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The aroma of jasmine
announces my radiant
sorcery of washing hair
after the seven days since.

Touch my newly softened skin
as I let my towel slip.
Behold my breath so minty
Kiss my newly moistened lips

I can make no promises
on when I’ll do this again.
Thank you for holding me still
until we get back to then
anna Feb 13
I rinse my face, cold with no soap, not
waiting for water to warm.
The droplets race in uniform rivulets,
stroking, lukewarm, unrivaled
down my cheeks - a careful tease,
without competition. I'm not sure
if it's hurt or an aching hunger, or just
a longing for what I never had, a tainting anger.
Madison Tomes Dec 2024
Soapy hands
Frosted future
          Pure icelantic

Memories fade in water

But grow and form with

Resilient    but fragile
I'll never be a diamond
David Hilburn Dec 2024
Watch a bar of soap, marvel?
Until kingdom come, and it's still just soap...
But, with a bit of waiting for better, water is such a heathen soul
Exact a drop, with a party at hand, and you to will play life's joker...

***** with a racier past, friend?
Silence come of age, with a rosy cheek...
Is chastity's sore head, mine, or a change of kindred's?
Into a good friend, with another bottle, cheap...?

Pasts of choice, between you and irony's wall...
Here of love, to make many more than meant
In a secret rendezvous' hall, where even the truth has found a friendship, little
And wanting that show to become a sincerity; can we talk and eat?

Talc, and each...
Drunk as I am, am's godliness predilects cleanliness...
At a sour moment with a spare don't it, in a haven't oft reach...
For a stirring same, I wish to see you turn stones into a God bless...

That was it, a whole realm of courtesy, come and gone with favor
And a new means to a worthier end, a wish to add silent beginnings?
To court a new time of sense and share; to these we know us, living's query
Come with the world's answer, I have met it; soap with it's own questions...
Soap to you, with a bottle of our best; when bubbles and trouble make it a double, are you ready for more than another round, of an innocence?
David Hilburn Jul 2024
Witness me...
Courage in a handful of kindness
Professed soap, a hope sharing in all anarchy?
Has the sense to let a wish bless...

Privilege is my game
Tows of resolve
With anecdote to serve same
Adding but its name, a risen haunt...

Causes control themselves...
Curious was a furious jewel...
Golden sighs of worth, have what delves...
Reasons share, the past; long before a hell...

What, was a quiet existence?
For the rest, of a sojourn...
That is the limit, to unison; amends
Reaching for sincerity, the wish to earn...

Arriving at life's purpose
Saving ideology from proper humanity
Sat in the name, of seldom become a host
Today is more, than a wonder declaring a vanity...
In the form of positive thinking, a swallowed pride...
David Hilburn May 2024
Catch a word in service
Secrets of vows, autonomy
Add seldom, for a world's meant gird
See the rainbow, in the sky, want need

Wasn't never...?
Solitude in the audacity
Of a sun's ray, a rancor
For a lived same, that said affinity?

Simple nativity
Honor and homage
With a kiss, stomached liberty
Has come and gone, with silences wages

Grown to the point
Poise is an outward favor
Lime, flowers, and the winds winding joy
Has the time, to understand a wishes flavor

Soap, with your name, on it
Hadding the excess, the language
Of superiority, is worth the wit?
Like lips of creation, heiring works of times entourage...
Tale of the salamander? See, the waiting spell love...
David Hilburn Apr 2024
The tow of gifts, to youth:
Have a questioning monster...?
A hap of ability, to venture a round eye could
Make your mark in society, with a teeming occur?

What has a luckier few, than the future due?
Simple news and direction to verify, the idea's we pace
Just a calling hour, that liked the doting, that amazed soon...
To see the risks involved, a hardy scope of a wish that says:

Courage and wisdom, in the moments of sojourn
Has the daunting task of hell, for presence first?
Than the sincerity of atmospheres to gain, and again...
The role of viciousness, to look upon a cause before it gets worse?

Shame you have to go, but a better chance sits with you...
Can the vice of notorious visions, of quiet and might
Taken to a decency for a loosened, question's of audacity anew
That has the intuition and tooth, to tell a world to see it, in new light:

Stepping forward, with succor to meagerly meet
Shares of destiny; begin to let more, like a rage was...
The court and the offhand quarter given to a patience to seat
At uniqueness's worth, to which we know your smile even, does...

