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rey Aug 2018
Cobalt, periwinkle, turquoise, baby.
Name a color and I have been it.
Some days it’s more pastel,
others’ it’s midnight.
Pagan Paul Jul 2018
And quiet, a cemetery of the ancients,
fondled by the coiling mist of morning,
snuggles deep in the heart of the forest,
its quintessential stillness undisturbed.

And the sun ignites the darkened glade,
with a light that transfixes time itself,
heralding the infernally ponderous day,
when life endures the basics of survival.

And the moon shines in silver shards,
slanting beams with mystical hues,
announcing the delicious dark night,
where once again lies endless sleep.

And the shades of ageless dead relatives,
gravely sit and tell old ghost stories,
silencing the cold stone walls of tombs
with historic wisdom of times long gone.

© Pagan Paul (2017/18)
K N Brown Jul 2018
I paint with vibrant hues

in hopes the immense colors

will stain my hands

and seep into my soul


the tints always dull into shades

and I reverse to the nothingness
Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
I guess I’ll follow you
I guess your way’s what’s true now
I guess this means goodbye
To my old life
Shades of grey swallow me
Every single day
Please show me how
To make sure
That I can be ok
Shades of grey swallow me every single day
With Ma Lil **** Dill

one bilabial fricative smacking
     tongue thrusting (lizard like)
     indefatigable prelapsarian
     Garden of Eden dwelling primate
     doth pine with two lipped treating zest

for Eve fun juiced a tasty droplet, wrest
ting kitty meowing Mz er loo,
     sans verboten fruit Yukon die vest
     via jump starting
     a hovering  ****
     electric kool aid acid test
Hair and there, a bare naked lady attired
     in her birthday suit, the sexiest

plump ***** roseate
     sear suckered ******* trickling milky nectar
     when casting shadowed umbra at rest
thirsting, unleashing, vaunting,

     et cetera viz prurient quest,
whereby this rambunctious
***** bull lever severely oppressed
condemned with life sentence
of ****** solitude, nest
souled (sorely testing
     agonizing Victorian modest
     tee primly and properly

     tortures carnal temptation lest
surrendering syllabus "C" ) even jest
a jot, cuz tis pure torture restraining
     feral, hormonal, integral hankering
     to stoke libido at Parochialism be hest
thus, aye feel unfairly deprived,
     no hello kitty will be guest
unsure how helpful "getting off my chest"

works thee unnatural tethered
     ****** suppression, perhaps best
left unmentioned, encumbered
     with jiggly, flabby droopy breast
works, and unwanted love handles
     state of reined swiftly tailored
     harried stylishly groomed
     FitBit bridled uncertainty I attest.
Louisa Coller Jun 2018
He laughed in front of us both, it was heavenly,
for us three friends having days filled with fun.
His personality shared a feeling of complexity,
It was the first time cupid had won.

Emerald eyes scan his screen,
as we talk more anticipatingly.
I had hoped my confession would not intervene,
for his love was with another strangling me intimidatingly.

For she hoped the best but love always finds it’s way,
they had split apart, I feel I was partly to blame.
But our love felt almost like broadway,
leading to a well known nickname.

We held each other close, we were finally together,
Blue t-shirts mixed with the smell of leather.
I fell in love. It was definitely love, how did I know? Everything he said I remembered, with a memory as bad as can be, everything we did together just felt in perfect harmony. We would laugh, play games and it felt really nice, to have someone to talk to through it all.

We told one another all our secrets. But, when I did fall in love, I decided not to act on that love as he was dating someone else. I genuinely never thought they’d break up, I really didn’t want them to because they seemed so happy, I even did my best to help the girlfriend when I could when she herself, wasn’t feeling too good.

Soon enough, she and him split up, but it was clear I was in love with him. I accidentally told him. You know when people fakingly say “Oh oops! I didn’t mean to send that!” I told him that what happened years later, but in reality, no. It didn’t happen like that.

I had accidentally told him I liked him because our third friend was aiming his hardest to split them both up so he could get with his girlfriend, which was admittedly disgusting in my opinion. You shouldn’t attempt to split up a couple for the benefit of your own ego; I don’t get people who do that.

If you really love someone, you’d always want the best for them.

He discovered I liked him as I was sending evidence of the plan our third friend had placed because I had jokingly stated “Haha! I’ll take _____ then!” and... well yeah. He was just honestly flattered.

Soon enough, I came to realisation that many years after my love for the colour blue most likely originated from meeting him and many others. Hence the title.

This was an attempt of a Shakespearen Sonnet layout, however I do think I could’ve done a lot better with this one as a first attempt admittedly.
And now the night shades fall,
Day's brightness leaves sway for evening's gown.
Tall shadows join and darken all
And naught but spires remain of our old town.

This night, our herald of tomorrow's coming dawn,
Warmed by the heat breathed back from these old walls,
Now wraps close all deeds and sorrows drawn,
And soothes us as her darkening curtain falls.

Despise us not who sit and meditate
For 'neath thy cloak reason has its way
And comforts in those silent hours late,
The toils and hardships of departing day.
I would stay up late studying and the City of Oxford would disappear in the darkness. Night soothed my soul.
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