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Sarah Feb 2016
I could say, I love you. But it's too less said.
I could say, I loved you yesterday, but that's past.
I could say, I'll love you tomorrow, but what will be tomorrow?
I could say, I love you. But it's too less said.
Sarah Feb 2016
If you don't have words, I'll speak for you.

If you can't walk, I'll carry you.

If you can't sleep, I'll hold you.

If you can't dream, I'll show you mine.

If you want to give up, I won't.
Sarah Feb 2016
Love begins, where words end.
Callie Greene Feb 2016
And I'm lacking all affection
Even though you believe we have a connection
I can't take it back
I feel like I'm under attack
I didn't imagine it this way
So now here I lay
with my mirrors facing down
because looking at myself I frown
I'm not me anymore
I just feel like an easy *****
Beinghonest Feb 2016
You know why I think love is difficult for many?

They're always searching for "the one"...

Do we really know there is such a thing as "the one",
Could be a myth if you ask me?
Just my opinion, everyone you give your heart to could be the one... There could be more than one "one"  for all we know... So yeah, it could just be a myth, there is no such thing as "the one"  until you're dead and they're by your side -  I think.
(it's like santa clause for hopeless romantics :v)

-just being honest
love me Jan 2016
You ask me how I can love you
You who is broken, and limping, and lame
I stop you before the tear can fall
Taking them from your eyes
And crying them out my own
I tell you the truth of absolute love
I tell you I wear no blinders
I see you as you are
I see your imperfections but we are all flawed
Those minute cracks in your soul
Trickle out pain in swirling hues of tender that highlight your heart
A heart you profess is black and stone
But it beats strong within my chest
Where I will nuture it and feed it with my own
I see all the nicks and bruises and breaks
They are not reasons to walk away
They are the very thing that makes you worthy
Your damage healed in stregnth
You are not broken
You are beautiful in all things
A tender heart that bleeds for others
That hates you for not being better...for me
Don't you know?  Can't you see?
There is no better, you are as good as it gets
It is I who is unworthy
And in all your fear of being alone, you overlook the truth of who  you are
of who I am when I am with you
You see beauty in every corner of derelict
You fill my cracks with your joy
To the point where you feel you run out, not even knowing you gave it away
You see in me what I am unable to see in myself
And because it is you who sees it I believe you
I see your cracks and spackle them with love
I see the scars and am thankful you survived the journey
And tomorrow, or next week next month or next year
When you have grown strong in my love
When the time comes that you realize I am naught but pieces duct taped together
When you  see the truth of what I have always known
I will still love you
When you move on to brighter days and greener pastures
I will still love you
When you see that you are worthy of more than I am able to give you
I will still love you, as I do now
For I never learned how to unlove someone
And you have always been worthy
Anil Sam Jan 2016
When I was a younger man,
there wasn't much that I can't
But as the twinkles turns to wrinkles, in my eyes,
expectations dies
All in time and in some time,
there wasn't much that I can

Its man's fate to wither in time,
what's the use of saving every dime,
you came alone, you go alone,
this change in view, is what it does to you,
When I was a younger man,
there wasn't much that I can't

You value things that you never knew,
like relationships and then a few,
Love, Loss, regret, memories,
life is empty without these,
Believe me when I say to you,
these are the things that makes you YOU

And in time if you find someone,
blessed be you, for all I can tell,
a life lived loved, is sublime,
I wish I had some more time,
when I was a younger man,
I would have cherished all I can
Got inspiration for this when I read PoetryJournal's "Cosmetic" poem. :)
Nina A Attia Dec 2015
I am not the only one.
I simply don't want to be.
I am not the only one.
In fact I think there are three.

To make it about the one and only,
in my mind that must feel so lonely.
Too big, too huge, too grave an authority.
For one person to carry around another's priority.
Crucifix Dec 2015
We fell like fire, a streaking ball of thunder, and in our slumber we found each other. Twin wicks on a single candlestick burning bright, fighting back the night. How long we will last before we burn our last? How long will we echo through the ground with every loving lasting sound?
A beat, a pound, heartbeats lost and once more found.
Never give up on love.
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