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Lu Sep 2019
I like to believe, we meet people for a reason,
Wether God sent me to change your life,
Or God sent you to change mine.
misterN Sep 2019
Simply cant make love
If you still have your clothes on.
If you want to gain my Trust , you need to also Trust me.
Esther L Krenzin Sep 2019
there is a door at the foot of my ribcage
that says "do not enter"
yet they knock anyways
inviting themselves into my home
only to leave
when they've seen enough.
Esther L. Krenzin
They taught us to scream "fire!"
"Help!" Would elicit no response.
They told us to wedge keys in our fingers,
To never walk alone in the night.
They told us to watch out for strangers,
To avoid masked men in dark alleys.
No one ever told me to beware of the man in my own bed,
To shudder when he told me he loved me.
No one told me that I would freeze,
Limbs powerless to fight him off.
They did not tell me I would know him, trust him, love him
Until the moment I couldn't anymore.
You can keep your **** whistles,
Your fists with car keys and staining sprays.
You can keep your roofie nail polish and SOS phone apps.
None of it would have done me any good
As I lay there, clinging to bed sheets and teddy bear.
Hadassah Sep 2019
I was determined not to love you.
Not to trust or think love
Why then did you come along?
Wrapping me around your fingers
Your scent still lingers.
Now it's sad
I fell in love and you caught me.
With a mind of doubt, you did.
I didnt need any night in shining armour.
Now that you've caught me
Catch me well but with belief that i love you
The way i know best.
Isheanopa Zvobgo Sep 2019
You found me dining with your demons.
I'd never meant to cheat on you.
You'd taken too long being timid
You'd gone to extra lengths to avoid me meeting your nearest and dearest.
You should have opened up to me,
Let me in.

His demons came to me.
They told me all the stories his lips didn't speak when they uttered "I Love you"
They told me heartbreaks that made me weep
and explained the ugly things in a way that rebirthed hem beautiful.
Surely, I  found myself running.
Running wild with his demons,
Hosting his imperfections without his consent.
Yes, I

We, them and I, became inseparable.
But till this day I believe;

The only thing uglier than the truth is my actions.
to be so bold as to elope, with his pretty little fears.
Sometimes we become demons to our nearest and dearest, accommodating their insecurities more than them.
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2019

Genre: Inspirational || 6 words craft
Theme: cosmic synchrony
B D Caissie Sep 2019
There is no greater motivation than the inspiration of true love.

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