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Piyush 2d
They say:
Unsee their eyes,
Unlearn their feelings,
Clear your mind, and
Just focus on your dreams.
But the question is—
What is my dream?

Is it art?
Or is it music?
Maybe it’s both,
'Cause music itself is an art, right?

Or maybe it’s a boy,
Looking in the mirror,
Asking questions about
Affection and attraction.

Or maybe it’s a girl,
With soft eyes and a fake gaze.
But if it’s a girl,
Then it’s difficult to achieve, right?

Maybe it’s something else,
Yet to be discovered.
Or maybe it is discovered,
But I am still figuring it out.
Maybe I know what it is,
But I don’t know how to reach it.
Maybe I have taken a step,
Yet the path ahead remains uncertain.

Or maybe it is already achieved.
But if it is already achieved,
Then it is not a dream—
It is reality, right?

And if it is reality,
Then what is my dream?
Just a thought that wouldn’t leave my mind—so I wrote it down.
Piyush Mar 15
Lying in my bed, and I can't sleep,
There are too many thoughts running deep.
I don’t know how to make them fade,
It’s a battle within that can't be swayed.

I’ve done everything wrong, not a **** thing right,
I close my eyes, yet they stay open wide.
Am I lost, or am I broken?
A question left unspoken.

I write on empty pages so they might feel whole,
I wonder—if I spoke, could I fill my soul?

Have you ever wondered why stars shine at night?
When all is dark, do you still need light?
I think they’re the battle scars of the sky,
A thousand paper cuts before it dies.

I believe something hides behind the dark,
Consuming it slowly, leaving its mark.
I think the night sky is an armor,
Shielding us from the bright demon,
Waiting to collect us in the cruel morning.

They feed on our hearts, our souls like fuel,
Yet these are just theories I cannot prove.
Still, there’s a line that rings true:
"Dark is not scary; dark is poetry."
Some thoughts and some poetry—I hope you like it.
Gideon Mar 8
Make peace with the past or it will consume you.
Like a tiger gnawing on bones, the days of our
ancestors will consume those who cannot lay them
to rest. A one-sided story is a lie of omission.
Happy endings exist on the last page of a book.
They do not expand into reality like an owl
spreading its silent wings. The owl’s life ends
after a new owl’s life begins. There is no true ending.

This is the truth. Make peace with it and find your
future in the past. Time is not a start nor an end.
It is millions of concentric circles that overlap
and repeat in a never-ending artwork. Whether
there is meaning in the artist’s intention is of no
consequence. There is meaning found in every
overlapping line. Meaning can be found at every
point where two circles connect. Without these
interacting shapes, the world would lose purpose.
Jeremy Betts Feb 27
We live in a time far beyond parody
"One nation, under god..." heresy
Belief with an astrix *hypocrisy
Brain rot the byproduct of conspiracy
Write a holy book to weaponize theocracy
Cherry picking for convenience should be piracy
Do as I say not as I do type diplomacy
A sketchy love thy neighbor as thy self theory
"Except for that guy a different shade from me" apparently
I'm just the mirror being held for all to see
If this raises questions bring out up to "the almighty"
If there is a creator, we are it's atrocity
A dark comedy
A beautiful tragedy

MetaVerse Feb 27
He wouldn't compose a cantata,
A symphony, song, or sonata:
     The best of his best
     Is a piece that's one rest,
Played f and with a fermata.

Two souls, entangled, cosmically bound,
A binary system, forever entwined.
A subtle connection, felt but not known,
A mystery, a secret, alone.


Proximity brings intensity,
A pull, a force, a gravity.
Emotions rise, feelings ignite,
A connection deep, a mystical light.


No understanding, no explanation clear,
A puzzle unsolved, year after year.
Yet, a bond exists, a cosmic tie,
A love unknown, a mystery why.


Before time began, a pair they were,
A chiral bond, forever sincere.
Entangled souls, forever drawn,
A love eternal, from the dawn.
I leave you with the query; how would you describe and explain the bond between soulmates?
You like thought puzzles?
Well consider this,

A boy and a girl
Board a train
Desperate to escape the rain
And bump into each other
Due to one hour of travel
Because of one hour of time
A man and a woman walk out
The outline of the idea is that if two strangers randomly meet, within an hour they will no longer be strange to each other.
They like to say,
Negativity has yellow sleeves?                                                         ­        
No, what? How does that make any sense?
I don't know, it's hard to write the way you do normally.                   
Just pick up the pen, and let out any spare thought you have.
I see how that could work,                                                            ­            
But I was under the impression you write with a villainous plot.      
   Well that's just the effect of a fun ***,
Just because I am one doesn't mean I think like one.
If I spar with my self doubt I'll be better equipped to deal with it.
Àŧùl Jan 3
I talk a lot.
In 2012, I created a blog.
There, I talked about the next ice age.
The Milankovitch cycles, you know.
It's still 50,000 years away,
But our actions, yes, the human actions,
They can disrupt the cycle.
My HP Poem #2035
©Atul Kaushal
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