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Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter
Man’s cries, children's laughter
Leaving home, an infinite daughter
Maybe if I cared more, loved harder
If they didn't leave me, my mind altered
Then I wouldn't be here, a complete disaster
Crumbling like weak plaster

I am here after all
Waiting for that morning call
Worrying about a forever fall
Did I even have the gall?
To throw that curve-ball?
I’d never felt so small
Though I won't let it be my downfall
I'll come back again like rainfall

I am not who I was
I applied the gauze
Even though I was the cause
I never broke our laws
They sank into my, their razor-sharp claws
Straight to the bone, they gnawed
Then, suddenly, they paused
Started with their slow applause
A joke of the court, I was

So I told them no
They packed in their big show
Set off with precious cargo
All they were was fake snow.
Heidi Franke Jan 29
How sorry I am
That's the title of the
Book I will write.
If I say,
I may write,
Where does my sorry go?
My son unintentionally caused the death of another man. There were and are so many victims. Four years on I remain bewildered it even happened. If you knew the story you too would be dizzy. If any of those involved had altered anything they did by just 10 seconds there would be no story to write. We are all so fragile. Don't let vengeance eat you up.
Winter noisily clears his throat.

“Good Christ,” he says, “I just can’t shake this thing.”
He theatrically spits,
paTOOey, like Clint Eastwood,
into the Great Lakes region.

(Another record-breaker in Buffalo).

The Wind hisses, snaking through the dead leaves that carpet the frozen forest floor.
“Repulsive,” she mutters, and the waving grasses nod in agreement.

Winter is not in the mood. He freezes the grasses where they stand.

The Wind shimmies up the nearest tree and settles herself on a boney limb. It sways gently, as if underwater, and a few lean grackles startle and take to the air.
“What’s eating you?”

The sky will be the same color all day,
so it’s difficult to tell the exact time.
Could be nine or noon or 4:30.
People hate days like this,
but Winter relishes them, revels in them. Nothing comforts him more than an oppressively slate gray sky.

“I scheduled my favorite sky today but I can’t enjoy it. I think I’m getting sick.” He summons up another storm and accidentally drops it, this time on New Orleans.

“You’re getting sloppy, old man,” she says flatly. Winter is blustering and aggressive and gets on The Wind’s nerves when they have to spend this much time together.

She arches her back and sighs in irritation, disturbing the surrounding fauna. From the canopy above erupts a cacophonous flurry, jarred from their roosting place and screaming into the air: cedar waxwings and white-crowned sparrows, dark-eyed juncos, mourning doves and a lone red shouldered hawk, which arcs above the rest eying them hungrily. It selects a small sparrow and abruptly knifes down toward it, effortlessly slicing the sky in two.

Winter and The Wind watch quietly, interestedly. It’s one thing neither of them has control over. Fate.

Evolution and animal behavior can be influenced to a degree; landscapes and eco systems crafted; civilizations built and destroyed as quickly and easily as drying up a river. What’s written in the stars, the plot and grand finale of every living being, that’s a different department entirely.

Winter leans in,
“My money’s on the big one.”
The Wind rolls her eyes,
“How on-brand. I would have bet on the little one anyway.”

The two birds, predator and prey, swoop and dive gracefully through the dark daytime sky, a carefully choreographed dance imprinted on each of their DNA since the dawn of their creation. The little sparrow is fast but the hawk is just too big. It will clearly catch her.

“I think it’s because I’m overworked,” Winter looks at The Wind, continuing. “The snow quotas were raised just about everywhere except my usual route, you know? The Poles are really starting to freak out and it’s like, I’m telling them, sometimes you’ve gotta give a little to get a lot. I don’t want to promise them a new Ice Age just yet but all signs point to yes. It’s time for another big boy freeze, Wind, I can feel it in my bones.”

The Wind is still watching the birds. “We can only do so much planning right now while everything is so unpredictable. My schedule has me fanning California wildfires this season and it’s a real drag. I didn’t agree to this project, but you can’t just say that, right? So I’m there, I’m doing it professionally, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s a little outside my scope. Like, wildfires in the Palisades? I spoke to Fire and do you know it wasn’t even on her calendar? The extinction process is always so laborious and disorganized.”

The hawk is climbing altitude now, it won’t be long before it goes in for the ****. Exhausted, the sparrow flutters weakly, unable to give up.

