You have always been the place I run—
when the house shook with anger,
when silence was too sharp to bear,
when I need to remember who I am.
You walked ahead, unbreakable,
taking the weight so I could be light,
standing in the storm so I could have sun.
I learned from your triumphs,
but more from your wounds—
ones I watched you carry,
ones you never let me feel.
You have been the steel in my spine,
the edge in my voice,
the force that made me fearless.
I only get to walk through this world soft
because you stood in it hard.
Life has tried to wear you down,
but nothing bends you, nothing breaks you.
Tough as stone, soft as a whisper only I get to hear.
The world takes from you,
but I have only ever been given.
You deserve love that does not take,
a world that bows before your strength.
Everything I am, everything I have,
is because you stood,
because you fought,
because you have always been
the force that made me free.
At times i feel like an only child, weird thing to say when you have so many siblings you love with your whole heart. However i get to feel that because i have an only sister who has been the entire definition of a big sister my whole life. The things we have been through together and separately. My entire life from my first memory to my last...i have learned from my sister in everything she does. I have watched her in awe, sometimes i even tried protecting her. At 33 i would take the same hits i tried to take when i was 7 if it meant she didn't have to feel any of it.