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undefined Jan 23
I don't really think of you anymore unless I'm dreaming,
or when my eyes are open and the Sun is beaming,
unless rain falls or birds start singing,
or if I see a plant or flower and wonder of their name,
and for every tree I pass, it's the same.

I don't really think of you except to wonder if you ever think of me,
or when I'm trying to focus at work
on anything.
I only think of you ,
probably when I shouldn't be,
or when I've nothing to do
and I'm just bored, ya see.

Ahh, but when the sun sets
and I know I'll soon find sleep,
in the face of the moon
and the stars above me,
it never seems to fail
memories of you return to me.

I don't really think of you anymore, unless I'm dreaming.
Just a sweet little poem I wrote this morning
Nyx Jan 9
Honeysuckles blooming
In the harsh summer heat
Luring the butterflies near
All eager to eat

Honey-like nectar
An alluringly tender treat
I wonder if those lips will taste
As irresistibly sweet

Vines creeping and trailing
Covering me from head to toe
lacing into the divets of my skin
Choking me slow

A beading drop of honey
Gliding gently on my tongue
Soft fragrance lingers
All from when we were young

He is entangled in my soul
Just a taste
skaldspiller Jan 9
After years,
You kiss me goodbye each morning.
You tell me, “Have a good day pretty girl.”
And though I stopped feeling like a girl years ago,
in that moment,
I am something sweet and beautiful and innocent.

I don't know how I summoned you
from the ether
To know my heart so perfectly.
When you touch me I am transmogrified
Into a cat in a sunbeam,
Stretching into contentment

Last year for Christmas you bought
A witchcraft kit,
And though I've never cast a spell
It enchants me
That you, who believe in nothing,
Believe I am magic.
Brant Dec 2023
Curved branches and winding vines
Impose it's corridor
On the surrounding woodland,
And readies my heart
To see you again

As I walk,
The surrounding trees
Drop the last of their leaves
But your presence
Turn fall into an arboretum

The silence of the woods
Grow dense,
And the chilling wind
Cuts through me
As we near one another,

But I am warmed
As you stand
Waiting for me,
My sweet lover
pio son pie Nov 2023
In life’s tempest, you’re my guiding light, A testament to love’s unyielding might. Your strength and grace, a beacon true, Through life’s dense fog, I follow you.

Our journey, a winding road we tread, Through joy and sorrow, by love we’re led. Your laughter, your tears, they form our song, In life’s grand symphony, we belong.

Your birthday, another year’s sunrise, A testament to love that never dies. In the night’s vast canvas, you’re my star, A beacon of love, no matter how far.

In your absence’s silence, I discover, A melody sweet, like no other. If memories fade, close to my heart I’ll keep them, In our love’s symphony, emotions run deep.

So here’s to us, to another year of delight, In life’s symphony, you’re my moonlight. I love you, today and always, my dear, In our love’s symphony, I hold you near.
M Oct 2023
I know what makes your burn
It's the dim of a moonlit night
and the saunter of lips up hills and valleys--
It's the crackle of cigarettes
atop our pleasantries
and the spill of sweet talk
made unchained by our mouths

To be covered in love until the following dawn
dripping drops of lovey-dovey morning dew...
To be terribly in love until the following dawn
drinking shots like doting lovebirds do...
Who is Leonard Cohen?
Should I make him the matter of one of my poems?
Fredy Sanchez Sep 2023
Last Sunday, I invented a new color palette, while attempting to         recreate that shade of freedom your eyes have, when you love fully                 and without restraint.
            Oddly enough, I have noticed,
                    That when your smile awakens me in the morning,
                            It Takes care to do it slowly,
        For I might die, incredulous, of my good fortune.
                        And every night, without fail,
I fall victim, to the dangerous, stalking fragrance of your love.
Which devours me whole.
M Sep 2023
i see drops of water tracing the lines of your hair--
it's like you're crying but you're happy and i swear
even a painter couldn't muster the awe to bear
the sight of you under showering rain

i see nightlights peeking behind your silhouette
and the tones of your flustered blush try not to separate
themselves from the warm comely palette
of the shot of our figures in loving embrace

i see a blanket folded into your solemn sleeping shape
with curves smiling back; in a way, i wouldn't escape
had you had me landlocked within your pretty landscapes...

hug me tight
so that i might see
just how pretty you can be
under the soft glow of a burning moment
sorry i havent written u in a while
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