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Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020
Hello Spirit,

I can’t find you again. Feels impossible to be holding your hand all the time, co-dependency equals blasphemy.

Does it count if it’s with me?

If you are me then I need you but I am you so really I need me.

It was always right there in front of me. You.

Holding your hand,
The Narcissit
Lots of avatars inside my mech suit powered by the light.. we have lots to grow still
Andrea Lee Bolt Dec 2020

I want you to explore the unknown parts of yourself through me.

Shackles break free when thirst turns to unity.

The feeling of being at one with the void
Independent is the 1 from the Zero
Yet excited to create the code together, heart in heart there is no other energy in the game more sweet then after you are satisfied we wash your feet.

Humbly bow to the King who hath finally revealed himself to his queen. We have loved with reckless abandon every time thinking that was you behind the light in their eyes, we took the leap only to find more lessons, more sharpening of our mastery, more compassion for who we used to be.

In your eyes we receive an achievement unlocked. Here is the place we have won our best self, we leveled up, integrated and at one with all the creatures of love, below and above.

We see the code of golden light, hold space so that you may enjoy the desire knowing your deep primal wants have already been written to be freely expressed inside of Us.

Set your Love free, let out your god seed feed on the bliss of its own creation story, it’s you we have longed for to release the dam between our hearts and all our vast expression of wondrous fire.

Néw notes of pleasure We sing discovered songs of satisfied, building out the tribe, there are so many stories we have yet to live in the frequency of Gorgeousness.

Weirdly Honest, Surprisingly Calming.

Like our first kiss when your electricity shot through our spine, like a tape hitting rewind in surrender of the tech. A beautiful mess of circuits overloading, shifting directions to dimensions of unsung awareness of possibility.

The Fantasy is Our Reality.

Living on the edge in a womb we built, free to be free, love is our hilt and there are enough Bliss Dragons to keep us busy for all eternity.
Co-creating with our One True Love calling him home.
Psychosa Dec 2020
Lifting my head,
I look to those colors painting my reality.
They encapsulate me.

No longer am I          here,
I begin to fall
into the kaleidoscope.

Morphing into the plethora,
the substance of my being
d   i    s   s  i  p    a    t    e   s....

Nothingness becomes one
as everything
discon   nects.

Both in and out of my body,
the colors have taken ahold.
As they morph what's before me,
they paint pictures from within.

I'm taken out of my skin,
as I sink within.
Kathleen Nov 2020
Across the distant lands I watch
Blow gentle winds to make the trees dance
Sprinkle it with water and see the grass grow
Mould cotton and place them in the sky
Warm you with a golden globe

Release the choir of birds to warm your souls
Fill the fields with golden straw
I make the rivers grow
The seas swell

I am old as time itself
Looking down on the earth I grew
Smiling on a few
The spirit of nature
is the name I take
Kathleen Nov 2020
Last night I dreamt of you
Once again I was young
You took my hand and smiled at me
We walked a while and laughed a lot
No shadows interrupted us
Only light whiter then white was in my dream
Warmth engulfed my soul
The  air I breathed was yours alone
You held my hand only  in my dream
My heart forever
Sovit Pokhrel Nov 2020
I recognize a broken soul when i see one.
Craving for affection,
Longing for that touch.
I recognize a broken soul when i see one.
I am one.
A broken soul reaches out more often than the other.
Look out for one another.
Kathleen Nov 2020
If I walk down this path
Will you follow me ?
Hold my hand
Soothe  me
Let our shadows intertwine

Will you not be by my side
Every step of the way
Be judgemental
Question me ?

This path of life
Is mine alone
No book or map to guide me
Just a mind wandering
Like my soul
Erik Luo Nov 2020
I have suffered for eternity
To see myself more clearly
To remember what I am
And love, unconditionally

I am all of it
That great empty void of love
Existing beyond time and space
Where words can not phrase
And voice can not reach

I am...
The never-changing truth
I shall remember that
Whenever I’m lost
Mitch Prax Nov 2020
Never abandon
yourself in order to keep
the affinity

11:24 PM
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