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Brandon Conway Sep 2018

Floating brazier spews electric amber waves
as a setting sun radiates on the ceiling
a shadow of a ship coquettishly sways
while in the center charybdis begins swilling

another message, another missed call
another debt collector and his esurient talk
watch the ship begin to swirl, this scene so banal
amber feathered tawny eyed peacock

continues furtively to scroll her story and shoe shop
crowded room with a panel onstage
reality and fantasy evaporate and fall as a single raindrop
drown in the muck, don't know how to disengage

and to stay in the sway of fantasy.
Spent all day in a conference about chemicals. 10 hours. It was quite boring, but the setting was nice.
Sara Jul 2018
My heart is whole
but it has sharp edges.
It got wet on my sleeve;
now, it hangs from my necklace

-round like a pendant; hurt hangs
round my neck with a vengeance:
like a lighthouse on a dark night,
blinding sailors. It’s offensive.

It draws them near like a siren's call,
but the sky bleeds red at the first sign of morning.
The captain is certain he'll lock land at dawn,
but does any siren ever sing a song without a warning?
Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning; red sky at night, sailor's delight.
nick armbrister Mar 2018
Motionless White
Numbers on a map.
No more.
So much ocean.
Men adrift at sea.
Only hope keeps them alive.
That and faith in God.
Old misplaced ways left behind.
New ways reborn.
The miracle happens.
Picked up by a trawler.
Too late for one.
Fine for five.
A miracle?
You, Jesus, tell me.
based on a shipwreck
A Mar 2018
I'm drifting on an endless sea,
All I hear is the rolling waves,
As I drift so quietly,
My hope begins to break.

I'm drifting in this endless sea,
All I see is eternal blue-green,
As I find my heart is silent,
It begins to shatter.

I'm drifting with this endless sea,
All I know is hunger and thirst,
As my old radio crackles,
The last bit of power fades.

I'm drifting on an endless sea,
All I feel is the power of the tide,
As my raft is thrown about,
My body sinks down.

I'm sinking in an endless sea,
All I know is that I'm drowning,
As my breath leaves in a cloud of bubbles,
I begin to die.

I'm floating in this endless sea,
All I feel is fear,
As my hands close around water,
Death is very near.

I'm swimming through this endless sea,
All I see is saltwater,
As my arms desperately stroke,
My lungs taste the air.

I'm treading this endless sea,
All I see is the hull of a ship,
As my arms wave at the crew,
They notice me there.

I'm out of the infinite sea,
All I know is that I'm free,
As a blanket wraps around my shoulders,
I know that it's all right.
A poem on being stranded after a shipwreck.
Purcy Flaherty Mar 2018
We sailed on a sloop with whiskey & jazz;
When a whale called closing time.
She sank to the bottom on a Saturday night,
So we took to the running tide.

Deep in the belly of the ocean,
We did what we could to survive,
Drank sweet water from a swordfish,
As we sang to the blue valentine.

Now everybody’s going to row hard,
Everybody’s going to do what they can,
Everybody’s going to pull real hard,
To get this boat to the Promised Land.

With a little wind and a lonely sky,
Gulls crying for the gypsy’s  on the water,
We followed the clouds both day and night,
Till we finally reached the boarders.

Now everybody’s going to row hard,
Everybody’s going to do what they can,
Everybody’s going to pull real hard,
To get this boat to the Promised Land.

To get this boat to the Promised Land.
To get this boat to the Promised Land.

Song at:
Poem dedicated to the memory of Dougal Robertson and his friends/family ~  from Leek in Staffordshire.
They were shipwrecked in the Pacific ocean: 1971 sank by a pod of killer whales ~surviving 38 days in a small dingy no casualties all six passengers survive chasing rain clouds  before being picked up by a Japanese whaler!
nick armbrister Jan 2018
Motionless White
Numbers on a map.
No more.
So much ocean.
Men adrift at sea.
Only hope keeps them alive.
That and faith in God.
Old misplaced ways left behind.
New ways reborn.
The miracle happens.
Picked up by a trawler.
Too late for one.
Fine for five.
A miracle?
You, Jesus, tell me.
based on a shipwreck
Mysidian Bard Jul 2017
There was a time when we were strangers;
ships that passed in the cover of night.
We sailed parallel those lonely waters
not knowing that soon we'd be in sight.

There was a time when we were friends;
you wished only to reach the shore,
but my compass was spinning, our journey just beginning
and so I took you aboard.

There was a time when we were lovers,
but our ship soon started to leak.
We battened the hatches, bailing her out,
but hopes were battered and meek.

An unspoken pact and a final kiss,
letting you drift from my fingertips.
I readied the very last lifeboat,
but the captain goes down with the ship.

Strangers become lovers and lovers become strangers
through sailing the seas of time,
but this mariners tragedy's worth the memories
of when I called you mine.
Silverflame Oct 2016
Mayday, my ship is slowly sinking.
Crushed and then consumed by these merciless waters called your lies.
Your apologies came in like the Kraken, destroying every evidence of life.
But I was safe inside my cabin because you know;
the captain is supposed to go down with the ship.
And so I did.
Now I am just a skeleton with pointless memories,
resting at the obscure ocean bottom with my shipwreck.
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