kindess is but a mask here
Trusting no one a necessity
Half these people want me dead
And a quarter could care less
Don't tell me I'm overreacting
When even family aim their guns
I've made my escape and now
I know what growth feels like
I've tasted the freshness of freedom
Witnessed the miracle of peace
It is not like this everywhere
So don't try to normalize this hate
I found celebration beyond tolerance
And I've built my home there
This place is a noxious poison and
I'm done trying to survive it
From a visit to Wisconsin after moving to Washington state.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
What I want
To feel happy again
I don't get what I need
Things I harbor hold me back
Beneath skin are wounds that bleed
If I could only let go of this baggage.. then maybe I could be free, and light enough to fly.
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