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Sydney Ann Apr 2015
Sticks and stones
for fear-filled bones,
I was shaking from the start.
Your words could ****
or keep me still,
but your silence tears my heart.
For the whole series check #stonesandroses
Lilly Gibbons Mar 2015
That bright space between the rock is yours,
Each gap neatly positioned to catch an eye,
What is to be discovered beyond the black pile?
Spaces of all shapes, enticing a look,
A natural jigsaw, pieces drawn from the land,
Rocks united, brick by brick, hand after hand.
Leave all the signs, no meaning attached,
Look with open eyes, see what was once grasped.
An almighty tumble won't destroy this scene,
The rubble that crumbles, adding another's dream.
Jessica Evans Mar 2015
I wish I knew why certain things just roll right off
But others choose to stick.
I wish I knew why words are flung without a thought
And cling to my mind forever.
I wish I knew why I’m not strong enough to accept
What I know is meant as a joke.
I wish I knew in advance which things I'll find hilarious
And which will bring me to tears.
I wish I could just let things slide off my shoulders
But some words are like glue.
I wish someone would see the pain behind the laugh,
When I don't actually get the joke.
Just thinking about how teasing people even jokingly can get right under their skin. I'm an easily embarrassed person and I wish I wasn't
Grace Pickard Jan 2015
Your glow stick veins are meant to be cracked
To ooze beneath your tissue thin skin whilst smacked
To seep into minuscule puddles across you- trapped
To illuminate your thousands of flaws- mapped
Then to disappear- forgotten, forlorn, inapt.
Toni Nov 2014
The pen is mightier than the sword
- Yes, you can hurt me with a word.

Broken bones
from sticks and stones,

But i fear a broken heart
when unkind words start.
Alexa Dark Nov 2014
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But seeing you smiling at her
Talking to her like she is special to you
Was what hurt me the most
brokenperfection Aug 2014
when I was in the fifth grade
we were told to put our names on notecards
and to pass them around the class
so that each student could write
one nice word
about each of us in turn
and I had a crush on a boy
and I wrote "nice" on his notecard
and he wrote on my notecard
and to this day my heart doesn't know
if it is more in awe that he knew such a word
or if it is offended and crushed
and five kinds of hurt
and boys are dumb anyway
and I constantly wonder
how mediocre I am
Leah Jun 2014
Spoken words hurt you much more
Sticks and stones may break your bone, words can break your soul till it die.
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