Time briefly suspends, then a flash of feathers and talons and beak and it’s over. The little sparrow dies silently and maybe even gladly. She was so tired. Away, away, balanced upon the line of the horizon they both go, away to a nest or a cliffside to both fulfill their roles in the divine comedy.

“******* Nature.” The Wind has sat with Winter this way for aeons, since the birth of this place. She always bets on the small ones.

Winter smiles at her. “It’s been a long time since I had an Ice Age.” He clears his throat again and makes to rid himself of it, but The Wind cuts him off.

“You’re disgusting, I can’t sit here with you while you snow, it skeeves me out. I have a meeting with a weather system over the Baltic Sea that I can’t be late for anyway. Look, if you’re sick, you should rest. The next Ice Age can wait.”

She blows him a kiss and is gone, and the forest stills.

Winter is alone again. He begins the satisfying work of preparing for the evening’s offerings: black velvet darkness beneath a swath of gray expanse. An ice storm in the wee hours will see a glorious sunrise in a crystalline wood, the light dancing and refracting joyfully from blade to base to branch. He enjoys Wind’s company but doesn’t miss her. No one will lay eyes on tonight’s workings but the forest creatures and the celestials. This one is for them, and for the white-crowned sparrow. She deserves a holy funeral.

The hawk, back in its nest, gazes steadily at the slate gray sky. Night is coming. The hawk breathes in and out. In and out.


And out.
This was a fun exercise.
Tetiana Jan 24
Unforgettable days described
on a scroll
soaked with sin.

Bright and smart,
she was so alive,
pure beauty of life.
He took all he could gain
showing her just disdain,
whispered words
that she wants,
getting under her skin
but toxín.
And she heard
that her fate
is a widow from now,
silent vow.
So let it begin
with toxín.

He thought that woman like her
won't be able to leave,
will be silent, naive
and consent just to live
next to him -
so relentless and grim.
Just to serve,
just to live in the shadow,
just to try to deserve.
Feigning grin.
Who is he to get those vague jokes
about toxín?

He thought he would drink to the bottom,
but drops flowed down the glass.
Why this soul is so rotten?
Why he incessantly looks at
her silhouette?
Why he's searching for rhyme like poet?
Now he lurched..
Her toxín is his end.

The stars will go out,
his rough desire to hear her voice like tweet,
feel her touch, hear her sound...
She won't be there anymore,
she will never give treat,
and he won't ignore
broken bound.
Every minute is poisoned.

The morning is dawning,
the wind scatters birds,
and now he is calling
to say that he loves.
A fragment of her heart will be healing,
she knows.
Infernal existence,
time flows,
and he's full of faith
whispers name.
Does he know that his distance
is passing away?

She cries and asks how to live,
she's sincere in tears -
she needs time to relieve.

He did hold her..
No way,
every hour was poisoned,
so he had once to pay.

One of them had to
take all that toxin.
Mri Jan 24
About love I never knew
Until a girl walked into view.
Rude,me,cold as ice
Melted over her almond eyes.
Never liked sharing my seat
But for her I wanted to defeat.
I cast a shadow, chilling the bone,
With my dream girl I was not on my throne.
Always my emotions in crowd remain concealed
But to her I wanted my soul to get revealed
When nothing going on my way,
She my sunshine on a cloudy day.
Want her to be mine
For my faded photographs,
she was the filter of shine
Confessed my love under the starry sky
Moonlight heard, "yes" was her reply.
2 Months cherry blossom in town
She was my goddess, I longed for her
to wear my devotion's crown.
On August 19 storm was dreadful ,
Loving her become regretful.
Faked the love from the start
A trap, to earn a place
in her so called friend heart .
For her us was a game, I was a fool
The player played well and used me for a tool.
My ship of love sank in betrayal ,
Scar of this will always be here.
Now I am a frozen lake
Given up on beautiful things ,at end it aches.
Love , betrayal and regret are experiences which can turn you into a different person with varied personality. Love is a positive emotion, while betrayal is a negative action that damages a relationship.
Johnson Oyeniran Jul 2020
-This i've seen time and know too well

Some time ago in a land of snow, there lived an honest young woman named Zilpah Hope Drake.

Though she played by the rules of her society, she could never ever catch a break.

Day and night, her  village ceaselessly accused her of having a dark cloud above her head,

Even her beloved family joined in on bullying her and her best friend named Fred.

