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anna 4d
We knew each other before.
We lay under oak trees,
scattering the sky with leaves
and rotted together into the dirt,
as the moon scattered the sky
with stars. Flying stars.
I see your face in
reflections across water,
two boughs,
one canopy,
glimmering in vibrant colours
against blue. As we lay, you grew
flowers - Peruvian lilies - from
the soil that became of your palms.
Ever the giver.
Sonia Ettyang Feb 26
Our souls do what they do best. Speak fluently in silence.

Two souls, entangled, cosmically bound,
A binary system, forever entwined.
A subtle connection, felt but not known,
A mystery, a secret, alone.


Proximity brings intensity,
A pull, a force, a gravity.
Emotions rise, feelings ignite,
A connection deep, a mystical light.


No understanding, no explanation clear,
A puzzle unsolved, year after year.
Yet, a bond exists, a cosmic tie,
A love unknown, a mystery why.


Before time began, a pair they were,
A chiral bond, forever sincere.
Entangled souls, forever drawn,
A love eternal, from the dawn.
I leave you with the query; how would you describe and explain the bond between soulmates?
kel Feb 16
my life is yours
all the happiness
all the sadness
they're all yours.
because you know me.
my usual coffee order,
what makes me laugh,
and how I get flustered.
I'm thankful
that I met you
and I just wanted to say
I love you.
Bones asleep on ocean floors
tell a story like no other,
we are a natural machine,
a creature cursed.
To soil, earth, rock,
it's been no time at all.
To us it’s been an eternity.

I think humans each have a few fundamental flaws,
and that each one is its own personal tragedy.
I think one or two are someone else.
A natural result of hearts incompatible,
not everyone can love you back.

You are to devour me one day,
or perhaps I, you.
Currently we are blank slates,
beings so young,
beings so old.
We knew each other back then,
I can feel it.
Quarks coming together,
fossilised footprints whose paths intersect,
fish in a fishbowl,
rats in a cage.
But one day you are to devour me,
or perhaps I, you.
And we will be joined as we once were,
two people sharing a body,  
hearts beating together,
lungs expanding as one.

The word soulmate springs to mind,
the idea of my heart beating anywhere
but besides yours terrifies me.
It unsettles me,
makes me sick, absent.

And I’ve felt this absence for years,
it's starting to get to me,
weigh me down, a led balloon,
a ship in the storm,
pockets filled with rocks.
A part of me wants you to feel it too.
Another hopes you never know such a weight.

Sometimes I can’t stand it, alone in my chest,
I lay it out on the table,
watch it pulse and ooze, beat painfully,
beat alone,
and I dream of a time long ago,
an eternity away,
where you and I were there, combined,
with no before and with no after,
quarks coming together,
rats in a cage,
thoughts lying only with each other.

I dream of a future, much the same,
our hearts beating, our lungs breathing,
thoughts simultaneous,
laying side by side,
bones asleep on ocean floors.
Archer Feb 1
Moonlight shone through the windows
and onto the floor in long,
The shadows from the leaves in the trees swayed back and forth like they were
dancing with the cold
The moon was their spotlight, my front yard was their stage
and they danced
The trees savoured every moment with the wind, for they were each other’s lives,
and could not dance
The trees cried when the wind was not there, and the wind came to wipe its tears,
and then
aleks Jan 31
my life is a treasure hunt,
waiting for my dowsing rods to meet.

somewhere down the road, you sink into my embrace,
and my arms cross behind your back like they found a spring.

and the water is so sweet.
on how to find the way home.
Saanvi Jan 23
He walks like a god,
blazing fire on my skin and it's inner creases
with just the tip of his fingers.
When they slide in,
it's heaven and hell,
lamentations and cascading into burning flames of passion.
His hair falls on his smooth forehead
like they have been paid to do so,
very stylish.
I kiss his hands that carve their presence inside me forever,
Oh, how can I forget his warmth..
Our scents are combined and matching,
just like us intertwined beneath the sheets.
There's sweat glistening on his handsome face,
illuminated by the bedside lamp.
My lover in his glory takes me in
and leaves me breathless,
lifeless, begging for more.
Then the gentle caresses that I love the most.
Lover is a word I never thought of before,
but the way you make me feel,
Yeah it's something I want to hold.
Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand, with every guitar string plucked on my hand...🌻😁
Sara Barrett Jan 20
Morticia and Gomez gazed
From their card on the altar—
Devotion eternal,
A love fierce enough
To blaze through darkness,
Tender enough
To cradle every wound.
A family photo stood nearby,
Encircled by a constellation
Of crystals:
Amethyst murmuring peace,
Rose quartz pulsing with love,
Black tourmaline bracing
For unseen battles.
Pink and white flames danced,
Their whispers rising like prayers:
Promises to draw us closer,
To fill our hearts
With everything we dare dream.
The poem “The Lovers’ Altar” tells the story of a couple, Morticia and Gomez, who create a special altar to show their deep love for each other. This altar is filled with beautiful crystals like amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline, which represent their desire for love, healing, and protection. The image of pink and white flames is used to symbolize their heartfelt prayers and dreams for togetherness and happiness. This contemporary altar highlights themes of love and connection and serves a similar purpose to traditional altars, which often represent devotion, sacrifice, and personal growth through spiritual practices.
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