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Abby Reynolds Mar 2019
You did not, could not, and will not break me. Not now, Not ever. My body has housed your frigid frights for as long as I can recall. You've always found a way to make the world around me harsh and bitter. You've managed to get me down more times than I can count. Your goal remains the same: you've always wished to harden my heart. Well, now, its time for me to speak. my enemy friend, the tables have finally turned and the game has shifted to change. Despite your best efforts, I remain here. I remain fighting. I'm still moving mountains, I'm still causing storms. I'm still wreaking havoc. I still feel the sunshine on my skin. I still taste the rain when it pours. You tried to take me for dead, but you failed. With me against you, you'll never stand a chance. Give me the nasty and I will hand back gold. Today, I am reminded not only did you not shatter me, but you also made me untouchable. And for that, I thank you.
ImpliedLines Feb 2019
How can someone feel so alone
In a room full of people who love them
After being so happy
But only for just a second
And then to be helplessly falling
into an ever darkening hole
To go through hell
To know others have been there too
To see constantly the impression of those who didn’t make it
The ones who couldn’t see so didn’t believe
But to know that your not the soul survivor
Yet still through the  torment and hope
The love and pain
The knowledge of knowing it’s worth it
The unwavering loyalty of love and  faith
How do I feel forgotten?
دema flutter Feb 2019
the tears stroll down my cheeks,

the words come out all wrong,

as your perspective of me isn’t my reality,

under construction,
is the fight against my tears,

that there is strength in vulnerability,

your tears from their cells
and let go of the custody of pain.
دema flutter Feb 2019
The first breath I take
becomes the very first choice I make
Levi Windolf Jan 2019
I met a friend today,
Her soul array.
I felt her dismay,
While miles away.
But something experienced
That guided my sight,
Led me to ask
If she was alright.

I can't quite explain it,
I can't quite describe it,
But some greater spirit,
Needed to speak,
To this ******* the street.
So out of hope
And at the end of her rope,
Someone struggling with no way to cope.

So I heard her story,
I felt her pain,
And in all my life,
I've never seen such rain.
So I'm trying to help her,
Because she's needing a change.
She's stuck in a cycle,
Of nothing but pain.

If you are lost,
If your soul needs guidance.
Send out a message,
And the stars will find it.
The stars will connect you,
To those who can help you.
So take their help,
Do it for yourself.
If you are in Australia and you or anyone you know needs help with anything, go to this website, it will guide you to places that can help. If you or someone you know are in serious need of help, call life line on 13 11 14.
The world has mysterious ways of showing you youre wrong.  
One day is torturous and feels extremely long.  
The next, you wake up and smile, its a new day.
Blessings may come your way.

Yet, life will always have those days that you wish you could rewind.  
Even though the ugly is all in your mind.  
You see, the bad turns into beautiful,  
This part is the most crucial:

Lessons come in waves,
And some days your mind caves.  
Not knowing what to do,
But know that its all up to you.  
The lessons are disguised as many things;
Heartbreak, anger, pains.
Heartbreak is the most important,
Its poison can also be the most potent.  
Although it hurts,
Its the only one that works.  
Being heartbroken helped me find my soul,
I was now the only one in control.
Because of heartbreak I love me,
And like that it shall always be.

Anger taught me kindness,
It showed me I was speaking through blindness.
The hatred in my heart had been brewed,
Something that was long over due.  
Ive had my share of pain,
And for all of it I was ashamed.  
Now I see I am not my past,
For the good days in my mind are the ones that will last.  
Instead of taking my pain out on them,
Find the love in my heart for an amen.
A thank you for an opportunity to make someones day,
So keep them coming my way.

Pain, pain comes from both of these emotions.
Pain comes in oceans.  
One day may be physical, the next mental.
Either way, the pain can be detrimental.
But just like the old saying,
“What doesnt **** you makes you stronger.”
  So just keep holding on a bit longer.  
I know it seems like you cant keep going,
But this is something you must keep knowing.
You are stronger than you think,
Kinder than you believe
And you can make it through this pain.  

You are not your heartbreak,
Your love is an earthquake.
Not all are prepared to love someone like you,
They are cracks, and you are the glue.  
Remember that anger is from within,
Letting go is the only way to win.
Forgive yourself along with others,
We are all sisters and brothers.  
There is nothing wrong with pain,
Know that there is always something to gain.
You are stronger than you believe,
So go out there and acheive.
Sachini Dec 2018
Even though you say it hurts
Even though you say you want it to end soon
Even though you say you are tired
Deep deep inside
You are sure that it will not be the same always
Don't you?
That small voice you suppress
It's dying to come out and save you
To tell you that everything will be okay
Let it come out
Give it a chance
It's just a voice
Nonsense at the moment
Uncertainty for now
But who cares as long as it's joy and hope
As long as it gives patience for you to wait
Until one day it will come true..
Sundiegoguy Nov 2018
Baby, take a look at the mess you just made
Shattered windows shattered bones
Around this place
And the holes you made and left on my chest
Of love keep on flooding this place

There's nothing left for me around this bed
Waking up by your side is waking up and it’s still night
I asked for older and rotten is what I got

Baby, take a look at our nuclear mistakes
We launched missiles and fired tanks
We were toxic we were flame
I lost my heart fighting to stay
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