Life, to wager, does life know when to quit?
Salt and harmony, now the victor of such a race
Like a harrowing care, thrown to a lion with a moment to tell it
Reaching for a song, do you notice the music of showers to face?
Soap with it to show, has a neighbor known only as the audience...
Anais Vionet Mar 2024
I got this new hand soap, called “Frosted Coconut Snowball.”
It's the dreamiest scent ever.

When I’d unpacked (from Spring break) and had everything in place,
I dragged Andy and Leong into my bathroom. Wash your hands,” I suggested, holding up the soap dispenser and turning on the tap.

“Ok," Leong said, offering her upturned hands for soaping.
“Sure,” Andy said, assenting with his hands as well.

I pumped out a generous, foaming squirt for each of them.
Leong held the foam up to smell. “Oh, my GOD,” She moaned, “is this edible?
I shook my head no.

Andy sampled his as well, “Nice!” he agreed. Which is volumes from a guy.

“I fell in love with it.” I declared, adding, “You know, I never used to wash my hands before - now, it’s practically a habit.”
Andy chuckled.

“Good to know,” Leong said, before she began slowly inhaling the fragrance off her now-dry hands.
our cast:
Leong, (roommate) 20, is a ‘molecular, cellular, and developmental biology major’ from Macau, China. She’s a proud communist (don’t knock it until you’ve tried it). We both speak Cantonese (her English is perfect) so we talk a lot of secret trash together.

Andy, 21, Everyone knows Andy. Not by name, of course, he’s like an extra on the stage of life - but you’ve seen him around. He’s carrot-topped, always darkly dressed, a soft spoken, chain-smoking divinity-school undergraduate. He’s so smart, I don’t know what he’s talking about half the time. (Seriously)
David Hilburn Jan 2024
Lions of worth
Sheer actual and letting a moon...
Save this last dance for danger
Creation and beckoning silence, come too soon

Throne of sense, a dissuading knot
Persuaded to live in the opus, the chastity
Of courtesy's phantom, a wisdom caught
A wisdom capable of the roses of vanity...

Vantage one (soliloquy)
Threats of privilege, share the land
Sour or dour, the notion to quell, is heed
Stricken with the mores of wishes, the tongue to wonder

Vantage two (espousal)
Worlds of visit, vicinity, and vagueness
Together for a question, in the form of wealth
We see your tomorrow, for today in a mirrors bless...

Vantage three (fulfilment)
Sweeter as us, than you have a right to be
The tongue of vice, a victory of spirits, and solace or lament
Has the voice of harmony, like the very light we seem to eat

Vantage four (escapism)
The terror of repose, that has been divined
Sovereign to forces, with a greater eye, than the silence of despotism
Has reached the known, the curiosity of a simple sigh...

Sign's of the times
Hatred is our reward, no fool without a yesterday
That has, become a terror with us, the saviors of lives
With a solitude we offer is confusion, and the mercy of angels, which may...
When kings place a ray of sunshine in your hair, flowers die...
Heidi Franke Nov 2023
It started when people stopped bathing
Or showering.

Every day before they went to work or after their 5 mile run.  People just stopped stepping into their tubs
Or showers
To turn the faucet handles that activated
Cold and hot water to fall from the plumbing.

They gradually
Lost interest in hygiene. Personal cleanliness was ghosted.

Everything else mattered to them,  until it didn't.  Getting their kids to school on time mattered, finishing the work project by deadline mattered, visiting relatives in Montana mattered, driving to the store for groceries mattered, until it didn't. Simply ceasing soap and water on flesh.

They just stopped bathing. It's not that they were afraid of water. If near the ocean they would still run and swim in the waves,
Or jump into the pool at the Hilton. No they weren't afraid of water.
It was something else
So slow
And insidious that it was hardly noticed at first.

The domesticated animals picked up on the phenomena first.
They became anxious. They scurried, tried vocalizing. They sensed a lack of intention from their care givers. They sensed a lack of worthiness inside of their humans. The animals began to wonder about their own well being.
What was their future?

Once you start with a variation from normal,  from routine,  from tradition,  the pendulum swings.
The people didn't realize what was happening. Then it slowly dawned on them over time.
They didn't feel needed.
But kept it a secret. The secret necrosed from the inside
Out. They forgot that connecting to one another
Was vital to survival. Their silence could be deadly.
An idea came to mind how in depression one stops caring about certain things. What if everyone did?
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