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River Sep 2019
trust is a fragile thing you know
one little mistake and its all gone

what even is trust
isnt it made to be broke?

man break my trust
ill never be the same again

ill be so depressed
whenever i hear your name

its like a constant voice saying
"see that they hurt you"

im always in great pain
but trust, wait what am i saying?

what even is trust anyway
an invisible glass heart

that breaks by the slightest
wrong touch?

trust, what even?
do you have to hold it so dearly?

and why is it so hard to fix?
i mean why am i hurting so bad?

trust, sorry wont even fix it
and no one knows what actions best fit it

and trust, who even keeps it
its almost like its meant to be broken

what even is trust?
is it apart of your imagination?

maybe its the longing
to want to have faith in someone

maybe trust is just
you wanting to feel like you know you are loved

maybe when you give someone all your trust
it means they are your world

but trust?
its meant to be broken

and no matter what
everyone breaks trust.

so what is trust?
a lie you dont need to have hope in.
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2019
And in the end I have questioned many things
looking inside the eyes. The life is not about
aligning all the stars of the galaxy, while
tracing rays of light. Everything
worth the authenticity, who will
question when the truth reveals
in the vibes. No matter what or how
much we put effort trying to catch
the air, that is out of reach and
awesome way of waste of time.
Sometimes we carry too much
weights that make us weary,
this needs to be something
in our mind.

When I have
Nothing inside
I always
Follow the light
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Growing one day at a time
Maya Duran Sep 2019
He reminds you that you may never be loved
In the way that you are supposed to
His heart opens as it should
A halved pomegranate
And the jewel flesh spills forward
In effortless bounty

Yours was wrapped in butcher paper
With care, long ago
It lives in the freezer
In the way, way back
Ice crystals form slowly
Until they resemble a silver blanket of moss
"Cavetown wrote a song about your ex and we played it all summer long" pt 3. This poem isn't about what you think it is, but I don't think that that matters so much. The feeling is the same at its core, even if the circumstances are not.
larni Sep 2019
you tell me you'll never leave me
that you'll be with me here forever
but how can i believe this
when all i've ever been is left
Makenzie Marie Sep 2019
You are so different from him. You are so different from all of them.
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2019
I am
With flaws
With fragile heart
A sensitive soul

I believe you
You will
Never break
Let's face it together

I am
Not as decent
As you thought

I believe you
You are the One
I can blindly
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Sincerity
RVani Kalyani Sep 2019
I wish I could just sleep like that too,
Feel so dizzy, I just can't move.
This silence makes me want to sleep,
No little noise, not even a beep.
This cold breeze helps me more,
It would be a nice nap, I'm sure!
How could I sleep without getting caught?
Have heard no lessons that teachers have taught.
Are there waking pills? I wonder,
This dizziness doesn't go until there's a thunder.
aubrey Sep 2019
sometimes, i hear it
i miss it, and want him back
i miss the feeling of what i thought was love
and my family getting along so well
i miss our 4 am face times and the love he gave to me
but then i remember,
he never was patient
he always wanted to know more
i gave him more, yet he never listened
i cried and screamed at his false suspicions
he yelled back, his voice raspy from staying up late, indecisive on whether he wanted to make ‘us’ work
i cried because he never trusted me
i laid in bed, restless,
because he sent me to bed uneasy, fighting all night
yelling over the phone
never letting me glance at any other boys
never letting me talk to many girls
never trusting me to even go to walmart
it was unfair
and yet, somehow, i occasionally miss that boy
it’s been a year. i cry because i miss that love. i cry because i mess up and still get scared to this day that the boy i like is never going to trust me.
Esther Sep 2019
the sun rises east of my heart,
shocking the cold with rays of tenderness that spread.
at noon it is eclipsed by my soul,
still ablaze,
brightness pooling around the edges of the bubbling mass of myself.
it journeys west in a trail blazed of longing
until it leaves the caverns of my ribs
cold once more.
yet there is no longer a bite to the chill,
for the promise of warmth thumps in my arteries.
my new reality is bright -
for she will rise again
and in that i must trust.
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