Disheartened by the abuse she underwent every day, she was overcome with sorrow,

So Zilpah Hope Drake, desperate to flee her suffering ended her life on the morrow.
A sentimental shaft of light
touched my face through
a cracked window pane.

A reflection of remembered
warmth, a memory of the
fire in your eyes.

My gaze turns towards
the window, searching
dancing motes of dust,
for a ghost of you.

For just an outline,
a shimmering silhouette,
to cling too.

But even as I search
I know, you're no mere ghost.

The light that touched
my face was you.

Now available on you tube at the above link
This is the first couple paragraphs of a story I've been working on
interested in honest critique.

Neko awoke to the smell of blood. He sniffed the cool night breeze, and his ears swiveled, listening intently.
A wolfs ears were sharp and keen, but it was the nose that knew everything. The nose that had woke him from his dreams of warm summer play.
"A rabbit," Neko thought, injured and bleeding, maybe three hundred yards away upwind in the tall plains grass. Neko's stomach growled.
A wolf always knew an easy meal when he smelled one. Neko rose from his slumber stretching his powerful limbs and began to move slowly and methodically through the grass. He was careful to remain upwind. His steps fell like whispers on the soft ground.
The moon, which Neko so loved was full and bright tonight and threatened to betray him as it cast its silvery glow across the grassy landscape.
Neko's nearly white coat stood out against the yellow grass, his saving grace was the smattering of silver that ran down the center of his back and rimmed the tops of his ears.
Neko crouched deeper into the grass, and farther down into the shadows, his movement slowed to a crawl. He could hear his prey now. It was weakened but not so much that it wouldn't recover given time, or run should he miss his mark.
The rabbit had been lucky at some point earlier this evening in an encounter with a lesser predator than himself, a coyote or a fox perhaps.
However Neko had no intention of allowing his prey any reprieve from fate.
All animals great or small ended as a meal for someone, even wolves bones were picked clean in the end. Neko knew this on some primitive level but he gave it no thought, he crept closer.
The smell of the animal's blood was intoxicating. He could hear it's labored breathing.
His muscles were coiled and tense, he inched as close as he dare then suddenly,
Neko sprang swiftly and with no remorse. His jaws closed around the rabbits throat with a sharp snap, one shrill, short, squeal, and it was over.
Possible short book I'm working on about The leader of a wolf pack named Neko.   General setting is North Western U.S. Montana Wyoming area.
Ara Jan 12
Glassy windows stare, a house stands, holding in wait,
For a love that never came, sealed by cruel fate.
On the wind, whispers of promises fly,
For the heart that yearned, through many seasons,
Beneath the unchanging, silent sky.
He waited, aged, with a love that wouldn’t fade,
Waiting for his lover, who left him,
Until his last breath, she never came back.
She left him with a silence, a love on the wing.
The journal whispers a tale of love untold,
Of a heart that waited for its love,
And a life that grew old,
Remaining within the household until found.
Now only echoes linger, in a house by the shore,
Two souls, bound together, though forevermore apart.
Their love remained, in the breeze, passing in and out of the house.
The traveler closed the journal,
Feeling the deep longing and sadness from the dead man.
He sought to find the truth, to let the dead be at peace.
Learning the lover of the man left to find a cure for her fragile heart,
But it was too late for her fragile heart; she couldn’t come home.
And even at the last beats of her heart,
She called out to the man she left at home.

Love surely can accompany you until your last breath.
Musa Jan 10
He gave her his heart, thinking it was safe,
believing her smiles were real, her love true.
But her words were a mask,
shadows of what she never meant to be.

He held on, even when the cracks showed,
begging her to stay, though she never stayed.
Each time she left, he believed it was his fault,
but it was only the echo of her lies.

She said he changed, became something dark,
but it was her truth that poisoned him, not his love.
In the end, he stopped pleading,
but the love he held for her never faded,
a flame that burned despite the lies.

He walked away, silence his final act,
But her memory stayed with him, a weight he couldn’t lift
He learned that love doesn’t always heal,
sometimes it just leaves you empty,
holding on to the ghost of what never was.
for in her lies, he lost more than just her—he lost the will to love

He thought love was a lie, yet still felt it inside,
He believes love is real, but not the way he once imagined it,
for it’s not beautiful—it’s pain disguised as passion.
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